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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Nemia »

This is an invitation to work with one card deck for one week in a group reading.

You can pick any deck: tarot, Lenormand, Kipper, oracle or playing cards. From this deck, you'll draw one card per day - i.e., seven Daily Cards from your Deck of the Week that allow you to get to know the deck better, to hone your reading skills and get new insights about your life.

In a Planetary Week reading, we don't only draw a card per day but also give it a topic. We focus on motifs, topics, patterns in our lives, inspired by the planetary ruler of every weekday (for background information, look here).

On Saturdays, ruled by Saturn: Obstacles and Blockades,
on Sundays, ruled by the Sun: Inspiration and Goals,
on Mondays, ruled by the Moon: Dreams and Fears,
on Tuesdays, ruled by Mars: Conflicts and Challenges,
on Wednesdays, ruled by Mercury: Interactions and Change,
on Thursdays, ruled by Jupiter: Power and Influences, and
on Fridays, ruled by Venus: Love and Attraction.

The focus words I chose for each planet/day are not binding. Please don't limit yourself to the two short words if you feel other aspects of the planet are relevant to your reading.

There are different ways to perform a Planetary Week reading.

Traditional: draw a card per day and use the prism of the planetary influence to connect the card to your day and life.

Selective: select a card that suits the topic of each weekday and use it as affirmation and empowerment to improve your life.

Day-by-day: draw or pick your daily card one by one through the week.

Summarily: draw or pick all cards together before the week starts and treat them as a complete reading.

Share pictures if you can or want to.

No matter how we do it - by reminding ourselves of the planetary regents and their influence, we re-connect to the sevenfold cycle of time that our ancestors established, with their eyes to the sky.


Nemia: Sevenfold Mystery Tarot
Raven of Summer: Vision Quest Tarot
Tomatosauce: Numinous Tarot
Flaxen: Zillich Tarot
CharlotteK: Voyager Tarot
Stronglove: Ananda Tarot
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by RavenOfSummer »

Hi Nemia! I'll participate this week :) Thanks for hosting! I think I'll work with my Vision Quest Tarot.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Nemia »

Raven of Summer! Did you see we're doing the summer solstice reading here? ... f77b020a95

I hope you're okay with it - it's your spread after all. I hope you can participate.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Tomatosauce »

I'm in too, sticking with my Numinous Tarot.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by RavenOfSummer »

Nemia wrote: 08 Jun 2018, 23:50 Raven of Summer! Did you see we're doing the summer solstice reading here? ... f77b020a95

I hope you're okay with it - it's your spread after all. I hope you can participate.
Yes of course- I'm happy to see it used! I won't participate here since I'm hosting the group reading at Tarot, Tea & Me. But I'll pop in to see how my friends here are getting on with it :)
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Flaxen »

I’m going to join this week and will be using the Zillich.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by CharlotteK »

I'll join in too with the Voyager Tarot.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Flaxen »

Saturday - Saturn’s Day - Queen of Cups
This card is full of flowing lines and watery symbols. Colours and shapes blend and merge and represent her visions and dreams. It reminds me of depictions of the Pythia receiving visions through sacred smoke.
At first sight, this flowing nature would seem at odds with Saturn’s more restrictive habit. However, as a Queen she is linked to Binah which is Saturn’s home.
The obstacle for me, is Saturn as Chronos - the restriction of time. I wish to spend more time in my Queen of Cups state - intuitive, receiving visions and dreams - however the restriction of time rears its head. I work with this restriction as best as I can to achieve my aims.
Perhaps also a reminder that schedules can be flexible and I can go with the flow more.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Nemia »

Oh Flaxen, that deck's a beauty - I didn't know it but now it really caught my eye! It's on my wishlist now :-)

2018 06 09 sevenfold mystery lady of wands.jpg

The Lady of Wands - that's the Page. The court cards are sometimes a kick in the butt, especially the Wands cout cards - they show me where is the spark of energy that's missing, and in the case of the Lady/Page, that would mean the energy to START something new. But often they signify my children.

I've been seeing regularly Pages and Knights when my children played a key role on that day - and for myself, Queens when things go right, Kings when I have to make more of an effort :-)

But what does the card tell me on a Saturday, when distant, beautiful, cold and leaden Saturn challenges me to think about the obstacles in my life, the recurrent problems?

I t hink, the Lady tells me kindly that there are some projects that exist only in my mind or as tiny puny beginnings. I should take them and make them grow and develop. My husband calls it my full drawer - so many projects in the drawer, so little energy to start bringing them alive. The Lady seems to be handing me that torch with a serious face. She wants me to run with it.

