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Astrology Hippie Music

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Joan Marie
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Astrology Hippie Music

Post by Joan Marie »

My boyfriend collects vinyl records of all kinds.

This morning I heard some really really hippie electronic sounds coming from the "stereo" room and he showed me this:


It's called Zodiac Cosmic Sounds, its from 1967 and contains 12 "songs" that depict with electronic music and spoken words each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac.
It's kind of hilarious but also pretty cool, I have to admit. Noting my interest, Thomas went to his cupboard and produced for me, as a gift, the same record but on CD.

My heart!

Collectors are insane. But we knew that, right?

By the way, the actual album is printed on white glow-in-the-dark vinyl.

I wanted to share a little bit of it with you and I just realised that there is a bit from each track on youtube.

Here is my favourite: Scorpio
It's pretty great! :lol: (It sounds a bit like a cross between the Batman and The Addams Family theme songs.)

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Re: Astrology Hippie Music

Post by katrinka »

It's bluesy. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Kind of a Doors knockoff.

ETA: Bwaaaaa hahaha, it's on Elektra!
Agent: "These guys sell a lotta records for us. Make it sound like these guys." :lol:

I'd actually listen to this. They're badly in need of a better lyricist (though it is kind of hilarious), but hey, at least it's new to me. I've played Doors stuff so many times, I could probably sing the bass lines by the time I was 14. This is fresh.
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