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10 of Swords (RWS)

Here we discuss the workhorse of Tarot, The Rider-Waite-Smith deck.
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10 of Swords (RWS)

Post by TheLoracular »


"I'm sorry but..." are the first three words I instinctively say when this card comes up in readings. I don't draw it that often actually. For me, the 10 of Swords saves itself for tragically bad news. Something beloved or sacred just died or is going to soon. Rarely is this ever a person for me. Swords are the suit of the mind and I generally get physical health insights with the Pentacles. However, something the querent cared an awful lot about has failed and its time to look at the dawning sunrise and take a deep breath and go "Wow. So what do I do now?"

The ten swords are not evenly placed even if they form a line. They go through both the brown tunic (brown is a very mundane and non-esoteric garment color in RWS) and the red cloak which drapes over the slain figure. Red is the color of passionate intent. Nothing more can be done by exerting one's True Will to bring the slain person,project or dream back. Spending energy on outrage, blame, prayer, or wishful thinking is just going to be draining and leave you stuck.

The querent is also in a position where they are very alone- and probably shouldn't be. I would look towards other cards to see where allies and means of assistance are. Things will generally go better if there's at least one person with an applicable skill set to help pull those swords out.

The good news is that things can and probably will get better from here. What, how and when? I would again look toward other cards.
Tarot is a great and sacred arcanum- its abuse is an obscenity in the inner and a folly in the outer. It is intended for quite other purposes than to determine when the tall dark man will meet the fair rich widow.”
― Jack Parsons
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Re: 10 of Swords (RWS)

Post by A-M »

The card could be about transformation, like the Death card.
I am not sure, but there are some intriguing details on this card that hint at something positive.
For instance, the hand that seems to make the sign of the sacred marriage: two fingers put together (2=1).
Is it a coincidence that the swords are all piercing the spine, lining up from the pelvis to the head (a kundalini awakening)?
The red cloth could be the red cloak of the alchemist, the symbol of the Magnum Opus.
What has died here would then be everything belonging to the physical dimensions (the brown tunic).

splendor solis 08.jpg
A crowned woman in red holding a rose-topped caduceus- she is suspended in a circle of water- a cherub blows wind from above-representing a stage in the process of alchemy. Coloured etching, ca. 18.jpg
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