When will I be able to run with my specific torches? I'm stuck for too long, and a long row of Wands cards has try to make me kindle my fire again. It's Saturn himself, the Lord of Time, of melancholy and coldness, who represses my inner lady with the torch...

I'll leave this card on an easel to remind me of the message. The torch is still there, the Lady is still waiting.

I must say, I'm surprised by my start with this deck. I was afraid it's a bit too cerebral or cool in its marble beauty. But this card is so spot on, and it really talks to me. Robert Place is a great artist.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by CharlotteK »

Saturday - Obstacles and Blockades

Seven of Cups


There are two ways of dealing with fear - to live in it and allowing to incapacitate you. Or to dive right in and use the energy of fear to grow and progress. I could take this card quite deeply on this the first day of my 48th year and the fear I feel around getting old.

But I'm going to take this to a very mundane level today and relate it to the feat I have of returning to my kickboxing class after two weeks off. I know it's going to hurt. It would be easy to back out and make an excuse for why I can't go but the truth is I'm afraid of how hard it's going to be. This card is right and best to dive right in and just go!
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by stronglove »

a couple of days ago my Ananda tarot came back to me. i swapped it for the Rackham oracle about a year ago and i always regretted letting it go. but i got a second chance with it when i was able to swap my Visconti di Modrone for it. and now it will be my deck for this planetary week. yay!
this morning i drew the 9 of spheres. wow. what does it tell me about the obstacles in my life right now?
i am looking into the future, trying to see what it has in store for me. will i be able to accomplish what i have envisioned for myself? but i am blinded by the bright sphere of fiery light coming from that place. it prevents me from seeing clearly and i get disoriented and forget to look down to see where my next step will land.....
thank you ananda. i needed to hear/ see that. being too preoccupied with planning the rest of my life (which is useless anyway because reality always forces me to change course) makes me stumble in the here and now. i will take a better look at where i’m putting my feet next.......
what has ananda got to say about this card?
basically, the nine of spheres is about self realization, self perfection, creative expression, which is enhanced/ deepened by integration of the senses and connection/ sharing with others. this kind of matches the path i am trying to pave for myself. losing sight of the journey while focusing on the destination will indeed be a major stumbling block.....
from fragility to humility....maybe white lives should matter a little less
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by I Sunshine »

Slow to start, but I too will join again this week. I am so enjoying this weekly practice and all I read here.
I will use the Song for the Journey Home deck. I have hardly used it at all, do not know it well, but will just take the plunge.

And my first card was a jumper. Landed perfectly upside down on the floor right after I picked up the deck. I feel it.

It is called Wave Awakening.
Well, the first obstacle I see is that I do not know the system behind this deck. But that is actually just a delight! I get to learn...and I will use the book.
This card is one of what they call the Shell Songs and they correspond to the Court Cards: 'mirrors of the roles we play out in our lives' . And all 4 Awakening cards are Knights, those 'highly charged, potentially zealous & rigid enthusiasms... assoc. with adolescence'. So far not so different than the system I am used to. And the Awakening cards have characteristics of air & intellect. The suit of Waves is the same as cups.
It just dawned on me that this is the same card (different deck) as I drew for yesterday (Week 2). Only reversed. Maybe I did not get the message yesterday.
So. What I see in this card is so strikingly different reversed that right side up. Upright, our diver looks in control with his perfect form: a swan dive over the wave and into the deep. But to me, reverse, he looks like he tripped and is going to belly flop into that shallow wave. That would hurt. But it looks like he did it on purpose. I don't think I could do that. I am not overly drawn to purposefully cause myself pain.

I think I will take the traditional meaning and say that I need to be ware and not become impatient with people who do not think as fast as myself. Not become to aggressive and do not do battle just for the sake of battle. Or I will trip & belly flop.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Tomatosauce »

Getting my Saturday one in at the end of the day...

So I pulled out my beloved deck, shuffled a few times (my hands are so small I have a hard time handling it), and drew, and for Saturn's Day got...

4 of Candles (Wands) again!
I just saw this one Friday for Love and Attraction. So what does this card tell me about Obstacles, Blockades, Challenges, Opposing forces?

This card shows a lot of people clearly engaging in some kind of community celebration, something very traditional where everyone is supposed to know their role. Without getting into details, I'm involved in a community right now that's divided and in a bit of a crisis- some of us are trying to call attention to some problems, some mismanagement that is harming people, and the group responsible for addressing those problems has responded by accusing us of stepping out of our role and being divisive. So I see the suggestion that sticking too tightly to prescribed roles is a barrier for us- I see a strong encouragement to continue on demanding accountability, because those who think that isn't our role are only enabled by people shutting up and doing as they're told.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Nemia »

Sunday - my goals, aspirations, my inspiration and goals...

