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Tarot calendars

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Tarot calendars

Post by Nemia »

Last year, I ordered two tarot-themed wall calendars for 2018.

The Lo Scarabeo calendar was a disappointment. The picture qualitiy is mediocre, and there are only pictures from Lo Scarabeo decks, nothing else. And not even especially interesting cards. I put the calendar on the wall but it didn't do anything to my tarot practice or knowledge.

I did discover some details in the cards that I didn't see before because they're enlarged - but not enough to make me love the calendar.

A very different story is the Llwellyn calendar. Anything with the name Barbara Moore on it is worth buying imho! The picture quality is wonderful, the chosen cards much better than in the Lo Scarabeo. And Barbara Moore adds each month a little article and a spread. I have this calendar before my eyes all the time, I use it to plan my month and week, and I love it. I will keep it after this year because it's like a little book. Barbara Moore is so creative. I always take an insight, a little spark of understanding, from her words.

Obviously, I ordered the Llwellyn also for 2019. It arrived some days ago, together with the Llwellyn Astrological calendar and a third, astronomical calendar. I love wall calendars and have one in my kitchen, home office and bedroom. I have the feeling that astrology and astronomy go well with tarot :-) They all have the same size and format, it's great and I was so happy with my choice when I opened the parcel.

I can definitely recommend the Llwellyn calendar. If there is a Lo Scarabeo calendar for 2019, I honestly wouldn't bother - maybe only if it has a card you want to put up as poster :-) but I'm glad I tried both this year. I'm totally looking forward to next year!

I'll add pictures and some example pages tomorrow.
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Re: Tarot calendars

Post by Charlie Brown »

Thanks for this, Nemia. I've been genuinely curious about the contents and quality of these types of products. I myself have ordered the Llewellyn Planetary Daily Guide for next year, although it hasn't arrived yet. I'm interested in doing more with transits and the general "astrological weather." This seemed like a good way to go for that.

That's good to hear that the Llewellyn calendar has what you would expect from a Barbara Moore product. Given the unusual nature of a calendar product, I thought that maybe it was the sort of thing that might carry her name, but not much in the way of her input.
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Re: Tarot calendars

Post by Nemia »

Pictures will come later, I have some trouble with my computer right now.... here are some older and quite bad pics of the 2018 Moore calendar.


It won't make you a reader if you know nothing about the tarot - but if you do, it will brighten your year :-)
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Re: Tarot calendars

Post by Nemia »

So here we have some pictures! First, let's have a look at the simple Lo Scarabeo calendar - actually, it's pretty nice, too!

2018 Lo Scarabeo 01 title.jpg
2018 Lo Scarabeo 01 title.jpg (86.7 KiB) Viewed 1974 times

The title page - and the print quality is especially bad in this picture which is a pity!

2018 LoScarabeo 05.jpg


2018 LoScarabeo 06.jpg


2018 LoScarabeo 07.jpg


2018 LoScarabeo 08.jpg

A close-up in June showed a detail I never noticed in Strength of the Lo Scarabeo tarot - two people discussing in the background. Maybe blaming each other why they don't confront the lion while the maiden shows courage.

2018 LoScarabeo 09.jpg

On the last pages of the calendar, we have a list of the decks used.

2018 LoScarabeo 12.jpg
2018 LoScarabeo 12.jpg (55.89 KiB) Viewed 1974 times

2018 Lo Scarabeo 11 back.jpg
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Re: Tarot calendars

Post by Nemia »

I write in different posts because otherwise I'll get mixed up hopelessly between all my different calendars!! Here, the wonderful Llwellyn calendar from 2018. I LOVE it.

2018 Llwellyn  01.jpg
The title page.

2018 Llwellyn  02.jpg
2018 Llwellyn 02.jpg (73.83 KiB) Viewed 1974 times

This is the November page. The layout is always the same - a card, an explanation, a spread, a little extra.

2018 Llwellyn  03.jpg
2018 Llwellyn 03.jpg (53.57 KiB) Viewed 1974 times
The spread.

2018 Llwellyn  06.jpg

The card. Moon in the Celtic Tarot.

2018 Llwellyn  04.jpg
A little information about the Moon card in general....

2018 Llwellyn 05.jpg

... and about this specific interpretation.

2018 Llwellyn 07.jpg

That's the December card. All the cards are exquisitely beautiful and I enjoyed every single month.

2018 Llwellyn 10.jpg

The last pages of the calendar give basic explanations of the major and minor cards and the Celtic Cross.

2018 Llwellyn  11.jpg

And then, there is more information about Barbara Moore and her books.

2018 Llwellyn  12.jpg

2018 Llwellyn 13.jpg
2018 Llwellyn 13.jpg (53.23 KiB) Viewed 1974 times
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Re: Tarot calendars

Post by Nemia »

And that's the same concept for 2019 - I'm so happy I have it already!

2019.jpg (58.35 KiB) Viewed 1974 times


20181115_070459.jpg (62.23 KiB) Viewed 1974 times


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Re: Tarot calendars

Post by Nemia »

And next to the tarot calendar, I'll hang my Astrological calendar from Llwellyn - it's wonderful!

20181115_070517.jpg (47.63 KiB) Viewed 1972 times

Libra on the title page.

20181115_070528.jpg (42.08 KiB) Viewed 1972 times

Aries - all the illustrations are in a hyperrealistic computer-generated style, not totally my cup of tea but they give a good idea of the energy of each zodiac sign... so I'm okay with that.


The calendar page with all the information.

If you feel overwhelmed, have a look at the later pages of the calendar:



And this is the back page of the calendar with an overview of all the illustrations:

20181115_070632.jpg (67.59 KiB) Viewed 1972 times


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Re: Tarot calendars

Post by Eden »

Thanks for this, Nemia. I was tempted to buy one of the calendars for 2018 and was leaning towards the Lo Scarabeo as I like a lot of their decks, but now I think I'll be ordering the Llewellyn for 2019. The info and the spreads will add interest throughout the year.
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Re: Tarot calendars

Post by Nemia »

It's all Lo Scarabeo decks in both calendars :-) I like them too!
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Re: Tarot calendars

Post by CharlotteK »

I just ordered the Llewellyn calendar. Love Barbara Moore 😍
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Re: Tarot calendars

Post by Amoroso »

Tarot calendars can be quite enabling. They're informative tho.
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