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My Planetary Week # 4: January 19 - 25

We look at our lives through a crystal or prism. Each day of the week we use our cards to take a look at another aspect.
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My Planetary Week # 4: January 19 - 25

Post by Nemia »

This is an invitation to work with one card deck for one week in a group reading.

You can pick any deck: tarot, Lenormand, Kipper, oracle or playing cards. From this deck, you'll draw one card per day - i.e., seven Daily Cards from your Deck of the Week that allow you to get to know the deck better, to hone your reading skills and get new insights about your life.

In a Planetary Week reading, we don't only draw a card per day but also give it a topic. We focus on motifs, topics, patterns in our lives, inspired by the planetary ruler of every weekday (for background information, look here).

On Saturdays, ruled by Saturn: Obstacles and Blockades,
on Sundays, ruled by the Sun: Inspiration and Goals,
on Mondays, ruled by the Moon: Dreams and Fears,
on Tuesdays, ruled by Mars: Conflicts and Challenges,
on Wednesdays, ruled by Mercury: Interactions and Change,
on Thursdays, ruled by Jupiter: Power and Influences, and
on Fridays, ruled by Venus: Love and Attraction.

The focus words I chose for each planet/day are not binding. Please don't limit yourself to the two short words if you feel other aspects of the planet are relevant to your reading.

There are different ways to perform a Planetary Week reading.

Traditional: draw a card per day and use the prism of the planetary influence to connect the card to your day and life.

Selective: select a card that suits the topic of each weekday and use it as affirmation and empowerment to improve your life.

Day-by-day: draw or pick your daily card one by one through the week.

Summarily: draw or pick all cards together before the week starts and treat them as a complete reading.

:!: And what about those who just want to have a Deck of the Week, Card of the Day reading? They can just jump in and leave the planetary lore away.

Share pictures if you can or want to.

No matter how we do it - by reminding ourselves of the planetary regents and their influence, we re-connect to the sevenfold cycle of time that our ancestors established, with their eyes to the sky.

Nemia - Roots of Asia Tarot
Joan Marie - Golden Tarot of Marseille
Myperception - Golden Klimt Tarot
Tarot Scholar - Russian Tarot of St. Petersburg
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Re: My Planetary Week # 4: January 19 - 25

Post by Nemia »

If you want to use a template for the week and just fill it in, here is the template I use:


Saturday, 19.1.
ruled by Saturn - Obstacles and Blockades

Sunday, 20.1.
ruled by the Sun - Inspiration and Goals

Monday, 21.1.
ruled by the Moon - Dreams and Fears

Tuesday, 22.1.
ruled by Mars - Conflicts and Challenges

Wednesday, 23.1.
ruled by Mercury - Interactions and Change

Thursday, 24.1.
ruled by Jupiter - Power and Influences

Friday, 25.1.
ruled by Venus - Love and Attraction
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Re: My Planetary Week # 4: January 19 - 25

Post by Nemia »

Deck: Roots of Asia Tarot

My deck for the week will be the Roots of Asia Tarot.

I have a little story with this deck. I fell in love with it when it was already oop but managed to snap up an affordable German version on German Ebay. When I met with people that I knew via AT, one of them expressed beforehand a wish to swap the Roots of Asia with me and when we met, I agreed and let the Roots of Asia go. I hadn't used it so much and thought, if it's really loved in its new home that's better.

Then I noticed that I started to long for that deck. And then read on AT, that the user had swapped the Roots of Asia for another deck, without even asking me if I want it back. I looked for this deck again and was lucky enough to find another one. It made me realize that I really love this deck even if I don't use it much. It's like a quiet, reliable friend.

Typical for our relationship, the Roots of Asia Tarot's and mine, that in all my years of daily cards, I didn't use this deck yet :-)

Saturday, 19.1.
ruled by Saturn - Obstacles and Blockades

2019 01 19 RootsAsia QueenCups.jpg
2019 01 19 RootsAsia QueenCups.jpg (44.07 KiB) Viewed 2752 times

Queen of Cups

It was the perfect card for the weekend. It's one of the cards I identify with and I was this queen all Saturday long :-)

Sunday, 20.1.
ruled by the Sun - Inspiration and Goals

2019 01 20 RootsAsia Devil.jpg
2019 01 20 RootsAsia Devil.jpg (59.13 KiB) Viewed 2671 times

The Devil

Hmmm, a pretty drastic depiction of the Devil, especially if you compare it to the rest of this serene deck.