2018 06 10 sevenfold mystery the sun.jpg

And how great - it's the Sun! As if the Lady of Wands prepared the way for the Sun. And it's the Sun god himself, Apollo, in his role as god of the arts, with his kithara and sun crown. Very intriguing the meeting of logos and reason - I'll have a look at Place's books to understand better what his take on this card is.

No doubt, this is a card of encouragement.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Flaxen »

Sunday - Goals and Inspirations - Queen of Discs

This is one of my favourite cards. I admire the Queen of Discs and wish I had more of her qualities.
I’m meeting up with my sister today who I see very much as a Queen of Discs. I like her practical approach to life, how great she is at hosting and how good she is at providing for her family. My aim today will be to enjoy her company and allow a little of her practical magic to rub off on me.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by CharlotteK »

Beautiful deck Flaxen 😍

Sunday - Goals and Aspirations - Death

Oh I SO love this card for this position / day.


This week I've been reflecting on the past, present and future as I reach another year older. I can see the points in my life where events fundamentally changed my outlook and identity, but I can also see a long process of letting go, like a snake slowly shedding its skin. I did a birthday reading and had such strong messages that this process will and must continue.

So yes, my goals and aspirations, at this time, are very much about leaving behind things that do not serve me, shedding what is dead and redundant.

As a follow up to yesterday's reflection that fear (and too often anxiety) can hold me back, I aspire to let go of the mental clutter and overthinking that fuels the fear.

On a practical level I made a start on a big house de-clutter yesterday and have plans to really get stuck in this afternoon.

What a wonderful card to pull and just the right message for me this morning.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Nemia »

Tomorrow is Monday, the day of the Moon, the day of dreams and fears and intuition and the feminine life cycles...

2018 06 11 sevenfold mystery king of pentacles.jpg

And it's the King of Pentacles. Oh I know exactly what he tells me, and it's not the first time I see this card. We're in the middle of solving a financial puzzle, and this King is my animus. I must take all my existing but suppressed Pentacles traits, pragmatism and realism and money sense, and instead of keeping them to myself and those around me like the queen does, I need to use them towards the outside world. No longer defensive but offensive. I'm not getting money that I should get. I have to fight but not in a helpless, pleading way. Asserting the facts, asserting my rights - not more, not less.

A great card for tomorrow. I love the heraldic lion on this card. Claws out? Claws out.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by I Sunshine »

I am running late today. This Sunday is almost over for me, almost time to relax and let sleep come and here I am, just now found time to draw my card for Goals, Inspirations & encouragement.

And I drew the Empress!
Oh, how beautiful she is. How rooted, how patient, how in-tune with herself & her new life living inside her. Roots down into the ground, but branches seemingly touching the moon itself.
I am at a time of change. I have been retired for a year. Our housing situation has to change soon and hopefully for the better. My partner just retired. We have lots to do to make our dreams come true. And giving birth is something I know how to do. I find the lovely card, so serene and tranquil, to be very encouraging. My goal this week is to look inward to all that is growing and be at peace.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by I Sunshine »

Monday or Moon Day ~ Dreams, Fears, but for me also the Feminine & Magic.

I drew the High Priestess:

Well, my first thought was that she was the same woman as the Empress. They do look similar, very, and this surprised me. But then looking again, I have decided, in my mind, they are sisters. (Maybe this is because we just added two puppies to our household, who are sisters :P )
This card came up just slightly tilted to the left like pictured. This could mean the energy is building or maybe slightly in the past. She too looks to be pregnant but with roots. According to the book she is using all of her senses to discern the truth of a situation.
The messages to me? I am a paradox of this feminine. I have claimed it, and then run from it. If I become fearful, I use all of my senses exactly the opposite of our High Priestess. I use them to escape and to deny the reality. I have some physical issues that need me to embrace the High Priestess energy this week. Breathe. I would like to face them with her strength & perceptions.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Flaxen »

Monday - Dreams and Fears - Five of Swords

Well, I think this card is more about my fears. The warrior in this card looks utterly dejected, he’s fallen to his knees in despair. The colour scheme is all grey, white, black - no real brightness. The landscape feels wintery and hints at the harshness of its message. When we land in hard times, the self-recrimination begins. If I measure success/failure by society’s standards it will always be a struggle. It’s time to change my perspective and think about what real success means to me.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Nemia »

I used some King of Pentacles energies today, yes, maybe not enough, but he earthed me on this very quiet Monday.

