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Magical Times: Celestial Week 06

A week-long reading activity designed to reacquaint you with your under-used decks as you connect with each day using the prism of the days of the week and the week's theme.
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Magical Times: Celestial Week 06

Post by Joan Marie »

Take a minute and six seconds to watch this remarkable piece of film from 1900:

This first-ever moving film of a celestial event was shot by the famous magician Nevil Maskelyne. Imagine what he had to go through to do this. The planning, the arduous travel in 1900, the technical challenge (and limitations) of the filming. All for this one minute and 6 seconds of film that I just shared, worldwide, with the click of a few keys.
While thousands, maybe millions, of different moving images of 2017's solar eclipse exist on social media accounts, of this event 120 years ago there has existed only one. Now that brief moment in time can reach millions of people in an instant, and exist in an infinite number of perfect copies, a phenomenon that might have seemed in 1900 like an advanced form of magic. - from Open Culture
We live in a wonderous time. It's easy to forget that.
For this Celestial Week let's think about how we create magic all the time without thinking about it.

Here are some suggestions to help you find your way as you do your draws for each day with this in mind:
  • Saturday - Ruled by Saturn - taking time for things, activities requiring patience
  • Sunday - Ruled by the Sun - bringing happiness, creating joy, light
  • Monday - Ruled by the Moon - openness to magic and mystery
  • Tuesday - Ruled by Mars - insight, direction of energy
  • Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury - learning, thought, initiating change
  • Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter - Creation! (the ultimate magic) promises and commitments as spells
  • Friday - Ruled by Venus - influencing your world, your environment
I wish you fun with this and hope the exercise leads to some wonderful ideas and inspirations for you.

(If you are new to My Celestial Week or want to know more about it, you can see this post.)

Also remember, you can jump in any time, the week starts when you start it.
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Re: Magical Times: Celestial Week 06

Post by Amoroso »

Magick has always fascinated me, so I find this spread interesting. I'll be joining with a deck that's apt for this week's theme - the Modern Spellcaster's.
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Re: Magical Times: Celestial Week 06

Post by Joan Marie »

I'm staying this week with my Japaridze Tarot

Saturday - Ruled by Saturn - taking time for things, activities requiring patience


The Fool
This seems an appropriate image for the idea of patience.

being on a high-wire definitely requires it. In this case, taking it slow and careful would be almost life-or-death, wouldn't it?

This is the kind of magic that does not come easy. And getting frustrated breaks the spell entirely. It's one thing to keep your enthusiasm, your spark, your drive for something, that's hard enough sometimes. It's another to grow that feeling. To become even more enthused, more driven, more "sparked" as time goes on and the project starts to seem a bit endless or when delays and complications happen.

It's also important to remember that delays and complications can often save you. If this has ever happened to you, you know exactly what I mean.

Keeping your spirits high is powerful.
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Re: Magical Times: Celestial Week 06

Post by Myperception »

After changing of job and vacation, taking a little time to settle down. Now it's time to back to my discipline again, not to slack :lol: therefore this is my magical times.

Deck : Golden Tarot of KLIMT

Saturday - Ruled by Saturn - taking time for things, activities requiring patience
2 of cups
I always read 2 as a communication sign. Regardless in love, family, friends, co-workers etc, any related to human communications, we need alot of patience, be accommodative. Communication is a key to enhance a bond, if we make it right.

Sunday - Ruled by the Sun - bringing happiness, creating joy, light
A weekend for me to stay home, later for gym and some errands. Need to decide which gyms to go, and which errands to complete first. Plenty choices to made today.

Monday - Ruled by the Moon - openness to magic and mystery
Knight of wands
Having a pre-arrange appoinment at 10am. I believe having ability to seal a business deal. A new business for us.

Tuesday - Ruled by Mars - insight, direction of energy
3 of pentacles
I am not an artistic person, or i admit do not have talent in arts related stuff. But maybe i can give it a try to find out some undiscover a little artistic talent in me for today. Who knows, i may form up a new interest in art ! lol... :idea:

Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury - learning, thought, initiating change
The Stars
Our leaders meeting usually falls on wednesday. I believe we will find a solution for our new business inquiry and directions, as well as a few transformation plans are about to start. Stars are always my prefered sign in all aspects. A hope that are positive !

Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter - Creation! (the ultimate magic) promises and commitments as spells
The World
Seems to me it's something new coming up. A new birth of plan could be. Getting very excited in my work ever since i joined. A place that though need further improvement, but i can see the potential growth. I like workplace are practical, you really plan and gets yourself hands on for job. Not like certain work that only need you to dress sophisticated, and entertaining around like a social butterfly. That's not my kind of thing.

Friday - Ruled by Venus - influencing your world, your environment
6 of wands
It's the dateline for me to submit for a business proposal for a potential buyer. I believe with the solutions and plan we propose, to win this tenant should be not that difficult for us.
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Re: Magical Times: Celestial Week 06

Post by Joan Marie »

Sunday - Ruled by the Sun - bringing happiness, creating joy, light


Nine of Gardens.
What a pretty card. Such sumptuous colors.

Gardens bring joy and light by their very presence. But there is something behind it, the hand of the gardener. It's invisible, but the presence is real.

It's an interesting idea to think of life as a garden, filled with manifestations of beauty and happiness and light, all brought about by the gardeners skilled hands.

So that is my magic intention for the day. To be the gardener behind the good things of this day.
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Re: Magical Times: Celestial Week 06

Post by Joan Marie »

Monday - Ruled by the Moon - openness to magic and mystery


The King of Winds
Well, if this guy doesn't look magical and mysterious, nobody does.

Not to mention "open."

Openness in general is a key trait to being able to see and experience magic and mystery. Openness is not passive. It takes effort to get past preconceived notions, and biases to really experience life.
This doesn't mean you have to be willing to agree with things you could never, but it does mean listening and experiencing without judgemnt.
Judgement absorbs MASSIVE amounts of energy and removes us from magical experiences.

Today I will try that exercise where you try and go 5 minutes, then 15, then an hour, etc, without judging things. It makes you realise how habitual it is. For 5 minutes, nothing is good or bad, or ugly or delicious or boring or ....etc. Everything

This frees up tons of energy. Energy that can be put toward imbuing life with a sense of mystery, a sense of magic.
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Re: Magical Times: Celestial Week 06

Post by qndynes »

Ok, so this week I'm going to try something different, I went with pulling 7 cards for the 7 days/planets of the week. I laid them out in a circle similar to the planetary circle in the beginning of this thread. I begin with Monday and reading consecutively from there, Mars day, Mercury day, etc., following the spokes of the circle.
For this Celestial Week let's think about how we create magic all the time without thinking about it.

Here are some suggestions to help you find your way as you do your draws for each day with this in mind:
Saturday - Ruled by Saturn - taking time for things, activities requiring patience
Sunday - Ruled by the Sun - bringing happiness, creating joy, light
Monday - Ruled by the Moon - openness to magic and mystery
Tuesday - Ruled by Mars - insight, direction of energy
Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury - learning, thought, initiating change
Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter - Creation! (the ultimate magic) promises and commitments as spells
Friday - Ruled by Venus - influencing your world, your environment
With Moonday there is retention and gestation, moving to Marsday, which I feel speaks nicely of the sequence from gestation to rambling articulation by the light of the moon! Magic and mystery is a potential from within and without in chorus with both the exoteric and hidden influences. Jumping to Mercury day, this potential is given form and shape, and dimension with the Emperor, the ruler and guardian of his realm. The magic is still guarded but it is shifting direction outward. With Jupiter day, the commitments here are of concretizing what has been in gestation. It is a seeping outward, with all the little globes moving outward, 10, making this a culmination and a beginning in one. Like a continuous cycle. Venus day brings the application, enforcement of the commitments. With Saturn day calling outward, speaking the divine message and the sun's day highlighting the inevitable continuous cycle, of inner and outer, of within and without. All in all, thinking within the context of the questions given and underlying message of the magic we create without knowing, I see here that magic for me is a cycle of inner and outer, wherein I am in connection with the flow/flux within and without. This connection is more of a continuum, and the way that I express it is through words, the articulation, the incantation. Magic in my life is the continual narrative. The weaving of the subtle threads into subjective coherence.

