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Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
And here I go happy feelings!
My empty wheel, waiting for cards!
Sacred Days of Midsummer - Rosetta Tarot
1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting.
Knight of Disks
My creativity is indeed right now not manifesting - I'm cultivating it, patiently waiting for the projects in my head to come to fruition. I picked up all the stones from the field - I ploughed and prepared the field - I even did part of the sowing and still have some bags of seeds... ... but nothing is growing. I look at my life, at what I could have achieved, at the many plans I had - and I have not much to show for it all. Something is holding this plodding creature back. I wonder what it is - but I was thinking today that I should bring at least ONE of my many projects to fruition.
This prince doesn't look as though the muses had kissed him lately... and indeed, they didn't kiss me either...
2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it.
The Star
Oh, how beautiful and how wonderful. Indeed Vesta/Hestia is one of my favorite goddesses, and my home and hearth very important to me. I totally see it suffused with celestial power, with the power of the Star to give hope and harmony and beauty and everything else. It's a most exalted and wonderful card, and this is just how I feel about my home.
After two cards, I feel that the Rosetta really understands me... I love this deck!
3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time.
Eight of Wands
It's the Eight of Wands. The speed of light, Hod; there is a real contrast between the melancholic, introspective quality of the day and the position - and the quick-thinking Mercury card that seems to push the feelings back to the invisible realms. It's an inner conflict. I do cover up my emotional problems with an intellectual layer. It's easy to hide beneath a Mercury varnish... but it's unhealthy in the long run...
Isn't my wheel beautiful as it's filling up?
4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives.
Queen of Wands
I have the Queen of Wands today - photo will come later! A very fitting card I'm a fierce mother and wife and always thought that poor Hera/Juno has been maligned. In that area of my life at least, home and family, I have been fairly successful. Have to run now, but I'll come back later...
Here I am back. I read a bit about this queen in the Liber M, what a wonderful book. Yes, I fulfilled my role as wife and mother with a passion and high motivation that I don't have for other things in my life. And I was also simply very very lucky in Juno's realm. I met the man I totally love 30 years ago, we both fell and stayed in love, and a happy marriage is a gift I was given. I was also lucky to be fertile, to have four healthy children and I can't thank the divine forces enough for that. Juno is really the goddess I would thank daily if I was a Roman matron, I'd keep her altar at home decorated and the powerful queen reminds me of Juno herself. I give thanks to blessings. So often, the cards remind me of blockages, shortcomings, things missing in my life - they're so often a healthy kick in my backside. But this card simply states the truth: I was blessed, Juno gave me her gifts and I rule this part of my life with warmth and passion.
5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment.
Prince of Disks
The Prince of Disks rules my birth decan. And he is supposed to help me enjoy life's sweetness? This Prince is a worrier, a fusser, a plodder, and he keeps telling himself his to-do-lists. He needs the feeling of being indispensable... the Bull, the Bull...
Do I know to enjoy life? I'm not sure. There were times when I did. I think that for many years now, worries have taken over, and that's of course one of "my" decans. I'm still stuck in the 5 Disks, Worries, and didn't graduate yet to the 6 which would be Tif'eret and Success.
But I think this bullish young man wants to remind me that it's possible to enjoy life at any time. More gratefulness for the ripe strawberries and life's beauty and the black cat nibbling at my nose while I try to write...
I'm curious what the other cards will bring me. Until now, every card had meaning, was deeply connected to my pattern of life. I had the Knight and the Prince of Disks - really interesting to have the two male court cards of the Disks ... I connect more easily to the females but I can't deny that this Prince especially really reflects dominant aspects of my character.
6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength.
What does Death mean in this position? Death is my strength. Maybe my ability to let go? But do I have this ability? I have a strange pattern of letting go. It takes a long time until I give up a project or a person, but when I do, there is no going back. I have cut people out of my life without looking back. I wish them well but they play no role whatsoever, even if they were very good friends before. But that's no strength, it's a weakness, it's a way of giving up without a fight.
What about my relationship with Death itself? For quite some time, I researched depictions and personifications of Death. It's a human thing, this fascination with Death. Where are the people who left us - did they really leave? How can we prepare for our death? How attached are we to life, and how fast it passes.
This card is really difficult to understand in this position. Oak king and holly king. Death. The ability to accept defeat?
7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come.
The World
Another beautiful, meaningful card - the World. I'm totally charmed and overwhelmed by the power of this deck to tell me things I need to know. Sommer Solstice - a culmination but also an ending. What could be a better symbol of this day than the World?
Saturn, Bina, the great mother - and at the same time Malkuth, the daughter. Just like Demeter and Kore/Persephone - they're mother and daughter and yet the same goddess.
A blessing to come - I dance towards it, turning my back to the past, surrounded by the Kerubic beasts. That's what I would like to do.
Half of this reading is over - we have passed this culmination point already. The highest point of the Sun this year was four hours ago. No standstill - no way to hold on to the moment, however happy - and that's my lesson like everybody else's.
8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun.
Three of Wands
Wow, it's a Fire card for the summer solstice. It's the Sun in Aries - it can't be any hotter, stronger, so much light it nearly blinds me. The card is filled with solar symbols. Again, I'm amazed at the level of fine-tuning possible with this deck. It's the Lord of Virtue. Strength of virtue, a new cycle of creativity, are the augur's words in the Book M.
9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves.
Seven of Cups
Oh, I'm so good with anxieties and worries. I could write the manual on "How to Spoil the Moment by Worrying About Everything that Might or Might Not Happen in the Future".
It's Venus in Scorpio, in the seventh sephira, Netzach, associated with Venus, too. Double Venus in a difficult Water sign - the result is not good. It's fermentation, noxious gas, disgustingly bubbly swamp. A bit like the Dead Marshes.
I need to learn a LOT until I dry out this joy-killing swamp. I know some of the poisonous garbage fermenting there. It needs to be dried out. Not in a one-time action but slowly.
In other words, the time for some shadow work has come again... and this time, I'll do it with my Rosetta.
10. Saint John’s Eve – June 23: Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us.
The Sun
My first association when I saw this combination of spread position and card was: I should take St. John's Wort. I did for some time years ago and it helped me against fear, worry and insomnia - but not enough to keep taking it. I should try that again.
The Power of the Sun is healing - can I accept that? I blame most of my health problems (that drag emotional problems into my life) that I moved into a climate with cruel summer light and heat that my body can't stand. Can I think it the other way around? I know the winter and spring in this climate are good for me - I don't suffer from cold-related problems any more
The Sun is a key to my health. All I need to find out is which lock it opens for me.
11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward.
Five of Disks
Five of Disks - worry and fear. Some days ago the Seven of Cups told me something about the roots of my worries and anxieties. Now the card of worrisome pessimism, Five of Disks, my birth decan card, tells me what I learned and for which lessons I should be grateful.
Again, I have the feeling these Rosetta cards give me the puzzle pieces I need to know - and they all fit. I didn't find the conclusion yet - but I hope I will.
12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance.
The Hanged Man
And my last card. The Hanged Man. How can I connect with the Earth's abundance? By putting my hands in. By seeing things upside down. By letting go of everything I don't need.
There are dreams I have given up and didn't let them go. My inner processes take so long. I'm solving some issues, others wait for me.
The whole reading has brought up the main topics of my life. Quite a lot of court cards, too.
I enjoyed it. I did this reading a year ago and now again. The Harmonious Tarot was beautiful and much more "harmless" than the Rosetta (no tarot deck can really be harmless of course... no matter how harmonious the images are, the cards themselves say tough truths). But the Rosetta is another league. It really is. In a way, I'm glad that this reading is over because now I can take this deck, fresh from the Solstice Reading, and dive with it into my Shadow work.
My empty wheel, waiting for cards!
Sacred Days of Midsummer - Rosetta Tarot
1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting.
Knight of Disks
My creativity is indeed right now not manifesting - I'm cultivating it, patiently waiting for the projects in my head to come to fruition. I picked up all the stones from the field - I ploughed and prepared the field - I even did part of the sowing and still have some bags of seeds... ... but nothing is growing. I look at my life, at what I could have achieved, at the many plans I had - and I have not much to show for it all. Something is holding this plodding creature back. I wonder what it is - but I was thinking today that I should bring at least ONE of my many projects to fruition.
This prince doesn't look as though the muses had kissed him lately... and indeed, they didn't kiss me either...
2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it.
The Star
Oh, how beautiful and how wonderful. Indeed Vesta/Hestia is one of my favorite goddesses, and my home and hearth very important to me. I totally see it suffused with celestial power, with the power of the Star to give hope and harmony and beauty and everything else. It's a most exalted and wonderful card, and this is just how I feel about my home.
After two cards, I feel that the Rosetta really understands me... I love this deck!
3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time.
Eight of Wands
It's the Eight of Wands. The speed of light, Hod; there is a real contrast between the melancholic, introspective quality of the day and the position - and the quick-thinking Mercury card that seems to push the feelings back to the invisible realms. It's an inner conflict. I do cover up my emotional problems with an intellectual layer. It's easy to hide beneath a Mercury varnish... but it's unhealthy in the long run...
Isn't my wheel beautiful as it's filling up?
4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives.
Queen of Wands
I have the Queen of Wands today - photo will come later! A very fitting card I'm a fierce mother and wife and always thought that poor Hera/Juno has been maligned. In that area of my life at least, home and family, I have been fairly successful. Have to run now, but I'll come back later...
