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My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

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My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by Nemia »

This is an invitation to work with one card deck for one week in a group reading.

You can pick any deck: tarot, Lenormand, Kipper, oracle or playing cards. From this deck, you'll draw one card per day - i.e., seven Daily Cards from your Deck of the Week that allow you to get to know the deck better, to hone your reading skills and get new insights about your life.

In a Planetary Week reading, we don't only draw a card per day but also give it a topic. We focus on motifs, topics, patterns in our lives, inspired by the planetary ruler of every weekday (for background information, look here).

On Saturdays, ruled by Saturn: Obstacles and Blockades,
on Sundays, ruled by the Sun: Inspiration and Goals,
on Mondays, ruled by the Moon: Dreams and Fears,
on Tuesdays, ruled by Mars: Conflicts and Challenges,
on Wednesdays, ruled by Mercury: Interactions and Change,
on Thursdays, ruled by Jupiter: Power and Influences, and
on Fridays, ruled by Venus: Love and Attraction.

The focus words I chose for each planet/day are not binding. Please don't limit yourself to the two short words if you feel other aspects of the planet are relevant to your reading.

There are different ways to perform a Planetary Week reading.

Traditional: draw a card per day and use the prism of the planetary influence to connect the card to your day and life.

Selective: select a card that suits the topic of each weekday and use it as affirmation and empowerment to improve your life.

Day-by-day: draw or pick your daily card one by one through the week.

Summarily: draw or pick all cards together before the week starts and treat them as a complete reading.

:!: And what about those who just want to have a Deck of the Week, Card of the Day reading? They can just jump in and leave the planetary lore away.

Share pictures if you can or want to.

No matter how we do it - by reminding ourselves of the planetary regents and their influence, we re-connect to the sevenfold cycle of time that our ancestors established, with their eyes to the sky.

Nemia - World Spirit Tarot
CharlotteK - Trick or Tarot
Chiscotheque - Golden Age of Hollywood Tarot
Joan Marie - Cult of Weimar Tarot
Amoroso - Gothic Tarot
Dodalisque - Beatles Tarot
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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by Nemia »

I decided to use my Four Heavenly Kings Tarot. It was a spontaneous buy and I love this deck. It's warm and cozy. Just what I need.

And what was my first card - for Saturday, his stern and dour Saturn's day? The Sun. Radiant and beaming ;-)

ETA: That was nice, but I notice only now that the Four Heavenly Kings were my deck of the planetary week only in September.... and I'll have to think about another deck. Something sunny though.

And once more ETA: I decided to go with the funniest Sun card I know, the Nixon baby Sun! So it's the World Spirit Tarot for this week!
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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by chiscotheque »

Day 1 - Saturday, ruled by Saturn: Obstacles and Blockades
19 sun john wayne.jpg
Card : The Sun XIX John Wayne
Right off the bat I should say my view of the Sun card is based on the Tarot de Marseilles, and I find Waite's Sun something of a ludicrous joke. Therefore, John Wayne riding a horse is something of a joke on Waite's card. Wayne was the kind of guy I hate: All-American, overpaid and privileged, sexist, untalented, one-dimensional, uncultured, anti-intellectual, and a staunch Republican. Despite his he-man persona, he was a coward who continually deferred military service in WWII and lied about it. He was a chain-smoker who eventually died from that particular addiction to fire.

A surface reading could suggest what obstacles and blockades I will face today will be to do with the Male Ego, it's outward-moving arrogance, its forceful hegemony, its inability to accurately see itself. It could indicate political, ideological strife, as Wayne was a founder and head of The
Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals
, a paranoid group of conservative anti-communists who helped HUAC blacklist left-leaning Hollywood writers, directors, and actors. This is the dark side of the Sun card, seen in the very word "SUN" on the card, which is cast like a shadow and black, like the film at the bottom of the card, black from being exposed to light, alluding to the blacklist and the char and soot that remains from a conflagration.

