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Post by Catsbootscatsboots »

I think that's how you spell it
So I was on tumbler but I fell in love with this artist dude and I left because I fell in love with an artist dude basically so I have no social media exept kakio and flicker where I am catsboots catsboots... there is porn on Flickr! I had no idea! Even found people trying to porn in quora lol ahhh i miss tumbler... I'm gong to go back and wife me that bitch (waite for meeee) just need to ... I have no idea what I need
Hes an atheist! No idea what you do with one of those... I'm guessing they dont read Tarot
This was a pointless post
I love tarot
Oh! Find me on Flickr?! No one follows me lol oh like 5 weirdos
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Joan Marie
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Re: Kakao

Post by Joan Marie »

I personally still love tumblr. I like it so much more than instagram, which is what essentially replaced tumblr.

tumblr is so much more versitile, and not competitive (your number of followers is only known to you, it isn't part of your profile.)

tumblr is basically just a hobby for people now, like a place to store cool things you find on the internet. Tumblr was created before social media was all about "reach" and numbers. It felt more about art and humour and culture and beauty.

But maybe I'm not being fair. The trick on any platform is in who you follow.

They lost a lot of people on tumblr when in an effort a couple of years ago to clear away the porn, they started decimating people's sites because their bots sent to sniff out the porn were not very finely tuned and they started taking down a lot of art and photos and things that were just ridiculously not even close to being porn. It became a joke and people got mad and went to instagram. I know this is an unpopular opinion but tumblr, even now, is still a million times more interesting than instagram.

Every once in a while I get a message from tumblr saying that some old post of mine is in tumblr jail for "not following tumblr standards" but they allow you to appeal it by clicking a button and then 2 seconds later I get another message saying my post has ben set free, sorry for the mistake.

I did not even know flickr was still around. I have a couple of long abandoned profiles there I couldn't begin to find now.
I had a look at your account. Nice, lots of trippy videos and cats hiding in shadows. 🐱
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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