Not sure I make sense but the cards are definitely worth sitting with for longer. Maybe this is a push to keep writing. To keep expressing, to keep weaving the narrative.

Thoughts are things, and words have wings.
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Re: Magical Times: Celestial Week 06

Post by Joan Marie »

Tuesday - Ruled by Mars - insight, direction of energy


Another cool card. I love this deck.

Eight of Gardens.

Strange images to associate with "gardens." But it really fits to today's theme, insight, direction of energy.

This person looks really intensely focused on a project, just as I need to be. I was really starting to get somewhere yesterday when I got sidetracked by the Magic Mystery Man. Not a bad thing at all, but today I'd like to find my place again. I think I will leave this card out on my desk.

It looks dangerous and beautiful and all absorbing. I love that feeling.

This is definitely the perfect card for me today.
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Re: Magical Times: Celestial Week 06

Post by Joan Marie »

Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury - learning, thought, initiating change


The Hermit.

Change is a kind of magic. All change begins with a thought. Thoughts come from learning, from openness. Openness comes from a peaceful loving spirit.

In isolation, hermit-like is where I do my best soul nurturing, the preparation I need to do in order to think, to learn and to ultimately create the change I want to see.

And today is a good old rainy day for that kind of alone-time.
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Re: Magical Times: Celestial Week 06

Post by Rachelcat »

I hope it's ok to jump in here with a whole week. I decided to use the Tinker’s Damn Tarot and Mantegna. They represent to me true creativity and magical manifestation!

Arghh! I can't get the photos to rotate properly. (When you click on the pictures, they're right side up!)
(edit: fixed them)

tinker's damn upright2.jpg
mantegna upright2.jpg

Saturday - Ruled by Saturn - taking time for things, activities requiring patience

10. Fate. I’m not a big believer in fate, but yes, sometime stuff happens, and it limits your options and sometimes you have to wait for what you want to manifest. Patience is a virtue!

Calliope, Muse of Epic Poetry. Sometimes you have to wait for inspiration. Only try to tell a story if it’s a story worth telling. Will it inspire or help someone? Or entertain them? That’s a worthy goal, too.

Sunday - Ruled by the Sun - bringing happiness, creating joy, light

Two of Earth. The card shows the earth between the sun and moon. Being able to accomplish something (two) in the real world (earth) makes me happy! And I like keeping my budget and my health balanced as well. Health is true happiness!

High Priest. My ideas can help bring new light to old, established traditions and ways of thinking, with fewer “thou shalt nots” and more “wow, amazing insights on life!”

Monday - Ruled by the Moon - openness to magic and mystery

Nine of Fire. I guess there are still vestiges of defending myself against magic and mystery in my life. I’m much more open than I used to be, but it takes courage to open yourself up to mystery. The girl on the card is looking warily toward the city, but she has a tiger with her, so I don’t think she’ll be in any danger once she gathers up her courage to go ahead on her journey.

Geometry (one of the liberal arts). I’ve been reading a book called Wizards of Antiquity. (I don’t necessarily recommend it; it has issues, but . . .) It asserts that the people we learn about as pre-Socratic philosophers were probably practicing magicians. And that there wasn’t much distinction between philosophy, science, and magic then. This card obviously brings to mind Pythagoras and the concept that numbers are the language of nature. And there’s still plenty of mystery and magic in that!

Tuesday - Ruled by Mars - insight, direction of energy

18. Moon. Now here’s the moon! Interesting connection between the moon/Monday and Mars/wands/Tuesday. It’s saying I need to be directing my energy right into that magic and mystery. The resistance is where the interesting stuff is. You have to be a little uncomfortable to make something great happen.

Fameo (servant). I’m still a beginner is all of this. I need to direct my energy to creation and learning as someone who is just learning, not someone who has all the answers. Socrates was the wisest man because he knew he didn’t know anything. (More philosophers!)

Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury - learning, thought, initiating change

Two of Water. Learning and thinking are my happy places! This is also saying I need to be learning, thinking, and changing with the help of a partner or partners. Partners in magic!

