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My Planetary Week # 1: December 29 - January 4

We look at our lives through a crystal or prism. Each day of the week we use our cards to take a look at another aspect.
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My Planetary Week # 1: December 29 - January 4

Post by Nemia »

This is an invitation to work with one card deck for one week in a group reading.

You can pick any deck: tarot, Lenormand, Kipper, oracle or playing cards. From this deck, you'll draw one card per day - i.e., seven Daily Cards from your Deck of the Week that allow you to get to know the deck better, to hone your reading skills and get new insights about your life.

In a Planetary Week reading, we don't only draw a card per day but also give it a topic. We focus on motifs, topics, patterns in our lives, inspired by the planetary ruler of every weekday (for background information, look here).

On Saturdays, ruled by Saturn: Obstacles and Blockades,
on Sundays, ruled by the Sun: Inspiration and Goals,
on Mondays, ruled by the Moon: Dreams and Fears,
on Tuesdays, ruled by Mars: Conflicts and Challenges,
on Wednesdays, ruled by Mercury: Interactions and Change,
on Thursdays, ruled by Jupiter: Power and Influences, and
on Fridays, ruled by Venus: Love and Attraction.

The focus words I chose for each planet/day are not binding. Please don't limit yourself to the two short words if you feel other aspects of the planet are relevant to your reading.

There are different ways to perform a Planetary Week reading.

Traditional: draw a card per day and use the prism of the planetary influence to connect the card to your day and life.

Selective: select a card that suits the topic of each weekday and use it as affirmation and empowerment to improve your life.

Day-by-day: draw or pick your daily card one by one through the week.

Summarily: draw or pick all cards together before the week starts and treat them as a complete reading.

:!: And what about those who just want to have a Deck of the Week, Card of the Day reading? They can just jump in and leave the planetary lore away.

Share pictures if you can or want to.

No matter how we do it - by reminding ourselves of the planetary regents and their influence, we re-connect to the sevenfold cycle of time that our ancestors established, with their eyes to the sky.

CharlotteK - Tarot in Wonderland
Nemia - Cosmos Tarot
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Re: My Planetary Week # 1: December 29 - January 4

Post by chiscotheque »

Day 4 - Tuesday, ruled by Mars: Conflicts and Challenges
1 coin.jpg
Card: Ace of Coin - Gone with The Wind
Gone With The Wind was a massive prestige picture, undertaken by independent producer David O. Selznick but eventually bought and distributed by the Suit of Coin's main studio, MGM. The film's production was plagued with many setbacks and took years to complete. When it finally premiered 80 years ago, it was immensely popular and quickly became the highest grossing film of all time. Today, I am away from home - from my own Tara if you will - using a tablet to write this, which is proving ridiculously difficult. I am at an Airbnb which is strangely upscale and, at the same time, uncomfortable and impractical. My throat is scratchy with the beginnings of a cold. Being New Years Day, everything is closed. In short, unlike Gone With The Wind, I will make today's reading brief.

Day 5 - Wednesday, ruled by Mercury: Interactions & Change
15 devil HUAC.jpg
Card: The Devil XV HUAC
Because of a terribly soft bed, my back went out last night. So, I slept on the floor - the lesser of 2 evils - which is why I am up early this morning. The Devil card in the GAHT deck is associated with McCarthyism and the Red Scare which kicked off the 1950s and lead to the highly conservative atmosphere of that decade. HUAC, spearheaded in part by Richard Nixon, destroyed the livelihoods of many people, ostensibly for their belief in leftwing political solutions, but also and more tellingly because they championed civil rights, were unionists, and/or were Jewish. Like Trump's administration today, HUAC had sympathies with the KKK, and as much as they made their enemies into criminals, they themselves were criminals - Committee Chairman J. Parnell Thomas, for instance, was convicted of corruption, and Richard Tricky Dicky Nixon's legal transgressions are well known. Truman said the most Un-American thing in America at the time was the Un-American Committee, but of course few things are more American than grand-standing, power-tripping, suppression, intimidation, and vilification of the marginalized in society by white male reactionaries holding office.