Here I am back. I read a bit about this queen in the Liber M, what a wonderful book. Yes, I fulfilled my role as wife and mother with a passion and high motivation that I don't have for other things in my life. And I was also simply very very lucky in Juno's realm. I met the man I totally love 30 years ago, we both fell and stayed in love, and a happy marriage is a gift I was given. I was also lucky to be fertile, to have four healthy children and I can't thank the divine forces enough for that. Juno is really the goddess I would thank daily if I was a Roman matron, I'd keep her altar at home decorated and the powerful queen reminds me of Juno herself. I give thanks to blessings. So often, the cards remind me of blockages, shortcomings, things missing in my life - they're so often a healthy kick in my backside. But this card simply states the truth: I was blessed, Juno gave me her gifts and I rule this part of my life with warmth and passion.
5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment.
Prince of Disks
The Prince of Disks rules my birth decan. And he is supposed to help me enjoy life's sweetness? This Prince is a worrier, a fusser, a plodder, and he keeps telling himself his to-do-lists. He needs the feeling of being indispensable... the Bull, the Bull...
Do I know to enjoy life? I'm not sure. There were times when I did. I think that for many years now, worries have taken over, and that's of course one of "my" decans. I'm still stuck in the 5 Disks, Worries, and didn't graduate yet to the 6 which would be Tif'eret and Success.
But I think this bullish young man wants to remind me that it's possible to enjoy life at any time. More gratefulness for the ripe strawberries and life's beauty and the black cat nibbling at my nose while I try to write...
I'm curious what the other cards will bring me. Until now, every card had meaning, was deeply connected to my pattern of life. I had the Knight and the Prince of Disks - really interesting to have the two male court cards of the Disks ... I connect more easily to the females but I can't deny that this Prince especially really reflects dominant aspects of my character.
6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength.
What does Death mean in this position? Death is my strength. Maybe my ability to let go? But do I have this ability? I have a strange pattern of letting go. It takes a long time until I give up a project or a person, but when I do, there is no going back. I have cut people out of my life without looking back. I wish them well but they play no role whatsoever, even if they were very good friends before. But that's no strength, it's a weakness, it's a way of giving up without a fight.
What about my relationship with Death itself? For quite some time, I researched depictions and personifications of Death. It's a human thing, this fascination with Death. Where are the people who left us - did they really leave? How can we prepare for our death? How attached are we to life, and how fast it passes.
This card is really difficult to understand in this position. Oak king and holly king. Death. The ability to accept defeat?
7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come.
The World
Another beautiful, meaningful card - the World. I'm totally charmed and overwhelmed by the power of this deck to tell me things I need to know. Sommer Solstice - a culmination but also an ending. What could be a better symbol of this day than the World?
Saturn, Bina, the great mother - and at the same time Malkuth, the daughter. Just like Demeter and Kore/Persephone - they're mother and daughter and yet the same goddess.
A blessing to come - I dance towards it, turning my back to the past, surrounded by the Kerubic beasts. That's what I would like to do.
Half of this reading is over - we have passed this culmination point already. The highest point of the Sun this year was four hours ago. No standstill - no way to hold on to the moment, however happy - and that's my lesson like everybody else's.
8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun.
Three of Wands
Wow, it's a Fire card for the summer solstice. It's the Sun in Aries - it can't be any hotter, stronger, so much light it nearly blinds me. The card is filled with solar symbols. Again, I'm amazed at the level of fine-tuning possible with this deck. It's the Lord of Virtue. Strength of virtue, a new cycle of creativity, are the augur's words in the Book M.
9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves.
Seven of Cups
Oh, I'm so good with anxieties and worries. I could write the manual on "How to Spoil the Moment by Worrying About Everything that Might or Might Not Happen in the Future".
It's Venus in Scorpio, in the seventh sephira, Netzach, associated with Venus, too. Double Venus in a difficult Water sign - the result is not good. It's fermentation, noxious gas, disgustingly bubbly swamp. A bit like the Dead Marshes.
I need to learn a LOT until I dry out this joy-killing swamp. I know some of the poisonous garbage fermenting there. It needs to be dried out. Not in a one-time action but slowly.
In other words, the time for some shadow work has come again... and this time, I'll do it with my Rosetta.
10. Saint John’s Eve – June 23: Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us.
The Sun
My first association when I saw this combination of spread position and card was: I should take St. John's Wort. I did for some time years ago and it helped me against fear, worry and insomnia - but not enough to keep taking it. I should try that again.
The Power of the Sun is healing - can I accept that? I blame most of my health problems (that drag emotional problems into my life) that I moved into a climate with cruel summer light and heat that my body can't stand. Can I think it the other way around? I know the winter and spring in this climate are good for me - I don't suffer from cold-related problems any more
The Sun is a key to my health. All I need to find out is which lock it opens for me.
11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward.
Five of Disks
Five of Disks - worry and fear. Some days ago the Seven of Cups told me something about the roots of my worries and anxieties. Now the card of worrisome pessimism, Five of Disks, my birth decan card, tells me what I learned and for which lessons I should be grateful.
Again, I have the feeling these Rosetta cards give me the puzzle pieces I need to know - and they all fit. I didn't find the conclusion yet - but I hope I will.
12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance.
The Hanged Man
And my last card. The Hanged Man. How can I connect with the Earth's abundance? By putting my hands in. By seeing things upside down. By letting go of everything I don't need.
There are dreams I have given up and didn't let them go. My inner processes take so long. I'm solving some issues, others wait for me.
The whole reading has brought up the main topics of my life. Quite a lot of court cards, too.
I enjoyed it. I did this reading a year ago and now again. The Harmonious Tarot was beautiful and much more "harmless" than the Rosetta (no tarot deck can really be harmless of course... no matter how harmonious the images are, the cards themselves say tough truths). But the Rosetta is another league. It really is. In a way, I'm glad that this reading is over because now I can take this deck, fresh from the Solstice Reading, and dive with it into my Shadow work.
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
I've decided - after much deliberation - to use the Tarot of One Thousand and One Nights. It's a gorgeous deck, but very unconventional. I don't really use it, and I think it will be fascinating to look at the illustrations rather than immediately defer to the 'set' meanings.
It is interesting to me how one's reactions to an image can reflect one's preoccupations or unconscious thoughts. This tarot comes without any useful text (the illustrations are by Leon Carre, and I think they're from the 1920's)
Sacred Days of Midsummer - Tarot of One Thousand and One Nights
1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting.
Knight of Wands
Our hero sets forth with a most ostentatious turban! I'm immediately thinking that it symbolises arrogance (his 'big head') but then, maybe its full of ideas, ambition, drive. His vision of his future compels him to set off into the desert, leaving behind his poor old mother (his moral anchor? His sense of duty? His traditional obligations?)
So, in the context of the question - my creativity and inspiration are manifesting in terms of how I'm planning my future, and perhaps many of them are unrealistic (the oil painting! The epic novel! the tragi-comedy 9-part BBC series that develops a cult following!). The hero looks back, he sees his mother and ? then what? Do you know, I think that he turns around and goes home!
Now this is why its interesting to me: its suggesting that I have a tendency to rein in my wild and crazy schemes because I choose to be kind, or rather prefer to be seen as kind. Audrey Hepburn rather than Vali Myers.
2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it.
The Moon.
A beautiful, tranquil evening, the moon high in the sky, three people sit in a gazebo beside an ornamental pool. I can smell the jasmine, hear the trickle of water and rustling of creatures in the foliage. One of the three is a musician; he's the one partially hidden behind a pillar. The other two, a man and a woman, aren't talking to one another - they think their own private thoughts.
This illustration perfectly encaptures how I feel about my home: it's an escape, a retreat. It's quiet now my beloved sons have grown up - quiet save the sound of music! I have few visitors and love having the place to myself..
(You can see larger versions of these images over on my Instagram page, if you like.
3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time.
This morning I have drawn the 6 of Cups.
A couple look over a night garden; a few stars in the sky. My tendency to melancholia, and the theme of today's position, leads me to imagine the white building in the garden beyond the pond is a crypt....and the woman in white is a consoling spirit.
One of the traditional meanings of this card is nostalgia, and although I am not immediately referencing the 'ordinary' meaning, I can't help but see that my tears are for the past, not the present. I re-visit old sorrows and sometimes forget how blessed, how fortunate I am in the here and now.
4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives.
The Page of Pentacles has come in from the dark to a place of illumination - my eyes were first drawn, not to the figure, but to the blue candle in the top left. The figure pulls back a cloth to reveal a feast laid out upon the table; they have discovered something to nourish them. 5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment. The Fool is a card that has a profound and deeply personal meaning for me, and it is bittersweet, rather than sweetness. What I am drawn to in this version are the clouds - and this morning they hold the meaning of freedom.
The Fool has turned his back on the city, on convention, on the ordinary security. Barefoot, he walks away with nothing except his staff to support him. No dog companion, no bundle of whatever. He touches his head (his third eye? his crown chakra?).
The mountain mirrors the city and he walks away from both, into his own realm. He follows the river (his feelings? his intuition? a natural direction that the fool feels inclined to follow?).
I shalln't share all my reveries on this card, but I think that today, this morning the sweetness in my life is my freedom.
6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength.
I've The Hermit for this position. Absolutely no surprises there! If I were to be asked what I consider my strengths to be, the qualities of the Hermit would be what immediately comes to mind. I'm not afraid to be alone, to follow my own path in search of my own truth. 7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come.