Faith (one of the virtues). (The card has a corgi in the corner as a symbol of faithfulness!) This is the air/thought member of the theological virtues, basically synonymous with “belief,” which fits well with Wednesday/Mercury. You have to believe it to see it. The Buddhist version of faith is trust that what a trustworthy person tells you is true, but then prove it for yourself.

Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter - Creation! (the ultimate magic) promises and commitments as spells

Four of Water. The (skull) cup is half empty, empty of willpower. I feel like I want things and even commit to them emotionally, but I have to commit energetically, and probably verbally. I usually shy away from anything like “real” magic making and spells, but I know that there’s really no difference between that and affirmations, determination, and commitments to myself. They are all mental/emotional acts intended to make something happen in the real world.

Temperance (one of the virtues). This is a beautiful temperance card (different than the companion tarot deck’s Temperance, which is called Alchemy). A beautiful lady is pouring together fire and water out of two pitchers, a good depiction of the union of opposites. I need to find that sweet spot between chasing after selfish wants by spiritual means and putting all my resources to work to achieve my own good and the good of others.

Friday - Ruled by Venus - influencing your world, your environment

Ace of Water. Ok, there’s obviously a connection between Venus and a huge, bloody, anatomically correct heart. I’m just not sure what. With all the waffling between heart and head here, I think this final card is reiterating that you can’t make a real change in the world without putting your heart into it. You might have the best ideas in the world, but they only work if you care if they work. Commitment again.

Celestial Power (the ninth level of the heavenly spheres). I guess we have the power to move mountains if we have the faith to move mountains. I can make things happen in the real world, I just need to make sure they’re for the benefit of all.

Interesting that the Mantegna round turned out to be very moralistic, while the tarot round was more general “you” statements. Hmmm, something to think about anyway.
Please join us in This Week's Deck!

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Re: Magical Times: Celestial Week 06

Post by Joan Marie »

Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter - Creation! (the ultimate magic) promises and commitments as spells


Ace of Fire

What is a spell? Is it the special words you say? The gestures you make while saying them?
I don't think so.
To me the spell is the intention behind the words and gestures. In fact, the words and gestures are only there to intensify, to solidify the intention. But it is the intention that is the magic.

That's why I believe that promises are magic. So is any kind of commitment. Plans are spells. Deadlines are spells.
Something real is set in motion at the utterance of some words with intent behind them.

"I will meet you on the corner at 3" is a spell. Everything starts revolving around that concept as soon as the words were spoken. "I will bring desert" is a spell. When we don't follow through, especially due to carelessness, it is more than disappointment that happens. There is a sense that a spell has been broken.

On the other hand, have you ever committed to something you really didn't want to do and then someone else cancelled and let you off the hook? That joy you feel at not having to go to that party or whatever is the feeling of a bad spell being broken. Pure relief.

There is a lot more magic in our lives than we acknowledge sometimes. This fiery Ace reminds me of the power we generate with our intentions.

I have broken my share of spells. Acknowledging that is a new spell indeed.
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Re: Magical Times: Celestial Week 06

Post by Joan Marie »

Rachelcat wrote: 12 Jun 2019, 18:44 I hope it's ok to jump in here with a whole week. I decided to use the Tinker’s Damn Tarot and Mantegna. They represent to me true creativity and magical manifestation!

Arghh! I can't get the photos to rotate properly. (When you click on the pictures, they're right side up!)
It's absolutely okay to jump in any time you like and to do the readings any way you choose. So glad you joined us!

Regarding the pics being sideways, that is usually because the file size is too large. If you reduce the image size they will post properly. 500px wide is a good size.

I fixed them for you. ;)
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Re: Magical Times: Celestial Week 06

Post by Joan Marie »

Friday - Ruled by Venus - influencing your world, your environment


Queen of Gardens

Well I finish out this magic week with this lovely. She's focused and composed like a real queen. Around her everything is moving.
She exudes beauty and attracts it.

It's hard not to get rattled in this world. But it is important to cultivate calm and composure. A conscious effort is required. And it affects your environment and the people in it. Just like being around a nervous person makes you nervous, a calm person will make you calm.
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