Looking deeper, the 2 male figures atop the card remind one of the 2 figures on the Marseilles Sun card. They are Gregory Peck and Joseph Cotton from the film Duel in the Sun, and they are both enraptured by the sun-bleached female figure at the card's centre [Jennifer Jones]. Jones was a mediocre talent at best whose career was made possible by the machinations of her producer husband, David O. Selznick. The point being: the female here is a cypher (la femme n'existe pas) and the men are really drawn to the power of the Sun - their own intrinsic male energy - like moths to the flame.

While this card today may mean little more than it's sunny outside [which it is] and I would do well to make hay while it shines [which I plan to do], it may also warn of the folly of hubris, getting up on one's high horse, the outward desire for something which is really a surrogate for one's own will to power, and the ramifications of playing with fire.

Addendum: I did indeed get out early and was able to complete 3 jobs before the rains started late in the day. While taking a customer to a clinic to get insulin, he told me of a transgender friend who asked for a spoken-word bible for Christmas. I quiped "What, read by John Wayne?" and instantly remembered the card. Meanwhile, in the U.S., an anti-Semite killed 11 people at the Tree of Life synagogue. I don't know if he's a neo-Nazi or what - the Nazis were a male Death cult - but this kind of outward-focussed anger and unchecked brute violence - the All-American John Wayne solution of solving every problem with a gun - epitomizes the adverse aspect of The Sun card.

Day 2 - Sunday, ruled by the Sun: Inspiration and Goals
14 temperance sound & colour.jpg
Card: Temperance XIV Sound & Color
Temperance suggests striking a balance. During the golden age of Hollywood, there were only a few color films made, and most of these were costume dramas and spectacles, such as Gone With The Wind and Robin Hood - made to take advantage of the full spectrum of colors. Sound came to motion pictures at the same time as the stock market crash and the Great Depression. Hollywood's response was to put on a musical - grandiose song and dance numbers epitomized by the kaleidoscopic choreography of Busby Berkeley. These types of films are anything but temperate, but what they did at least attempt to temper was the everyday reality of the era.

Being moderate in my indulgences has always been a struggle for me. As has knowing when to stop, not taking on too much, and checking myself so as not to become a workaholic. I have often found that there's nothing like undesirable work to make one know what it is one wants to create and to give one the impetus to create it - once one finds the free time. similarly, all play and no work makes Jack just as dull. The notion of art as an antidote or counter to reality is one i reject; art is an integral aspect of life, and unlike insipid, disposable culture, true art returns one to reality - the reality that manual labour and domestic squabbling inures one to.

This evening, a couple friends of mine are coming by for a night of fun. I won't be indulging in temperance as such, but i will endeavor to be temperate. What's more, i have some 7 hours before they arrive - plenty of time to do some needed chores around the place and also to do some creative work in the music studio.

Addendum: The chores took longer than expected, so music will have to be deferred to tomorrow. Cakes and ale there were, and a modicum of moderation - no dancing on the table with a lampshade on my head, but nevertheless a certain amount of sensory dislocation. I will endeavor to do better next time.

Day 3 - Monday, ruled by the Moon: Dreams and Fears
7 coin cabin in the sky.jpg
Card: 7 of Coin - Cabin In The Sky
The film Cabin In The Sky is literally a dream - all the events concerning Heaven and 2nd chances turn out to be the fevered imaginings of the main character. Nevertheless, it's a card about redemption and hopes fulfilled - hope for one's future and hope for one's own abilities to change. The fear is death and one's inability to straighten up and do right by the people one loves. After a night of intemperance, I was beset with some fevered dreams myself. I had neglected the one I loved; she was lost and I couldn't recognize her. I woke up disoriented.

This card represents the marginalized. it signifies carving out joy and expression for yourself even in adversity. There is a fantastic aspect to the card, a castles in Spain quality, just as there is also a tough luck and abject reality at its core. Many theatres in the Southern U.S. refused to play the film because of its all-black cast. Issues of black and white reinforce a subtext of right and wrong, and the resistance the film faced underscores the card's theme of perseverance.