The 9 of Wands
The image of a woman in the tree and a man on the ground has provoked all kinds of associations, which isn't the least bit helpful when trying to divine. Is she hiding? Trying to escape? Is she spying on him or about to play some trick? Is she a tomboy, braver than her brother? Is he telling her that she should be more ladylike or is she telling him what she has seen from her vantage point? Nothing really resonates with me, so I'll let it lie. The traditional meaning is of a warrior; someone who has proved their value. The Sun and Moon are balanced (the contemplative, introverted masculine meets the adventurous, strong and supple feminine?)
8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun.
The World is a pretty amazing card to pull here.
I think it's saying 'don't be afraid to be successful. Be more confident and take pleasure in what you've achieved so far'. I'm quite introverted really and often miss out on opportunities because of this. The couple here are just flying through the heavens - I need to be a better friend to myself! That's going to be the foundation of my Solstice resolutions and intentions.
9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves.
The 7 of Pentacles
I'm puzzled here.
Someone seems to be selling fruit and fish. Someone else seems to be considering what they might buy. I don't think that the cards are telling me to go on a shopping trip (although that might be alright, its not really my favourite thing to do)...I think it means to see what's on offer, not to make any hasty decisions, to deliberate over what I'd like to invest in.
One way I release worries is to make a list, or several lists. I make an inventory of what I have, or what I know. Then I make a list of what I need to get or find out. It's not exactly a way of enjoying myself, but it is a way of making myself feel better. The second part of the theme today though is about enjoyment, so - maybe I should make a list about how I really like to spend my time and then re-organise my hours accordingly. There are several activities I miss and several I make time for, but don't really enjoy. For example (I know this is trite) I have an awful lot of baths. This habit began as a way of getting privacy and time to myself. I don't really need that hour, not every day when a shower would do and baths often make me feel hot and sleepy. I could substitute my elaborate bath rituals for an evening stroll instead.
Went off on a bit of a tangent there!
10. Saint John’s Eve – June 23: Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us.
the 8 of Swords shows a woman in a box. and I am interpreting it as how sometimes I need to just shut myself away; no external distractions. Of course one cannot stay in the box forever!
11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward. This is the 4 of Swords.
I've been late with my entries here because I was under the weather (and missing out on the glorious sunshine!). The image of the card shows me, literally, lying flat out on my bed, later on the sofa! Haha! What I was grateful for was that I can do just exactly that: I can afford the time to be unwell and just allow myself the time it takes to recover. I absolutely recognise that is a luxury!
As far as teachers go, I'm grateful to those who have shown me that patience is a virtue, that its ok to just wait and stare into the fire; I have an Arien Ascendant that can make me rash and impatient. Sometimes that energy is an advantage, but sometimes it's good to just relax and let things just be.
12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance. In this deck, the Hanged Man is re-named The Bound Man.
I really feel that this shows trust in one's destiny. I'm not 100% convinced by the philosophy of destiny or fate, but the image here makes me feel of old stories - the captive man will make good in the end. He just needs to wait for the right opportunity.
As far as being grounded goes, I feel this is about *temporarily* handing over decisions and seeing how things work out. It's not a good time to enforce my will; I'd do better to re-examine a few ideas and opinions. Trust more.
I've really enjoyed taking part in this! I've also realised that my 1001 Nights Tarot is more than just a pretty face; working with the imagery did actually work for me. I didn't really need to fall back on the standard meanings. I only wish the cards were larger! The context of the questions helped enormously. One thing that I found myself doing with this deck was seeing the figures as different parts of my psyche. For example, in the final card, the Bound Man, in the background you can see a man beating a donkey. So I'd think that the cruel man isn't going to get very far with that approach; kindness and patience will pay off more than brute force. In the 8 of Swords, the woman seemed to represent my imagination and the man my practical side. And so on and so on.
Thank you for arranging this!
It is interesting to me how one's reactions to an image can reflect one's preoccupations or unconscious thoughts. This tarot comes without any useful text (the illustrations are by Leon Carre, and I think they're from the 1920's)
Sacred Days of Midsummer - Tarot of One Thousand and One Nights
1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting.
Knight of Wands
Our hero sets forth with a most ostentatious turban! I'm immediately thinking that it symbolises arrogance (his 'big head') but then, maybe its full of ideas, ambition, drive. His vision of his future compels him to set off into the desert, leaving behind his poor old mother (his moral anchor? His sense of duty? His traditional obligations?)
So, in the context of the question - my creativity and inspiration are manifesting in terms of how I'm planning my future, and perhaps many of them are unrealistic (the oil painting! The epic novel! the tragi-comedy 9-part BBC series that develops a cult following!). The hero looks back, he sees his mother and ? then what? Do you know, I think that he turns around and goes home!
Now this is why its interesting to me: its suggesting that I have a tendency to rein in my wild and crazy schemes because I choose to be kind, or rather prefer to be seen as kind. Audrey Hepburn rather than Vali Myers.
2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it.
The Moon.
A beautiful, tranquil evening, the moon high in the sky, three people sit in a gazebo beside an ornamental pool. I can smell the jasmine, hear the trickle of water and rustling of creatures in the foliage. One of the three is a musician; he's the one partially hidden behind a pillar. The other two, a man and a woman, aren't talking to one another - they think their own private thoughts.
This illustration perfectly encaptures how I feel about my home: it's an escape, a retreat. It's quiet now my beloved sons have grown up - quiet save the sound of music! I have few visitors and love having the place to myself..
(You can see larger versions of these images over on my Instagram page, if you like.
3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time.
This morning I have drawn the 6 of Cups.
A couple look over a night garden; a few stars in the sky. My tendency to melancholia, and the theme of today's position, leads me to imagine the white building in the garden beyond the pond is a crypt....and the woman in white is a consoling spirit.
One of the traditional meanings of this card is nostalgia, and although I am not immediately referencing the 'ordinary' meaning, I can't help but see that my tears are for the past, not the present. I re-visit old sorrows and sometimes forget how blessed, how fortunate I am in the here and now.
4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives.
The Page of Pentacles has come in from the dark to a place of illumination - my eyes were first drawn, not to the figure, but to the blue candle in the top left. The figure pulls back a cloth to reveal a feast laid out upon the table; they have discovered something to nourish them. 5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment. The Fool is a card that has a profound and deeply personal meaning for me, and it is bittersweet, rather than sweetness. What I am drawn to in this version are the clouds - and this morning they hold the meaning of freedom.
The Fool has turned his back on the city, on convention, on the ordinary security. Barefoot, he walks away with nothing except his staff to support him. No dog companion, no bundle of whatever. He touches his head (his third eye? his crown chakra?).
The mountain mirrors the city and he walks away from both, into his own realm. He follows the river (his feelings? his intuition? a natural direction that the fool feels inclined to follow?).
I shalln't share all my reveries on this card, but I think that today, this morning the sweetness in my life is my freedom.
6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength.
I've The Hermit for this position. Absolutely no surprises there! If I were to be asked what I consider my strengths to be, the qualities of the Hermit would be what immediately comes to mind. I'm not afraid to be alone, to follow my own path in search of my own truth. 7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come.
The 9 of Wands
The image of a woman in the tree and a man on the ground has provoked all kinds of associations, which isn't the least bit helpful when trying to divine. Is she hiding? Trying to escape? Is she spying on him or about to play some trick? Is she a tomboy, braver than her brother? Is he telling her that she should be more ladylike or is she telling him what she has seen from her vantage point? Nothing really resonates with me, so I'll let it lie. The traditional meaning is of a warrior; someone who has proved their value. The Sun and Moon are balanced (the contemplative, introverted masculine meets the adventurous, strong and supple feminine?)
8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun.
The World is a pretty amazing card to pull here.
I think it's saying 'don't be afraid to be successful. Be more confident and take pleasure in what you've achieved so far'. I'm quite introverted really and often miss out on opportunities because of this. The couple here are just flying through the heavens - I need to be a better friend to myself! That's going to be the foundation of my Solstice resolutions and intentions.
9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves.
The 7 of Pentacles
I'm puzzled here.
Someone seems to be selling fruit and fish. Someone else seems to be considering what they might buy. I don't think that the cards are telling me to go on a shopping trip (although that might be alright, its not really my favourite thing to do)...I think it means to see what's on offer, not to make any hasty decisions, to deliberate over what I'd like to invest in.
One way I release worries is to make a list, or several lists. I make an inventory of what I have, or what I know. Then I make a list of what I need to get or find out. It's not exactly a way of enjoying myself, but it is a way of making myself feel better. The second part of the theme today though is about enjoyment, so - maybe I should make a list about how I really like to spend my time and then re-organise my hours accordingly. There are several activities I miss and several I make time for, but don't really enjoy. For example (I know this is trite) I have an awful lot of baths. This habit began as a way of getting privacy and time to myself. I don't really need that hour, not every day when a shower would do and baths often make me feel hot and sleepy. I could substitute my elaborate bath rituals for an evening stroll instead.
Went off on a bit of a tangent there!
10. Saint John’s Eve – June 23: Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us.
the 8 of Swords shows a woman in a box. and I am interpreting it as how sometimes I need to just shut myself away; no external distractions. Of course one cannot stay in the box forever!
11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward. This is the 4 of Swords.
I've been late with my entries here because I was under the weather (and missing out on the glorious sunshine!). The image of the card shows me, literally, lying flat out on my bed, later on the sofa! Haha! What I was grateful for was that I can do just exactly that: I can afford the time to be unwell and just allow myself the time it takes to recover. I absolutely recognise that is a luxury!
As far as teachers go, I'm grateful to those who have shown me that patience is a virtue, that its ok to just wait and stare into the fire; I have an Arien Ascendant that can make me rash and impatient. Sometimes that energy is an advantage, but sometimes it's good to just relax and let things just be.
