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Intuitive Circle: April Partners & Instructions

Participants in the April Intuitive Reading Circle: Use this space for your readings and interactions. Have Fun!
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Participants in the April Intuitive Reading Circle: Use this space for your readings and interactions. Have Fun!
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Joan Marie
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Intuitive Circle: April Partners & Instructions

Post by Joan Marie »

Okay fellow Intuits.

I'm giving us all TWO assignments/activities this month. I've borrowed some ideas that I think we can use to focus on building our intuitive "muscles" if you will.

The first one is done alone and the second with a partner.

Activity One: "Queens say what?"

For this activity, I want you to take just the Court Cards from a deck.
Now, you'll need to take a few minutes and really clear your mind
Shuffle the Court Cards and while holding them, ask your question.
Spread the cards face down and select one card.
Now ask that card your question.

Imagine that Court card, that King or Queen, Knight, Page, Prince or Princess, can speak.
Now look into his/her face and ask your question.
How does he/she answer your question?
You say you don't know? What if you did know? What would he/she tell you?

Try and do this without letting what you know about the card influence you. Just imagine it is a person whose council you seek.
I want you to be as uninhibited as possible doing this, so sharing your result is optional.
If you do want to share it, when you are ready to post the result, open a thread with the subject line: Activity 1: (your name)


Activity Two: "I Wrote a Spell for You"

You will need a Deck of Cards (tarot, oracle, whatever) A Pen, Some Paper
In this activity, the sitter poses, a question or describes a situation.
The reader will use the Cards to write a little poem or spell or mantra for the sitter. The sitter can use it to draw the right energy/vibes/encouragement they need. It's kind of a little gift.

Here is how that works:
With the question in mind, draw three cards.
Write down all the nouns you see in those cards. You can keep 3 separate lists if you like (that's how I do it)
Then write down all the verbs you see.
(really write them down, it makes a difference)
If you like, include some adjectives, (colors, etc)

Now look at the words you've collected and compose a little poem/spell for your Partner.

Here are some tips for a good spell: (from Susan Chang)
  • Choose a format. You can do couplets, haiku, rhymed, unrhymed, proverbs, mottos—it doesn’t really matter, as long as it’s long enough to evoke a picture and short enough to kind of remember. I like to do two-line spells, personally.
  • Write it in the present. It’s best to phrase your intention in the present tense rather than the future, to make the outcome more real.
  • Keep it concrete. If you use abstract ideas (like manifestation, transformation, balance), you’ll get a pretty vague sort of spell. Our magical self works in metaphors. I find that very concrete spells that appeal to the senses work well. They’re open to interpretation and hard to forget.
I know this might all sound a bit weird, but could we give it a try? What do you think Charlie Brown? Are you in?
I will post an example shortly, (I don't have one on hand) but I do this quite a lot since I learned the technique and I find it connects me to the cards in a completely new way, and it works the same no matter what deck you choose. The exercise sort of takes you into the world of the card itself without any outside "baggage" if you will. No LWBs, none of that, just what you "see" in the cards.

It's also fairly easy really and doesn't take more than 30 minutes to do, if even that.

So here are the partners:
  • myperception reads for jaq
  • jaq reads for Charlie Brown
  • Charlie Brown reads for Libra
  • Libra reads for Joan Marie
  • Joan Marie reads for myperception
Readers, when you are ready, open a New Topic and invite your partner's question. Please use the subject line:
Intuitive: (your name) reads for (partner's name)

I hope you all find this interesting, fun and helpful in developing our intuitive skills.
let me know if you have any questions at all. (or if you want out! ;) )

-Joan Marie
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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Joan Marie
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Re: Intuitive Circle: April Partners & Instructions

Post by Joan Marie »

I'm going to share a few spells I've written lately. For all of them I used Thoth tarot.

Work is the Wind
Patience the Spoke
The Pinwheel is Spinned
and Fortune is woke!

A Crown of white light is ever my guide,
The sword of Will always at my side

Woman brings forth a burst of light
Blue waves mix with fire
Crescent wings soar in flight
And bring what you desire

Employ your gifts as best you can
Success is very close at hand

So you get the idea. It's not Shakespeare. I like to rhyme. You don't have to. It's about creating a positive feeling of power.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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