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Soc. Media Follow Back & Share: A resource

Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, etc. Let's follow each other and share links here.
Forum rules
Please use this space to share links to your social media sites.

Also, share interesting social media posts here. Copying the links and paste them into your posts.

VERY IMPORTANT: Since this is a Tarot forum, please only share links that would be appropriate here. The idea is to reach across platforms to broaden our view on the tarot world, the people, the art, the events etc.
Thank you for adhering to that. Inappropriate posts will be taken down.
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Joan Marie
Forum Designer
Posts: 5309
Joined: 22 Apr 2018, 21:52

Soc. Media Follow Back & Share: A resource

Post by Joan Marie »

Cult of Tarot has added this new area so that we can share links and information across social media sites.

The idea is to reach across platforms to broaden our view on the tarot world, the people, the art, the events etc.

Please use this space to:
  • Share links to your social media accounts
  • Share links to other tarot and related social media accounts and groups
  • Share tarot and related posts from Instagram, twitter etc. using the copy link features.
  • Find and follow people in our community
I'm really excited to offer this here and open up our exposure and also to help each other increase our followings.

Please keep in mind this is a Tarot forum so make sure the links etc you post here are tarot related.
Any inappropriate posts will be removed, but "tarot -related" is a pretty big umbrella, so if your intentions are good, it should be fine.

Hoping to see lots of interesting new things! have fun!
Here is the direct link to the new Medis and Social Media section: viewforum.php?f=259
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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Joan Marie
Forum Designer
Posts: 5309
Joined: 22 Apr 2018, 21:52

Re: Soc. Media Follow Back & Share: A resource

Post by Joan Marie »

Let's help each other increase our followings on social media.

I've opened this new section called "Media and Social Media"

The idea is to consolidate information about tarot and related books, films YouTube videos, etc. There is also a section where we can share our social media links.

The advantage of using the forum for this is organisational. That section is right on the home page and will stay there. So it will be handy for all people all the time. We can direct people there to find interesting people to follow and to get follows.

The audience are all tarot people so it's the perfect place to pick up followers for your work.

There is also a section for you to post your youtube vids, unboxings, instructional, whatever you do. You can also encourage people to like and follow.
I am just now getting this section going so I hope you'll all jump in and help create this nice "follow-back" resource.

Here is the direct link:

You can also post individual tweets and instagram pics which will help draw people to yours or other's sites.

I hope you'll pitch in and see if we can create together an easy and clever way for us to all increase our reach and influence across platforms.

Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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