12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance. In this deck, the Hanged Man is re-named The Bound Man.
I really feel that this shows trust in one's destiny. I'm not 100% convinced by the philosophy of destiny or fate, but the image here makes me feel of old stories - the captive man will make good in the end. He just needs to wait for the right opportunity.
As far as being grounded goes, I feel this is about *temporarily* handing over decisions and seeing how things work out. It's not a good time to enforce my will; I'd do better to re-examine a few ideas and opinions. Trust more.
I've really enjoyed taking part in this! I've also realised that my 1001 Nights Tarot is more than just a pretty face; working with the imagery did actually work for me. I didn't really need to fall back on the standard meanings. I only wish the cards were larger! The context of the questions helped enormously. One thing that I found myself doing with this deck was seeing the figures as different parts of my psyche. For example, in the final card, the Bound Man, in the background you can see a man beating a donkey. So I'd think that the cruel man isn't going to get very far with that approach; kindness and patience will pay off more than brute force. In the 8 of Swords, the woman seemed to represent my imagination and the man my practical side. And so on and so on.
Thank you for arranging this!
- CharlotteK
- Sage
- Posts: 491
- Joined: 19 May 2018, 15:31
CharlotteK's Sacred Days of Midsummer: June 14 - June 25
1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting.
Hanged Man
Being prepared to dangle myself over the abyss in order to discover the truth. Being willing to make a sacrifice to gain wisdom. This definitely reflects a lifestage I am currently going through of spiritual seeking.
2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it.
Five of Swords
This card focuses on the "causation of loss" and how its root causes - attachment to illusion, lack of faith, unawareness - become obstacles in the mind. Identifying these root causes and developing the abilities needed to eliminate them becomes the life's work.
Confidence, mindfulness, effort and focus are the means by which we liberate the mind. This reflects my decade of Zen practice and that the search for truth takes a central position in my life in many ways. I see three kinds of bird in this card. One is the eagle with its keen eyes a d ability to see far, a messenger of the gods. At the forefront seems to be a Phoenix suggesting hope and possibility that overcoming these root cause obstacles and rising out of them is attainable.
3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time.
Seven of Swords
Seems I am still harbouring deep seated emotional attachments to past events, especially past mistakes. I am hanging onto regrets. I wish I had done things differently. I wish some things had worked out differently. Some of.the things I have done a long time ago influence how I feel about things. Hidden energies buried deeply, resulting from previous actions, continue to drive my emotions today. It feels as though this is what often lies at the heart of my inability to let go and enjoy the moment. I love the flip flops on this card. What could be more symbolic of a carefree life on the beach. But oh the swords. And the moon half hidden. A lot of latent mental and emotional angst going on here.
4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives.
5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment.
6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength.
7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come.
8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun.
9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves.
10. Saint John’s Eve – June 23: Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us.
11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward.
12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance.
Hanged Man
Being prepared to dangle myself over the abyss in order to discover the truth. Being willing to make a sacrifice to gain wisdom. This definitely reflects a lifestage I am currently going through of spiritual seeking.
2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it.
Five of Swords
This card focuses on the "causation of loss" and how its root causes - attachment to illusion, lack of faith, unawareness - become obstacles in the mind. Identifying these root causes and developing the abilities needed to eliminate them becomes the life's work.
Confidence, mindfulness, effort and focus are the means by which we liberate the mind. This reflects my decade of Zen practice and that the search for truth takes a central position in my life in many ways. I see three kinds of bird in this card. One is the eagle with its keen eyes a d ability to see far, a messenger of the gods. At the forefront seems to be a Phoenix suggesting hope and possibility that overcoming these root cause obstacles and rising out of them is attainable.
3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time.
Seven of Swords
Seems I am still harbouring deep seated emotional attachments to past events, especially past mistakes. I am hanging onto regrets. I wish I had done things differently. I wish some things had worked out differently. Some of.the things I have done a long time ago influence how I feel about things. Hidden energies buried deeply, resulting from previous actions, continue to drive my emotions today. It feels as though this is what often lies at the heart of my inability to let go and enjoy the moment. I love the flip flops on this card. What could be more symbolic of a carefree life on the beach. But oh the swords. And the moon half hidden. A lot of latent mental and emotional angst going on here.
4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives.
5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment.
6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength.
7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come.
8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun.
9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves.
10. Saint John’s Eve – June 23: Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us.
11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward.
12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance.
- Sorceress Vibes
- Seer
- Posts: 23
- Joined: 30 May 2018, 16:09
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
Sacred Days of Midsummer
1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting.
The Sun
I'm really happy to see this card - to me it's a wonderful beginning to this creative kind of ritual of a group reading. As it's sort of a group reading, there must be a group energy, right? Hopefully we can all feel energised and optimistic about our Sacred Days of Midsummer group reading. I'm certainly very excited anyway!
The Sun is the creator, the giver of life in a sense, and everything is possible with his energy! And so we begin, or begin again, as the cycles of the years continue.
For me personally, I need some fiery masculine energy in my life. Hopefully the Sun will shine a light on why I feel a bit lacking inspiration in some areas recently. I lack any fire in my birth chart, so I'm pleased to see it here as my inspiration manifesting. I feel like I'm about to reach clarity and the Sun will help.
As a funny side note, I thought of my toddler son in this card, who is also a little blondie currently in need of a hair cut. Then I look at the book and it says "may indicate children born to a woman who is past her child bearing prime"!! Charming!! I do feel so lucky though and I definitely cut it fine!
2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it.
The High Priestess
Very interesting! As a stay at home mum I expected a much earthier card here, but I love that the HP has showed up.
My life is very spiritual right now. I'm delving deeper and deeper into that side of me. I'm starting to wonder if my passion for tarot can be something I take further and use it to provide for my hearth and home.
Also, I'm single and very happy with that status. This HP reminds me of the virgin, or maiden, and I'm certainly embodying that archetype right now. My hearth is protected and pretty much impenetrable, as is the High Priestess.
3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time.
The Tower
And I was off to such a great start!
Well, here I read that clarity is coming. An emotional break threw is about to happen. I knew it! That's what the Sun said to me too. I just wish I knew what it will be. It hasn't happened quite yet, I'm on the edge of an emotional precipice. The sooner I fall over and work it all out, the better!
I look at the eye for clarity. And it's related to that Devil card that was pulled for me recently too.
4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives.
Princess of Pentacles
This card is so perfect for growth for me right now! I'm open and receptive to the earth element. I've been doing lots of grounding this year and it's finally starting to click. As an airy , swordsy person it's something I normally ignore.
I bought myself a nice chunk of raw black tourmaline today, it's gorgeous!
5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment.
The Lovers
What a really sweet card to pull! And for the second time in two days - yesterday I got it in a reading when I asked what kind of crystal I should buy .
To me the card is about choices, balance and harmony. It's my life path card. When I find that sweet balance in my life, I'm truly happy and can live in the moment. When I'm balanced I'm more carefree and easy going. The Lovers have an easy connection, nothing is forced. I'm finding my way back to that, though I don't think I'm too far away.
6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength.
The Moon
Perfect! I love this card, it's one of the cards I have to like before I purchase a deck, along with the High Priestess. And for me, the two cards are closely connected.
For me the Moon usually means intuition, as it does here. And it's one of my strengths. Pisces is ruled by the Moon and depicted in this card. My mum's a Pisces and so very intuitive. I take after her in that way.
I love that I got the High Priestess for hearth and home and now the Moon as my strength. They fit my life perfectly right now.
7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come.
King of Cups
Well this is interesting! A watery, psychic King for scrying.
I'm a Cancer moon, this king is Cancer and my previous card was the Moon.
Even more interesting is that I chose this card recently while doing an exercise from Tarot for Yourself by Mary K Greer, where you choose the cards for your own Celtic cross. I put this King crossing my heart as the masculine element. So I've recently connected with him.
I think the blessing is empathy and seeing deeper.
8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun.
10 of Pentacles
This is the first card I didn't manage to draw on the day. I did it today, on the 22nd and it just didn't feel as magical. I mean it's Ok, and I got a great card. It's my first minor though.
Anyway, I'll be back tomorrow with photos and my reading of 21st and 22nd June.
9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves.
The Empress
Wonderful!! My reading to follow tomorrow.
Ok, so here I have the mother. The High Priestess earlier was the maiden and I could even see the King of Cups as the crone, he's such an old soul. Anyway, the mother as release of worries. I finally became a mother 2 years ago! And that was one of my big anxieties, as I got older and still wasn't a mother for various reasons. So now I am, I can finally be at ease in myself. Happy and content with my place on this earth. As the Empress embodies ease in her surroundings, total control, but with a light hand, at one with the world.
10. Saint John’s Eve – June 23: Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us.
Nine of Pentacles
Hear is another strong woman, in control of her world. I love that the bird isn't hooded, it's free to go, but it stays willingly, most likely due to the hard work of its mistress. This is another card I've connected with this year. I'm happy to see it here as a healing balm for me.
11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward.
Two of Cups! This is a genuine, loving, deep, spiritual connection, although not romantic. I'm blessed to have this in my life. It's supportive, nurturing, guiding. This is an on going lesson for me and we move forward together. I'm very thankful.
Sorry if that's a bit oblique, I don't want to over share here. Two of Cups is also so very intimate, isn't it?
I'll add a photo tomorrow, I'm camping tonight and reading under the moonlight. It's so atmosphere for this special midsummer reading!
12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance.