I hope this card today doesn't imply that I will have a run-in with the law or that I'll receive a letter from the revenue agency informing me that I'm being audited. With today's allocation of change, hopefully this card refers to the dark before the dawn, with today being the last day before the new anti-Trump Congress is sworn in tomorrow.

Day 6 - Thursday, ruled by Jupiter: Power and Influences
11 coin shirley temple.jpg
Card: Knaif of Coin - Shirley Temple
I was afraid of this. At least I didn't draw this card tomorrow. With yesterday's suggestion that my card pull related to the political situation in the US, perhaps today's pull suggests the President and House of Representatives are a bunch of children... million-dollar babies.

As much as I disdain Shirley Temple, there's something even creepier about an industry which capitalizes on a child and totally commercializes her image. Also somewhat demented are the grown men and women who enjoyed her films. To be fair, arriving at the depths of the Depression, I guess Shirley Temple brought people an innocent pleasure when real life looked impossibly bleak. She was certainly a boon for 20th Century Fox, becoming the struggling studio's biggest asset. In this way, Shirley Temple may suggest to me today that things of great value may come in small packages, from someone or something I might otherwise disdain. While associated with the suit of Coin and earthly bounty, she may also embody - with her verve and esprit - the idea of spirit, suggested in part by her last name and the easily overlooked value of simplicity and pluck.

Day 7 - Friday, ruled by Venus: Love and Attraction
1 cups.jpg
Card: The Ace of Cups
This card represents The Cups suit, United Artists & RKO Studios, and the landmark film King Kong. It was a labour of love by the film-makers, and an immediate fan favourite - it was actually Hitler's favourite movie. If stories like Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Stevenson's Jekyll & Hyde allude metaphorically to civilized man's fear of his own animal nature, King Kong is their shadow, showing how modern man can and will seek out, capture, exploit, and ultimately destroy every last trace of the animal and, in doing so, himself. Kong's love for Fay Wray is indeed fay - a fantasy had at the moment of death - a comment on the fate of love in an advanced technological society.

United Artists was started by Chaplin, Griffith, and other artists with the idea a unified group of creative people could foster and produce creative films. RKO struggled to make interesting films until it was overtaken by more formulaic studios and finally destroyed by Howard Hughes who bought it with the money he made on war contracts and turned it into his own private vanity project for anti-communist propaganda. With today's allocation of Love and Attraction, the message I take away is to keep a check on a tendency I have for rationalizing, systematizing, and compartmentalizing emotions. For feeling to thrive, and so creativity and life itself, it needs its secret island with primitive customs and mysterious creatures.

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Charlotte K's My Planetary Week # 1: December 29 - January 4

Post by CharlotteK »

Deck:Tarot in Wonderland

Day 1 - Saturday, ruled by Saturn: Obstacles and Blockades

King of Swords


This just made me laugh... Both myself and my husband are having a KoS day today. Seems we are both determined to take things very literally and be super logical about things and we have clashed several times already. Both a couple of pedantic Humpties. Oh dear. Ha ha!

Day 2 - Sunday, ruled by the Sun: Inspiration and Goals,


I’m assuming this isn’t signifying literal death. Alice contemplates what the flame of the candle looks like after it is blown out. Looks like something will be extinguished today. As this is connected with inspiration and goals and the influence of the sun (of which we are seeing nothing today thanks to leaden skies) I’m taking this to be a positive ending, constructive transitions and the severing ties with something unhelpful in order to further my goals. I’m not sure what yet. I was contemplating having a New Years purge of my social media accounts etc and am going to list some decks for sale and bag up some charity clothes. Perhaps my small attempts at decluttering and simplifying is what is meant here.

Day 3 - Monday, ruled by the Moon: Dreams and Fears

Ace of Wands


Here I am being gifted with a branch / stick and a source of energy in the candle with which to set it ablaze. It's an opportunity to 'light a fire' under something today, before the candle burns down and is extinguished. Whilst i am avoiding 'new years resolutions today, i think its important for me to set intentions. There are so many things I want to do, going deeper into my Bardic studies, starting and completing several creative projects, progressing with my martial arts, creating beautiful and spiritually supportive spaces in my home, seeing more of my friends and family and achieving work life balance. Time marches on and I know all too well these dreams stay just that unless there there is a commitment to act, a drive to 'do' and the conscious decision to set fire to the stick. Today I must complete my Sacred Days of Yule and reflect on the insights and lessons. And then this evening I will have a short ritual after everyone has gone to bed and set my intention to manifest my dreams.

