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YESTERday's Card

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2018 11 16 - Ten of Wands, Type Tarot

Post by Nemia »

You took a lot upon yourself, and for a while, you were proud and happy to manage it all. Inside, weariness and self doubt are growing. Can you afford to "lose face" and give up some of the loads you carried so well? You should. Learn to say no, to delegate, and to acknowledge the limits of your power. Life is a marathon, not a sprint, and learning to use your energies effectively is not shameful but necessary.

2018 11 16 type tarot ten of wands.jpg
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2018 11 18 The Hanged Man, Visconti Sforza tarot

Post by Nemia »

There is little you can do right now. You have to wait until others initiate change. Use this time to study yourself and the situation you're in as intensely as possible. See the world from another perspective. Look inside, too. Later, you will find that you learned so much while you hated the situation you were in.
2018 11 18 visconti tarot xii  hanged man.jpg
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Re: YESTERday's Card

Post by uscss.Nostromo »

enjoyed reading the entire thread, the narrative really pulls you in and is very engaging. :)

I also enjoyed how you use cards from a variety of decks, this enriches the visual appeal of the thread and underscores the importance of the overall message.
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Re: YESTERday's Card

Post by Nemia »

It's probably the story of my life :shock:

I use only cards from decks that I own, use and know... and that i have scanned myself.
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2018 11 19 - Touchstone Tarot, Eight of Wands

Post by Nemia »

You dread having to deal with this mail, phone call or letter, but procrastination won't help you. Just the opposite. Today is the day of the "do-it-now-principle". Your driving force? To leave it behind and forget it. And it's possible that the news is much better than you expected.

2018 11 19 touchstone eight of wands.jpg
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Re: YESTERday's Card

Post by uscss.Nostromo »

Nemia wrote: 19 Nov 2018, 05:22 It's probably the story of my life :shock:

I use only cards from decks that I own, use and know... and that i have scanned myself.
I especially liked your take on Tabula Mundi the 6 of swords.

I had an almost identical discussion and revelation about this card on another forum and how it represents the balancing of the two hemispheres of the brain.
spending a Night on Earth with Jim Jarmusch enjoying Coffee and Cigarettes
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2018 11 20 - Mystical Tarot, King of Swords

Post by Nemia »

Who is that wonderfully strong, intelligent, far-thinking person, sitting so confidently on a lofty throne? Could it be a person of authority in your life to whom you have learned to listen lately? Or is it a part of you, wise and objective, an inner voice that tells you unpleasant truths in an unexcited inner voice? No matter what the answer is - today is the day to give the King of Swords attention. Listen to him before making your decision.
2018 11 20 Mystical Tarot  king of swords.jpg
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2018 11 21 - Inner Child Cards, Beauty and the Beast / Strength

Post by Nemia »

You have the chance to learn to love what you used to fear. You have the opportunity to discover facets of beauty and sympathy where you didn't expect them at all. And if that's not wonderful enough: you will also get to know your own strength and courage.

2018 11 21 inner child cards xi strength.jpg
2018 11 21 inner child cards xi strength.jpg (41.19 KiB) Viewed 8187 times
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2018 11 23 Tyldwick Tarot - Nine of Cups

Post by Nemia »

Take a break today from everything that stresses you or exhausts you. Even if you don't have the time, try to find it. You need it. Pamper yourself, and celebrate your achievements. Stop putting yourself down. If you don't take pride in yourself, nobody else will. And you have reason enough to allow yourself a little pat on the back.

2018 11 23 tyldwick nine of cups.jpg
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2018 11 25 - Distant Past Tarot, the Fool

Post by Nemia »

That project you're stuck with? Scratch it. Start again. Don't be afraid. You can do it. Just begin at the beginning.

2018 11 25 Distant Past Tarot 0 Fool.jpg
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Re: YESTERday's Card

Post by Pen »

Goodness Nemia, that's what I've been doing all day...! I wasn't so much actually stuck with it (as the drawings were all done), I just had a feeling that it needed more - another dimension. Then yesterday while walking the lovely boy (my whippety dog), an idea came, so I looked again at the drawings and decided that the Fool was actually showing me the way, as the seed of the idea I'd had while walking was already present in the card.

So only the Fool will stay and I've been painting him today. The others will go, but I'm looking forward to working on them now, whereas I wasn't yesterday. :)
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Re: YESTERday's Card

Post by Nemia »

Oh Pen, I wish I knew where you're headed.... I'm a total fan of your work :-) May the seeds of your idea grow and blossom!
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Re: YESTERday's Card

Post by Pen »

Thank you Nemia! :)
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream...

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2018 11 27 - Orbifold Tarot, the Sun

Post by Nemia »

Can you feel your inner power to shine like the sun? The power to give warmth (love), the power to give life (creativity), the power to see everything clearly and bring the truth to light? Have a look inside and connect to everything that is positive, clear, lovable and loving within you. Today, don't focus on the shadow - that's alright for another day. Today, it's your turn to radiate warmth and light.

