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Intuitive Activity 1: Joan

Participants in the April Intuitive Reading Circle: Use this space for your readings and interactions. Have Fun!
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Participants in the April Intuitive Reading Circle: Use this space for your readings and interactions. Have Fun!
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Joan Marie
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Intuitive Activity 1: Joan

Post by Joan Marie »

This is my response to the first part of this month's intuitive reading assignment.
Remember posting this was optional.

I changed a couple things to make it work better. Instead of asking the court card the question, have the court card ask YOU.

That was a game changer for me.

I also simplified the process of choosing the card by instead of taking out all the court cards and selecting one, I just flipped over cards until I got a court card. Funnily enough, it was the first card I turned over.

here she is:

Who could lie to this face?
Who could lie to this face?

I imagined her asking me the question and then saying, "say what you really mean."
And yes, this turned out to be more personal than I need to share here.
But I really recommend giving it a try.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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Re: Intuitive Activity 1: Joan

Post by jaq »

I also just went through the cards until I got to a court card. Interesting idea of reversing the question! I'll try that next time. Very interesting.

I totally forgot what my question was but it was something serious-ish. And what I got in response made me laugh. It was the Queen of Cups of the Tarot of the Master and it was basically, eat, drink and be merry! Lighten up!

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