I know what the Devil means for me right now - I'm back to eating sweets and not moving enough and it's not good for me. I always feel better when I cut out the sugar and move more. I'm going through a little depressed-distressed spell again (the fog seemed to lift for a while but it came down again) and my personal Devil is this tendency just to give in, to do nothing against it but sink into lethargy and apathy. Self-medicating with sweet snacks does nothing for my mental and physical health, and I simply have to return to the habits that make me healthier and happier (cooking good fresh high-quality food, daily gentle movement).

Monday, 21.1.
ruled by the Moon - Dreams and Fears

2019 01 21 RootsAsia 6Disks.jpg
2019 01 21 RootsAsia 6Disks.jpg (52.21 KiB) Viewed 2671 times

6 Disks. One of the cards I really like. I don't really understand the motif here. The lwb is more than vague. It talks about generosity. Well well. Looking at the picture, I see the elephant. I like elephants. I don't know what this card wants to tell me on a Monday - or on that specific Monday... oh yes I know. I'm right now too busy with my own problems and not open or giving enough (in spite of my Queen of Cups Saturday). I shut myself off from people.

2019 01 21 lunar eclipse1.jpg

I put up a card from the Arcana of Astrology deck for the lunar eclipse. Unfortunately, I could see only the first stage of the eclipse - the sun went up where I live and the moon went down, so no blood moon for us. But I enjoyed watching it as far as I could and looked at many beautiful pictures. The last blood moons, I always watched and we even celebrated them. Who doesn't love celestial spectacles?

Tuesday, 22.1.
ruled by Mars - Conflicts and Challenges

2019 01 22 RootsAsia 5Cups.jpg
2019 01 22 RootsAsia 5Cups.jpg (35.71 KiB) Viewed 2662 times

Five of Cups

I actually had a good day, and the card is not as negative as many of its colleagues from other decks. Weigh the options you have and don't waste time regretting those you have not, that's what I get from this card.

Wednesday, 23.1.
ruled by Mercury - Interactions and Change

2019 01 23 RootsAsia High Priestess.jpg
2019 01 23 RootsAsia High Priestess.jpg (49.05 KiB) Viewed 2662 times

High Priestess

Another very beautiful card, and it's a card of power. I hope can connect to this power again.

Jupiter and Venus are in conjunction and shine on the before-dawn Eastern sky right now. I hope that I can find the sources of my power and become again the more positive person I remember.

Thursday, 24.1.
ruled by Jupiter - Power and Influences

2019 01 24 RootsAsia 5Swords with Mantegna.jpg
2019 01 24 RootsAsia 5Swords with Mantegna.jpg (44.91 KiB) Viewed 2642 times

Five of Swords.

Another Five card, and it's the card of this decan, meaning that it's really powerful right now.

Even more so if I don't use the Mantegna deck to indicate the day of the week but my beautiful new Cosmos deck:

2019 01 24 RootsAsia 5Swords with Cosmos.jpg
2019 01 24 RootsAsia 5Swords with Cosmos.jpg (50.76 KiB) Viewed 2642 times

Isn't that amazing? So much power struggle - where is it in my life? I always feel that i live at peace with the "powers" in my life but now I ask myself whether that's true...

Friday, 25.1.
ruled by Venus - Love and Attraction

2019 01 25 RootsAsia 6Cups.jpg
2019 01 25 RootsAsia 6Cups.jpg (49.03 KiB) Viewed 2630 times

Six of Cups

I love Fridays - it's the day of Venus, and a day of family meeting for us. The Six of Cups is a card of love and memories and deepest attachment, and it connects me back to the queen with whom I started this week. The book tells me to be kind and loving, to reconcile with others and with my bitter memories - it's what I try to do always. The picture is beautiful - the many layers of feelings and memories...

week 2019 01 19 - 25.jpg
week 2019 01 19 - 25.jpg (64.99 KiB) Viewed 2630 times

I feel like I didn't do justice to this complex and serene deck. Right now, I don't feel strong enough to dive down into the depths. I let this deck soothe me, and i guess that's okay because it's what I need right now.

The Roots of Asia is a deck that invites meditation, visualization and mindfulness. I'm so glad I have it.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 4: January 19 - 25

Post by Joan Marie »

I am trying out my newly acquired Golden Tarot of Marseille. It's my first Marseille deck. I have a lot to learn. And maybe this will help.

