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Saturnian Self-Care - Week 09

A week-long reading activity designed to reacquaint you with your under-used decks as you connect with each day using the prism of the days of the week and the week's theme.
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Saturnian Self-Care - Week 09

Post by Joan Marie »

This week on July 9th Saturn will be at Opposition. This means the ringed planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun. It will be brighter than any other time of the year and will be visible all night long.

And in the face of the beautiful slow and ponderous Saturn, we also find ourselves in the second decan of Cancer which is ruled by slippery quick Mercury.

These influences feel somewhat at odds, pulling in opposite directions. Maybe it is time to step back a bit and focus on some self-care as we navigate these times we are living through.

This week, let's try and use the planetary forces of each day and make the most of them as we consider how to strengthen and renew our bodies and spirits.

I would suggest each day along with the card draw, or in combination with it, take a real action in your life to capture the spirit of the day. Use the draw as a way to deeply consider the concept or to inspire an action.

Here are some suggestions (and they are only suggestions) to help you find your way as you do your draws for each day with this in mind:
  • Saturday - Ruled by Saturn – Think about your boundaries and where you may need to shore them up.
  • Sunday - Ruled by the Sun – Health and radiance, inside and out
  • Monday - Ruled by the Moon - Dreams, enchantments, fantasies, let them flow
  • Tuesday - Ruled by Mars – Indulge in something you normally deny yourself.
  • Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury – Make plans for yourself for a little future happiness, an outing, a holiday, lunch with a friend...
  • Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter - make time to do something special or kind for another person. I know this is supposed to be “self-care” but sometimes this is what we need.
  • Friday - Ruled by Venus – Take in some art, a book, a museum, whatever you like. And consider the role of art in your life.
I wish you fun with this and hope the exercise leads to some wonderful ideas and inspirations for you.

(If you are new to My Celestial Week or want to know more about it, you can see this post.)

Also remember, you can jump in any time, the week starts when you start it.

So choose a deck for this week's exercise and begin when you are ready.

Have a listen to some radio emissions from the Planet Saturn
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Re: Saturnian Self-Care - Week 09

Post by Joan Marie »

This week I am using The Wise Fool Tarot.
I always think of this deck as being sort of made for self-care.

Saturday - Ruled by Saturn – Think about your boundaries and where you may need to shore them up.


The 5 of Pentacles

This card explores an interesting thing about the nature of giving and receiving.

There are boundaries on both sides of the equation. I don't want to go into a whole thing here, but it is sort of apropos as I am trying to raise support for this forum. I'm very concerned about impinging on the enjoyment of this free forum by bringing up the topic of money. I also have to think about myself.

It's a real balance, a fine line. I err (I think) on the side of, well, not mine.

I need to really think about how I am approaching this all. This is an important topic for me and has to do with more than just money. But what that "more" is, I can't exactly put my finger on, and even if I could, I'm not sure I could address it here. It feels very personal.

The book that comes with the deck talks about the reciprocal nature of "charity," about giving hope and teaching empathy. Then it says,
Don't be afraid to ask for help and do not be resentful if you do not receive this help.
Everyone has their struggles. That's for sure. This was a very interesting card for me to pull.
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Re: Saturnian Self-Care - Week 09

Post by Joan Marie »

Sunday - Ruled by the Sun – Health and radiance, inside and out


The Queen of Pentacles
She gets her radiance from her environment. She tends to herself and to everyone.

I took some time today for myself, and for the people closest to me. I made a point to hurry nothing. I prepared nice food for my myself and my partner. I took a nap outside. I had a long skype with my son and his girlfriend. I went jogging in the forest. I did some reading.

And I did a long meditation with the goddess Kali.
And now I've drawn this beautiful lady.

I feel very nurtured, calm and ready for a new week.
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Re: Saturnian Self-Care - Week 09

Post by Joan Marie »

Monday - Ruled by the Moon - Dreams, enchantments, fantasies, let them flow


The 2 of Clubs/Wands

She looks like a real boss.
Her desk looks out onto the garden, like mine does.

Yes I would like to run an empire from my desk. (This is about dreams and fantasies, right?)

I never really thought about it this way before...It makes me realise that dreaming itself takes some courage.
I wonder if over time we learn to curb our dreams for some reason.

Dreams are not the same as goals. Goals should be at least somewhat realistic. But dreams can go off the hook.
If they don't, then how can they be inspiring? How can they lift us up?
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Re: Saturnian Self-Care - Week 09

Post by qndynes »

For this week celestial reading, I using the Gypsy Tarot Tsigane Zigeuner, and I'm also trying a different approach, two cards for each day. Since I'm jumping in late, my first post will have three mini readings, saturnday, sunday, and moonday.

