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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by CharlotteK »

I am behind again!

Monday - Dreams and Fears - Child of Wands (Seeker)


The Child cards in this deck are the manifestation of the Fool archetype. The Child of Wands is seeking enlightenment. She thinks "who am I?", "why am I here", "where have I come from?", "where am I going?". I think this card represents my dream that one day I will really understand what life about and everything in my life will make some kind of sense. But it also taps into my fear that there is no thing to understand. There is no reason, no point. There just is. Yesterday felt a little bleak, not in a grim way just an absence of purpose and connection to something big and meaningful. My world felt small and insignificant. A bit pathetic.

Tuesday - Conflict and Challenges - Sage of Crystals (Knower)


The Sages are the wise old souls. They asked the questions of the Child and lived through the Man/Woman stages and now in the late stages of life they embody human perfection and attainment of the highest levels of human consciousness. The Sage of Crystals is the light of the Star. And the message here is that in order to know I need perspective. I need to see the bigger picture, to develop far sightedness. From the point of view of the Star, the whole cosmos is interconnected.

So I'm conflicted and challenged because I'm digging around in the weeds, focussing on the small stuff. The card reminds me that I am part of a Universal Consciousness and there are a universe of possibilities if only I can expand my vision. Yes. No more small world. Think entire cosmos!
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Flaxen »

Wednesday - Interactions and Change - The Tower

Usually this is an intense card, bringing change of a dramatic type often shattering our sense of self in the process. However, as this is a daily draw, the drama can be turned down a notch. Here I would see this as a revelation which causes a bit of a paradigm shift. Perhaps I will read or hear something today which will change the way I view things.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by CharlotteK »

Wednesday - Interactions and Change - Sage of Crystals

So I shuffled thoroughly and cut the deck. Look what I drew again! Big picture thinking is needed again today.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by I Sunshine »

Wednesday - Ahh talkative communicator, Mercury - Interactions & change.

I drew Strength.

I have to admit that the Strength card in most decks does not resonate with me... and this is no exception. I totally get the message (I drew this card at the 9 o'clock position). I know that as I go to have this growth, mole or whatever the hell it is, removed today I need to be strong. So. I think that is very straight forward. And maybe I need to communicate my needs strongly also. I will hold on to that.

But don't you think that woman and that lion both look smug? Argh. I should study this trump in many different decks, and find out what my resistance is, where it is coming from.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Tomatosauce »

Wednesday - Interactions and Change - Mercury

9 of Candles (Wands)
When I see the 9 of Wands, I usually think about how wary the person looks, having fought to bring their ideas this far, and being so close to completion that they're worried about all the progress they've made so far being destroyed again.

But that's the nature of creation, right? We're never really done. There is always the next thing, the next project, the next phase. Even when we have to finish, because of deadlines or resource limitations, we're always thinking of ways we could have improved it if we'd just had more.

So maybe the lesson is to be like the Buddhist monks and their sand mandalas, where they spend weeks carefully arranging the grains into an intricate pattern, before ritually dismantling it. To create is to welcome change, and change sometimes means destruction.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by RavenOfSummer »

I'm so sorry I haven't been posting this week!! I really underestimated how crazy this week was going to be. I'll try again after the Sacred Days of Midsummer. *hugs*
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by I Sunshine »

RavenOfSummer wrote: 13 Jun 2018, 22:55 I'm so sorry I haven't been posting this week!! I really underestimated how crazy this week was going to be. I'll try again after the Sacred Days of Midsummer. *hugs*
Happens to all of us. Cheers!
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by RavenOfSummer »

I Sunshine wrote: 14 Jun 2018, 02:16
RavenOfSummer wrote: 13 Jun 2018, 22:55 I'm so sorry I haven't been posting this week!! I really underestimated how crazy this week was going to be. I'll try again after the Sacred Days of Midsummer. *hugs*
Happens to all of us. Cheers!
❤️ Thank you for understanding. Nice to see you I Sunshine!
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Nemia »

Oh, I'm having some pretty hectic days, too. And I could SWEAR that I wrote already about this card. Maybe I didn't save it and when I restarted the computer, it all got lost?
2018 06 14 sevenfold mystery knight of cups.jpg
Yes, I remember writing about it. The Knight of Cups for today. Another court card - my third this week. And then I ruminated about the many court cards this week, and how I have to let people get closer to me again. My empty nest has made me focus very much on myself and my husband, and I exclude others, which is bad. I know who this knight is, and i also know that I should be in touch more.

His ability to combine empathy and kindness with forward movement and all this wonderful knight energy makes him my favorite knight.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by I Sunshine »

Thursday - Hello Jupiter, who talks about growth and expansion!
I drew the Wave Resolving Card, who is the King of Cups in Traditional tarot.
My picture of this card is not so good, turned out blurry. There is way more distinction on the card..I love this depiction of our King of Cups/Hearts. The book says " This image represents mature love. The arms gently encircling the sea to create a tranquil harbor symbolize the ability to lovingly enfold another without grasping or possessiveness..... The image also represents self understanding, acceptance & contentment.."

