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Update on Reading Circles

Old News we just couldn't part with entirely
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Joan Marie
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Joined: 22 Apr 2018, 21:52

Update on Reading Circles

Post by Joan Marie »

March is Loaded with great reading groups, circles and guided individual activities.

The Shadow Work Reading Circle - This group organised by katmoon is a really unique opportunity for those of you interested in exploring Shadow Work. The plan is to keep this as a regular reading group so help it get off to a great start by signing up now! More info.

International Women's day Reading Circle - This reading circle was inspired by the upcoming March 8th celebration. Organised by Myperception, this reading circle is focused on looking at the women in our lives and how they have influenced us. More info

The Sacred Days of the Vernal Equinox It's time once again for Nemia's quarterly ritual of experiencing a seasonal change and astronomical event. Beginning on March 15th the 12 days surrounding the onset of the new season will be honoured with individual daily readings, each one with a special purpose and direction. You will be reading for yourself, but together in a group so we can share the powerful feelings of of the Vernal Equinox. Start thinking about which deck you'll want to use! Sign ups open soon. More info

In addition, the Intuitive Reading Circle that began in February, got off to an excellent start! So much great participation! Sign-ups for the March group will open soon.

The Tarot de Marseille Reading Circle and the Lenormand Reading Circles organised by Charlie Brown are really doing well and have become more and more interesting with each passing month. Sign ups for these two groups will also open soon.

I also want to remind everyone that every Saturday begins the My Planetary Week. (formerly, Deck of the Week) In case you aren't familiar, MPW is an individually done reading, but with a group, a daily draw of sorts with the focus on the influences of the planets that rule the days of the week. It's great fun and a wonderful way to keep your skills sharp and to test out decks you may have not used in a while.

So lots of chances coming right up to practice and sharpen your reading skills in friendly and supportive atmospheres and also to gain some real insight in to so many areas of interest. Due to all the great extras, I will not be opening the regular Tarot Reading Circle for March, but there are PLENTY of alternatives.

Keep a look out on the homepage for announcements and links. It's going to be a great month for reading and learning more about the Tarot.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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