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Intuitive: Joan Marie reads for Charlie Brown

A place for those who want to focus on their intuitive Reading skills in a gently guided group activity.
Forum rules
FORUM DESCRIPTION: Group Readings and Circles are lightly structured actvities where participants read for each other in exchange for feedback within a defined time period (usually a month).

Reading Circles and Groups are a great way to learn and practice your skills without the hard work of finding a partner to exchange with, agreeing on a timeframe, and deciding on a spread. This is done for you by the host. You sign up and show up!

That said, it's important that everyone does their very best to follow through, and provide thoughtful readings and feedback. Also, where applicable, communicate with your partners, especially if you run into any time issues that might cause a delay. These things are easily sorted out.

If you have any questions you can contact the Group Host by PM.
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Charlie Brown
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Joined: 25 May 2018, 16:22

Intuitive: Joan Marie reads for Charlie Brown

Post by Charlie Brown »

Hi Joan,

Here is my card from the Pomo Tarot. I can tell you more about the deck/card if need be.

I believe in Crystal Light.
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Joan Marie
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Re: Intuitive: Joan Marie reads for Charlie Brown

Post by Joan Marie »

Cool card. This will be fun to work with.

Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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Joan Marie
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Re: Intuitive: Joan Marie reads for Charlie Brown

Post by Joan Marie »

Charlie Brown wrote: 13 Jun 2019, 16:20 Here is my card from the Pomo Tarot. I can tell you more about the deck/card if need be.
I think Gunboy is on a stage. I sense he's against a wall or a curtain in a very spacious place, an empty-feeling place. The air is hot and dry from the artificial light. Gunboy has grown used to it. He's a man in a costume.

Gunboy wants me to tell you to get some fresh air, find a place where you can be yourself, away from roles that have defined you to others but haven't made you so comfortable.

It reminds me of something I once heard David Lynch say about how we are all wearing rubber clown suits and how good it feels to take them off.

-That's all I got. 🤡

Sorry if it's completely useless. But I did try. 😜
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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Charlie Brown
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Re: Intuitive: Joan Marie reads for Charlie Brown

Post by Charlie Brown »

Joan Marie wrote: 23 Jun 2019, 15:33 Gunboy wants me to tell you to get some fresh air, find a place where you can be yourself, away from roles that have defined you to others but haven't made you so comfortable.
I've gotten worse advice to be sure. Actually, it's not un-resonant to some things I've been thinking about. Charlie Brown's head has been a heavy place as of late. I also had some weird shit happen last night, so the comment about the clown suit is useful.
I believe in Crystal Light.
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