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The Milky Way - Celestial Week 05

A week-long reading activity designed to reacquaint you with your under-used decks as you connect with each day using the prism of the days of the week and the week's theme.
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The Milky Way - Celestial Week 05

Post by Joan Marie »

A lot of Tarot symbolism is connected to the planets of our solar system and the stars in our night sky.

But we forget sometimes that we are part of something much bigger than even all that. So this week I'd like us to consider The Milky Way.
Milky Way over at Goblin Valley State Park, Utah, by Max Moorman Photography
Milky Way over at Goblin Valley State Park, Utah, by Max Moorman Photography
So gorgeous.
As we draw our cards each day, lets consider our larger purpose. What's beyond immediate concerns. Think about the things you are part of or maybe no longer are.

And please approach this any way you see fit. We each have our own style and approach. You may be looking for something to help you through the day, or maybe some kind of general guidance or insight. This is your practice. My Celestial week is only meant to offer a bit of motivation or ideas.

Here are some suggestions to help you find your way as you do your draws for each day this week with the magnificent Milky Way in mind:
  • Saturday - Ruled by Saturn - Where would slowing down some help? What might you be missing by going to fast?
  • Sunday - Ruled by the Sun - What corner of your life needs more light, more warmth, more attention?
  • Monday - Ruled by the Moon - Preoccupations and distractions, keeping you from a higher purpose
  • Tuesday - Ruled by Mars - your will, your essence
  • Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury - Imbalances
  • Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter - Sharing, being useful
  • Friday - Ruled by Venus - Enrichment of self, of environment, of atmosphere
I wish you fun with this and hope the exercise leads to some wonderful ideas and inspirations for you.

(If you are new to My Celestial Week or want to know more about it, you can see this post.)

Also remember, you can jump in any time, the week starts when you start it.
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Re: The Milky Way - Celestial Week 05

Post by Joan Marie »

Let's kick-off the return of My Celestial Week!
This celestial week was created a while back but was unused so let's pick up with it.

I will be using my Japaridze Tarot because I am in the mood for its dreamy surrealistic feel.

I hope you will join me. I always find these weeks to be an adventure and full of surprises.

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Re: The Milky Way - Celestial Week 05

Post by Joan Marie »

Saturday - Ruled by Saturn - Where would slowing down some help? What might you be missing by going to fast?


Well there's an unambiguous answer!

Except I realise I asked two different questions, but I think it's the second one that this card is addressing.

Going too fast, I miss out on love. I get too far ahead of my own spirit. I need to slow down and let it catch up and remember that love is the driving force behind everything I do.

I do like how this card is called "Love" and not "Lovers." And the design is a real departure from the rest of this deck which is mostly realistic (if surrealistic-ish) human figures. The Love card is just geometry! What a curious idea. A card that is so typically rendered with two people in a romantic posture of some kind, and here we have...math.

I really like starting my week with this message. It kind of goes with today's card too. When I take time for pleasure and to remember love my soul is strengthened.

I really feel that. ❋
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Re: The Milky Way - Celestial Week 05

Post by Myperception »

Deck : Golden Tarot of KLIMT

Saturday - Ruled by Saturn - Where would slowing down some help? What might you be missing by going to fast?


9 of Pentacles

It's been a very hectic month for me in May, from left old job with alot of handover, a vacation, and onboard new job with mountain of task for transformation and pre-setup etc. I am quite exhausted on all those tasks, but luckily i like the work that i am doing. I think it's a sign to tell me to slow down, to avoid miss-judgement that will cause failure, when we get too rush, there are potential to miss out some details. Also need to avoid excessive spending. Just came back from vacation. Time to save more penny before year end is approaching LOL...
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Re: The Milky Way - Celestial Week 05

Post by qndynes »

Jumping in, I went with The Gill Tarot.

