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My Planetary Week # 5 - January 26 - February 1

We look at our lives through a crystal or prism. Each day of the week we use our cards to take a look at another aspect.
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My Planetary Week # 5 - January 26 - February 1

Post by Nemia »

This is an invitation to work with one card deck for one week in a group reading.

You can pick any deck: tarot, Lenormand, Kipper, oracle or playing cards. From this deck, you'll draw one card per day - i.e., seven Daily Cards from your Deck of the Week that allow you to get to know the deck better, to hone your reading skills and get new insights about your life.

In a Planetary Week reading, we don't only draw a card per day but also give it a topic. We focus on motifs, topics, patterns in our lives, inspired by the planetary ruler of every weekday (for background information, look here).

On Saturdays, ruled by Saturn: Obstacles and Blockades,
on Sundays, ruled by the Sun: Inspiration and Goals,
on Mondays, ruled by the Moon: Dreams and Fears,
on Tuesdays, ruled by Mars: Conflicts and Challenges,
on Wednesdays, ruled by Mercury: Interactions and Change,
on Thursdays, ruled by Jupiter: Power and Influences, and
on Fridays, ruled by Venus: Love and Attraction.

The focus words I chose for each planet/day are not binding. Please don't limit yourself to the two short words if you feel other aspects of the planet are relevant to your reading.

There are different ways to perform a Planetary Week reading.

Traditional: draw a card per day and use the prism of the planetary influence to connect the card to your day and life.

Selective: select a card that suits the topic of each weekday and use it as affirmation and empowerment to improve your life.

Day-by-day: draw or pick your daily card one by one through the week.

Summarily: draw or pick all cards together before the week starts and treat them as a complete reading.

:!: And what about those who just want to have a Deck of the Week, Card of the Day reading? They can just jump in and leave the planetary lore away.

Share pictures if you can or want to.

No matter how we do it - by reminding ourselves of the planetary regents and their influence, we re-connect to the sevenfold cycle of time that our ancestors established, with their eyes to the sky.

Nemia - The Grail Tarot
Joan Marie - Spolia Tarot
Myperception - Dion Fortune Tarot
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Re: My Planetary Week # 5 - January 26 - February 1

Post by Nemia »

If you want to use a template for the week and just fill it in, here is the template I use:


Saturday, 26.1.
ruled by Saturn - Obstacles and Blockades

Sunday, 27.1.
ruled by the Sun - Inspiration and Goals

Monday, 28.1.
ruled by the Moon - Dreams and Fears

Tuesday, 29.1.
ruled by Mars - Conflicts and Challenges

Wednesday, 30.1.
ruled by Mercury - Interactions and Change

Thursday, 31.1.
ruled by Jupiter - Power and Influences

Friday, 1.2.
ruled by Venus - Love and Attraction
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Re: My Planetary Week # 5 - January 26 - February 1

Post by Nemia »

Deck: The Grail Tarot

I didn't use this deck even ONCE since I bought it 2nd hand on AT. I'm glad I have it though, it's an interesting work of art and a concept I'd love to know more about.

Saturday, 26.1.
ruled by Saturn - Obstacles and Blockades

2019 01 26 Grail 3lances.jpg
2019 01 26 Grail 3lances.jpg (45.83 KiB) Viewed 2591 times

Three Lances. Lances? Oh, it's years ago that I read the book ;-) I think this is going to be study week.

No, it was not, I didn't have time and I was sick (still feel it, weak and grumpy), but now I'll take the time to catch up with my week ;-) and try to get under the skin of this deck which has been impenetrable for so many years.

So this is supposed to be a grailic re-interpretation of the 3 Wands but it shows a pretty dejeced seafarer, leaning on the mast of his ship without knowing that the Holy Lance is hidden within. I have to forget know all that I know about the 3 Wands (one of my favorites in the Thoth) and look at this card. How does it connect with Saturday, with my life?

It's change against one's will that i see here. Looking for comfort without knowing that comfort is close. It's a sad card but not weak. I like the art and that's why I bought this deck some years ago 2nd hand from an AT memeber who sold all her cards after her husband died.