But first and foremost the 7 of Coin is a card about music - music as pleasure, music as palliative, and music as pardon. Today I will put in some time working on music, and try at the same time to enjoy the playing of it.

Addendum: the day started slow; it poured rain so i made a big pot of cauliflower soup. When the sun appeared, I did some manual labour for a Sikh mother and son. In the late afternoon I went out to the music studio and worked on a song. It went well - it's after 9 and I've just come in for the night.

Day 4 - Tuesday, ruled by Mars: Conflicts and Challenges
16 tower anti-trust.jpg
Card: The Tower XVI Anti-Trust
As conflicts go, this is about as big as it gets. This card has essentially the same meanings associated with the Waite-Smith card, with an emphasis on how the studios thought their control of the film industry was invulnerable and indomitable. When the U.S. government finally succeeded in forcing them to dismantle their unfair distribution monopoly, it meant the beginning of the end for the Studio System. The arrogance of the studio big-wigs allowed television to develop and grow in dominance without Hollywood involvement. Then, instead of distancing itself from the rather infantile fare on tv, at the height of post-war Hollywood popularity - with more educated people attending movie houses than ever before - Hollywood dumbed-down their product, insisting success was predicated on appealing to the lowest common denominator.

I must say, having drawn this card, I don't much care for my prospects today. The suggestion is some dreamworld I have been living in is about to come crashing down. Of course, it may also suggest major changes are afoot in the power structures that surround me and that I'm a part of - the Studio System took a decade to totally collapse after all. This card marks the movement away from a stable of actors on contract churning out movies en masse in tried and financially true formulas toward a plurality of independents and equals working on more individual projects. This dismantlement of the Studio System allowed for more creativity and freedom for writers, directors, and performers. As I have mentioned elsewhere, I built a new music studio over the summer, fixed up my painting studio while I was at it, and am in the process of renovating a garage into a living space for my sweetheart to relocate to from Winnipeg. This latter fact will certainly affect the power structure around me, and the dynamic regarding my relationship with the studios is certainly new, such that it will undoubtedly impact how the work is created and its ultimate form. Just how this all relates to events today, I can't quite grasp - I'll have to wait and see.

Addendum: Well, my house wasn't hit by lightning, but I had to put off working in my new music studio because the neighbour is having his roof replaced. 5 or 6 guys showed up, playing 80s soft-rock and otherwise making a racket pulling off old shingles. Also of note: I was given access to the email account of my recently deceased writer friend. I spent hours going through letters, organizing those that were of interest and trashing those that weren't. This has significance when we consider The Tower is often likened to the Tower of Babel, and that my recently departed friend was a writer who first introduced me to tarot. I will just note, that of all the hundreds of emails, there is sadly little of true emotional weight - every missive airily resides on a rather rarified intellectual plane. I wonder if death didn't simply put an end to that, or if it opened-up and freed the soul.

Day 5 - Wednesday, ruled by Mercury: Interactions and Change
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Card: 10 of Spades - White Heat
As for change, this is arguably the least yielding or amenable card in the deck. It is unquestionably a card of death, and here with the film White Heat is added rage, insanity, and suicide by police. As I noted while drawing for the last Planetary Week, there have been around me lately a number of deaths. This card may allude to them, or suggest more are in the offing. The flames engulfing Cody Jarrett [James Cagney] look like wings - the wings of a Fallen Angel or a Guardian Angel. Either way, it marks a dramatic change, be it an embracing of one's fate or an ending that's difficult to accept. It should be noted that today is Samhain, Halloween, All Saint's Eve, and the beginning of Allhallowtide - the time of remembering the dead.