Day 4 - Tuesday, ruled by Mars: Conflicts and Challenges,

Day 5 - Wednesday, ruled by Mercury: Interactions and Change,

Day 6 - Thursday, ruled by Jupiter: Power and Influences,

Day 7 - Friday, ruled by Venus: Love and Attraction.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 1: December 29 - January 4

Post by CharlotteK »

Thanks for opening the thread this week. Good to start the new year with the daily habit :)
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Re: My Planetary Week # 1: December 29 - January 4

Post by Nemia »

Here is my template, a bit late:

If you want to use a template for the week and just fill it in, here is the template I use:


Saturday, 29.12.
ruled by Saturn - Obstacles and Blockades

Sunday, 30.23.
ruled by the Sun - Inspiration and Goals

Monday, 31.12.
ruled by the Moon - Dreams and Fears

Tuesday, 1.1.2019
ruled by Mars - Conflicts and Challenges

Wednesday, 2.1.
ruled by Mercury - Interactions and Change

Thursday, 3.1.
ruled by Jupiter - Power and Influences

Friday, 4.1.
ruled by Venus - Love and Attraction
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Re: My Planetary Week # 1: December 29 - January 4

Post by Nemia »

Deck: Cosmos Tarot

I chose to use my newest deck. I'm very excited about it! I'll use only the tarot cards from my new Cosmos deck.

Saturday, 29.12.
ruled by Saturn - Obstacles and Blockades

2018 12 29 Cosmos Tarot Sun.jpg
2018 12 29 Cosmos Tarot Sun.jpg (58.92 KiB) Viewed 3214 times

The Sun - Scorpius

Wow, this is a much more passionate, sensual and emotional Sun card than I'm used to. This deck really puts our beloved old Golden Dawn associations in the drawer and re-thinks everything.

Okay, so let's go with Scorpio/Scorpius on a Saturday. My Sun can't shine. My Sun is blocked.

Now wait a minute. I was born in the middle of a full moon night as Taurus. Sun and Moon were obviously in opposition, and my Moon sign is Scorpio. Oh. My Sun is in Taurus, my Moon in Scorpio, and right now, it can't shine, it's being blocked.

Something to think about.

Sunday, 30.12.
ruled by the Sun - Inspiration and Goals

2018 12 30 Cosmos Tarot Fool.jpg
2018 12 30 Cosmos Tarot Fool.jpg (46.96 KiB) Viewed 3214 times

The Fool - Sagittarius

Again a radical rejection of GD conventions. And it works. The double nature of the centaur - the connection to philosophy but also restlessness. It works with what I know about Sagittarius, the myth, and the tarot archetype. The wise fool, open to everything, the one who finds wisdom in foolishness - and that's where I shall find inspiration. Movement, progress, no fear of looking ridiculous.

Amazing picture. And this is seemless with my Yule reading.

Monday, 31.12.
ruled by the Moon - Dreams and Fears

2018 12 31 Ten of Earth.jpg
2018 12 31 Ten of Earth.jpg (54.11 KiB) Viewed 3214 times

Ten of Earth - Circinus and Crux

The compass and the cross - perfection - tarot - a powerful combination of two constellations for one card. And all this on a Monday, what do I fear?

What a deck!!! I'll take better pictures tomorrow :-)

Tuesday, 1.1.2019
ruled by Mars - Conflicts and Challenges

2019 01 02 Cosmos Tarot Orion.jpg
2019 01 02 Cosmos Tarot Orion.jpg (37.52 KiB) Viewed 3214 times

Knight of Air - Orion. Of course I didn't have time today to take better pictures! But I went outside to look at the sky and of course immediately saw Orion. The picture is great, even the scorpion is depicted. Oh I'm so excited about this deck and I'm going to use the planet cards from the oracle as weekday indicators - and give my good silver Lo Scarabeo Mantegna cards a little rest.

