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The Queen of Cups Upright in a Weakness position?

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One of the beautiful things about the tarot is that you never stop learning and discovering new and fascinating things.

This is the place to come to share tips and ideas for learning the craft of tarot. Approaching it from many angles and points of view broadens everyone's appreciation and understanding and aids in developing your technique.

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The Queen of Cups Upright in a Weakness position?

Post by Mokona »

I've been toying with the idea of doing tarot readings for tips. I decided to ask the cards about it, and cast three cards for the positions of Strength, Weakness, and Advice. I got the Queen of Cups upright in the Weakness position, and I'm puzzled. I usually read the Queen of Cups as empathic, intuitive and all-round positive. If she showed up reversed, I would have known how to read the card (as a lack of those qualities, or a misuse of them), but how do I read her Upright in a negative position? That being an empath would be a weakness while reading for others? I'd assume the opposite, but maybe this card is telling me to be careful with how much emotional investment I put into my clients' readings.
How would you read this?
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Re: The Queen of Cups Upright in a Weakness position?

Post by TheLoracular »

Too much natural empathy can definitely be a weakness when reading for others. Here are thoughts that came to my mind for why your Queen of Cups might be a weakness. First though: I get the feeling this is also a "now that you are are aware/prepared for it" scenario so it won't actually be the weakness it would have been.

1. Be prepared and well-grounded. Toxic (or worse grieving) clients can make you feel really their pain, grief, anxiety, depression and its easy to be overwhelmed by empathy when you are digging into what makes people sad/bad/mad/crazy.

2. Don't read for anyone you have a "bad feeling" about. If there's something about a potential client that makes you feel unsafe? Don't let your urge to help anyone with anything override this other instinct.

3. Its probably going to be daunting and draining at first. Don't beat yourself up and also don't give up too easily or take anything other people (friends, family) say to discourage or ridicule to heart. Accept suggestions and constructive criticism but don't let discouragement from outside outweigh your own genuine desire.
Tarot is a great and sacred arcanum- its abuse is an obscenity in the inner and a folly in the outer. It is intended for quite other purposes than to determine when the tall dark man will meet the fair rich widow.”
― Jack Parsons
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Re: The Queen of Cups Upright in a Weakness position?

Post by Mokona »

Thank you so much! This is such good advice. I decided to start small and keep it to one-card draws so that I'm not daunted or overwhelmed nor my client. The fact that I'm doing only one-card draws for now might affect the kinds of questions clients come to me with, I'm sure. I'll probably get less of the big, important stuff, or the high emotional stakes questions. So, well begun, I think. I'm definitely going to decline reading for clients and questions that make me uncomfortable. For now I'm also not reading reversals. Emotionally, these decisions keep me comfortable while not compromising on anything the cards tell me, so I can read honestly for others without anxiety.
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