Friends tried to dissuade Cagney from taking the role, as he was getting on in years and Cody seemed to be a parody of the gangster characters he made famous in his youth. Originally based on the real-life Ma Barker Gang, Cagney (along with close friend Humphrey Bogart) changed the script to focus on his character, a psychopath with a possible Oedipus Complex. One of the details introduced is Cody's debilitating headaches, an illness suffered by both my mother and myself. The scene on the 10 of Spades occurs at the film's climax, where Cody howls one of the most famous lines in movie history: "Made it Ma, top of the world!" In a sense, Cody has made it to the infamous end point of his murderous spree and death drive, becoming an almost arch-gangster if not arch-angel figure. By accepting a tired role Cagney himself had made cliché, he altered it to reflect the viciousness of the post-war world.

This is the end of Spades, the air suit, where hopefully one can call a spade a spade after all the smoke has cleared. The card is a little like an X-ray - a radioactive insight into an internal maelstrom. I certainly have some fears as to what this could indicate as subtext, but hopefully it means good riddance to bad rubbish and the end of mindless self-destruction.

Addendum: well, as far as I know, I didn't die. Being Samhain, however, the door between this world and the world of the dead was opened its fullest. Ruminating, I recognized something incisive about my writer friend who just recently died (his Xtian name meaning "Spade of Fame"). Namely, that he believed what he wanted to believe, filtering his experience to align with him rather than him with it, and in so doing kept himself ignorant of a certain ugliness and mess - his own included - which helped keep him going all his 86 years, but also kept him from fully experiencing people, places, and even himself. As a result, the profile of his life was distinct but shallow, an aspect this card has in spades.

Day 6 - Thursday, ruled by Jupiter: Power and Influences
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Card: Knight of Batons - Marlene Dietrich
I was wondering when a Court card was going to appear. In the GAHT deck, the Knights of the male suits are female. As much as for her acting and singing, Dietrich was known for dressing in men's clothing and heading the Hollywood Sewing Circle - a group of women who were a little more than friends.

On the card's foreground is Dietrich from The Blue Angel, a version of the Of Human Bondage story, the popularity of which allowed her to leave Germany for Hollywood, along with film mentor Von Sternberg. Over their next 6 films together, director and star crafted a unique look and persona for Dietrich, one which made her an indelible icon. Hitler himself was enamoured by this icon, and openly courted Dietrich's return to Germany. She not only rebuffed his overtures decidedly, but was outspoken in her criticism of the Nazis. She created a fund and gave her salary to help Jews fleeing Nazi tyranny. During the war, she worked tirelessly on USO tours and raising money for war bonds, eventually receiving the Medal of Freedom and the Legion of Honour for her efforts. Dietrich had tried to help her sister leave Germany but the sister remained with her son, running a cinema for officers from the Bergen-Belson concentration camp. Dietrich later disowned her sister and nephew, claiming to be an only child.

I have always admired this strength of character in Dietrich, her political and moral convictions as well as her dedication to her craft - she would tell the lighting men how to light her, using the technical language of cinematographers and gaffers. Both of these attributes, as well as just the simple pluck to be oneself, are things I aspire to. I will try to stay mindful of these noble traits throughout my day.

Addendum: As it happened, I had a very straight-forward and rather uneventful day. As something of a nod to Dietrich's political involvements, I voted in the current provincial referendum. Otherwise, I decanted some home-made wine, did some gardening, checked on a woman's home for whom i'm house-sitting, and spent a good 5 hours working in the music studio. In the evening, on the local public television channel, they played the documentary Marlene.

Day 7 - Friday, ruled by Venus: Love and Attraction
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Card: 5 of Spades - Gilda
Personally, I have never liked Gilda. For one thing, Glenn Ford is one of the least appealing male actors of his era. Rita Hayworth, while a poor actress, is obviously vivacious and energetic. What disturbs me about the film - what makes me cringe and turn away from the screen - is the shamelessly salacious way the film exploits Hayworth's sexuality. In fact, it can be argued that Gilda is the beginning of the spate of degrading adolescent male-oriented fantasy-like films that permeated the late 50s and early 60s. I knew today's reading was going to be difficult, or at least tangential, because again, like last week, my sweetheart is 2000 miles away. But when I pulled the card, it only took me a second to realize what the draw was about.

