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Camelot Oracle

The Oracle Decks with their many varied themes & styles & moods are becoming favoured by more and more lovers of cards every day. Discuss your favourite Oracle decks, where you find them and how you use them.
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Joined: 01 Jun 2021, 14:46

Camelot Oracle

Post by salgarfi »

Hello All!

I have just started to become interested in oracle decks, so can anyone tell me if they use the Camelot Oracle, and what they think of it? Two of my favourite tarot decks are the Druid Craft and the Wildwood, so I think that the Camelot Oracle might be a good complimentary deck. Any opinions, views on the matter?

Thanks greatly!
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Joined: 10 Feb 2023, 18:08

Re: Camelot Oracle

Post by giatgill »

Oracle decks are a great way to explore your intuition and receive guidance, so I'm glad to hear you're interested in the Camelot Oracle
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Joined: 11 Feb 2023, 00:08

Re: Camelot Oracle

Post by garnerhannah »

I'm not familiar with that specific deck, but I've seen a few people on reddit psychic mention it as one of their favorites. From what I've seen, the Camelot Oracle seems to be well-received and known for its beautiful artwork and rich symbolism. Some users have even said it's a great complement to the Druid Craft and Wildwood tarot decks that you already love!
Overall, I think the best way to figure out if the Camelot Oracle is right for you is to give it a try. You can find it online or at a local store that carries oracle decks. I recommend shuffling the cards and asking a question you'd like guidance on. Pay attention to which cards you pull and what feelings or thoughts come to mind.
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