Ace of Wands
I love that I started this reading with the Sun and I finished with this Ace. They're so connected. And there have been so many connections like that for me in these cards.
This ace shows how I've learned to connect. The understanding came to me like a flash. Something I had been working on for a long time, I've very airy and grounding didn't even make sense to me for so long. But when it clicked, it clicked like the flash if the ace of Wands and I'll always remember that instant inspiration.
I'll be back to complete the photos later. I couldn't leave it without the last couple, that would do my head in
1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting.
The Sun
I'm really happy to see this card - to me it's a wonderful beginning to this creative kind of ritual of a group reading. As it's sort of a group reading, there must be a group energy, right? Hopefully we can all feel energised and optimistic about our Sacred Days of Midsummer group reading. I'm certainly very excited anyway!
The Sun is the creator, the giver of life in a sense, and everything is possible with his energy! And so we begin, or begin again, as the cycles of the years continue.
For me personally, I need some fiery masculine energy in my life. Hopefully the Sun will shine a light on why I feel a bit lacking inspiration in some areas recently. I lack any fire in my birth chart, so I'm pleased to see it here as my inspiration manifesting. I feel like I'm about to reach clarity and the Sun will help.
As a funny side note, I thought of my toddler son in this card, who is also a little blondie currently in need of a hair cut. Then I look at the book and it says "may indicate children born to a woman who is past her child bearing prime"!! Charming!! I do feel so lucky though and I definitely cut it fine!
2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it.
The High Priestess
Very interesting! As a stay at home mum I expected a much earthier card here, but I love that the HP has showed up.
My life is very spiritual right now. I'm delving deeper and deeper into that side of me. I'm starting to wonder if my passion for tarot can be something I take further and use it to provide for my hearth and home.
Also, I'm single and very happy with that status. This HP reminds me of the virgin, or maiden, and I'm certainly embodying that archetype right now. My hearth is protected and pretty much impenetrable, as is the High Priestess.
3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time.
The Tower
And I was off to such a great start!
Well, here I read that clarity is coming. An emotional break threw is about to happen. I knew it! That's what the Sun said to me too. I just wish I knew what it will be. It hasn't happened quite yet, I'm on the edge of an emotional precipice. The sooner I fall over and work it all out, the better!
I look at the eye for clarity. And it's related to that Devil card that was pulled for me recently too.
4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives.
Princess of Pentacles
This card is so perfect for growth for me right now! I'm open and receptive to the earth element. I've been doing lots of grounding this year and it's finally starting to click. As an airy , swordsy person it's something I normally ignore.
I bought myself a nice chunk of raw black tourmaline today, it's gorgeous!
5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment.
The Lovers
What a really sweet card to pull! And for the second time in two days - yesterday I got it in a reading when I asked what kind of crystal I should buy .
To me the card is about choices, balance and harmony. It's my life path card. When I find that sweet balance in my life, I'm truly happy and can live in the moment. When I'm balanced I'm more carefree and easy going. The Lovers have an easy connection, nothing is forced. I'm finding my way back to that, though I don't think I'm too far away.
6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength.
The Moon
Perfect! I love this card, it's one of the cards I have to like before I purchase a deck, along with the High Priestess. And for me, the two cards are closely connected.
For me the Moon usually means intuition, as it does here. And it's one of my strengths. Pisces is ruled by the Moon and depicted in this card. My mum's a Pisces and so very intuitive. I take after her in that way.
I love that I got the High Priestess for hearth and home and now the Moon as my strength. They fit my life perfectly right now.
7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come.
King of Cups
Well this is interesting! A watery, psychic King for scrying.
I'm a Cancer moon, this king is Cancer and my previous card was the Moon.
Even more interesting is that I chose this card recently while doing an exercise from Tarot for Yourself by Mary K Greer, where you choose the cards for your own Celtic cross. I put this King crossing my heart as the masculine element. So I've recently connected with him.
I think the blessing is empathy and seeing deeper.
8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun.
10 of Pentacles
This is the first card I didn't manage to draw on the day. I did it today, on the 22nd and it just didn't feel as magical. I mean it's Ok, and I got a great card. It's my first minor though.
Anyway, I'll be back tomorrow with photos and my reading of 21st and 22nd June.
9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves.
The Empress
Wonderful!! My reading to follow tomorrow.
Ok, so here I have the mother. The High Priestess earlier was the maiden and I could even see the King of Cups as the crone, he's such an old soul. Anyway, the mother as release of worries. I finally became a mother 2 years ago! And that was one of my big anxieties, as I got older and still wasn't a mother for various reasons. So now I am, I can finally be at ease in myself. Happy and content with my place on this earth. As the Empress embodies ease in her surroundings, total control, but with a light hand, at one with the world.
10. Saint John’s Eve – June 23: Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us.
Nine of Pentacles
Hear is another strong woman, in control of her world. I love that the bird isn't hooded, it's free to go, but it stays willingly, most likely due to the hard work of its mistress. This is another card I've connected with this year. I'm happy to see it here as a healing balm for me.
11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward.
Two of Cups! This is a genuine, loving, deep, spiritual connection, although not romantic. I'm blessed to have this in my life. It's supportive, nurturing, guiding. This is an on going lesson for me and we move forward together. I'm very thankful.
Sorry if that's a bit oblique, I don't want to over share here. Two of Cups is also so very intimate, isn't it?
I'll add a photo tomorrow, I'm camping tonight and reading under the moonlight. It's so atmosphere for this special midsummer reading!
12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance.
Ace of Wands
I love that I started this reading with the Sun and I finished with this Ace. They're so connected. And there have been so many connections like that for me in these cards.
This ace shows how I've learned to connect. The understanding came to me like a flash. Something I had been working on for a long time, I've very airy and grounding didn't even make sense to me for so long. But when it clicked, it clicked like the flash if the ace of Wands and I'll always remember that instant inspiration.
I'll be back to complete the photos later. I couldn't leave it without the last couple, that would do my head in
- Charlie Brown
- Sage
- Posts: 1488
- Joined: 25 May 2018, 16:22
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
I've decided to go with my Fournier TdM. The colors are so summery and nice. Here in SoCal, everything looks like an episode of 90210 right now, so the Tabula Mundi just feels way too heavy. ETA: For the time being though, I'm going to post using the Grimaud, because I already have digital images of that deck.
Sacred Days of Midsummer
1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting.
6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength.
I'm of two (non-contradictory) minds about this card. There's the common association with this card and the idea of craft/craftmanship (I actually think most RWS minors' surface meanings are pretty simple deliniations from the TdM pips) and, also, the segmentation of the card in which each coin has its own separate place. For craft, I do have a particular skill set and using that is really where I'm going to shine. I've been trying to avoid that for too long. At the same time, there are many aspects to life, and I've burned myself out in the past by not maintaining a good balance and/or being too all-or-nothing. For example, I'll work on a project 17 hours a day for months and then do literally nothing for weeks afterwards. Or I might try to tackle a health problem or skill development problem that requires a slow/steady approach but I go full throttle with predictably disastrous results. Here, everything has it's own place and it's own space and there's room for everything. I see this interpretation as quite sympathetic to this readings 4 of Coins card(s) and its drive towards building and maintaining a strong, coherent structure within which I can thrive.
9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves.
11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward.
From my teachers I learned how and where to shine a light into things to discover the truths about them. Also, the Hermit is a card that often shows up to represent me. I learned how to follow my own path and to light my own way.
12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance.
Sacred Days of Midsummer
1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting.
2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it.4 of Coins
This card is right on the nose and I have been doing more creative work as of late. It's about building a stable material foundation upon which to create: the right tools, workspace, etc.
3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time.Knight of Coins
I tend to read the Marseille Cavalier de Deniers a little differently than the RWS Knight of Pentacles, but I think the latter is what's being suggested to me here. The Knight of Pentacles is a very special card to me, because he often represents me in my role as a husband and a father. He provides quiet and consistent acts of service and helps maintain stability and prosperity.
4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives.9 of Wands
My feelings are somewhat walled off at the moment. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Per the 4 of Coins, I'm working on making a nice stable base for myself.
5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment.9 of Coins
Another 9, another coin. Further reflection of the growing independence that my newfound structure and restraint is bringing into my life.
Wheel of Fortune
What an exciting card to get for this. This card represents my sweet little baby daughter. The deliniation is a little involved. Just last night I was looking at the family's astrological charts and discovered that my Lot of Fortune is exactly conjunct with her Sun. She's definitely my fortune and the strawberry sweetness in my life.
6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength.
7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come.4 of Coins
There really are just a few things this spread is trying to tell me right now. It did occur to me, however, that if we're supposed to put them in a circle (although that wasn't really a requirement, was it?) then I can't have repeated cards. So I drew a alternate card in case it was necessary.
8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun.Judgement
Hmmm....Who can tell the future from a single card? Not I. My first thought is that I'll finally get my just deserts. Although that really doesn't sound like a blessing if you know what I mean. Or, I did enter a contest last week. Maybe I'll win.
I'm of two (non-contradictory) minds about this card. There's the common association with this card and the idea of craft/craftmanship (I actually think most RWS minors' surface meanings are pretty simple deliniations from the TdM pips) and, also, the segmentation of the card in which each coin has its own separate place. For craft, I do have a particular skill set and using that is really where I'm going to shine. I've been trying to avoid that for too long. At the same time, there are many aspects to life, and I've burned myself out in the past by not maintaining a good balance and/or being too all-or-nothing. For example, I'll work on a project 17 hours a day for months and then do literally nothing for weeks afterwards. Or I might try to tackle a health problem or skill development problem that requires a slow/steady approach but I go full throttle with predictably disastrous results. Here, everything has it's own place and it's own space and there's room for everything. I see this interpretation as quite sympathetic to this readings 4 of Coins card(s) and its drive towards building and maintaining a strong, coherent structure within which I can thrive.
