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Norbert Lösche´s Cosmic Tarot

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Norbert Lösche´s Cosmic Tarot

Post by Nemia »

This beautiful deck from the late 1980s was one of my first decks, and I still love it. It is often underrated as "gimmick deck" because of its use of "celebrities". I completely disagree (and wrote about the deck in my defunct Tumblr tarot a number of times). I picked it as my Planetary Week deck for next week and remembered what I wrote about this deck in the past.

That's what I wrote then and I still think it's true:

The big hair and fashion clearly date this deck but I was young in the Eighties so that doesn’t irritate me. IMO the Cosmic is a great deck, very intelligent and a reflection of the fact that movies and movie stars interact with our unconscious mind powerfully.

I’ve heard people say that the “celeb faces” are just a gimmick. I disagree. I think the artist saw stars like Garbo, Berman or Bogart as 20th century versions of archetypes, not "celebs". He also used paintings (Bougereau) and ballet scenes for the deck. It’s full of cultural hints and suggestions.

There are some people on the Internet who think Leonardo di Caprio or others are depicted in the deck. As his career only started when the deck was already printed, that's impossible.

The artist is German. From what I read about him, he was not "obsessed with celebrities" but with spiritual search when he painted his deck, and continued his spiritual search afterwards. I think he worked very closely from photographs and took his inspiration from many different sources. I totally agree with him that Greta Garbo is an icon and archetype of the 20th century.

I never read anywhere about the ballet as inspiration for his tarot art although many of his cards show obvious poses and motifs from at least one famous ballet (and probably more - I simply don't know enough about ballet to find more).

Maybe people will appreciate this very special deck more when they see how wide and far the artist threw his net to find inspiration for his archetypes. I certainly did, and I've been hunting down inspirations for his cards for years.

I have distributed my findings: first the majors and the minor suits.

Let's start with the obvious.

The Emperor.

emperor.jpg (41.34 KiB) Viewed 2426 times

Lösche grew up in Aachen/Aix la Chapelle, and he must have known the golden bust of Charlemagne from childhood. It's in the treasury of the splendid cathedral, and in Aachen, Charlemagne is everywhere. Aachen was the capital of his empire, after all.

emperor charlemagne_bust1.jpg

Charlemagne is an obvious choice for the Emperor, and for an Aachen native, even more so. You can't go anywhere in Aachen without seeing Charlemagne's image, it's everywhere.

If the inspiration for the Emperor was medieval, his Temperance is probably modelled on 20th century illustrator Warwick Goble's works.


What a beautiful, harmonious image for Temperance. And here is Warwick Goble:

temperance warwick goble.jpg

It is possible that the Star card was inspired by Goble, too.


And another Goble illustration:

Temperance Shantanu_Meets_Goddess_Ganga_by_Warivick_Goble.jpg
Temperance Shantanu_Meets_Goddess_Ganga_by_Warivick_Goble.jpg (29.35 KiB) Viewed 2426 times

Mata Hari's poses from the early 20th century also remind me both of Temperance and of Warwick Goble.

temperance mata hari.jpg

temperance mata hari coloured.jpg

Orientalism at its most tantalizing and "exotic"... and as mixture of East and West actually an interesting metaphor for Temperance.

Let's move to Justice.


There are two actresses whose pictures may have inspired this wonderful card with the piercing look.

justice billie burke.jpg

Billie Burke in her iconci role as Glinda, witch of the North, who sets things to rights again.

justice jeannette macdonald.jpg

Jeanette MacDonald, singing La Traviata in San Francisco, also reminds me of the card, somehow. I'm pretty sure that Glinda is the source, though.



I'm inclined to think that this original and interesting concept of Strength is one of the best cards of the deck, and the lady depicted looks to me very much like Hedy Lamarr, the gorgeous, daring and highly intelligent Austrian actress.

strength ulay hedy lamarr.jpg

It was written somewhere on the Internet that Daryl Hannah, a star of the 80s when the deck was made, was the inspiration. I don't know. I didn't yet find an exact image.

strength daryl hannah.jpg
strength daryl hannah.jpg (38.56 KiB) Viewed 2426 times

The hair is similar, but the facial expression - Lamarr all the way, imo.

The Lovers.

lovers.jpg (26.51 KiB) Viewed 2426 times

I'm pretty sure that the inspiration for this card came from the movie Dirty Dancing.

lovers dirty_dancing_41.jpg

Then the tantalizing question - who is the High Priestess?

high priestess.jpg

Doesn't she look like young Greta Garbo?

high priestess young greta garbo.jpeg

Here is Greta Garbo playing Mata Hari:

High Priestess Greta-Garbo-in-Mata-Hari.jpg
High Priestess Greta-Garbo-in-Mata-Hari.jpg (24.15 KiB) Viewed 2426 times

What do you think? It's her face, isn't it? And who could better personify the HIgh Priestess than Garbo?
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Re: Norbert Lösche´s Cosmic Tarot - Wands

Post by Nemia »

And now for some wands.

