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TdM: Joan Marie reads for dodalisque

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TdM: Joan Marie reads for dodalisque

Post by dodalisque »

Hi Joan. Ready to gamble/gambol again this month after our topsy-turvy trip to Vegas? This spread seems like it would be fine for a general life reading, but if you would prefer something more specific: I used to have my own practise working as a hypnotherapist, but moved on to other things about 10 years ago. I've been missing it and a fellow hypnotist friend has asked me if I would like to come out of retirement and open up a practise with her. What does the tarot have to tell me about that? I have a very strange deck to use for your reading this month: Tarot of the III Millenium. When you have a question I'll leave it to you to open the "dodalisque reads for joan marie" thread.
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Re: TdM: Joan Marie reads for dodalisque

Post by Joan Marie »

Hi dodalisque. I was hoping my new ice cream colored Marseilles deck would be here by now but it isn't so I guess it's again with the shiny shiny one.

Thank you for the question. It looks very interesting.

I need a little time but will get to it soon.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot ๐Ÿ’š
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Re: TdM: Joan Marie reads for dodalisque

Post by Joan Marie »

Well here we go my friend. Hypnotherapy you say? I would really like to know more about that. It must be a very strange and fascinating process to work with people this way.

Here is the spread:


I will start on the left
Distant Past: 5 of Wands
Immediate past: 10 of Coins

I think in the distant past your practice was something, not easy, but you were committed to it. I could only guess but imagine that the work was challenging, interesting and it must have been nice having people come to you and to be able to help them using your skill. I imagine that the process requires full participation from you and the client. This must have been very invigorating, especially when it worked really well. And very frustrating when it didn't.

This 10 of Coins representing the immediate past tells me that you've been comfortable enough since you gave up your practice. If you are missing it now it's probably not for the money. So what is it?

Let's jump to the middle.

Present Influences: 2 of Wands
Present Obstacles: Death
Present Outlook: 7 of Cups

The Two of Wands could be indicating that your hypnotist colleague may be a strong influence. The wands (again like in your distant past) are a fiery influence. There is something exciting to you, maybe reigniting that former drive you had for the work.

But the obstacle is Death. I am reading this as resistance to change, a reluctance to break up a comfortable routine and lifestyle you have, as that 10 of Coins told us. This is highly understandable. I'm sure that if you were to reengage in your former practice you would want to give it it's proper due, its not a hobby or something you could do halfway. So you realise if you decide to do it, you're going all in and you wonder if you can scale it to a manageable level or not.

Your present outlook as indicated by the 7 of cups tells me you think you can do this. Despite your apprehension, you are confident that logistically and emotionally etc, you could manage. That is, if you decide to do it.

So to the last two cards.

Future Influences: Le Charior
Ultimate result: 7 of Swords

Le Charior knows his own mind and isn't afraid of a challenge. I think you are going to do it. Because you know you can, you know you can manage it and the pull of the old drive for the work will get you.

As for the ultimate result, the 7 of swords reminds me of where we started with the 5 of Wands in the distant past.
You will probably experience the same kinds of ups and downs as you did before, only this time you are more well girded against the disappointments and probably more inclined to appreciate and analyse all results.

If you do it, and I think you will, you are well positioned in every way to make a good experience of it.

Hope you found my reading interesting in some way. I wish you all the luck in the world!

BTW- I really did enjoy this spread.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot ๐Ÿ’š
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Re: TdM: Joan Marie reads for dodalisque

Post by dodalisque »

You picked a fiendishly difficult group of cards, but your diagnosis is spot on.

5 of Wands - Wands are often associated with the world of business, and I am the worst businessman in the world. A good hypnotist but a lousy businessman. I hated that side of it. My energies were split too, because I was subsidising my hypnosis practise with money made at night as a baker. Sounds like a short story by Maupassant.

10 of Coins - when my parents died about 15 years ago my wife and I inherited enough money to buy a place and to afford to live on cat food for the rest of our lives. But we were both brought up on cat food, so we like cat food, and feel secure and blessed. Why rock the boat by exerting myself in the world of hypnosis again?

2 of wands - yes, the prospective partner is a very powerful personality. I fancy her a bit actually, but don't tell anyone. She's an ex-accountant too, so that would take care of the business end of things. I think we would make a good team.

Death - yes, I'm a total stick in the mud. My bones are so resistant to change they're arthritic.

7 of Coins - I like this interpretation of the card. The cup in the middle seems to be balancing things nicely. Secretly, I think I could succeed at this, but I would do it in a very different way than I did before. I think I have learned a lot in the last few years.

The Chariot - ah, you have the optimism of youth. When I look at the Chariot I see the horses heading in opposite directions and the car of the chariot sitting on the ground with its wheels on sideways.

7 of Swords - another one of those stressful 7s, and as you say, like the 5 of Wands at the beginning of the reading. So if I go ahead, the old problems will remain, but maybe I can deal with them better this time. Swords are thoughts, and I know I understand hypnosis better now than I did in the past.

Thanks a lot, Joan. Excellent reading with some direct hits. I hope you're right and I can get my act together.
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Re: TdM: Joan Marie reads for dodalisque

Post by Joan Marie »

I have to get braver.

For that 10 of coins, I really felt there had been an inheritance that was in play. But I was afraid to get too specific. Damn.

The other thing, I knew you fancied that other hypnotist. ๐Ÿ˜‰ This time I was afraid to get too personal.

The punches I'm pulling are some of my best ones.

Thanks for the feedback. I have some for you as well on that beautiful reading you did for me.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot ๐Ÿ’š
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Re: TdM: Joan Marie reads for dodalisque

Post by dodalisque »

That's always the way, isn't it - your subconscious is shouting at you from the room at the back of your head, but your conscious mind drowns it out because the suggestion has to be too wild to be true. I wish the subconscious didn't whisper all the time, but I suppose it's for the best. There's that line in the Leonard Cohen song "Tower of Song" where he's talking about being a prophet: "There's a mighty judgement coming!!!/ But I might be wrong./Sometimes you hear these funny voices/In the Tower of Song." Maybe tarot is a way for us to gradually improve our sense of hearing.
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Re: TdM: Joan Marie reads for dodalisque

Post by Joan Marie »

dodalisque wrote: โ†‘24 May 2019, 18:48 Maybe tarot is a way for us to gradually improve our sense of hearing.
That's lovely.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot ๐Ÿ’š
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