Aside from an excuse to indulge in prurience, Gilda is at core about a love-hate relationship; one which, like all such relationships, is obsessive, selfish, and destructive. For many years, I was in just such a relationship. On and off again as these things usually are, it took me a very long time to recognize the deep levels and true nature of abuse going on in the relationship, let alone do something definitive about, to say nothing of working to recuperate from it all. My spouse was also traumatized by this person, undergoing slander, ostracization, threats of violence, and a very concerted campaign to sabotage the bond she and I were forming. This "Gilda", if you will (the names are surprisingly similar), continues to appear in our lives, through mutual friends, chance encounters on the street, and bad dreams. Indeed, I had one last night - I was helping someone change a flat tire on a very busy highway bridge when this "Gilda" showed up and commenced to hector me.

In some ways, this is a reversed reading - the pitfalls of love and the dangerous side of attraction. And yet in another way it's not - this is the 5 of Spades, after all, a card of aggression, defeat, humiliation, jealousy, deceit, and gloating. In this way, a reversed meaning would corroborate my gut feeling for the film and see 2 people spared the crimes of passion. Rather than Ford's character Johnny being defeated by Gilda, he is lucky to escape with his life. Removed from the glittering gold lamé orbit of Hayworth in the foreground, Ford can make his way toward the distant silvery figure of Miss Liberty. I interpret this card on this planetary day to signify getting past toxic love and embracing instead a love that nourishes.

Addendum: Further to my metaphor, it may be worth noting that the 4th atomic bomb ever to be detonated was decorated with Hayworth's photograph and dubbed "Gilda".
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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by CharlotteK »

Trick or Tarot for me this week please Nemia :)
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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by Joan Marie »

I am going to use a deck that I have not for a long time, my Cult of Weimar deck is out for an airing this week.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by Amoroso »

I'll join with the Gothic Tarot by Joseph Vargo. Fits the season well.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by Nemia »

I wanted the World Spirit Tarot so much and I like the artwork - I love prints, and they're really well done. I also like the international, multicultural, universal feeling of this deck. I don't mind that I bought the Spanish version without knowing Spanish - the deck is quite expressive, and I'm glad I didn't wait for the new edition. I actually like it that I have some decks in languages I don't know - Spanish and Finnish.

But somehow, this deck and I didn't get much closer to each other. I don't even know whether I ever read with it.

2018 10 27 Word Spirit Tarot Sun.jpg
2018 10 27 Word Spirit Tarot Sun.jpg (56.53 KiB) Viewed 5375 times

For Saturday, I decided to go with my original choice's card, the Sun. It's the Nixon baby sun but I never noticed that it looks a bit weird and I actually like it. Before I read that the baby reminds people of Nixon, I had associated it with Frida Kahlo's depictions of Diego Rivera, espeically in the Universe painting.

I tend to see old Saturn's positive potential, and the card is right. The sadness and disappointment of the last days were put nicely into perspective today, and we spent a nice time working in the garden, in the friendly, not-too-hot sun, and everything was well again in my little world.

2018 10 28 Word Spirit Tarot Seven Swords.jpg
2018 10 28 Word Spirit Tarot Seven Swords.jpg (44.24 KiB) Viewed 5375 times

But look what Sunday is going to bring. The Seven of Swords. Not a good card at all I'm afraid. I hope things won't go too badly. It looks like a man collecting swords from the river - associations are bad. Treacherous waters, treacherous people, just what I need right now :-(
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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by Joan Marie »

Saturday - Saturn - Obstacles and Blockades

Inertia creeps
Inertia creeps

The Knight of Wands
She's a fiery force, but feeling a bit stuck, a bit trapped, not so much by circumstance but something else, something inside.
What is the source of this inertia?
I think it's time to re-examine the plot. Recall the motivation, reconnect with the forces that initially inspired. They may have developed over time and that's a good thing. But I need to bring it all together again.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by Joan Marie »

Sunday - The Sun - Inspiration & Goals

No thanks?
No thanks?