The Five of Wands is from West Side Story (and I'm sure there are more images inspired by it in the deck).

5 wands.jpg

It's an aggressive image, but the aggression is acted out in dance-like movements.

5 wands West-Side-Story-jets-vs-sharks.jpg

The Nine of Wands looks a lot like Val Kilmer.

9 wands val kilmer.jpg

I'm quite sure that this is the exact image.

9 wands val kilmer (3).jpg
9 wands val kilmer (3).jpg (16.9 KiB) Viewed 2422 times

And the King of Wands

king wands.jpg
king wands.jpg (16.47 KiB) Viewed 2422 times

looks a lot like Sean Connery.

A young Sean Connery

king wands sean connery dff beard.jpg
king wands sean connery dff beard.jpg (8.21 KiB) Viewed 2422 times

or an older Connery as King Arthur.

king wands sean connery as king arthur.jpg
king wands sean connery as king arthur.jpg (66.12 KiB) Viewed 2422 times

I didn't find the exact picture, but I'm quite sure it's him.

There are quite a number of candidates for the Queen of Wands.

queen wands.jpg
queen wands.jpg (17.43 KiB) Viewed 2422 times

Elizabeth Taylor?

queen of wands elizabeth taylor.jpg
queen of wands elizabeth taylor.jpg (28.37 KiB) Viewed 2422 times

She's maybe the most obvious candidate.

Hedy Lamarr?

queen wands evt Hedy-Lamarr-as-Delilah-.jpg

It's possible. And if she really is the model for Strength, then it would fit to see her also as Queen of Wands. Oh the costume :-)

But someow, I think it's Gina Lollobrigida.

queen wands gina lollobrigida 2.jpg

queen wands gina lollobrigida.jpg

Her facial features resemble La Lollo most closely, I think.

queen wands.jpg
queen wands.jpg (17.43 KiB) Viewed 2422 times

Look at her again. That curl, the mouth - somehow, I see Lollobrigida, and personality-wise, she's the perfect candidate.
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Re: Norbert Lösche´s Cosmic Tarot - Cups

Post by Nemia »

Now let's look what I found for Cups.

The Six of Cups:

6 of cups.png
6 of cups.png (82.76 KiB) Viewed 2422 times

This is without a doubt a scene from the ballet L'apres-midi d'un Faune.

6 of cups tanaquil le clercq in faune.jpg

Tanaquil Le Clerq and Jacques d'Amboise. Down to the dancer's tunic. Beautiful!

These roles were danced also by others but you can recognize the scene.

Melissa Hamilton and Vadim Muntagirov:
6 of cups Melissa Hamilton and Muntagirov in Jerome Robbins' Apres midi d un faune.jpg

... and Mireille Hassenboehler and Peter Franc, both in Jerome Robbins' choreographies:

6 of cups Mireille Hassenboehler and Peter Franc in Jerome Robbins faun.jpg
6 of cups Mireille Hassenboehler and Peter Franc in Jerome Robbins faun.jpg (19.58 KiB) Viewed 2422 times

I really wonder that nobody noticed that before, it's so obvious. And it proves without a doubt that Norbert Lösche was not interested in "celebs" but in culture and the way it works on our unconscious.

The Prince of Cups:

prince cups.jpg
prince cups.jpg (15.19 KiB) Viewed 2422 times

I'm sure it's Alain Delon. Again, I didn't find the exact picture the artist saw but different pictures.

prince cups alain delon cercle rouge.jpg

The King of Cups is Clark Gable.

king cups.jpg

I didn't find a picture of Clark Gable with a full beard but look at him.

king cups clark gable6.jpg
king cups clark gable3.jpg
king cups clark gable1.jpg
king cups clark gable1.jpg (18.27 KiB) Viewed 2422 times

Aaah, so charming!

The Princess of Cups is without a doubt Greta Garbo.

princess cups.jpg
princess cups.jpg (16.94 KiB) Viewed 2422 times

Down to the pose and her beautiful gaze right into our eyes.

princess cups greta garbo.jpg

I'm quite sure that the Queen of Cups is the Garbo, too.

queen cups.jpg
queen cups.jpg (14.7 KiB) Viewed 2422 times
queen cups greta garbo.jpg
queen cups greta garbo.jpg (12.49 KiB) Viewed 2422 times

And the Ten of Cups

ten cups.jpg
ten cups.jpg (16.61 KiB) Viewed 2422 times

is inspired by Bougerau's Bather.

ten cups bather bougereau.jpg

You wouldn't believe what nonsense people write about this card on the Internet! :lol:

And here is the Two of Cups:

two cups.jpg
two cups.jpg (17.42 KiB) Viewed 2422 times

I can't believe there have been people who took this couple for Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman!

two cups bogart bacall.jpg

When it's obvious that this is Humphrey Bogart with his real-life wife and the love of his life, Lauren Bacall. They were a great couple on and off screen, and I'd have loved to see them as Lovers.

