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Today's Banner

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Today's Banner

Post by Joan Marie »

Today's Banner is from a photo I made of the sand dunes at dawn in the world's oldest desert in Namibia.

Here's a selfie I made on the same dune.

20171101_063014 copy.jpg

If you have a photo you think would make a nice banner, send it to me via PM or email:

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Re: Today's Banner

Post by Diana »

OMG. How beautiful!

Holmes did a reading for me the other day with his Lenormand deck. And there was a stork and he said it may indicate a desire to go somewhere to renew my life forces. I said the only place I know I could renew them completely would be under an African starry night (or in a tent if there are wild animals). And I said that this place that was calling me was Namibia. I long to feel the beat of Africa again under my feet and drink its waters. (edited to add that storks emigrate to Africa in the winter so it was a lovely little sign from the Lenormand).

I shouldn't have listened to that song. Now tears are pouring down my face and I can't stop them. (I have an intense emotional relationship with Southern Africa. It always brings up feelings of sorrow. As well as of courage when we all together as one world joined together and managed to defeat apartheid and its horrors. I left South Africa when I was 17 and never returned. But I have been back to Southern Africa and also lived in Nigeria, so I've not been completely deprived of those waters I was talking about.
Rumi was asked “which music sound is haram?” Rumi replied, "The sound of tablespoons playing in the pots of the rich, which are heard by the ears of the poor and hungry." (haram means forbidden)
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Re: Today's Banner

Post by Diana »

Bumping up this really old thread because I was reading just now an article on the BBC Travel section which speaks of what is referred to as "fairy circles" found in the Namib desert, which are strange geomorphic phenomena which up to now have not received an explanation. They're still a mystery.

Some believe they’re footprints from the gods, others think they’re formed by dancing fairies or UFOs, but no-one can explain these millions of mysterious circles in the desert. ... est-desert

I think it's okay to speak of fairy circles on a Tarot forum :geek: and I liked the article so much that I thought it was worth sharing here.
Rumi was asked “which music sound is haram?” Rumi replied, "The sound of tablespoons playing in the pots of the rich, which are heard by the ears of the poor and hungry." (haram means forbidden)
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