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Conflicting Readings

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Conflicting Readings

Post by libra_moon »

Hi everyone!

I'm new here and I have a question that I would love your input on. I recently got a reading on whether or not my past partner was over our relationship and the tarot reader pulled 3 cards:

1. 8 of cups -rev
2. 7 of swords- rev
3. judgement- rev

*She said he's done for good and he's also lying to me/deceiving me about something.

I was sad and confused and when I mentioned it to my usual tarot reader (the previous one I tried out b/c my friend raved about her) she said she didn't read the cards that way. She said the 7 of swords is a card about deception but in reversed it means someone who isn't being shady and who isn't trying to lie or deceive. She also told me that it's important to note that although the 7 of swords has a bad rep it's not always deception in the worst way-it just means they aren't ready to tell you the truth yet because they aren't ready. She said the 8 of cups is walking away but reversed it means the person is choosing not to walk away or they "can't" walk a way in a sense.

What are you guy's opinion on the cards pulled?
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Re: Conflicting Readings

Post by Libra »

For me, I tend to read the cards intuitively based on what I see. I also believe that my cards have a conciousness of their own and when I'm pulling cards, their message is tailored to me and my understanding of them. Another reader may have an entirely different understanding of what those cards "mean" - but those cards weren't pulled for them and their understanding!

I also don't feel like that first reader is right for you. I don't think that tarot should ever leave you sad and confused. But it doesn't have to swing into giving you the answer you want to hear. It's just like... Everything in life happens for a reason, and even the tough crappy stuff can lead to growth. Anyone can sling tarot cards, but a truly great reader has the empathy to deliver a tough message without making the querent feel like crap, you know?

I feel like rehashing your ex's side of things is a bit cyclical for you. You've now gone to 2 readers, followed by us about it. It might help to stop worrying about what they are thinking about the past, and start thinking about your own growth and happiness!
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Re: Conflicting Readings

Post by BlueStar »

I agree with Libra. Different readers may see different things in the card depending on how they read cards, so it can be tricky to ask one reader to interpret what another reader has seen in them. Not everyone reads reversals the same way either. One might read them as 'opposite' of the upright meaning, or another may read it as a change to the energy of the upright one, which means you could get different interpretations between the two readers.

If I had to to make a snap decision about it I would be inclined to go with the second reader's interpretations. But I'm wary of doing that for the reasons given above.

As Libra says, the tarot reader shouldn't have left you feeling like that. Perhaps it would just be best to forget about the reading altogether - don't let it keep you feeling sad, that's not good for you.
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Re: Conflicting Readings

Post by Myperception »

Libra and BlueStar had their points. Sometimes a reading has to depend much on how the reader interprete it and explain to the querent. If the outcome is more to negative or something is not pleasant to hear, than a reader need to focus on explaining more how to encourage the querent to improve themselves to counter the current situation.

For both cups and swords minor arcana, i didn't see the deck therefore it's not appropriate for me to give any opinions. But when comes to major arcana judgement rx, it's a sign saying that you still unable to let go the past, therefore you can't move on.

For judgement, everything happens for a reason, our life is related to karmic cycle. Everything come and go, it has their purpose and reason, sometimes a person was meant to teach you about life or love but may not be the one who walk the path with you till the end. You need to learn to accept and let go, it will helps you to move on.

What you need to learn is the good and bad in this relationship with this person. What you did well, maintain it, what you did bad in past, learn from the lesson, improve yourself, and not to repeat the same mistakes in future relationship.

Life is to learn to love, to live, to let go etc. Wish you can focus yourself and move on.
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Re: Conflicting Readings

Post by Grizabella »

There aren't very many things I won't read on but this is one of them that I won't. I don't second-guess other people's readings. It works differently for every reader so who am I to say the particular set of cards doesn't mean what the other reader said they mean.? I'll read a whole new spread for the sitter using my own cards and asking the same question, but I won't pass judgment on what the first reader said their spread showed them.
This is the link to my website. Feel free to visit it: My Tippy Tea House I specialize in relationship readings but I read on all topics. I offer a wide variety of prices and offer coupons and gift certificates, so handy during the holidays. I will also barter for decks and other items.

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