The artist really brought out the big guns for the Cups!
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Re: Norbert Lösche´s Cosmic Tarot - Swords

Post by Nemia »

Now for some Swords. I found less here but I'll continue to look for hints :-)

The Prince of Swords is a young Tom Cruise.

prince swords tom cruise.jpg

price swords tom cruise top gun.jpg
price swords tom cruise top gun.jpg (42.83 KiB) Viewed 2420 times

In Top Gun. It's not a totally convincing likeness but I'm pretty sure it's him.

The Queen of Swords is obvious again.

queen swords.jpg
queen swords.jpg (17.43 KiB) Viewed 2420 times

Of course it's Ingrid Bergman.

queen swords ingrid bergman.png

Again, I'm flabbergasted to see that people have her mixed up with her daughter Isabella Rossellini.... who resembles her but has not connection to the Queen of Air.

queen of swords ingrid bergman as joan of arc.jpg

Bergman's personal favourite role that she loved very much (although the audience disagreed) was Joan of Arc...

joan of arc symbol.jpg

whose symbol was a crowned sword.

cosmic tarot ace of swords.jpg
cosmic tarot ace of swords.jpg (15.76 KiB) Viewed 2420 times

Like on the Ace of Swords.
queen swords.jpg
queen swords.jpg (17.43 KiB) Viewed 2420 times
queen swords ingrid bergman.png
queen of swords ingrid bergman as joan of arc.jpg
king swords.jpg
king swords.jpg (16.59 KiB) Viewed 2420 times
joan of arc symbol.jpg
cosmic tarot ace of swords.jpg
cosmic tarot ace of swords.jpg (15.76 KiB) Viewed 2420 times
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Re: Norbert Lösche´s Cosmic Tarot - Pentacles

Post by Nemia »

Now let's see some Pentacles cards.

Rita Hayworth - totally recognizable on the Nine of Pentacles, and what a great choice!

nine pentacles.jpg

What an unbelievably beautiful woman.

nine pentacles rita hayworth.jpg
nine pentacles rita hayworth.jpg (33.13 KiB) Viewed 2419 times

king pentacles.jpg
king pentacles.jpg (19.04 KiB) Viewed 2419 times

The King of Pentacles - a bearded Gregory Peck.

king pentacles gregory-peck-with-a-beard.png
king pentacles gregory-peck-with-a-beard.png (103.17 KiB) Viewed 2419 times

That's at least what's written all over the Internet ;-) and it's probably right... although I couldn't find the exact picture.

The Prince of Pentacles might be a young Charles Bronson.

prince pentacles.jpg
prince pentacles.jpg (18.27 KiB) Viewed 2419 times

That's at least what many websites claim - I'm not sure it's true.
prince pentacles charles bronson.JPG

The Princess of Pentacles is obvious again.

princess pents.jpg

Brooke Shields of course.

princess pents brooke shields3.jpg
princess pents brooke shields2.jpg

This guy on the Ten of Pentacles has "dancer" written all over him.

ten pentacles.jpg
ten pentacles.jpg (18.88 KiB) Viewed 2419 times

I didn't find him yet but Rudolf Valentino

ten pentacles rudolf valentino.jpg

or Roman Jasinski both are possible.

ten pentacles roman jasinski.jpg
ten pentacles roman jasinski.jpg (16.45 KiB) Viewed 2419 times
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Re: Norbert Lösche´s Cosmic Tarot

Post by jupiter »

The Cosmic Tarot was my first deck, and I was probably 13 or 14 years old at the time. I found it in a bookstore and I remember being intrigued by the image on the box – and feeling very bold and rebellious browsing the shelf of esoteric books in that little shop in my small hometown. :roll: I remember trying to read with the deck and giving up after a while because (as a complete Tarot novice) I didn't know anything about the system and symbols. The cards were beautiful, but I couldn't make sense of them.

I kept the deck - and dug it up from a box in our garage just two weeks ago. I LOVE this thread :shock: :shock: :shock: Makes me want to really study the deck. Thank you :)
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Re: Norbert Lösche´s Cosmic Tarot

Post by Amoroso »

Seems like an old Hollywood deck. GJ Nemia.

The companion book is also available on Kindle. Also, a few sources say this deck is Thoth-based? It's getting more and more attractive by the minute.
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Re: Norbert Lösche´s Cosmic Tarot

Post by AstralPasta »

My coworker was talking about a deck her friend had that she really liked and how it might not be being sold anymore but she’d love it. She said it had old cinema stars. I asked on reddit and gave her some names and turned out this was it. She’s an older lady with some classy friends so I was worried it was some expensive oop deck, haha. I didn’t know there were actual movie stars depicted. I don’t know a lot of these, but I do know who Bogart is, and the genius Hedy Lamarr. I wanna watch one of her films. Maybe I’ll write these down for my coworker. Thanks Nemia. Hope you come back soon (assuming you’re in SKT land 😂).
On my phone mainly so pardon the typos! Also if I seem more lucid than average, I'm probably typing on a PC. Hah!
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