Saturday, 19.1.
ruled by Saturn - Obstacles and Blockades


The Cavallier Despee.
I am really trying to read these as they are meant to be and not fall back on the RWS type of meanings. Information is a little tricky to come by. But what I read about this guy isn't so good. He seems herald discord and I did experience some of that today. Maybe I should be wary of making too big a deal out of it.
Hmm. Yes, the more I read the more I see that things could go south very fast if I'm not careful. We'll see what happens.

Sunday, 20.1.
ruled by the Sun - Inspiration and Goals

I'm getting the feeling that Tarot de Marseille doesn't lend so well to a single card draw. I am going to try for the rest of the week doing 3 card draws.
These are really just for practice to get warmed up with this deck.

SO here I go:

sunday .jpg

The Queen is quite focused and she has her back to the Cups which would distract her with maybe some more kind of domestic activities or thoughts. The 8 of cups looks very ordered, the result of some focused effort. It is already very late in the day and I have accomplished very little in regard to creative efforts I had planned for today. Instead I have worked on more personal and domestic things. I shouldn't be disappointed though.

I am feeling a bit lost with this deck. I really have so much to learn. But I guess this is one way to start. I do really like the change of pace of it. If I can just find my way into it. It's like being at a party where I don't know anyone and am trying to find a connection somewhere.

Monday, 21.1.
ruled by the Moon - Dreams and Fears


I'm trying to finish a project today. It won't be easy. But this spread tells me it's possible if I am focused and concentrate. The sword between the two wands cards tells me that. I will take this advice. See how far it takes me. I've been very good lately at distracting myself from what I want/need to do. I will try very hard today to not fall prey to my own devices.

Tuesday, 22.1.
ruled by Mars - Conflicts and Challenges


I am doing this reading on Wednesday, I was so focused yesterday on my project I forgot.
The middle card for Tuesday really resembles the one for Monday. I find it interesting that with all the readings I've done with this deck since I got it I have scarcely drawn a Major. I just keep pulling all these incomprehensible pips. But I do enjoy the challenge.

Since I'm doing this in hindsight there is a fair amount of projecting (or whatever the backward version of that word is). I did not finish my project on Monday, it was practically impossible to do so but I made a lot of great progress on Tuesday. It was a battle against myself mostly but I pretty much won. Which is an odd thing to say I know. I was the opposite of self-defeating.

Again I speak in opposites because I don't know the word I am searching for and look at it from the opposite direction.

This spread tells me I had the right mindset creatively and emotionally. The challenge was to keep on it mentally.

Wednesday, 23.1.
ruled by Mercury - Interactions and Change


I think I picked a bad week to use this deck because I am really too busy to dig into it the way I should. I should have picked something with keywords!

I feel like I am on the good side of this queen. And she's looking at the wands quite seriously. With her back to the Cups. I have to stay with what I am doing and avoid distraction. So, limit interactions. With that in mind, see you tomorrow.

Thursday, 24.1.
ruled by Jupiter - Power and Influences


Again I am doing this reading the day after and in truth I can hardly extrapolate a good interpretation of the kind of day yesterday was with this grouping of cards. Yesterday was a day of slow progress. My energy that I had earlier this week is draining. I want to be finished and every day I think I will but I underestimate the number of details that need attending to.

I can see the Chariot as the center being the progress I wish to make. The Swords tell me to keep working, the cups to not get emotional. Much like yesterday's reading and like the Queen from yesterday, The charioteer is faced away from the cups. (Finally, I drew a major)

Friday, 25.1.
ruled by Venus - Love and Attraction


I really regret my ineptitude with the Tarot de Marseille because I have been drawing some pretty interesting card groupings. I'm sure they are telling me wonderful and important things but I am unable to see.

I can't give into the Devil today. I would like to have a bit of devil-fun right about now, but the cups tell me to stay the course of love and the wands say keep working. The problem is at the center, this Devil who is making my head feel cloudy and unmotivated and telling me to blow off my work. It is tempting and I could easily make a case that I NEED a break, and the flowery cups are tempting but I thinkI would be mis-reading them if I interpreted their allure as drawing me away from this grindstone I am at. I need to finish and there is great pleasure in the idea of finishing.