9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves.
10. Saint John’s Eve – June 23: Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us.Getting the 8 again seems to reinforce my double interpretation of the cards: The "craft" interpretation was more relevant to how I can shine and the "separation" interpretation is more germane to today's question about how to enjoy myself. Having that Page of Coins come up as my alternate card today is also revealing. I recently had a new moon in Gemini reading that said I should embrace the energy of the Page of Coins throughout this lunar cycle. I related to a current project I've been working on. Well, that project finished up this very morning. To do it successfully, I really did have to relax and let go of a few things in my head that would have held me back from completing that kind of work.
I think this is saying that a certain ability to detach is going to protect me. People often seem to misunderstand how/why I connect the often jovial KoC to being detached. Well, first, there's the fire of water aspect, which suggests a certain mismatch in which the fire needs to be carefully contained and controlled lest it go out. But, more practically, I think he's sort of like grandpa. Grandpa will comfort you and do his best to make you feel better when you break up with your boyfriend, but he ISN'T going to get enraged and start railing about how Miranda is a conniving bitch who should have known to keep her dirty hands off of your man. He is filled with good feeling but detached from the emotion of the moment. He knows this is transitory and he knows where they sell the best ice cream.
Disengagement and a sense of proportion are good tools for self-protection.
11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward.
From my teachers I learned how and where to shine a light into things to discover the truths about them. Also, the Hermit is a card that often shows up to represent me. I learned how to follow my own path and to light my own way.
12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance.
9 of Cups
I believe in Crystal Light.
- I Sunshine
- Sybil
- Posts: 99
- Joined: 25 May 2018, 14:09
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
Excitement! Did this spread last year, and wow, has this last year brought a lot of changes. Hoping to do all 4 "corner" of year spreads in the next 12 months.
Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018 ~ Chrysalis Tarot
1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting. 4 of Scrolls
Oh, I can relate to her this today. Recollection, sleep on it, meditate on it. Four scrolls. When I do 4's I think of Air, Fire, Water & Earth. The book says Body, Mind, Feelings & Spirit. I think of the scrolls as the story of my life from different perspectives. Or the story I want to tell now and into the future. I think that re-collecting my self in these areas could well Birth my Creativity. Makes me feel centered and at peace. Good start, good omen. I like her a lot.
2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it. Ma'at VIII Justice
Quite the change from yesterdays card, yes? Ma'at is not soft & cuddly at all, not curled up in meditation but sitting up straight & regal with purpose. And that purpose is balance. And this is my hearth: where the worldly concerns and my own spiritual practices meet. This is my fire! (She is beautiful, she is). She is truth, order & balance. Her wings symbolize motherly protections. Life flourishes all around her. She faces right, which in my form of pantheism represents the future. As long as I balance the spirit with the mundane, my hearth will be well tended. A message I constantly need to heed.
3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time. Divine Child V The Hierophant
I drew this card reversed, and feel that is fitting. I usually have a difficult time with the Hierophant trump but not in this deck. I did my draw this morning, and was able to articulate the connection between this Divine Child and my emotions very well then. Now I am not so fluent, the words are sticking. But I do know that this last two weeks have placed in my way situation after situation where I had to be the adult, be responsible, take action even when afraid, step up and out of my comfort zone. And this could not be helped, could not be changed, but the way it left my emotions & feelings was stifled. Shut down. Dour. So I feel this Divine Child is saying feel the wonder, be open to the joy of discovery. Today I was able to deliberately turn the card right side up and be joyful.
4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives. Ten of Spirals
Well, I did not expect this under fertile growth. The book talks about the two natures of the Centaur. The rational man, the wild beast or beast of burden. It talks about the cross roads, a decision to be made. The burdens can be baggage, past incidents or too many physical possessions. Hmm... As an area of growth, I am going to look at this as potential. I will try to be open to what decision I need to make, to forgive myself & proceed with openness & acceptance. Stumbling on this one.
5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment. The Minstrel - Mentor (King) of Stones
What is sweeter than music? For me, not much. Add to that the love and loyalty of a dog (in my case, two new puppies) and indeed you have a full life. I did not feel the need to look at the book for this card; the image said it all I thought. But I did glance at it and am glad, because in the book they call the Kings by the name Mentors. I like that. And it does point out that the minstrels of old did pass on information about current affairs. I will take both the sweetness, the liveliness, the relaxation of the music & my companion pups along with (and this is the hard part for me) staying in touch with the state of the world I live in. It is all in the moment.
6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength. Bella Rosa - XV The Devil
Oh, Nemia, I am with you! Hard to interpret in this position. I drew it reversed, so that does help, but I found the Chrysalis book to be of more help to me, so here it is.
I am loving this deck... and this card, amazingly. The part that spoke to me instantly was the false persona's. I identify with needing to be more open & not hiding so much. Which directs me to shadow work. I have been skirting/ procrastinating/ hemming & hawing ... anything to not face the shadow work I know deep down that would be so beneficial. So freeing. Sigh.
7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come. Ace of Spirals (Wands)
Ahh, the Ram with a mythical addition of the shaman's head dress. He does look well equiped to get a few things done. The words that jump out at me are cosmic/tribal energy; manifestation; goals created by cosmic wisdom along with stimulating opportunities. Blessings one and all. So mote it be.
8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun. Three of Mirrors (Cups)
This picture did not turn out as crisp or clear as I would like. Keywords Compassion, Self acceptance, inclusion as all mentioned. The little lamb is incongruous to me, maybe because of the African motif's around the mirrors. The lion fits, but it takes a stretch for me to fit the lamb in. It reminds me of the Netflix series Sense8. If you saw through an others eyes, felt their emotions, experienced their sensations then you would have true compassion.
This is what the mirrors are telling me. With my new found non-co-dependence, my new boundaries (which I do need), I have been throwing out the baby with the bath water. I have way cut off compassion. Lion and the Lamb. Something to remember and a way to reflect the Sun's warmth & light.
9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves. 3 of Scrolls - swords
Drew this yesterday. need to catch up. back later.
10. Saint John’s Eve – June 23: Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us.
11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward.
12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance.
Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018 ~ Chrysalis Tarot
1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting. 4 of Scrolls
Oh, I can relate to her this today. Recollection, sleep on it, meditate on it. Four scrolls. When I do 4's I think of Air, Fire, Water & Earth. The book says Body, Mind, Feelings & Spirit. I think of the scrolls as the story of my life from different perspectives. Or the story I want to tell now and into the future. I think that re-collecting my self in these areas could well Birth my Creativity. Makes me feel centered and at peace. Good start, good omen. I like her a lot.
2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it. Ma'at VIII Justice
Quite the change from yesterdays card, yes? Ma'at is not soft & cuddly at all, not curled up in meditation but sitting up straight & regal with purpose. And that purpose is balance. And this is my hearth: where the worldly concerns and my own spiritual practices meet. This is my fire! (She is beautiful, she is). She is truth, order & balance. Her wings symbolize motherly protections. Life flourishes all around her. She faces right, which in my form of pantheism represents the future. As long as I balance the spirit with the mundane, my hearth will be well tended. A message I constantly need to heed.
3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time. Divine Child V The Hierophant
I drew this card reversed, and feel that is fitting. I usually have a difficult time with the Hierophant trump but not in this deck. I did my draw this morning, and was able to articulate the connection between this Divine Child and my emotions very well then. Now I am not so fluent, the words are sticking. But I do know that this last two weeks have placed in my way situation after situation where I had to be the adult, be responsible, take action even when afraid, step up and out of my comfort zone. And this could not be helped, could not be changed, but the way it left my emotions & feelings was stifled. Shut down. Dour. So I feel this Divine Child is saying feel the wonder, be open to the joy of discovery. Today I was able to deliberately turn the card right side up and be joyful.
4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives. Ten of Spirals
Well, I did not expect this under fertile growth. The book talks about the two natures of the Centaur. The rational man, the wild beast or beast of burden. It talks about the cross roads, a decision to be made. The burdens can be baggage, past incidents or too many physical possessions. Hmm... As an area of growth, I am going to look at this as potential. I will try to be open to what decision I need to make, to forgive myself & proceed with openness & acceptance. Stumbling on this one.
5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment. The Minstrel - Mentor (King) of Stones
What is sweeter than music? For me, not much. Add to that the love and loyalty of a dog (in my case, two new puppies) and indeed you have a full life. I did not feel the need to look at the book for this card; the image said it all I thought. But I did glance at it and am glad, because in the book they call the Kings by the name Mentors. I like that. And it does point out that the minstrels of old did pass on information about current affairs. I will take both the sweetness, the liveliness, the relaxation of the music & my companion pups along with (and this is the hard part for me) staying in touch with the state of the world I live in. It is all in the moment.
6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength. Bella Rosa - XV The Devil
Oh, Nemia, I am with you! Hard to interpret in this position. I drew it reversed, so that does help, but I found the Chrysalis book to be of more help to me, so here it is.
I am loving this deck... and this card, amazingly. The part that spoke to me instantly was the false persona's. I identify with needing to be more open & not hiding so much. Which directs me to shadow work. I have been skirting/ procrastinating/ hemming & hawing ... anything to not face the shadow work I know deep down that would be so beneficial. So freeing. Sigh.