With Saturn as the beginning of the week, I was thinking about the qualities of a foundation, putting in the work, application. Thinking about Saturn as a slow planet, leaden, and heavy. I had the idea of approaching each day like constructing a home, and that home will be the week. I've also been thinking of Saturn lately as teaching me the lesson of "you can't sow and reap in the same season."

I pulled The Star and Temperance.

Nothing here speaks Saturnian (at first glance), well unless I think of the Star as corresponding with Aquarius. Following the cards at a visual level, there is a vibratory movement that ascends from the star to temperance, and there in the second card transforms. Keeping in mind what constitutes foundation and application, building from the ground up, disciplined application, it looks like my focus in this regard for the week lies in the distillation of my dreams. Here the star looks with tenderness at her own reflection, in recognition perhaps? Or maybe just admiring her reflection as is, who she is without artifice. In this sense there is the notion of dreams but maybe a better word would be aspirations?

It looks from the cards that there will be a strong undercurrent of reflection (reflecting on self, dreams, desires, aspirations) and the crux (foundation) of managing the week will lie in tempering this fixation so that it doesn't distract from the practical aspects of the daily routine. In this regard, I can also see this as a slowing down, temperance has the quality of being even-keeled (is this a word?), of being methodical and well tempered. There is now rushing here. So keeping the pace (mental, spiritual, amd emotional) steady is equally important this week.

Well, this is pertinent. With a new moon in gemini, where my natal moon resides, the week is starting out with a buzz, this is a good reminder the keep it cool, to keep it toned down. πŸ™„

Ps. Couldn't figure out how yo post pics from cellphone. Spent a good 30 minutes, also read the posting pics guideline thread and saw the video. 😢 sometimes I'm a tech neophyte!
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Re: The Milky Way - Celestial Week 05

Post by qndynes »

qndynes wrote: ↑02 Jun 2019, 02:56 Ps. Couldn't figure out how yo post pics from cellphone. Spent a good 30 minutes, also read the posting pics guideline thread and saw the video. 😢 sometimes I'm a tech neophyte!
Hahaha there are my pictures!
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Re: The Milky Way - Celestial Week 05

Post by Joan Marie »

qndynes wrote: ↑02 Jun 2019, 02:57
qndynes wrote: ↑02 Jun 2019, 02:56 Ps. Couldn't figure out how yo post pics from cellphone. Spent a good 30 minutes, also read the posting pics guideline thread and saw the video. 😢 sometimes I'm a tech neophyte!
Hahaha there are my pictures!
I should probably re-do the vid. Pics don't show until you click submit. You only see the "code" before that. It's probably confusing for a lot of people.
Also, you can place the pics exactly where you want them in the post. If you don't do that, then they will attach automatically at the end of the post with the word "Attachments" in the frame, like yours did. Which is fine too.

Posting pics is such an important part of this forum, I want everyone to feel comfortable doing it and to get them how they want them. I will work on making that clearer for everyone.
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Re: The Milky Way - Celestial Week 05

Post by Joan Marie »

Sunday - Ruled by the Sun - What corner of your life needs more light, more warmth, more attention?


The Two of "Winds". Which in this deck is Swords (air) it makes sense but could be a little confusing because it sounds so much like Wands.

The question is what area needs more warmth and the image on this card is so cold looking to me. The head has bat wings and the body is part snake. But the snail is a dead giveaway for me. I know who this is.

I bought a gift for him yesterday at the flea market. It was this printing stamp.


He loves snails. Is constantly "rescuing" them. I need to pay more attention, give more warmth and light to him and realise despite his exterior appearance, he needs my heart. I've been a bit preoccupied with other things and other people. He would never admit to feeling neglected but I can see it now.

I love knowing this. What a strange and beautiful card. (and by the way, as I was typing that last sentence, he called me.)
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Re: The Milky Way - Celestial Week 05

Post by qndynes »

Piping onward with the week and the planets, here is Sunday.