So, not today satan. Not today. (maybe later though.... ;) )
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Re: My Planetary Week # 4: January 19 - 25

Post by Myperception »

Here is Sunday in Asia countries. I am using Golden Tarot of KLIMT. I rarely use this deck for daily reading. Just feel like 2019 I will be using it more to enhance my reading.

Sunday, 20.1.
ruled by the Sun - Inspiration and Goals

The Wheel

We have to be more adaptable and accommodate for daily changes, just like a wheel that will not stop from spinning. A woman touching the wheel and lean against it comfortably. She is ready for any changes, to move on the path to persue her goals. Keep moving is the key, accommodative for changes is the way of reaching our goals. Keep it up !

Monday, 21.1.
ruled by the Moon - Dreams and Fears

I am using The Dion Fortune tarot deck for today. It's my first tarot deck back in 2013. I almost stop using it for 5 years. Time to revisit it, to back to those feeling that I was still very green as a reader.

Dreams - 9 of cups
Dreams become more material related nowadays, we think that happiness is form up by majoriry material/external stuff. We enjoy seeing people admire us, the sophisticated attire we wear, lifestyle that we enjoy etc. But did we ask ourselves to eliminate all the materials, back to simple and basic life, happiness is a pure feelings in us, how our heart feel content. Dreams is just like facing our inner self, our pure spirit, and to find a good balance in life. Not too incline towards material till we neglected our own pure happiness.

Fears - ace of pentacles
Fears are majority pile up from the insecurity of losing posessions of material, social, fame etc. We often look at it as a hard earn status, we pursue it aggressively in our daily life. While we become more famous, higher status, rich etc. Apart of being highly confident, at the same time, our fear also pile up on par as our confident level. To face our fears, just as simple as always remind ourselves to keep life simple and basic, when you have lesser possesions or nothing much to lose, therefore you will have lesser fear. Fears like a darkness in our lives. We must keep a positive, kind, simple and pure inner self, to always remind us, life is a journey, we start as zero, same goes to the moment we leave also will back to zero. Be simple, be fearless 💙

Tuesday, 22.1.
ruled by Mars - Conflicts and Challenges

I am back to office today, am drawing 2 cards from Golden Botticelli Tarot deck. One of my favourite deck.

Conflicts - Temperance
My last working day towards my current job is 31 Jan 2019. My owners were intend to relocate me to HQ another states to work, but without raising my salary & allowance, therefore I decline the offer as it is not going to contribute to my saving. I am also a person do not prefer to leave home. Therefore with the short notice they gave me, I had no choice but to look for job soonest possible. Luckily I found it with better salary, designation, and prospect. I am officially onboard on 11 Feb 2019 to my new job. My current owners were panic as everything seems like going against their will, a friend of theirs unable to take up my task and turn them down in a very short notice. We are stuck here, with my last day is approaching near, but there is no handover, as there is no staff here apart of myself. From 2016 till now, we do get along peacefully in work. Recently while I turndown the relocaton offer, everything seems like stuck everywhere, we do not have the same directions in terms of management, business, as well as services support that render to our tenants. I am lucky that anyhow, I need to move on with my new job. For the time being till my last day, I foresee it will be more conflicts going to surface, but it's alright, I will just need to be patience, to pull through till my last day. To deal with conflict only a main key - PATIENCE. Adapt to the the tension communication, be moderate as I am an outgoing person. I had done my part my task at my best since 2016 till now.

Challenges - 9 of swords
My owners send me a handful of candidates to interview back to back, in order to hire the suitable candidate to take over my task as soon as possible. Unfortunately due to the terms & condition that enter into the negotiation, the candidate commented that my owners are not being ethics in the offer, she decline the offer this morning, which i can totally understand how she felt. The plan to get a replacement soonest possible had lead to a failure. I foresee this challenges of fail to get a replacement til my last day is going to happen, and I will have to be able to let go my responsible. I can no longer hang on with the fickle minded situation anymore. Anyhow when the time comes, I just need to surrender all my office belongings, pull my legs out from the office and MOVE ON. I am sincerely praying and hoping my balance of the working days with current owners will be passing in peaceful manner. I cant afford to keep pity them anymore for no staffing.