7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come. Ace of Spirals (Wands)
Ahh, the Ram with a mythical addition of the shaman's head dress. He does look well equiped to get a few things done. The words that jump out at me are cosmic/tribal energy; manifestation; goals created by cosmic wisdom along with stimulating opportunities. Blessings one and all. So mote it be.
8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun. Three of Mirrors (Cups)
This picture did not turn out as crisp or clear as I would like. Keywords Compassion, Self acceptance, inclusion as all mentioned. The little lamb is incongruous to me, maybe because of the African motif's around the mirrors. The lion fits, but it takes a stretch for me to fit the lamb in. It reminds me of the Netflix series Sense8. If you saw through an others eyes, felt their emotions, experienced their sensations then you would have true compassion.
This is what the mirrors are telling me. With my new found non-co-dependence, my new boundaries (which I do need), I have been throwing out the baby with the bath water. I have way cut off compassion. Lion and the Lamb. Something to remember and a way to reflect the Sun's warmth & light.
9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves. 3 of Scrolls - swords
Drew this yesterday. need to catch up. back later.
10. Saint John’s Eve – June 23: Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us.
11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward.
12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance.
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
Oh, it's so wonderful and exciting to see the posts filling up. All those beautiful decks! I do my reading early in the morning, with first light, and take my pictures later - and I enjoy the Rosetta so much. It's so summery, so filled with energy...
I decided to use my larger Rosetta, too, for the Planetary Week reading that starts tomorrow. For the summer solstice reading, I use my mini Rosetta. I love this deck and use the wonderful Book M for additional insights.
It's really a magical time. I'm so happy about each of you who is part of this magic. And I'm sure many others are doing this reading - in other forums, privately, and in a way, we're all connected. And in a splintered, fragmented world where each individual rushes on his/her/its way, this connection has meaning.
I decided to use my larger Rosetta, too, for the Planetary Week reading that starts tomorrow. For the summer solstice reading, I use my mini Rosetta. I love this deck and use the wonderful Book M for additional insights.
It's really a magical time. I'm so happy about each of you who is part of this magic. And I'm sure many others are doing this reading - in other forums, privately, and in a way, we're all connected. And in a splintered, fragmented world where each individual rushes on his/her/its way, this connection has meaning.
- Sorceress Vibes
- Seer
- Posts: 23
- Joined: 30 May 2018, 16:09
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
Oh you have a mini deck Nemia! That's how it fits so nicely on your wheel, I wondered because I copied your wheel, except for the drawings in the middle, and even though I think it's quite big, it's too small for my deck. But that's ok. The main thing is a have a pretty paper copy of the spread
I love the connection we're sharing by doing this reading and I really felt it when I pulled the Sun as my first card. It is magical!
And yes, let's chat here! Sorry for confusing things I was thinking here was just for readings. But I see I was mistaken as there's chat before we started. Ooops, silly me
I was talking about the decks used - they're so beautiful!
I love the connection we're sharing by doing this reading and I really felt it when I pulled the Sun as my first card. It is magical!
And yes, let's chat here! Sorry for confusing things I was thinking here was just for readings. But I see I was mistaken as there's chat before we started. Ooops, silly me
I was talking about the decks used - they're so beautiful!
- I Sunshine
- Sybil
- Posts: 99
- Joined: 25 May 2018, 14:09
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
These cards we pull are taking my breath away! Makes me feel so full and blessed to share this special practice. It is a good feeling
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
I was just wondering if there was a place where we could discuss this!
I'm really enjoying reading everyone's posts, seeing the cards selected and hoping that it's proving as insightful to all of you as it is to me
I'm really enjoying reading everyone's posts, seeing the cards selected and hoping that it's proving as insightful to all of you as it is to me
- stronglove
- Sage
- Posts: 475
- Joined: 25 May 2018, 10:04
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
i am a late joiner, hope y’all don’t mind.....
decided to use the greenwood tarot for this one. haven’t worked with it before, really excited about it
i am going to do this in threes, so here are the cards for june 14, 15 and 16
the first draw is quite spectacular: death; two of arrows; ace of arrows
1. death for the manifesting of my creativity....
from cesca potter’s guidebook:
“You are being stripped to the bone and there is no longer any escape from having to face up to the truth of your life”
interesting.... i have just cancelled all my appointments for next week because i feel completely disconnected from myself.
Cesca also writes:
“You are confronting your essential self, without the secondary defences and protection of the mirror, mists and metaphors of reflection. Mourning, (seven of cups) will bring some relief. Seek comfort. “
i guess i have instinctively/ intuitively been searching for comfort, because i am still right in the middle of mourning the loss of my sweetheart, now 2,5 years ago. there is no way i will be able to manifest any creativity when i keep running from the truth, from my pain, taking care of other people’s needs instead of my own. it is time to give myself a soft place to fall.
2. two of arrows as my hearth and how to tend to it......
this card tells me how much i have let the scales tip to my disadvantage, giving, giving, giving without taking anything in return. it also shows how my hearth, my home has become unbalanced without my sweetheart as counterweight.... cesca labels this card as injustice, the figure lacking clarity of vision and having a ‘fearful, withdrawn heart’. that might be me, or at least how i am often feeling..... i need to spend more time at home, with myself, so i can eventually fill both sides of the scales instead of just the one.
3. ace of arrows as what my emotions are telling me right now....
this card is called ‘the breath of life’. from cesca’s guidebook:
“The morning star illuminates the night sky, and the mare breathes light into the frosty February air. Tender and gentle love that revives one with the ‘kiss’ of life. Renewal of inspiration, a reconnection to life, truth and wisdom, spoken from the horses mouth.”
this makes me tear up.... it is exactly what i so desperately need and hope to find... it gives me hope and also tells me that i need to become that horse that gives me the breath of life. that will be my focus for the next couple of days.
decided to use the greenwood tarot for this one. haven’t worked with it before, really excited about it
i am going to do this in threes, so here are the cards for june 14, 15 and 16
the first draw is quite spectacular: death; two of arrows; ace of arrows
1. death for the manifesting of my creativity....
from cesca potter’s guidebook:
“You are being stripped to the bone and there is no longer any escape from having to face up to the truth of your life”
interesting.... i have just cancelled all my appointments for next week because i feel completely disconnected from myself.
Cesca also writes:
“You are confronting your essential self, without the secondary defences and protection of the mirror, mists and metaphors of reflection. Mourning, (seven of cups) will bring some relief. Seek comfort. “
i guess i have instinctively/ intuitively been searching for comfort, because i am still right in the middle of mourning the loss of my sweetheart, now 2,5 years ago. there is no way i will be able to manifest any creativity when i keep running from the truth, from my pain, taking care of other people’s needs instead of my own. it is time to give myself a soft place to fall.
2. two of arrows as my hearth and how to tend to it......
this card tells me how much i have let the scales tip to my disadvantage, giving, giving, giving without taking anything in return. it also shows how my hearth, my home has become unbalanced without my sweetheart as counterweight.... cesca labels this card as injustice, the figure lacking clarity of vision and having a ‘fearful, withdrawn heart’. that might be me, or at least how i am often feeling..... i need to spend more time at home, with myself, so i can eventually fill both sides of the scales instead of just the one.
3. ace of arrows as what my emotions are telling me right now....
this card is called ‘the breath of life’. from cesca’s guidebook:
“The morning star illuminates the night sky, and the mare breathes light into the frosty February air. Tender and gentle love that revives one with the ‘kiss’ of life. Renewal of inspiration, a reconnection to life, truth and wisdom, spoken from the horses mouth.”
this makes me tear up.... it is exactly what i so desperately need and hope to find... it gives me hope and also tells me that i need to become that horse that gives me the breath of life. that will be my focus for the next couple of days.
from fragility to humility....maybe white lives should matter a little less
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
Really magical decks in this solstice reading, I can't believe that the Greenwood found its way here! What a strong and wonderful deck. Amazing energies. I hope you all feel it.
- Sorceress Vibes
- Seer
- Posts: 23
- Joined: 30 May 2018, 16:09
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
Yes, wonderful energies here!!
Stronglove, welcome! Your reading is touching, and the hope in your ace is really inspiring, what a great draw!
Velvetina, snap! We both got the Page of Pentacles today!
Nemia, whenever anyone talks about fierce mothers in the Queen of Wands I think of the wild unknown and the snake queen coiled protectively around her eggs, ready to strike if she has to. Those images are so well known they're almost cliche, but I do love them!
I'm so enjoying everyone's posts! I could say more, but I've been crystal shopping today and I'm exhausted!
Stronglove, welcome! Your reading is touching, and the hope in your ace is really inspiring, what a great draw!
Velvetina, snap! We both got the Page of Pentacles today!
Nemia, whenever anyone talks about fierce mothers in the Queen of Wands I think of the wild unknown and the snake queen coiled protectively around her eggs, ready to strike if she has to. Those images are so well known they're almost cliche, but I do love them!
I'm so enjoying everyone's posts! I could say more, but I've been crystal shopping today and I'm exhausted!
- stronglove
- Sage
- Posts: 475
- Joined: 25 May 2018, 10:04
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
yes, i was very lucky to get one that was home produced, using the images Cesca so kindly made available online. otherwise it is almost impossible to find, and completely unaffordable. it is indeed a very powerful and intriguing deck.
and it is really wonderful to see all the different decks that are being used (my wishlist is getting longer every day, lol!)
from fragility to humility....maybe white lives should matter a little less
- I Sunshine
- Sybil
- Posts: 99
- Joined: 25 May 2018, 14:09
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
Well, I would have to say that these decks of ours are not pulling any punches! More like delivering a resounding round-house to the gut!!