That man is all alone. How can he sail that ship alone? It's a tough journey.

Sunday, 27.1.
ruled by the Sun - Inspiration and Goals

2019 01 27 GrailTarot 10Swords.jpg
2019 01 27 GrailTarot 10Swords.jpg (51.79 KiB) Viewed 2516 times

Ten of Swords

Sunday is supposed to give inspiration and motivation, a fiery card of warmth, even heat, and energy. Nothing in this card of a wounded man carrying ten swords through a scorched landscape indicates the poitive spirit of the sun. And yet, this is a Sun card, it's the Sun in Gemini.

The book says the man is carrying the swords of his friends who didn't survive. He survived but has the burden to carry.

Is there anything optimistic about this card? Only that it can't get worse. With the 10 Swords, we have reached the bottom of the valley, and now we have to climb up again.

Monday, 28.1.
ruled by the Moon - Dreams and Fears

2019 01 28 GrailTarot 6Lances.jpg
2019 01 28 GrailTarot 6Lances.jpg (46.92 KiB) Viewed 2516 times

Six of Lances

The Wounded King trying to get up from his bed of suffering, and teh knight praying for him. This is really a completely self-sustained concept, this deck doesn't follow RWS or Thoth and I have to go with what I see and what I know about the Grail quest. No, even better. I have a narrative here in my cards up to now - the beginning of the journey in pessimism and fear - the loss and destruction - and now recovery. Oh dear, I fear I can't liberate myself from the emotions I'm going through right now, this is my low feeling, again. (When willl the ups and downs even out???)

Tuesday, 29.1.
ruled by Mars - Conflicts and Challenges

2019 01 29 GrailTarot ix PresterJohn.jpg
2019 01 29 GrailTarot ix PresterJohn.jpg (63.04 KiB) Viewed 2516 times

IX Prester John (Hermit)

And here we have the Tuesday card, always putting its finger on my weaknesses.

All I see here is splendid isolation (again, it's a beautiful card, so much Giotto and Masolino in Caselli's art). That's how I always deal with conflicts and problems: alone, alone, alone.

Wednesday, 30.1.
ruled by Mercury - Interactions and Change

2019 01 30 GrailTarot VI two knights of the temple.jpg
2019 01 30 GrailTarot VI two knights of the temple.jpg (45.59 KiB) Viewed 2516 times

VI Two Knights of the Temple (the Lovers)

And here we have on Mercury's day a gentle reminder that some problems can't be solved by isolation - I know that I'm not alone, I know that I share my horse with my soulmate and I have to come out of my isolation. The Lovers on Mercury's day means sharing, interaction, communication, putting feelings into words, working on the union of souls.

That was until now a good narrative, I wonder what can come next?

Thursday, 31.1.
ruled by Jupiter - Power and Influences

2019 01 31 GrailTarot 3stones.jpg
2019 01 31 GrailTarot 3stones.jpg (53.97 KiB) Viewed 2516 times

Three of Stones

Now here the deck leaves me puzzled. Everything written in the book about the Novice and the Perceptor gives no echo. Don't I feel too old and wise to be cast in the role of the silly novice, spouting on about things he/she doesn't know enough? Well, I can think of a thing or two where I give advice that I myself don't follow... and in the framework of power relationships, too.

Friday, 1.2.
ruled by Venus - Love and Attraction

2019 02 01 GrailTarot 4lances.jpg
2019 02 01 GrailTarot 4lances.jpg (58.05 KiB) Viewed 2516 times

Four of Lances

Here, we return to the first card. What comes next after the journey? Rest, welcome, welcoming friends.

I have to climb out of my shell, I know it, I just can't seem to do it, I don't know how. It seemed so easy once.

week 2019 01 26 grail tarot.jpg
week 2019 01 26 grail tarot.jpg (81.26 KiB) Viewed 2516 times

So how was my week with the deck? I pullled my cards and said to myself: I really have to find out what they mean, the art is good, but...

