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Need Your Ideas: My Planetary Week

We look at our lives through a crystal or prism. Each day of the week we use our cards to take a look at another aspect.
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Need Your Ideas: My Planetary Week

Post by Joan Marie »

Hello! My Planetary Week has been a reliable staple of this forum since we opened almost a year ago.

By selecting a deck to work with for the week, it is a wonderful way to connect with all our decks, especially the underused ones.

And by giving the days of the week each a kind of "purpose" by connecting them to the Planets they are associated with, the exercise becomes more focused and unique.

For me it has become a valuable daily ritual.

However, I think the time has come to update the concept a bit, maybe expand the prism of each day somehow and bring some new people (and some old ones back) to this daily ritual. (BTW- You can also do the whole draw of 7 cards in one day and get a picture your week ahead)

SO! I am requesting your contributions and ideas here as to how we can do this.
  • I would like to retain the "Deck of the Week" aspect.
  • I am also leaning strongly toward keeping the focus on the Planet Rulers of the day, but possibly adding some new aspects.
For example decans, astrology, kaballah, correspondences, spells, Alchemy, chakras, etc, though how to incorporate those things without making the exercise too unwieldy is something I've not yet figured out.

Maybe it could change weekly or monthly somehow to keep it interesting?

I am sure there are many other possibilities.

if you are not familiar with the entire concept behind the Original My Planetary Week, take a quick look at this post:
My Planetary Week: An Introduction

All ideas are welcome. Remember that every contribution can trigger another one and hopefully we can develop a communal reading exercise that lots of people can participate in and enjoy, that will be fun to follow and that will be a boost to the forum.

So, let's brainstorm here a little and see what we can come up with. ✏️
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Re: Need Your Ideas: My Planetary Week

Post by Myperception »

I really like my planetary week, it get a chance for me to practise, and i wont be slacking, also a review of my day.

I actually hope to have a reader to pull 7 days card in a go for me by using his or her deck, reader pick the deck, but we read the card ourselves, following the planet ruler days sequence. Reader can chip in to give any opinions.

Apart of encouraging more interactions, also an opportunity for us to read other decks :lol:

I think this is a crazy idea ! :lol:
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Re: Need Your Ideas: My Planetary Week

Post by stronglove »

Myperception wrote: 05 Apr 2019, 12:03

I actually hope to have a reader to pull 7 days card in a go for me by using his or her deck, reader pick the deck, but we read the card ourselves, following the planet ruler days sequence. Reader can chip in to give any opinions.

I think this is a crazy idea ! :lol:
crazy is fun! your suggestion sounds really interesting and will produce more interaction, i think. so great idea!
my personal experience with the planetary week was that over time the planet rulers became more of an obligatory perspective that at times felt a bit limiting, i guess that’s because it was the same angle every week, so i’m all for changing the focus weekly, or at least monthly.
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Re: Need Your Ideas: My Planetary Week

Post by Joan Marie »

Myperception wrote: 05 Apr 2019, 12:03 I actually hope to have a reader to pull 7 days card in a go for me by using his or her deck, reader pick the deck, but we read the card ourselves, following the planet ruler days sequence. Reader can chip in to give any opinions.

Apart of encouraging more interactions, also an opportunity for us to read other decks :lol:

I think this is a crazy idea ! :lol:
This is a really interesting idea.

I have to think about how to best implement it.

I wonder if it would be fun for people here who have really massive deck collections to pull cards for other people, post a photo of them and, and that's it! One person could draw cards for 10 people, for example. And they don't have to do the work of reading! :lol: And as you say, it would give people a chance to read with other decks.

hmmm. I have never seen that done. It's a very original idea.

I'm thinking though that it might be best implemented as it's own exercise.

Let me think about that one and how we could make it work.
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Re: Need Your Ideas: My Planetary Week

Post by Joan Marie »

stronglove wrote: 05 Apr 2019, 12:37 my personal experience with the planetary week was that over time the planet rulers became more of an obligatory perspective that at times felt a bit limiting, i guess that’s because it was the same angle every week, so i’m all for changing the focus weekly, or at least monthly.
I'm glad you agree. I am strongly leaning toward this concept.

I need some time to think about exactly how to do it.

Please everybody keep the ideas and thoughts coming. This is really helping!
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Re: Need Your Ideas: My Planetary Week

Post by stronglove »

there is another reason why i kind of lost touch with my planetary week, and that is because it is a one card draw. i find that too limiting, i prefer a three card draw where i can study the interaction between the cards. i don’t know if that concept fits within the ‘deck of the week’ idea, if not, maybe we (i?) could create a different ‘deck of the week’ group for those of us who prefer drawing more than one card...?
hihi sorry i am getting tons of new ideas while writing this down.... i would also like a kind of study group where each of us takes one deck and works with it over an extended period of time, use it with different spreads etc, so we can exchange knowledge and insights we gain from this experience. maybe a ‘deck of the month’ group?
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Re: Need Your Ideas: My Planetary Week

Post by Joan Marie »

stronglove wrote: 11 Apr 2019, 13:30 there is another reason why i kind of lost touch with my planetary week, and that is because it is a one card draw. i find that too limiting, i prefer a three card draw where i can study the interaction between the cards.
i don’t know if that concept fits within the ‘deck of the week’ idea, if not, maybe we (i?) could create a different ‘deck of the week’ group for those of us who prefer drawing more than one card...?
I think a person could approach the daily reading any way they like. One card works well for a lot of people because it's quick, but I don't see any reason to limit yourself to one card. In fact, some people see it as a 7-card draw they do it all at once to get an overview for the whole week. People often drew more than one card.

