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The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

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The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by Joan Marie »

I'm want to kick of the re-launched and renamed current event reading game now known as "Ripped From the Headlines"

I'm typing as fast as I can because I understand this baby is ready to pop and I want to officially predict it's gender before it gets here.

I used the Tarot de Marseille because it just felt royal enough for this task.

I decided on a 3-card draw and would make my determination based on best of three. In other words, if at least two cards pointed to one gender, that would be the one.

I was hoping for some court card cards because that would make it easy, but decided ahead of time that if I drew pips, even numbers would be for a girl, odd for a boy.

And here is what I got:

5 of Wands / 10 of Coins / 8 of Cups
5 of Wands / 10 of Coins / 8 of Cups

Sorry for the bad photo but my shiny gold TdM deck doesn't photograph so well under artificial light.

So based on my odd/even plan, it's gonna be a little princess.
But even beyond that, the 2 even cards just look more feminine, don't they? They do to me. And that outnumbered 5 of Wands looks very masculine to me.

So, I officially predict the Royals are going to have themselves one much needed female added to their brood.
I will also go out on a limb and predict they name her...Diana.

Anyone else want to give it a try and see what you get?

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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by Charlie Brown »

Q: Will the child who is about to be born to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex be a boy?


A decisive no. Therefore, I agree that we'll be welcoming a little princess into the world.

I don't think the individual cards are doing anything more than indicating the yes/no answer, but I sure hope there isn't any additional prediction. Otherwise, it looks like there might be complications to the delivery. Honestly though, I don't generally believe that people so far removed from such a situation can divine those kinds of details.
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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by katrinka »

Get Meghan over here so I can dangle a pendulum over her belly and verify that it moves in a circle. :lol:
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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by BlueStar »

I read on this back in October asking if it will be a boy, girl or twins. Using the legacy of the divine tarot I got the two of cups:

My first reaction was twins, because of the image of a male and a female in the card, and also there are two crabs in the bottom , so a sense of duality is there, but then after focusing more on the imagery I felt it could be telling the story of the union of Harry and Meghan as a couple in love, to produce what is in the backgroud: a great big venus symbol, indicating a girl. I'm still not sure which of these I feel is correct. I definately did not get any vibes that it was a boy. Maybe twin girls lol! I'll be so interested to compare the actual outcome to the reading.
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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by Charlie Brown »

This seemed like a good opportunity to post the reading I did just prior to the Royal Wedding.
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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by Joan Marie »

BlueStar wrote: ↑24 Apr 2019, 06:27 My first reaction was twins, because of the image of a male and a female in the card, and also there are two crabs in the bottom , so a sense of duality is there, but then after focusing more on the imagery I felt it could be telling the story of the union of Harry and Meghan as a couple in love, to produce what is in the background: a great big venus symbol, indicating a girl.
That big ol' Venus symbol is compelling.

So far we girl -3, boy - 0
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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by katrinka »

Make that 4 for a girl.

Just for fun, I asked Mildred Payne. I chose to read the cards strictly as "masculine" and "feminine" in this draw. The cards that came up were Stump - Heart - Tooth.

Trees can be phallic and therefore masculine. A stump is decidedly NOT masculine. :lol: The heart is a chambered vessel, and so it's feminine. The tooth is a molar, so it's neutral/feminine here. (Maybe a canine tooth could be seen as masculine, but molars are for grinding, not penetrating.)
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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by Charlie Brown »

katrinka wrote: ↑27 Apr 2019, 07:28 but molars are for grinding, not penetrating
and Nikki started to griiiiiiind.
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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by katrinka »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by Joan Marie »

Charlie Brown wrote: ↑05 May 2019, 23:16 Rumors are a girl named Ivy ... index.html
I would find this, naming her Ivy, very surprising. That would be a huge break for sure from all royal tradition.
My guess is they will name her, (we all agree it's going to be a her, right?) Diana, which would also be a break from tradition, but would be acceptable to most people given the affection for Princess Diana.