I had a look at the deck now.

I bought the Grail and the Cathar Tarot with the firm wish to get to know them, to learn the system. I'm interested in strange and cryptic Christian stories which are outside the official dogmas. But to learn the Grail tarot is simply too low on the list. There are so many other decks which fascinate me much more. Even in the somehow-Christian corner of my collection, the Saint Tarot and Byzantine Tarot speak to me much more.

But but but. I chose to use this deck for this week, and if I put the cards in line, I do see a story, and it ties in completely with where I am right now.

And I respect the deck for that.

All my planetary week decks are here,, and I made a list of the decks I didn't use yet. For the next weeks, I'll use decks that haven't played the wonderful role of deck of the week yet ;-)
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Re: My Planetary Week # 5 - January 26 - February 1

Post by Joan Marie »

I have to admit, last week was tough-going for me. I use (my very first) Tarot de Marseille deck. I was ver very absorbed in a project and that kept me from really getting into that deck the way I'd have liked to. The way I really ned to if I'm going to learn it. I will come back to it soon.

For this week I have not yet chosen which deck I'll use but I'm looking forward to it. I almost feel like I missed last week. It's interesting how a deck makes you feel. Don't get me wrong, I love the TdM and am really interested in learning it. I can see how one reads with it in a totally different way. The deck made me feel like a complete newbie. This was not such a bad reminder though, to have that feeling. And I may realise later that my readings weren't as bad as I thought they were.

In any case, every Saturday is a fresh start.

Deck: This week I am feeling my Spolia Tarot.

Saturday, 26.1.
ruled by Saturn - Obstacles and Blockades


Sometimes Temperance seems more interesting to be aware of than to actually practice. I think I always pretty much strive to do my best. I do not always make the mark but so be it. That's no reason to give up. It's also no reason for disappointment. It's quite normal to fall short from time to time. The key is to be aware of it. And that's where Temperance comes in. The goal is not to constantly reign myself back in to the middle. Some of my best work happens on the fringes, on the edge of extremes. And it's good to know that and requires an awareness of the temperate Zone.

Sunday, 27.1.
ruled by the Sun - Inspiration and Goals


For a lot of reasons, the sign Cancer always makes me think of the role of mother. My mother was a Cancer so I'm sure that plays a big part in that association for me. But it just seems so fitting. And not the fun part of being a mother. It's more the worrying part. The concern, the helplessness. And the part that is almost impossible to talk to others about.

And yes that played out some for me on Sunday. The depiction on this card is so sweet to me. The crab seems to be trying in some way to protect the little scarab. The water is not the scarab's natural environment. She's found him a little boat made from a shell. She is pure female energy and doing her best in the motherly manifestation of that energy. It's real. It's awkward. It's love.

Monday, 28.1.
ruled by the Moon - Dreams and Fears


Giving form to the formless. This day has felt pretty formless. And coincidentally very cold and watery. I think this picture is of a glacier. Water still formless and water formed by circumstance. Conditions. But in its heart, just waiting to become formless again.

I used to have an anxiety dream. I thankfully haven't had it in a while. In the dream, the circumstances are always different but the idea of the dream is the same: I'm trying to do something and between me and that goal, a thousand things pop up delaying me, complicating things, keeping me from accomplishing what I want. And I wake up exhausted and overwhelmed.

The more I try and organise the more things seem to spin out into randomness. The only way to deal with this, I have learned. is to remain calm and be very flexible with expectations. I usually don't accomplish what I intended to, but I very often accomplish things I hadn't thought of. And somehow, eventually, it comes together.

Tuesday, 29.1.
ruled by Mars - Conflicts and Challenges


So many different little seeds, just sprouting. They need nurturing. They need time.
The challenge is not to rush things. Be patient. And attentive. Every little seed, little sprout, has so much potential, so much to give.

Wednesday, 30.1.
ruled by Mercury - Interactions and Change


A day filled with possibilities. Not all of them good. Choose wisely.
I think I've already screwed up one choice already. And I am having a tendency to overthink things.
I should take a walk.