The main point(s) of the exercise are discussing the deck used for the week and the "prism" for the reading (in this case the planet rulers).
One thing Nemia always did, which not all of us did unfortunately, was she always wrote a lot about the deck she was using. At the end of the week she'd kind of review how it felt using it again. This is something people with really large collections can really get into, reacquainting with decks they haven't used or even see in a while.

Really, it was a "Deck of The Week" exercise but we tried to freshen up the idea. To be honest, I never thought "Deck of the Week" sufficiently communicated that this was a week long reading exercise. It sounds more like a "featured deck" kind of thread to people who were not familiar. "My Planetary Week" I thought, sounded more interesting.

But I digress from your point. I think we can just make it clearer that how a person chooses to read is their choice. 1 card or 3 or a Celtic Cross. The point is exploring a deck and using whatever "prism" we suggest for the reading. I don't think we need separate groups, in fact I think sharing all the different ways together will make it more interesting.

And I think we need to put more emphasis on the decks.

stronglove wrote: 11 Apr 2019, 13:30 hihi sorry i am getting tons of new ideas while writing this down.... i would also like a kind of study group where each of us takes one deck and works with it over an extended period of time, use it with different spreads etc, so we can exchange knowledge and insights we gain from this experience. maybe a ‘deck of the month’ group?
Never apologise for sharing ideas here!

I think this is a great idea. But it would really benefit from having someone kind of guiding/leading it otherwise I'm not sure people will know what to do exactly. If you would like to organise it (I guess similarly to a reading circle) I will support it administratively by setting up a sub-forum for it (like the reading circles) and make any announcements needed to let people know about it.

Let me know by PM what you have in mind and we'll get something going, maybe in time for May.
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Re: Need Your Ideas: My Planetary Week

Post by RavenOfSummer »

I love the My Planetary Week idea and have been meaning to dip into the group for a while! My main problem is starting the week on a Saturday. I know that likely works well for most people but it just doesn't work well with the usual rhythm and flow of my practice and of my week. I wish I could go from Monday to Sunday and join in that way, but I don't think it would really work with everyone else.
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Re: Need Your Ideas: My Planetary Week

Post by Charlie Brown »

RavenOfSummer wrote: 13 Apr 2019, 01:15 I love the My Planetary Week idea and have been meaning to dip into the group for a while! My main problem is starting the week on a Saturday. I know that likely works well for most people but it just doesn't work well with the usual rhythm and flow of my practice and of my week. I wish I could go from Monday to Sunday and join in that way, but I don't think it would really work with everyone else.
I don't see why it should be a problem.
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Re: Need Your Ideas: My Planetary Week

Post by stronglove »

glad with your input, ravenofsummer, i am having the same problem with starting on a saturday, it somehow feels ‘off’, a bit unbalanced, like you say, not in sync with my ‘natural’ rhythm, maybe we can find a way that allows everyone to start on the day they feel most comfortable with?
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Re: Need Your Ideas: My Planetary Week

Post by Joan Marie »

stronglove wrote: 13 Apr 2019, 11:27 maybe we can find a way that allows everyone to start on the day they feel most comfortable with?
I agree with this for the reasons you both gave and would add that having a strict starting date makes you feel like you can't jump in late if you missed the starting day.

On the other hand, if it isn't set up on a weekly basis, forum-wise, then it kind of loses the "weekly" format all-together which is sort of the point of it.

So here is my idea. Instead of assigning dates to the week, like April 13-19, I just number the week, "Week 1". Week 1 has a theme of sorts for each day. I will open each numbered week on Saturday, but you can start any day of the week you choose. When you finish your 7 entries (one for each day) then move to the next one, which will have a new theme for the week.

I may add some kind of colour coding or something to keep people from getting confused as doing it this way will create at least two active threads at all times, maybe 3. But that would be a great problem to have (and solve) because it would mean a lot of people are participating.

I've been working on this all morning and even made an excel chart with different themes and stuff, but I really would like to get something up and posted and maybe work out the kinks as we go.

If you'll forgive me for starting kind of easy, basically staying with the planetary rulers idea for the days only looking for some new keywords or something. I've renamed the activity and hope it feels fresh. I will be constantly improving it. I have a lot of ideas I just cant seem to reign them in just yet.

To be honest, I'm not quite sure if not using exact date is going to work. On the other hand, it might increase participation by being a little looser.

I really do appreciate all your interest and feedback and hope you continue to help me make this the best it can be.