Wednesday, 23.1.
ruled by Mercury - Interactions and Change

Interactions - 9 of pentacles
As predicted, my owners had given me tasks to settle and to get a candidate to replace soonest possible. But they never realise regardless going through headhunters, or jobstreet online etc, we will have to pay some fee, and they refuse to pay. At the same time, they request me to draft a letter to tenants to notify of the changes of business operating manner, but while I request a contact person to put into the letter as a contact point for tenants incase any issues. They reluctant to give as it's a trouble if everyone look for them. There are many of task that I need to handover, but they fail to see there are works need to be done and follow through. Now there are incomplete tasks pile up. Well, I think I will just stick to my principle, not to worry too much, as a business owner when you do not have candidate at the moment, you are suppose to take over all my task, that's business.

Change - king of cups
Either I change my ways of thinking, be it more intellectual. Thinking of the ways to settle current issues, or looking for help or advise from a wiser person to overcome this situation. Lastly is to inform tenants informally, guide them how to deal with the office daily operations when there is no staffing, if they would like to move out from the premises and looking for better services outside, by all means. As long to maintain the harmony working relationship with the tenants and myself as least this is the best that I can do. I can't control how my owners think and do, will just do at my best, the rest let the nature takes it course, let the fate shows them the ways.

Thursday, 24.1.
ruled by Jupiter - Power and Influences

Power - 10 of pentacles
I used to think power & authority is everything. At age goes by, more experiences that we had gone through in life, good or bad, happy or sorrow, success or failure etc are way more meaningful than power. We have the power to build a nice house, a huge beautiful garden, but it will be meaningless if without the existance of our family/love ones. A strong house foundation is not purely material, but is the bonding of a family. I used to think the power is status & authority. But now, i think the most powerful thing in the world is love, regardless it's family love, couple love, friendship love, teammate love, religion love, pets love etc.. therefore we should be proud that all of us are powerful, caused we have the ability or power to love and to be love.

Influences - 7 of pentacles
I always perceive this card as a philosophy of hardworking and you will have fruitful gain in return. Our upbringing, or principle is very important. It influence our believes and behaviours in future. Whenever we need to be competent, we will have to put in effort to earn living and survive. We cant live alone in the world, we need people to help each other, to influence each other to live in the society that is peace and safe. Also we need to pass on our good principle to the next generation.

Friday, 25.1.
ruled by Venus - Love and Attraction

Love - 5 of swords
From the card we can see a girl holding machete on her hands with blood stain, while the girl following behind her holding a man's head on top of her head. The girl with machete looks sad. I did feel guilty in the past relationship that i insist of the broke up sternly, without considering the other party's thiking or feelings. It was a very hurtful period, there are times that i miss the person mush even thinking of reunite, but anyhow due to the sorrow had been occured along the relationship, makes me even how much i wish or think about it, i never ever make the move to contact. As i believe it's enough for both party. It's defeating/devastating... at times goes by, we both move on with our life individually.

Attraction - 7 of pentacles.
Sometimes attractions are not meant for relationship only, it also applies in friendship, teammate etc. If we drive the attractions correctly it will benefit for both parties. We learn from each other, enjoy the companionship, most of the time, it can be fruitful to us. When it maintain more in benefiting partnership/friendship/teammate, i believes we will be able to achieve more in a big picture. Therefore be positive, be charming, you will shine when you are being confident self !
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Re: My Planetary Week # 4: January 19 - 25

Post by Tarot_scholar »

Deck: The Russian Tarot of St. Petersburg. This is my default Waite/Smith-ish deck and I haven't used it in a while, so I thought I'd touch base with it. No pictures because my shoulder/neck is a bit messed up and trying to photo things will just hurt! (We don't seem to have this deck listed in the library, btw!)

Saturday, 19.1.
ruled by Saturn - Obstacles and Blockades

King of Swords rx

My first thought is my boss, or one of them. The hierarchy at this job is rather muddled and I work under four different people? I habitually fuck things up for one of them in particular, it seems like, and it's my constant fear that one day I'll fuck up so much they won't hire me on permanently. I'm waiting to hear back from him on a project I finished for him this past week -- I suspect this might mean that I made a major fucking error.


Sunday, 20.1.
ruled by the Sun - Inspiration and Goals

6 of Wands

"I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was~~~"

I mean isn't everyone's eternal "inspiration and goals" basically summed up by the 6 of Wands? I mean really.