Thursday, 31.1.
ruled by Jupiter - Power and Influences


The Air Card.
Of all the things in the world, the one we probably notice the least is air, unless it's gone, if you can't breath.
My day is over. It was very uneventful, in a way. But the kind of day I would long for during trying times. Simple things we tend to overlook seem grand when they are unattainable.

I don't know what else to write. I could expound on this idea but I don't think I need to. I just need to remember to pay attention, not let the days fly by unnoticed.

Friday, 1.2.
ruled by Venus - Love and Attraction


The Ace of Coins. And that beautiful green. For me green is the love color. It is the color of the heart chakra. It vibrates love to me.

This card is the start of something new, a seed being planted. I hope this is true. I'm feeling nervous about it at the moment and this is not helping. I have many positive signs and things seem to be falling into place well but something, some self-doubt born of past failures is causing me to feel unsure and to act in an unsure way. This can lead to the same mistakes being made and that would be so tragic.

I don't want to be too mysterious but this is in regard to a very old and very important relationship in my life. Not a romantic one but a deep one nonetheless. We are making some plans, it isn't easy, it should be, it could be. If we can both stay in the present.
I find this card encouraging.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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Re: My Planetary Week # 5 - January 26 - February 1

Post by Myperception »

I am using The Dion Fortune Tarot deck for this week.

Saturday, 26.1.
ruled by Saturn - Obstacles and Blockades

Knight of wands
After house renovation for 3 weeks, today saturday it's time to do all cleaning and preparation for our Chinese New Year celebration on 4 Feb. There are mountains of task for me, and i manage to clear 80% , balance to be continue tomorrow. A fire sign of masculine knight just like my motto today, fast and help my family to do the heavy task 😎

Sunday, 27.1.
ruled by the Sun - Inspiration and Goals

Knight of cups
Well, i continously drew 2 knight cards for saturday and sunday. This morning my energy is kind of low, i think i am too tired for house cleaning yesterday, and aldo hurting my back for almost 1 week plus, i didnt get to go to workout in gym. Time to hit the gym tomorrow for the whole week, i need to sweat ! Also 31 Jan will be my last formal working day of my current job. Time is drawing near for handover task. Need to get every settle by then. Now getting myself off the couch and starting my ironing task :D

Monday, 28.1.
ruled by the Moon - Dreams and Fears

8 of cups
My last working day with current employer falls on 31 Jan. There are task for me to complete and to put a stop. Therefore i need to rush up in time. Marking an end for a cycle job here :roll:

Tuesday, 29.1.
ruled by Mars - Conflicts and Challenges

Knight of cups
Today I drew the same card as Sunday - Knight of cups, I was a bit agitated this morning while I had some different opinions with relative, therefore it may slightly ruin my mood. Well, I need to be patience as we will face disagreement or different opinions some days, so just be calm, after I finish my errands by evening, I am going to gym to released my tension :lol:

Wednesday, 30.1.
ruled by Mercury - Interactions and Change

The Fool
It's a stress day for me today. Deal with many disputes and unsettle stuff. In some ways, a co-worker and an aquaintance stir up my anger while in some discussions. Most the time, words and tone of voice can bring negative impact to a person. I should keep my emotion and heart pure/simple as The Fool. Even he knew his path going to be alot of changes etc but he still walk with joy. Yeah, that's life. I should be calm and enjoy my night at home in peace now.

Thursday, 31.1.
ruled by Jupiter - Power and Influences

10 of pentacles
I suppose today is my last working day and last day for January, it's a pay day. Well, till end of my working hours i was still yet to receive salary 😏 i need to influence my thinking that i am gonna receive more amount than my actual salary tomorrow. Be positive and dream big 😅

Friday, 1.2.
ruled by Venus - Love and Attraction

8 of swords
I should get rid of my excuses of any emotional laziness to stay home. Now i am going to get myself change to workout attire to run in the park following with gym, and complete those errands before end of the day. Emotional blockage 👉 out of you now.
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