This is a weird card to get for inspiration and goals but I kind of get it. This card always reminds me the importance of making good choices for myself. This includes not accepting everything that's offered, not reacting to information that is ultimately not healthy for me. I got some news this morning via email about something that could preoccupy my mind in a negative way, but I actively chose to not take it on. I realise there are implications but nothing I can directly affect. It does require a response from me but I have it clear in my mind that any response will be a detached one. It is a perfect test for me to practice healthy detachment.

So I'm inspired by taking a very negative situation and using it as a tool for my self-development and practicing my skills with others who I care about very much, being sensitive but not inauthentic.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by CharlotteK »

Saturday, ruled by Saturn: Obstacles and Blockades.

Seven of Pentacles

An ineffectual scarecrow fails to deter a number of crows from tucking into the pumpkins growing around it. The scarecrow is fixed on its post, unable to move, it is faceless and weightless so unable to do anything other than just be a scarecrow and in this solitary purpose it has failed. This suggested for yesterday the possibility that any efforts made towards anything of real purpose could have been rather ineffective if I had relied entirely on just 'being'.

Sunday, ruled by the Sun: Inspiration and Goals


The alchemical process, the blending of ingredients, the balancing of opposites. What is she bubbling up in her cauldron? Something is also fizzing away behind her in the pumpkin. There is energy and creativity represented here of a transformative kind.

I'm participating in a Samhain ritual later and have the task of blessing the circle with water. I am thinking of how I can draw on the other elements as progress around the circle, asking the earth spirits for compassion, air for emotional balance etc.

Monday, ruled by the Moon: Dreams and Fears
Tuesday, ruled by Mars: Conflicts and Challenges
Wednesday, ruled by Mercury: Interactions and Change
Thursday, ruled by Jupiter: Power and Influences
Friday, ruled by Venus: Love and Attraction
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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by Nemia »

2018 10 29 World Spirit Tarot Justice.jpg
2018 10 29 World Spirit Tarot Justice.jpg (54.52 KiB) Viewed 5274 times

For tomorrow, a lunar Monday, I have Justice - a very beautiful card. Cosmic Justice, with two columns like the High Priestess, standing on a diagram of an atom. I can't think now - have too much to do - but I love this card.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by Amoroso »

Saturday - Obstacles and Blockades

Queen of Swords

This means that focusing too much on the rational underpinnings of a problem without considering how it would impact the people involved would hinder me in my plans. It would be better if I gain a measure of consensus before proceeding.

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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by Amoroso »

Sunday - Inspiration and Goals

Ace of Cups Reversed

This week, I'd find that reflecting on my defeats, weaknesses and regrets would fuel my desire to do better and achieve more. Negative reinforcement will work wonders.

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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by dodalisque »

Saturday, ruled by Saturn: Obstacles and Blockades
Five of Pennies (suit of Paul)

The 5 of Coins is traditionally the card of poverty and physical hardship. Sure, having no money and getting old and limping around on my geriatric bad knee in the cold weather is a drag, but perhaps my main obstacle in life is taking pride in suffering, hugging it to myself and thinking of myself as a martyr, someone dreaming of escape from the jail of the material world. Poor me. I should be counting my blessings rather than cursing my difficulties. At the top of the card Paul and his beautiful assistant Linda perform a magic act, releasing 5 doves into the air. They have alchemically transformed the foiled prison-break below into an act of liberation. The escaping convicts caught in a searchlight beam are from the cover of Paul's "Band on the Run" album. Recorded under chaotic conditions in Jamaica - a holiday getaway? - during a miserably difficult period in their professional and personal lives, Paul and Linda managed to create one of their finest albums. Our greatest trials can inspire our greatest achievements. Each of the convicts is a well-known British celebrity, with more than their fair share of money and adulation. The jail's searchlight is also the stage spotlight of fame. So success can be restricting while hardship can grant us a kind of freedom. Or are those celebrities a bunch of spoiled brats complaining about their harsh lot in life. Poor them. The searchlight might also symbolise a sort of crippling self-consciousness.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by dodalisque »