The two cards pulled are 9 of wands and 10 of cups, preperation and success respectively. I saw this addressing focus and the spotlight. What I need to look at, pay attention to this week. Do I need to prepare for success in all my endeavors?! πŸ˜‚

I don't think it's so much like that, there is a sense of scale, of stacking thigs up to achive structure. This week is one where my focus will be well served if kept on my work, my daily grind and also my other Work, the Work that keeps my flame burning. This is promising, things look propitious for gaining deeper insights. I think of, "build it and they will come." So what I'm taking from this is, in applying myself with diligence I will achieve success. Here's to the promise of a good week!
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Re: The Milky Way - Celestial Week 05

Post by qndynes »

I started Monday too early and tired. I like Mondays, for me they are the days that initiate the week. The beginning, the entryway. This Mondays foretells, because I can feel it in the weariness of my bones, te be a heavy one. As far as the cards go, well, the entryway of my week, the foyer so to speak, looks a bit precarious. I pulled the 8 of cups and the 5 of wands. There is aspiration here, a desire to rise above instability by consolidating what is superfluous, unneeded obstacles hindering focus. I feel the crux of moving forward lies in removing distraction that don't need my immediate attention. The suggestion here is that if I want to acconplish a successful week, reaching the goals on my agenda, I need to divide and conquer.

Here are the cards.

Also, ps, the keywords on this deck are great, love them!
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Edited to add: I posted this and then opened my computer to begin my workday, checking up on emails and catching up with the skies before beginning the day. I catch Austin Coppock's astro report for the day. How pertinent. :o So many dreamy possibilities flitting about in a dizzying array. ... -3rd-2019/

Wishing you all blessings and a wonderful week ahead.
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Re: The Milky Way - Celestial Week 05

Post by Joan Marie »

Monday - Ruled by the Moon - Preoccupations and distractions, keeping you from a higher purpose


Two of Tides (Cups in the Japaridze Tarot)

The images on these cards just seem to jump at me with associations.
With this one I immediately see myself and my son. Even the eye colors are correct.

I would say that I have been very preoccupied with him for the last few months. It's been really good and really needed and really productive for both of us. And this has been my higher purpose.

But I've been getting the feeling lately it's time to let go some, for both our sakes. He's grown and has a life. So have I. Now that the big things are settled and on track, the only thing left for me to do is kind of obsess. Nothing useful about that. Yeah, it's time to step back and focus on other things and let him do the same.

This mother wolf even looks like she has tear in her eye.

It's gonna be okay. It is okay.
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Re: The Milky Way - Celestial Week 05

Post by Joan Marie »

Tuesday - Ruled by Mars - your will, your essence


The Stranger of Fire!
I'd be lying if I said I didn't think this was a cool card to depict my Will, my Essence. :)

I love the green face, the head on fire. The octopus tentacles and the sea.

It looks very precarious and unstable (fire floating above the sea!) but it also looks exotic and exciting.

My head burns constantly with ideas. I never know if any of them are good or realistic, and in all honesty, I don't really care. It's the joy of trying, of making things work (or not). And even if the flames are doused, that ocean and sky are still beautiful to behold.
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Re: The Milky Way - Celestial Week 05

Post by Joan Marie »

Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury - Imbalances


Queen of Fire
More Fire. As an imbalance?

One thing I have noticed is that sometimes I'm a bit more "enthusiastic" about things than others. To them I might seem a little manic, a little too driven. I'm fine though. I'm used to it. I figure there's always stuff to do, always more work, more ideas. There's never any shortage. So if I want to be "on 11" that's my business.

Is that an imbalance? It is if I become impatient. It is if I fault others for not keeping up, because their speed is their business.

I guess there is more than 1 way to balance an imbalance.
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Re: The Milky Way - Celestial Week 05

Post by qndynes »

I missed yesterday! Because of this I was thinking that I could do a two card draw one highlighting the driving martial force (for yesterday) and the other for the application of the force (for today). I'm thinking today along mercurial analytical lines. Maybe the process of applying the force, the drive into the week?

Well, here goes...