Nemia, you and I drew the same card for today: Death. I posted the book take on mine, because it made sense to me. Let me know what you think, ok?
Nemia, you and I drew the same card for today: Death. I posted the book take on mine, because it made sense to me. Let me know what you think, ok?
- I Sunshine
- Sybil
- Posts: 99
- Joined: 25 May 2018, 14:09
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
Yes I had the Devil.... not Death. No wonder you are confused. My bad!!
And come to think of it, I equate those two cards very often. So, just another issue I have... or another avenue to explore. Considering I have walked (stormed) away from traditional Baptist Religion, I am pretty sure this is left over baggage. Will I ever have enough time to explore it all?
- Sorceress Vibes
- Seer
- Posts: 23
- Joined: 30 May 2018, 16:09
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
This reading continues to really hit the nail on the head for me! I'm loving it!! I've got 5 majors and 2 courts so far.
It seems like I'm not the only one having that kind of experience. I'm so enjoying everyone's posts!
Velvetina, did you say what card you got? Your deck is beautiful, but hard to work out which tarot card! is it 9 of Wands?
It seems like I'm not the only one having that kind of experience. I'm so enjoying everyone's posts!
Velvetina, did you say what card you got? Your deck is beautiful, but hard to work out which tarot card! is it 9 of Wands?
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
Sorceress Vibes - it was the 9 of Wands I've corrected it now.
Yes, my deck is delicious, but tricky to see the detail (I use a magnifying glass!) and not very straightforward. However, it's proving remarkably insightful.
I'm loving reading all the other contributions.
Stronglove, I've a Greenwood too, if you ever want to compare notes
Yes, my deck is delicious, but tricky to see the detail (I use a magnifying glass!) and not very straightforward. However, it's proving remarkably insightful.
I'm loving reading all the other contributions.
Stronglove, I've a Greenwood too, if you ever want to compare notes
- stronglove
- Sage
- Posts: 475
- Joined: 25 May 2018, 10:04
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
my cards for june 17, 18, 19 and 20
four of stones, for juno, an area of fertile growth in my life...
a beautiful card, with the sun rising, rays of light illuminating the solid structure of four sacred stones. the sun is essential for fertile growth. but the sun can be dangerous too, its rays can be destructive. fortunately, the stones are protecting what is young and vulnerable, they are saving the little fawn, not from the sun’s light but from its fire.
this tells me that i am awakening, almost ready to meet the sun’s heat, to bloom, but that i still need some protection, that i shouldn’t rush out from behind those stones yet to meet the sun’s blast full on. fertile growth needs sun, yes, but most living organisms (including me) need some soothing shadow as well. the stones here represent my house and the sacred garden i am designing, and i feel permission to seek shelter in its filtered light and enclosure and will continue to hide behind it until i feel ready to come out.
eight of arrows for the festival of strawberries.... well, that’s interesting.... not a strawberry in sight in this card, it looks cold and barren, a figure struggling against the wind and snow....what does that imply? how does that connect to the sweetness of life and living in the here and now?
from cesca potter’s text:
“a person....has difficulty finding their way home. a feeling of being alone, struggling in many aspects of one’s life. a need for support, to open one’s heart to the potential ‘hearthfire’ and for others to reach out and help.”
i think this quite accurately describes where i’m at in my life right now. still reeling from the loss of my sweetheart and struggling to reclaim myself as a single, autonomous person who is now truly alone, having to find her way home, needing to create her own ‘hearthfire’ to warm herself, and at the same time having to learn how to reach out to others. i think i need to stop imagining myself as that struggling lonely figure, i have to look around and try to see and feel the sweetness of life, taste those strawberries. one of my cards in another reading gave me the image of the empress, who takes time to smell the roses. i could decide to take her example and be more in the here and now. after all, i’m right in the middle of summer, so wherever i look i can find plenty of strawberries and roses....! (the white ones in my new garden are in full bloom and have a wonderful fragrance)
the queen of wands for the oak king, showing me where my strength lies.
omg it’s a hare..... i love them! there are plenty of them in my area, i see them almost every day..... they are magnificent, strong, incredibly fast, smart (they have always managed to outrun and outsmart my two hunting dogs) and yet so soft and gentle..... could it be that i am like them? wow, this is something major to ponder and explore..... Cesca sees the queens as holders, placed at times of stasis, so they belong to the solstices and equinoxes, they embody empowered stillness..... wow!
“in the tarot card a hare stands facing the dawn, looking towards a new future.” how appropriate, so spot on.....“an empowered and energized person with the ability to utilise their full potential, as long as they are not tempted to use that power against themselves or others.” yes!
i am so amazed at the depth of these cards.... wow!
four of stones, for juno, an area of fertile growth in my life...
a beautiful card, with the sun rising, rays of light illuminating the solid structure of four sacred stones. the sun is essential for fertile growth. but the sun can be dangerous too, its rays can be destructive. fortunately, the stones are protecting what is young and vulnerable, they are saving the little fawn, not from the sun’s light but from its fire.
this tells me that i am awakening, almost ready to meet the sun’s heat, to bloom, but that i still need some protection, that i shouldn’t rush out from behind those stones yet to meet the sun’s blast full on. fertile growth needs sun, yes, but most living organisms (including me) need some soothing shadow as well. the stones here represent my house and the sacred garden i am designing, and i feel permission to seek shelter in its filtered light and enclosure and will continue to hide behind it until i feel ready to come out.
eight of arrows for the festival of strawberries.... well, that’s interesting.... not a strawberry in sight in this card, it looks cold and barren, a figure struggling against the wind and snow....what does that imply? how does that connect to the sweetness of life and living in the here and now?
from cesca potter’s text:
“a person....has difficulty finding their way home. a feeling of being alone, struggling in many aspects of one’s life. a need for support, to open one’s heart to the potential ‘hearthfire’ and for others to reach out and help.”
i think this quite accurately describes where i’m at in my life right now. still reeling from the loss of my sweetheart and struggling to reclaim myself as a single, autonomous person who is now truly alone, having to find her way home, needing to create her own ‘hearthfire’ to warm herself, and at the same time having to learn how to reach out to others. i think i need to stop imagining myself as that struggling lonely figure, i have to look around and try to see and feel the sweetness of life, taste those strawberries. one of my cards in another reading gave me the image of the empress, who takes time to smell the roses. i could decide to take her example and be more in the here and now. after all, i’m right in the middle of summer, so wherever i look i can find plenty of strawberries and roses....! (the white ones in my new garden are in full bloom and have a wonderful fragrance)
the queen of wands for the oak king, showing me where my strength lies.
omg it’s a hare..... i love them! there are plenty of them in my area, i see them almost every day..... they are magnificent, strong, incredibly fast, smart (they have always managed to outrun and outsmart my two hunting dogs) and yet so soft and gentle..... could it be that i am like them? wow, this is something major to ponder and explore..... Cesca sees the queens as holders, placed at times of stasis, so they belong to the solstices and equinoxes, they embody empowered stillness..... wow!
“in the tarot card a hare stands facing the dawn, looking towards a new future.” how appropriate, so spot on.....“an empowered and energized person with the ability to utilise their full potential, as long as they are not tempted to use that power against themselves or others.” yes!
i am so amazed at the depth of these cards.... wow!
from fragility to humility....maybe white lives should matter a little less
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
Yes, what a gorgeous and powerful deck. I have the cards as computer files but I don't know what is the best way to print them. Did you print yours at home or did you have them professionally printed?
- stronglove
- Sage
- Posts: 475
- Joined: 25 May 2018, 10:04
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
no, i bought them from nina in denmark. she made high quality prints and then laminated them. that makes them a bit hard to shuffle but i don’t mind that. i do get many ‘jumpers’ though.... so with this deck i don’t pay attention to them, just put them back with the other cards.
from fragility to humility....maybe white lives should matter a little less
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2018: June 14 - June 25
Ah, that's where that deck ended up I was tempted to buy it from her but it was a bit too pricey for me. (I bought two other decks from her which I like very much.) It looks wonderful, such a strong imagery - like born from the womb of the earth.
So, today is the 25th and our sacred days are over. Thank you to all of you who participated, posted their readings and pictures for twelve days - I hope you all felt that these days are special. There are others, in other forums, who celebrate these days, too. Thank you again to Raven of Summer for the idea - I love thinking of the invisible connection between tarotists in different corners of the world, attuned to these days.
See you all in September for the Autumn Equinoxe reading!
Participants and links to their readings:
Nemia - Rosetta Tarot
Velvetina - Tarot of Thousand and One Night
CharlotteK - Roots of Asia Tarot
Sorceress Vibes - Cosmic Tarot
Charlie Brown - Fournier Tarot de Marseilles
I Sunshine - Chrysalis Tarot
So, today is the 25th and our sacred days are over. Thank you to all of you who participated, posted their readings and pictures for twelve days - I hope you all felt that these days are special. There are others, in other forums, who celebrate these days, too. Thank you again to Raven of Summer for the idea - I love thinking of the invisible connection between tarotists in different corners of the world, attuned to these days.
See you all in September for the Autumn Equinoxe reading!
Participants and links to their readings:
Nemia - Rosetta Tarot
Velvetina - Tarot of Thousand and One Night
CharlotteK - Roots of Asia Tarot
Sorceress Vibes - Cosmic Tarot
Charlie Brown - Fournier Tarot de Marseilles
I Sunshine - Chrysalis Tarot