Sunday, ruled by the Sun: Inspiration and Goals
The Moon (XVIII)

Strange that the day of the Sun should be represented by The Moon card. Sunshine is generally associated with optimism, so can this card really mean that what inspires me and makes me happy is darkness? This would actually confirm my self-diagnosis in the previous card: pampering myself with suffering. Well, I am a Scorpio, so that seems to fit. And I do prefer dark wet days to sunny ones on account of my hayfever allergies. The image on the card deals with the subject of the Beatles' issues with drugs - cocaine, heroin, smoke in all its forms. It inevitably caused them problems, but it also inspired some of their greatest music and encouraged them to grow spiritually. I used to work as a hypnotherapist, so maybe hypnotism has the role in my life that drugs had for The Beatles, of allowing me to explore alternative states of consciousness. The great financial crash of 2008 made it suddenly difficult to find enough customers to pay the bills, but I love hypnotism and miss it terribly. Perhaps the tarot is recommending that I should resuscitate my career. The Majors in the BT represent all the official Beatles albums in chronological order, and this card draws its imagery from the cover art of their 12th release "Let It Be". "When I find myself in times of trouble, mother Mary comes to me/Speaking words of wisdom, Let it be/ Whispers words of wisdom, Let it be." So mote it be.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by Amoroso »

Monday - Dreams and Fears

III of Cups Reversed

This is connected to the card that I drew yesterday. It says that I have a deep fear of losing, whether it be a match, deals, support, or control. I guess this is connected to my competitive nature. I'd have to meditate on this today, look at its nature, causes, and triggers so that I'd be able to handle it better.

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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by Amoroso »

Tuesdays - Conflicts and Challenges

VI of Pentacles Reversed

This means that I must be ready to face confrontations and trials on my own. I must be self-reliant and I should bank on my own counsel. This would yield the most desirable results.

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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by dodalisque »

Mondays, ruled by the Moon: Dreams and Fears
4 ringo.jpg
4 of Sticks (suit of Ringo)

Like most of the cards in The Beatles Tarot, the 4 of Sticks satirises elements taken from the imagery of the corresponding card in the Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) deck. The Waite 4 of Wands features what is probably a wedding party, combining the sexuality associated with the element of Fire in the Wands suit with the earthy solidity of the number 4 in numerology: hence, a stable relationship or marriage. The four sticks are even planted in the ground to reinforce this idea of fixity. The fiery creative energies of Sticks have been disciplined. In the same way, Ringo has just arrived on planet Earth after years of aimlessly buzzing around the universe in his atomic-powered spaceship having adventures. He is ready to put down roots and build a life here. This could be the card of someone finally choosing a career and settling on a vocation. Monday is the day of dreams and fears, so maybe deep down perhaps I dread the idea of having a regular job. Maybe I'm terrified of turning into that robot. Also, alien invaders are generally given a very hot reception when they show up here on Earth. So if I am bringing my gift to the world - "Greetings, I come in peace" - perhaps I'm frightened that people will misunderstand and hurl missiles at me.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by Nemia »

2018 10 29 World Spirit Tarot Sage King of Swords.jpg
2018 10 29 World Spirit Tarot Sage King of Swords.jpg (51.17 KiB) Viewed 5251 times

More Swords for me! This time it's the Sage/King of Swords. Communication and conflicts, that's what the cards of the last few days tell me, and unfortunately, it's true. In a deeper sense, this card tells me to stay strong, to rely on myself and be self confident like this Sage, even in harsh conflicts. Sages/kings are cards of authority, experience, wisdom and assertiveness - all things that I will need.

I must say that I really like the way this deck loos. Lino cuts are powerful. I find it easier to connect to the Light and Shadow tarot which is black-and-white lino technique but the use of colour in the World Spirit deck is done quite well. It's coloured in later, not printed - okay.