Saturday - Ruled by Saturn – Think about your boundaries and where you may need to shore them up.
The chariot and the wheel of fortune. Thinking about boundaries I feel this refer to the flexibility of my focus. As in, how I let outside influences change, redirect, or influence my drive and focus. This is definitely a message for shoring up my boundaries against outside influences.
Sunday - Ruled by the Sun – Health and radiance, inside and out
The ace of coins and queen of coins. What's more radiant than a shiny golden coin? And this queen knows how to bring it, how to make it happen, to give shape and form to her ideas in a tangible way. The coin even looks like a sun, while the queen is looking right at it, herself holding a coin. This is clarity, purpose, and capacity to manifest, to bring into fruition.
Monday - Ruled by the Moon - Dreams, enchantments, fantasies, let them flow
Five of coins, and nine of coins. Again, in the realm of the tangible, bringing into being. It is also interesting that there are two figa hands in the 9 of coins. For me, this is the heart brings into being it's dream with the blessing of protection. Enchantments and dreams are in fertile ground, I should let them flow.

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Re: Saturnian Self-Care - Week 09

Post by Myperception »

Deck : Everyday Witch

Saturday - Ruled by Saturn – Think about your boundaries and where you may need to shore them up
* 3 of wands
A long waiting aim may be approaching, at times I am too focus on end result, and neglected surrounding. Time to share equal focusation in life.

Sunday - Ruled by the Sun – Health and radiance, inside and out
* Knight of cups
A person that follow his/her feeling, sounds like me. If that's a good practise I will embrace, if I am too emotional or too overdrive by feelings, I will have to step back and re-evaluate the situation and my reaction. Until now, I am still satisfied with where I am now.

Monday - Ruled by the Moon - Dreams, enchantments, fantasies, let them flow
* 2 of cups
A day that I have to co-operate with a subordinate that I dislike due to her unrespectful nature. Suprisingly after awhle that I kept myself away from such person. the tension in work become less, and we eventually can work in a same office peacefully for today. Co-operation as keyword for today.

Tuesday - Ruled by Mars – Indulge in something you normally deny yourself
* 9 of pentacles
I think i need more time and space for myself after been hustling for long. Well, I am looking forward to our birthday gathering dinner tonight with classmates. A time for myself and also gathering to bring myself back to the circle that we used to be so happy last time.

Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury – Make plans for yourself for a little future happiness, an outing, a holiday, lunch with a friend...
* 9 of cups
Seriously I am going to have a self session in sauna for relaxing, and also I am considering to go massage or a spa for pampering myself, a few hours of happiness, LOL... or shall I catch up a dinner with someone special, hmm...... thinking...

Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter - make time to do something special or kind for another person. I know this is supposed to be “self-care” but sometimes this is what we need
* Ace of swords
Doing something that i never did before, let me see who will be the one that came into my mind, seems like my youngest brother, well, I think we should go for a nice dinner ! Yes.

Friday - Ruled by Venus – Take in some art, a book, a museum, whatever you like. And consider the role of art in your life
* 8 of cups
Art seriously is never my kind of thing, I am more prefered history/geographical stuff, just like the witch walking away for other options. Alright, just coincident that my aunt bought me a China ancient history book, I flip through and find it's interesting, so I am gonna start this book on this weekend. So also an art, but history art, LOL....
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Re: Saturnian Self-Care - Week 09

Post by Joan Marie »

Tuesday - Ruled by Mars – Indulge in something you normally deny yourself.


4 of Swords

What a nice card.
This morning, even before drawing this card, I did take time for an extra guided meditation. I may do another one tonight. I found this lady on youtube who has the most beautiful voice and does really wonderful guided meditations. Those always feel like a real luxury to me, I don't know why.
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Re: Saturnian Self-Care - Week 09

Post by qndynes »

Tuesday - Ruled by Mars – Indulge in something you normally deny yourself.
10 of cups, 9 of swords, two high extremes here. I feel this is about setting limits on overindulgence. Ending what needs to end.

Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury – Make plans for yourself for a little future happiness, an outing, a holiday, lunch with a friend...

4 of swords and the world. Ooh another four of swords pops up in this celestial reading thread. Very nice here as an outing is actually something I'm planning for late July, to close off the month and the intense summer season. It will be an overdue rest for replenishment,

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and empowering.

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Re: Saturnian Self-Care - Week 09

Post by qndynes »

I deeply apologze for not finishing last week's celestial week. It has been very weird, tense, and hectic lately on my side. Perhaps it's a mix of space weather, actual weather, and just a quality of summer. Well, I'm going to finish off the celestial week now. Better late than never.

Jupiter, caring for others. Venus, indulging in the self, pleasures.

Top two cards Jupiter, bottom two cards Venus.

What is clear here is that I need to reinforce both these actions in my life. My investment in caring for others is lackluster, at a pause. It looks like I'm reconsidering my position or how I feel in the now, at an awkward position in my life, and how these feelings can translate into caring for others.

With the bottom two cards for indulging in the self. Again there is a desire to go inward and to seek what brings pleasure but there are obstacles, knives, tensions in the way. Yeah, these cards perfectly illustrate how I've been feeling.

Thoughts are things, and words have wings.
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