I pulled Strength and 4 of swords. Very interesting. There seems to be no analytical exertion here. No mental cogitations. Perhaps this is alluding the the sun hitting my moon sign of gemini. The week started, if I remember correctly, with erratic tones, lots of ideas with no real direction. Here I'm getting strength is found in being not exerting. So, the suggestion is rest and let the dust settle where it will. There is inner strength that is found in the deeps, in the repose of the mind (of ideas).

Curiously enough, I have the fool's dog app of Tarot of the Holy Light, which I like to see every day. Today's card was the 4 of swords as well! :roll: :o
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Re: The Milky Way - Celestial Week 05

Post by Joan Marie »

Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter - Sharing, being useful


Six of Fire.
There's a lot of Fire this week.

I know what I wrote yesterday, it's not completely true. And I felt bad about it later. It's true I am burning up with ideas and motivation, but the real truth is I am having a hard time managing this flame. It overwhelms me and leaves me at times unable to focus and get the things done I'd like to.

In this card, the flames are at the foot of the stage and serve the very important and useful function of illuminating the performer.

This is a perfectly lovely way to think of my own flame. The focus isn't me, it isn't the work I want to do. The purpose, the highest calling of "the flame" is to illuminate others for the benefit of others. To make ideas and offerings clear and visible.

This perspective will help me a lot today. It changes the focus from what I am trying to do, to why I am doing it.
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Re: The Milky Way - Celestial Week 05

Post by qndynes »

Jupiter, hm. Well, after yesterday and tuesday, I welcome some good change.

The fool and Princess of Swords. Fool you need some control or you'll drop off the mountain! πŸ˜‚

It's interesting to see both the fool and the princess at the edge of the mountain. The fool walks blindly, not seeing the edge, yet the princess stops and stands before the precipice, aware that it is there. Perhaps this is advice for keeping my house, my self in order. A warning to keep aware of my surroundings, to be attentive, and I can't help but feel the words, walk the middle path. I need to take control of all the flux by keeping to the middle, not swaying in chaotic directions.

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Re: The Milky Way - Celestial Week 05

Post by Myperception »

Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter - Sharing, being useful

5 of swords

An afterthoughts, i was lazy at home today due to public holiday. There were some directive errands that my aunt need me to do for her, but i wasn't willing to as she was being a couch potato :lol: i did answer it in a direct way on how i disagree the stuff. But i gave it a thought tonite, it just a small matter and we still having a family dinner together.
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Re: The Milky Way - Celestial Week 05

Post by Joan Marie »

Friday - Ruled by Venus - Enrichment of self, of environment, of atmosphere


The Chariot

This card makes me think of the circus, of the High-wire performers.

I just, one minute ago, finished the "Today's card" post and it was about balance and colour.
This card is too.

I could use some balance today and it seems the cards are conspiring to get this message to me.
And with all the "Fire" cards I drew this week, it makes sense.
It's a beautiful day.
I will go enjoy it. Re-charge myself.
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Re: The Milky Way - Celestial Week 05

Post by qndynes »

Friday, let me just say I don't like stalker cards, the ones that keep popping up no matter how much I shuffle. They make me uncomfortable. I was thinking, Venus day, such a good day for taking care of the home, for thinking about love, sharing, and nourishment for ourselves and our loved ones. What the cards gave me was :shock: :roll: an I don't know what.

The Wheel of Fortune and, once again, the Princess of Swords. What's up with this lady. Where do I need to take control more in my life, in what area? In general? Perhaps with the wheel of fortune spinning so fast and fast, and changes coming on at a rapid pace, disorientation, the princess is saying take control of what you can control. Do not be swayed by the chaos and the upheavals of life? Maybe? Maybe that's it. I don't really feel that many things are spinning round and round and chaotic, but perhaps in the little things, the little unexpected interruptions, the small last minute changes, I need to remain in control. I need to keep my cool stay level-headed instead of being strung upon the wheel myself over little things.

Hoping for love and nourishment and enjoyment for all on this Venusian day.
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