Tuesday, Mars, action and aggression!

2018 06 12 sevenfold mystery two swords.jpg

And it's the Two of Swords. Isn't that beautiful? A green hilted and a red hilted sword crossed, and a wise owl. I have to make decisions and don't like that, so I hope I'll be assertive tomorrow and find my voice.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Tomatosauce »

Monday- Moon - Dreams, Fears, Intuition...

Today I drew the Six of Bells (Swords).

The Six of Bells shows our familiar boat crossing a body of water, with wind chimes on the prow. I imagine them tinkling soothingly as the boat rocks on the water and progresses to the shore. Even though this is a suit of intellect and logic, the boat is carried forward on a body of water- it's bobbing around out there on a deep well of emotion.

Where am I going on this boat? Somewhere more promising, somewhere I'm sure I belong. Maybe I don't need to overthink every move, listing out the pros and cons, keeping my options open as long as possible. That work is valuable, but maybe if something seems like a good opportunity, something I can be excited about, it is.

And conversely, maybe that reluctance in the pit of my stomach is my intuition trying to tell me something about getting away from a bad situation.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Flaxen »

Tuesday - Conflicts and Challenges - Nine of Discs

This card depicts a young girl collecting the feathers of a golden pheasant. She understands that the more she gives, the more she receives. She has reached a point where she is materially comfortable and independent wealth is hers.
In terms of conflicts and challenges, I see this a a reminder of where I want to be. I’d like to get to the point where I feel comfortable financially but I know that there are several things I can work on to help me achieve it. This relates back to the card yesterday and not getting caught in the trap of buying more and more stuff to seem outwardly successful.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by I Sunshine »

Before I start today's post, I want to say that I believe the discipline of a daily draw is helping me spiritually. Twice in the last two weeks I have spontaneously done chakra meditations: once in the hot tub & this morning while doing laps at the pool. I see a connection.

So, onward. Tuesday: Mars & conflict & challenges.

I drew 10 of Wind Song.

Before I even look to check on what suit this is, I will tell you that I am phobic about spiders. If I ran into that guy while I was in human form, he would be dead instantly. If I was the butterfly caught in his/her web, I would die of fright way before the spider even reached me. So. Yup. This really depicts a conflict or challenge for me.

Now, for the book. The Wind Song cards are the suit of Swords. And the book is very interesting on this card. I think I need to add a picture of that page here.


As an Adult Child of two alcoholic parents and as a recovering alcoholic myself, I have very pronounce co-dependent tendencies. I have recently set some boundaries with my 32 year old son, who may (most probably) is using drugs again. After reading the book for this card, I totally agree with the last paragraph. This image can really help me be free from these patterns. Oh yes. I take it to heart. I am listening, dear Tarot, I am listening.
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Re: My Planetary Week #3: June 9 - 15

Post by Nemia »

Dear I Sunshine, my very best wishes. In my family, there are dependencies and addictions, too; not as close as in your case but close enough to my heart to make me feel what goes on in your life.

I had a very full day, had to make some decisions, did so well; it was a good but very very tiring day. There were no conflicts or confrontations; even my Tuesdays are peaceful.

So what's waiting for me tomorrow, Mercury's day, mercredi, Wodan's day, Wednesday? Interaction, communication, with whom will I meet and talk?

2018 06 13 sevenfold mystery knight of swords.jpg

Another court card for tomorrow. The Knight of Swords - oh Lord, I don't know what to do with any of the Knights, and the Knight of Swords? The court card most distant from the way I see myself is this knight. I don't communicate like this knight. Never. Ever.

But, hmmm, what is waiting for me tomorrow? Probably an unpleasant situation. I'll meet people professionally that I last saw a month ago, and that were not really nice. There was a passive-aggressive vibe somewhere. I think they're about to finish our cooperation, and I'm glad for it. I didn't have the courage to cut it but I think the time has come.

I will need that Knight. I have to be cool, analytical, not defensive, not sensitive. I can't take the matter to heart, I've been too apologetic anyway. With some people, taking part of the blame cuts no ice - it creates new ice.

So this knight will hopefully be at my side and help me get through an unpleasant discussion. I might even enjoy that - I might tell them I'm done with them before they tell me. How is that? I didn't think about it. But I really, really like the idea.

That's what the Knight would do in any case. So why shouldn't I?

Let's try it. I'll tell you tomorrow night how it turned out :-)
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