2018 11 27 orbifold tarot Sun.jpg
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2018 11 28 - Fey Tarot, King of Cups

Post by Nemia »

He is charming, self confident, charismatic and seems to know all your feelings, all your secrets. You should listen to his advice - even if you don't follow it, it's worth hearing. But can you trust him completely? He's a deep water and has hidden depths.

2018 11 28 fey tarot  King of Cups.jpg
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2018 11 30 - Mystical Tarot, Four of Wands

Post by Nemia »

When there is reason to enjoy - enjoy. This is a day of celebration, don't spoil it for yourself by worries or perfectionism. There are people in your life who love you very much, and you can make them happy by being happy yourself. So go ahead and have fun. It's a liberating feeling.

2018 11 30 Mystical Tarot four of wands.jpg
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2018 12 05 - Arcana Tarot, Ace of Swords

Post by Nemia »

You learn something new today. It may be uncomfortable knowledge that doesn't sit too well with your other beliefs and ideas, but that's a good sign. It's the beginning of a new insight, new idea - your brain is busy, your horizons are expanding.

2018 12 05 arcana tarot ace of swords spades light.jpg
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2018 12 10 - Morgan Greer Tarot, Eight of Pentacles

Post by Nemia »

What an unspectacular day. You work, you do what you have done so many times. But don't take it for granted. Remember that once the simple things seemed daunting. Give yourself credit for the efforts you made, the failures on the way, and for the talents you bring to your work. Take joy in what appears so easy - and set yourself new goals when you're ready for it.

2018 12 10 Morgan Greer Tarot Eight of Pentacles.jpg
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2018 12 14 - Idiosyncradeck, Two of Arrows

Post by Nemia »

Assert yourself and become aware of the energy that is hidden within you like a spring just waiting for action.
Try to understand understand both sides of an important question, and come to your conclusions objectively. Let go of the wish to please others.
Don't avoid confrontation, it will only backfire on you later.

2018 12 14 idiosyncradeck two of arrows.jpg
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2018 12 28 - Type Tarot, the Lovers

Post by Nemia »

Today is a day to celebrate the love that's in your life. For others, but also for yourself. If you see yourself as defective or inferior in any way, banish these thoughts and fall in love with yourself. Choose to be positive about yourself and spread the love within you to the outer world.

2018 12 28 type tarot lovers.jpg

(Sorry for the long break - I'm travelling AND sick so it's a bit difficult to keep up finding the words for the day...)
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2019 01 02 - Lo Scarabeo Tarot, Three of Swords

Post by Nemia »

You feel pain, you are hurt, and there is nothing that gives you hope or joy right now. You have to get through this phase - and oh how easy it is to write down that sentence, and how difficult to live according to it. You feel as though you're alienated from your own life, your own heart. Where is help or comfort? Only in the knowledge that this pain is part of the human experience, that no human being lived without it, and that you'll be a wiser, more empathic, stronger person when it's over and the sun comes out again.

2019 01 02 lo scarabeo tarot three swords.jpg
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2019 01 05 - Anna K. Tarot, the Lovers

Post by Nemia »

You made a decision, and it turns out: it was a wise decision. It's always easy to dwell on past mistakes and beat ourselves up a bit but think about this decision and how well it played out. Yes, there was luck involved - but there was also a strong inner sense of RIGHT. Give yourself credit for your ability to make the right decisions, to judge people well and to be selfless and loving. And trust yourself to make more good decisions in the future.
2019 01 05 anna k tarot VI the lovers.jpg
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2019 01 14 - Aquarian Tarot, Seven of Pentacles

Post by Nemia »

Take a moment to appreciate the work you have done already, don't be afraid to look at the results even if you're not 100% satisfied. Is it possible that you're a perfectionist and never content with your own achievements? Or is there really room for improvement? Let this moment of stock-taking encourage you to continue with just the right and healthy dose of self-criticism and self-confidence.

2019 01 14 aquarian tarot seven pentacles.jpg
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2019 01 25 - Etruscan Tarot, Ten of Wands

Post by Nemia »

Right now, everything is a bit too much. Too much work, too much responsibility, not enough fun. You can't even see where all this stress is getting you. Your inner motivation decreases as the pressure around and on you increases. Learn to say no, learn to share your burdens, and don't run on empty. Fill your life with joy and laughter.

2019 01 25 Etruscan Tarot Ten of Wands.jpg

[That's my card right now, and that's why for sooo many days, I didn't put up a new card.... sorry for that!]
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2019 01 29 - Stretch Tarot, King of Pentacles

Post by Joan Marie »

King of Pentacles from Stretch Tarot

The wisdom of a true guide is what is needed right now.
You never really know how true wisdom will come to you. It may come as some heartfelt advice from someone close. It could also be found in a book, a film or other piece of art. It may be some action you observe while standing in a line somewhere. You may seek it out or it could come as a surprise when you least expect it. Just be open and allow wisdom and guidance to find you.

from Joan Marie
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