Monday, 21.1.
ruled by the Moon - Dreams and Fears

King of Coins

The boss I keep fucking up for is a Capricorn/Sag cusp, and while I'm not usually one for cusps I'm willing to bet that he has a personal planet or two in Sag/conjunct Jupiter/in the 9th house based on his personality. OR MAYBE CUSPS ARE REAL WHO KNOWS. I see this as connected to the very first card -- the obstacles maybe being a particular aspect of his personality (as per King of Swords rx) and the fears just being him generally (a court card that reflects his sign/chart).

Tuesday, 22.1.
ruled by Mars - Conflicts and Challenges

Justice rx

This is not a really cheering card either. There's no situation (that I know of!) going on where Justice would need to be invoked. Despite me worrying about MY BOSS above, I'm treated more than fairly. The fuck-ups I make are genuine fuck-ups -- he's not being a petty tyrant about anything.

Outside of the scope of work, with myself temporarily injured and my partner chronically ill, i suspect I might be tempted to have Words over what I can reasonably expect him to take care of himself while I'm out of commission. I'm feeling unduly sorry for myself right now and feeling unduly sorry for yourself always makes you lash out. At the same time...this is probably an issue that should have been addressed before, I know I've just been brushing it off. Oops. Or maybe I'll just continue to simmer about it and then wait for a better time to discuss when I'm not grumpy and irritable and poorly rested!

Wednesday, 23.1.
ruled by Mercury - Interactions and Change

4 Swords rx

Self-imposed rest. I might need to cool it on social, fun things while I wait for my neck to heal up.

Thursday, 24.1.
ruled by Jupiter - Power and Influences

9 of Cups rx


Friday, 25.1.
ruled by Venus - Love and Attraction

4 of Wands rx

"Trouble in paradise." I suppose that's what happens when I feel cooped up and stuck at home and unable to enjoy anything I love! (Seriously: it hurts to swallow so eating and drinking is a chore instead of an indulgence; it strains the same muscle to hold a book and to also look down to read it; same with sitting and typing at the computer for too long; it's hard to get comfortable in bed so I'm not well rested) If I have a big stupid fight with my SO then at least I hope we can still both enjoy the concert I got us tickets for back in December.


So, how did my week go?

As predicted, there were problems in the project I turned in! But I'm beginning to see what the issue is (I think), and to see where my misunderstanding of best practices is coming from. It turned out to be nothing MAJOR, either, which is a relief!

Justice rx was a real humdinger when it came up for me in the spread and I just couldn't place it. I think my problem is that as soon as I saw the kings and 6 of wand my brain went to JOB JOB JOB WORK WORK WORK, when really I actually do other things with my life. Much as my job is usually at the forefront of my mind at the moment ... :P

But I also organize a Meetup, and I've been putting off dealing with a capital-I Issue since December -- specifically, in banning a member for unacceptable behavior -- and this was the week I finally did it. And looking back, that was very much a Justice situation (since it has to do with what I believe is the right and wrong way to treat other people, and what consequences should be for poor behavior -- i.e. justice). It was stressful and it zapped a lot of my focus and and brainpower in the beginning of the week. I can't tell you how many hours I spent agonizing over whether or not I should have done it, and then making sure that the other party's number and email was blocked and thinking up what to do if they confronted me IRL, etc. Nothing else was as heavy on my mind this week so of COURSE that's why it's the only Major in here.

I'm beginning to accept that for whatever reason, I get a lot of reversals with this deck (I should crunch the numbers to confirm), almost like it's being really sarcastic with me lol. I suspect that my delay in handling this issue was part of the reversal -- eg, "about freaking time!"

Likewise with the 4 of Wands -- no squabbles or spats with my SO (except I was a bit grumpy but whatever), but this week was a big week for him in taking major steps to improve/maintain his own health and well-being. Things aren't magically cured but if he continues down that path it'll lead to the kind of future we originally had in mind when we moved in together (4 of Wands much?). The reversal I see here as: this isn't in influence yet, it's only starting, give it time.

It was a quiet week, socially (4 of Swords rx) so no surprises there. The one card I'm still struggling with is the "power and influences" one. I was expecting a friend in to town this week but they're not back yet -- that fits the 9 Cups rx quite well, but I'm not sure how it's stacking in the "power and influences" slot. Maybe because it was a "greater benefic" type of thing to happen but didn't? I also solidified some of my time off for the summer, so that's a sort of deferred 9 of Cups/jovial situation. Otherwise I'd welcome member input on this one!

Last bumped by Nemia on 23 Jan 2019, 09:17.
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