I know very little, almost nothing, about English Royal customs, but I thought the names they give their children had to follow some sort of protocol. Ivy is a plant that creeps up the sides of buildings uncontrollably swallowing them up. I think the Queen might have something to say about her great-grand-daughter being named for that. Personally I love the name Ivy, I like all the plant and flower names. Rose, Lily, Violet. But I am, clearly, not English royalty.
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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by Joan Marie »

She's in labor! πŸ‘πŸ™
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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by katrinka »

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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by Joan Marie »

this is embarrassing.gif
this is embarrassing.gif (1.32 MiB) Viewed 6588 times
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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by katrinka »

We're not wrong yet. The baby could turn out to be trans.
While I didn't put much stock in the masculine/feminine Mildred method - it was an experiment - the Tarot pulls all had a decidedly female slant.
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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by BlueStar »

Wow, yes how interesting! It's rather fascinating how so many readers saw a girl (including myself). I'm curious as to why. Of course it may depend on how the question was phrased by the reader. In my reading I was very specific in the question to try and avoid any ambiguity, so I'm a bit stumped why I pulled the card I did.

Perhaps if a time frame was not given in the question the cards could just mean one day she'll have a girl...? These kinds of things are great as learning points to try and understand why what we thought we saw in the cards wasn't what became true, or how we interpret the cards may have been off, or better our understanding of what was being communicated...

The trans idea is an interesting one. In my reading (I mentioned the card earlier in the thread) there was a sense of duality, which I chalked up to being either twins or referring to the couple themselves. I never considered trans! By the time the child is older I would imagine being trans is much more accepted than now considering it's only recently become something that more people are aware of. So I guess it's possible.

Whatever the case I hope the child is happy and healthy:)
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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by Joan Marie »

BlueStar wrote: ↑06 May 2019, 15:54 Wow, yes how interesting! It's rather fascinating how so many readers saw a girl (including myself). I'm curious as to why.
I have to go back and look at everyone else's cards, but I know for myself that I may have gone wrong by relying on gender-norms in my reading.

I did a 3 card reading and had decided that whatever I thought 2 or more cards said would be the answer.
I thought 2 cards "felt female" and one "male."

What was I basing that on? My own gender preconceptions. Probably not (well obviously not) very accurate.

This makes me think hard about other places where biases and preconceptions colour how we read cards.
It's impossible to escape that entirely but it sure is well worth examining and learning from.

There is a tarot blog I know where the author never states their political leanings but those leanings are so obvious from the readings on current events the person does. Just the word choices give it away. This makes me question this person's predictive abilities because they all feel bias based.

Predictive tarot, when used this way, becomes little more than a guessing game. I think of the old saying, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

I mean here we had a 50/50 chance at a right answer. If I had pulled two "boy looking" cards I'd have been right. But it just exposes the flaw in the "system." When I am too influenced by my own biases and pre-conceived notions, my readings are nothing more than projections of those biases. I'm not reading the cards, I'm reading into them.

I'm kind of glad we were all wrong because it's making me think we have to work a little harder. And doing these kind of current event readings is really good practice.
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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by BlueStar »

Some interesting points there Joan Marie. I agree that it's best not to have preconceptions or biases otherwise you can't read clearly what is being conveyed. Best just to clear the mind and be open to receive the truth, rather than that which one assumes or wants.

I've just gone back over my reading to try and understand why it seemed wrong, and then it clicked why - I thought I had made my question specific so that the answer would be clear. Well I did lol but I actually didn't ask what I thought I did! My question was "Will Prince Harry and Meghan have a boy, a girl, or twins next year"? Face Palm! This is a closed question, like asking are they going to have a boy etc. Well yes they are! It was already established she was pregnant. The answer to the question would be yes or no. And looking at the card and what I was feeling from it (their relationship producing an offspring etc.) it does actually seem to answer that as a yes for that me. I think the question should have phrased along the lines of what sex will the baby be. I'm a bit miffed I missed that :lol:

But it's a great learning moment for me, as the question is a key part of my readings. I do like to do news readings on things that are going to occur as they are a good way practice as you can check the outcomes.
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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by Joan Marie »

BlueStar wrote: ↑06 May 2019, 16:49 Some interesting points there Joan Marie. I agree that it's best not to have preconceptions or biases otherwise you can't read clearly what is being conveyed. Best just to clear the mind and be open to receive the truth, rather than that which one assumes or wants.
That is funny. You asked a yes/no question and got the answer "girl." :lol:

The thing with your draw was the card had that great big Venus symbol on it. That seemed to point so clearly to "girl" but why?
Venus is associated with feminine, but why does that always have to mean girl? It feels a bit reductive. Does that make sense?