I will take it. These are wonderful thing to grow & expand in. Thank you, Universe. Thank you, Tarot <3
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Flaxen »

Thursday - Jupiter - Ten of Discs

This is a very welcome card to see here. Jupiter is the great beneficent - driver of growth and expansion and bringer of riches. A couple stand holding hands with a golden horse between them. This card brings a promise of success, prosperity and material comfort.
I have been reading a book which is about finding ways to live a richer life. Some of the ideas are to do with buying less but still having an abundant lifestyle. The contentment and comfort of this card is what I aspire too.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by CharlotteK »

Thursdays, ruled by Jupiter: Power and Influences

Eight of Crystals - Synthesis


This card is about balancing the two sides of the brain, using creativity and logical, being an artist and technician. Not sure I did this terribly successfully today.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Tomatosauce »

I drew on Thursday but was too busy to post...

Thursday- Jupiter- Power and Influences...

Creator of Candles (Queen of Wands)
Creator of Candles
Creator of Candles
The author of the Numinous Tarot drew this same card in a New Moon spread this week, and remarked that all the small candles around the Creator symbolize all the people and relationships we form around our area of interest. The Creator of Candles reminds us that in order to bring our visions to life, we often have to marshal our social resources- our relationships- in service of our vision. She reminds us to do so in a way that is loving and respectful, honoring and nurturing them for their support of us and our work. Our friends are our richest resource, but they are beautiful individuals, not lines on a spreadsheet.

Friday - Venus - Love and Attraction

The Nurturer (Empress)
The Nurturer showing her face on a day when we focus on Love and Attraction isn't at all subtle- she says, Tend your love like a garden. It requires daily attention- weed out an unwanted thing that steals energy from your love one day, add something that nourishes it the next, harvest the joy that grows from it. One mother to another, she reminds me that the compassion and patience I show my child is also due my partner, not because I should treat him like a child, but because his heart is as open and vulnerable to me as my child's. She also reminds me that tending a strong relationship with my partner is also a form of care for my child, ensuring his home is stable and loving, teaching him how lovers treat one another with kindness and respect.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Nemia »

Tomatosauce, that's a great deck, I didn't know it before! It's one of the best things about group readings - seeing new decks for the List of Endless Desires :-)

My last card of this week on this wonderful Friday, day of Freia and Venus and all the other goddesses of love and attraction -

2018 06 15 sevenfold mystery wheel of fortune.jpg

The Wheel of Fortune.

I'm glad that in this card, I don't see the Up and Down of many trump X cards. When I look at my love life - my marriage - it's a perfect cycle the keeps turning and bringing me new things. One day, Death will end it, but until then, my husband and I will live through the seasons and moon phases and every year, every day brings happiness. A minor crisis here or there, what can you expect in 30 years together?, but no doubt that we belong together.

A great card to finish this week with.

7fold mystery complete week.jpg

I had four court cards - two trumps - and in the middle, the Two of Swords finds a good place. I had cards from all four elements. It's a beautiful and complex work of art, the Sevenfold Mystery deck, and I didn't have the time to open all my books by Robert Place to get a better picture of what he wanted with this deck. I feel I need to get out of my comfort zone a bit - I keep seeing the cards a reflection of the stress and worry motifs of my life and Place's erudite, unsentimental view should have helped me. But for that, I need to find the time. I didn't do that this week.

For next week, I want to use the deck that I do the Summer Solstice reading with. I use the Rosetta mini for the Summer Solstice reading, and I'll use the Papyrus deck for my Planetary Week. Let's see how this intense Rosetta celebration will influence and inspire me :-) I don't have the Rosetta book but the Book M - and Meleen's book is nearly in shreds because I read it so often. Her art and wisdom will hopefully help me step out of my cage the way I hope Place would do.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by I Sunshine »

Friday, made it through a fairly tough week (on a personal level), and a good week tarot wise.

Dear Venus, you rule this day, so teach me about Love, Attraction and all things Beautiful.
I drew the sun card. I will have to come back and post about it. Puppies need to go outside.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by CharlotteK »

Friday - Love and Attraction - Woman of Wands - Sensor

Wowsers. In this position this feels like a pretty intimate card with its heavy emphasis on sensation. Plenty of hands, and references to other senses. I love the black cat also. Definitely something in there about intuition and sensing on a non-physical level too. I think my husband would appreciate some love and attention this evening. It's his birthday tomorrow so time to make him feel special :)
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by stronglove »

have fallen way behind with posting, not with drawing the cards though.
here are the seven cards of last week. the messages were really interesting. and so is the overview. not a wand in sight, lol! quite appropriate since i seem to have lost my spark, having to deal with deep emotions (mine and those of others) and invent/think up creative solutions to lots of physical and material obstacles.....
from fragility to humility....maybe white lives should matter a little less
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Nemia »

Ah, Stronglove, what a beautiful way to present the cards! This looks amazing.

Don't feel bad about "falling behind". There is no such thing. Every day we get a new chance. I like Flylady's saying "you're not behind, just jump in where you are". Happy to see you here!
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