💡 I just had an idea, I could name the weeks each something unique, something more interesting than "Week 1" and that might keep it kind of organised by identifying the week uniquely although it might be tricky to keep it up.
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Re: Need Your Ideas: My Planetary Week

Post by Charlie Brown »

I really don't understand the concern with starting on the date. If you're drawing every day then you're drawing everyday, put Saturday's card in whatever thread opens on Saturday. If you're drawing the whole week at once what does it matter if you post it on Tuesday? I just don't get it.
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Re: Need Your Ideas: My Planetary Week

Post by stronglove »

Charlie Brown wrote: 13 Apr 2019, 17:02 I really don't understand the concern with starting on the date. If you're drawing every day then you're drawing everyday, put Saturday's card in whatever thread opens on Saturday. If you're drawing the whole week at once what does it matter if you post it on Tuesday? I just don't get it.
ha! you might have solved the whole issue by posting this.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
the problem is that the planetary week was 1 thread for the whole week, starting on saturdays; the thread contained all the readings everybody did through the whole week. creating separate threads for each day might enable everyone to start on the day they choose..... brilliant! each day would then have a specific keyword and the thread wouldn’t be so elaborate, it would be a lot easier to digest everybody’s postings....
does this make sense, joan marie?
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Re: Need Your Ideas: My Planetary Week

Post by Joan Marie »

stronglove wrote: 13 Apr 2019, 17:29
ha! you might have solved the whole issue by posting this.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
the problem is that the planetary week was 1 thread for the whole week, starting on saturdays; the thread contained all the readings everybody did through the whole week. creating separate threads for each day might enable everyone to start on the day they choose..... brilliant! each day would then have a specific keyword and the thread wouldn’t be so elaborate, it would be a lot easier to digest everybody’s postings....
does this make sense, joan marie?
All these are solutions. Putting all the days into one thread was always just an option for people who wanted to keep their readings together, early on no one did that, each day was a separate thread, but still there was the idea that if it "started" on Saturday, it wasn't very inspiring to start late on Tuesday for example. So I think we may have lost a lot of participants that way. So, I actually think there is an advantage in having it a bit looser and I think I have a solution.

The other thing is, we are trying to have a different theme each week to keep it interesting, so the 7 days really do need to stay within the same Topic (but not neccessarily all 7 readings in the same thread).

But, this discussion is getting a little confusing. What would be great is of you could take a look at what I've set up.

Try it out. See what you think. I tried to explain it as simply as possible in the first post there, "A guide to my celestial week."

I have also opened up Week 1.
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Re: Need Your Ideas: My Planetary Week

Post by RavenOfSummer »

Joan Marie wrote: 13 Apr 2019, 18:20
stronglove wrote: 13 Apr 2019, 17:29
ha! you might have solved the whole issue by posting this.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
the problem is that the planetary week was 1 thread for the whole week, starting on saturdays; the thread contained all the readings everybody did through the whole week. creating separate threads for each day might enable everyone to start on the day they choose..... brilliant! each day would then have a specific keyword and the thread wouldn’t be so elaborate, it would be a lot easier to digest everybody’s postings....
does this make sense, joan marie?
All these are solutions. Putting all the days into one thread was always just an option for people who wanted to keep their readings together, early on no one did that, each day was a separate thread, but still there was the idea that if it "started" on Saturday, it wasn't very inspiring to start late on Tuesday for example. So I think we may have lost a lot of participants that way. So, I actually think there is an advantage in having it a bit looser and I think I have a solution.

The other thing is, we are trying to have a different theme each week to keep it interesting, so the 7 days really do need to stay within the same Topic (but not neccessarily all 7 readings in the same thread).

But, this discussion is getting a little confusing. What would be great is of you could take a look at what I've set up.

Try it out. See what you think. I tried to explain it as simply as possible in the first post there, "A guide to my celestial week."

I have also opened up Week 1.
Thanks for sharing the link Joan Marie...when I try to go to it I get a message that I'm not authorized to view that forum. Maybe it's in a section that I would need more posts to be able to see?
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Re: Need Your Ideas: My Planetary Week

Post by Joan Marie »

RavenOfSummer wrote: 14 Apr 2019, 15:08 Thanks for sharing the link Joan Marie...when I try to go to it I get a message that I'm not authorized to view that forum. Maybe it's in a section that I would need more posts to be able to see?
I fixed it! That should have been available to everyone. It is now, sorry for the confusion.

-Joan Marie
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Re: Need Your Ideas: My Planetary Week

Post by BreathingSince72 »

stronglove wrote: 05 Apr 2019, 12:37
Myperception wrote: 05 Apr 2019, 12:03

I actually hope to have a reader to pull 7 days card in a go for me by using his or her deck, reader pick the deck, but we read the card ourselves, following the planet ruler days sequence. Reader can chip in to give any opinions.

I think this is a crazy idea ! :lol:
crazy is fun! your suggestion sounds really interesting and will produce more interaction, i think. so great idea!
my personal experience with the planetary week was that over time the planet rulers became more of an obligatory perspective that at times felt a bit limiting, i guess that’s because it was the same angle every week, so i’m all for changing the focus weekly, or at least monthly.

I concur with you both. This could be really interesting.
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