Also, the baby is a Taurus, which is ruled by Venus. Maybe there was something else in the card that would have said, this little Taurus baby is going to be a boy. But it would be easy to miss that because of the big giant Venus symbol screams "girl girl girl!" and stops the reader from looking deeper.

I'm starting to think, or wonder, if predictive reading relies a lot on intuition. Not entirely, but at least in large part.

An exercise in predictive reading might be a good idea for the Intuitive Reading Circle.
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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by katrinka »

I don't think it's a reflection on predictive reading at all. I do think that the cards respond to gender (how a person identifies) rather than sex (at birth). Additionally, there's the possibility (albeit slim) that the baby was born intersexed - that's something that the family would probably keep private, since the tabloid frenzy would be even more insane than what they already have to deal with. Or they might not even know yet, if it's simply chromosomal, or hormonal. There is something very feminine at play here. I wouldn't have made that call on Venus alone (lots of men are born under the auspices of Venus, and besides, it's Taurus the bull :lol: ) but taken all together with all those Cups and whatnot, there's something strongly feminine at play here.

How the question is phrased IS important. We were all focused on this baby, so I don't believe some future child is the issue. (Unless, like Blue Star, you added "next year".) But I don't think any of us included words like "cisgendered" in our questions.

It wasn't just one reading, either. I could discount one reading. Even with a 90% success rate, there's a 10% margin of error. Nobody gets 100% - no human is omniscient. (And there's a similar margin of error with nonpredictive reading, some of those are chock full of "doesn't ring a bell" stuff.) Several of us drew cards, and the result was unambiguously female. So now we wait. ;)
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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by devin »


It seems the cards were not the only apparently misleading sign:
THE QUEEN’S car arriving at Windsor Castle with what looked like pink blankets in the trunk fuelled major speculation Meghan Markle has already given birth to her royal baby ... Motorist Tamoor Ali spotted the monarch’s Bentley being escorted by a police motorcade through the Berkshire town ... We had got off the M4 and a police motorbike stopped us and asked us to pull to the left ... Then we saw a vehicle that had pink paraphernalia at the back of the windscreen go past - it was going very slowly ... ... een-latest

OK, I'm totes a lenormand noob.... but could the clouds/fox/scythe combo not be a sign of difficulty in calling the baby's sex in some way? The clouded fox seems to me a recipe for uncertainty.

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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by Joan Marie »

devin wrote: ↑09 May 2019, 06:57 OK, I'm totes a lenormand noob.... but could the clouds/fox/scythe combo not be a sign of difficulty in calling the baby's sex in some way? The clouded fox seems to me a recipe for uncertainty.

That's an interesting take. I struggled with that Lenormand draw, before and after the birth.
Afterward of course, I tried to "reverse-engineer" a result and still couldn't get anything but a message of "trouble" no matter how I sliced it.

There were people, as you saw in earlier posts, who were so certain it was a girl, had even moved on to speculating she'd be named Ivy.

I get the feeling that the family were deliberately trying to obscure (cloud?) things in order to eke out a teensy bit of privacy.
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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by katrinka »

Yes. Clouds-Fox is a deliberate obscuration.
Not sure what the Scythe might be saying here...danger? Surgery?
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Re: The Royal Baby: Boy or Girl

Post by devin »

Joan Marie wrote: ↑09 May 2019, 07:13I get the feeling that the family were deliberately trying to obscure (cloud?) things in order to eke out a teensy bit of privacy.
That does kinda make sense.... maybe it also explains the red herrings flying left, right and centre over the last few weeks.

I don't know why I find this interesting.... I'm a staunch republican!
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