So here we are with wild, strong, powerful hunter - and the card tells me to ROAR, to be strong and determined and much more self confident than I ever felt. On a Tuesday! I love this deck, I do.

Wednesday, 2.1.
ruled by Mercury - Interactions and Change

2019 01 02 Cosmos Hierophant taurus.jpg
2019 01 02 Cosmos Hierophant taurus.jpg (34.61 KiB) Viewed 3191 times

And that's my very own card (one of them...) - the Hierophant, Taurus. There is an AT discussion about this card and the booklet is full of p-words: power, purpose, patient, plodding ... that's me ;-)

I had a very quiet day on Wednesday, and that really suited me. I can be a social lion if I have to - but then I have to rest. Will I ever get a feeling of my actual power and carry it with me? One of my sons tries to encourage me to stop putting myself down all the time. He's a Mercurian btw. I should really listen to him.

I love the depiction of the Hylads and Pleiads by the way. They're so gorgeous in the night sky.

Thursday, 3.1.
ruled by Jupiter - Power and Influences

2019 01 03 Cosmos Ace Water Hydra.jpg
2019 01 03 Cosmos Ace Water Hydra.jpg (51.38 KiB) Viewed 3191 times

On Jupiter's day, I had the Ace of Water - and the deck re-defines this card most interestingly. The card radiates self confidence - feeling at home in the waters of emotion, and I love this unsentimental take on the card. It tells me what I need to know. Power can have many faces, and I have to acknowledge mine.

Friday, 4.1.
ruled by Venus - Love and Attraction
2019 01 04 Cosmos Perseus2.jpg

Perseus - a constellatoin that's so easy to find and so beautiful with Algol, the Medusa head.

Friday is always interesting.

2019 01 04 Cosmos Perseus1.jpg

I found my ideal solution for my daily cards, after much shifting to and fro. I put the card of the day from the Planetary Week on a little shelf together with my beloved moon goddess, and the Mantegna card of the day next to it.

At the same time, I have another planetary card on my tarot board - a Cosmos card that demands more attention than the simple Mantegna cards.

Cosmos for weekdays complete board.jpg

If you have a look at my complete tarot calendar, updated daily, you can see that it has many elements - let's look right now only at the lower centre.

Cosmos for weekdays1.jpg

We have the Moon phase card to the left - New Moon right now, how beautiful. In the middle, we have the ruling planet of the decan - Mars right now, and that's why we have the Tower. And to the right, beautiful Venus from the Cosmos Oracle tells us that it's Friday. Lovely interaction between Mars and Venus, don't you think?

Now I'm really happy with my tarotorium arrangements :-)


And here is the whole week with the Cosmos - I didn't even start scratching the surface of this amazing deck.

week cosmos tarot.jpg

Against the light, you can see the constellations clearly.

week cosmos tarot light and gold.jpg

This is the IDEAL deck for star gazers who look for a way to integrate real-life constellations and planets, mythological background, and the tarot system based on elements and numbers. Many years ago, I asked whether such a deck exists on AT. And now, I have it in my hands.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 1: December 29 - January 4

Post by dodalisque »

What a wonderful Ace of Cups - pure simple obsessive love - i.e. King Kong's for Fay Wray. See what trouble it gets us into. Is this film a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, but with an unhappy ending?
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Re: My Planetary Week # 1: December 29 - January 4

Post by chiscotheque »

Right you are, Dodalisque. Fay is treated like a princess before being sacrificed to Kong, just as Beauty is treated at the Beast's castle. Beauty's male guardians kill the Beast, just as man and his machines kill Kong. the major difference is the ending which, in the fairytale, sees the Beast returned to life, as a prince yet, with Beauty's tears (Debbie Macomber, eat your heart out). the film makes the connection explicit when the impresario Carl Denham says "it wasn't airplanes. it was beauty killed the beast." - a misogynist version of guns don't kill people, people kill people.

as you suggest elsewhere, the male suits grow weaker as they increase in number, whereas the female suits grow stronger. Here, on the Ace, the depths are great but the emotions unwieldy to the point of disadvantage. they strengthen and mature as the suit progresses.
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