The Swords cards are cold and wintery. Next to my Mantegna Mars who sits in a similar pose but in totally different colours, the sage/king looks even icier. Nice to compare him with the Anna K. King of Swords - a king of the cold, too.

I only have a picture of all the Swords court cards from the Anna K., here it is:

Anna K. Tarot Schwerter.JPG

Little Red Tarot has a picture of the Swords court cards, and here they are for comparison:


The problem of emotional coldness vs cool rationality - I have to learn not to mix up one with the other.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by Joan Marie »

Monday: Moon: Dreams & Fears

Giving & Receiving
Giving & Receiving

This is one of my favourite cards. The way the dew on the rose sort of blends with the champagne bubbles enchants me. Okay I know I made this deck, so maybe it sounds a bit stupid when I say something like that, but sometimes when you are making something there are unexpected results. Things combine in ways you hadn't anticipated and sometimes you don't even notice them until later. And that is how you can be enchanted by your own work.

This is interesting to pull this card today because I am going through a bit of a round-robin with needing and giving financial help and several people are involved. And things are working out in unexpected ways. I'm not sure I would call it "enchanting" but definitely things are working out in better ways than I had planned. The trick in these situations is that everyone feels okay somehow, not "beholding" and not "used" but relationships remaining in tact and maybe even better than before. Tricky business for sure.

This situation is a real example of dreams and fears. Dreaming things work out and everyone is okay, problems get solved and fearing that won't happen, which would be awful because I love each person involved very much. This card gives me some hope.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by dodalisque »

Tuesdays, ruled by Mars: Conflicts and Challenges
6 george.jpg
6 of Cups (suit of George)

Yesterday we left Ringo descending from his spaceship of immaturity to get serious about building his career as a professional hypnotherapist. He was worried about suffering rejection and criticism: that is, being blasted by the combined might of the armies of Earth. Tuesday is the day of conflicts and challenges, but the card that appears here is the one that combines love, which we associate with the suit of Cups, and the innocence and beauty linked to 6th sephirah (Tiphareth) on the Tree of Life in the Jewish Kabbalah. In other words, this card doubles the notion of pure love. The image shows George and Ravi Shankar, who enjoyed a cloudless relationship of affection and mutual respect, as well as a shared devotion to spirituality and music. The 6 of Cups seems to be telling me that my fears of failure and rejection are groundless and that clients will receive me with open arms. On the other hand, the picture behind Ravi and George is a not a real music studio full of complex equipment but a childlike painting of a music studio that George did and then used for one of his album covers. Is the card rather telling me that my biggest challenge is to overcome my own childish innocence and lack of sophistication? To grow up and get real? To be less open and trusting? To collaborate with clients on their issues without wanting them to be friends with me as well?
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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by Amoroso »

Wednesday - Interactions and Change

The Star Reversed

The Star in its reversed aspect suggests that things would be as they are and that the status quo would prevail. Traditions and customs for this All Hallows' must be followed.

Start strong
End stronger
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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by Nemia »

2018 10 31 World Spirit Tarot 2 Pentacles.jpg
2018 10 31 World Spirit Tarot 2 Pentacles.jpg (60.31 KiB) Viewed 5442 times

Wednesday, Mercury's day: interactions, communication, exchange of ideas and ease of movement. And the Two of Pentacles is a precise description of my situation. A middle aged woman who juggles different jobs, a family whose members don't always get along well (but I do my best to be in good contact with everybody and I'm in many ways a bridge person in the family), and while it's often fun to dance between the waves, I'm afraid of the day that I can't see the lighthouse any more. there were times in the last few years and months that I felt it's all too much for me. But there is also great inner joy. All my problems are connected to my own decisions, and I would make those choices all over again, and actually, I'm very happy with my life. I don't know how long I'll be able to keep everything in balance but right now, and for quite some time, I manage it quite well.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by Amoroso »

Thursday - Power and Influence

V of Pentacles Reversed

Power and influence confers great wealth, while vast riches gives one the means to amass authority and support and create strong networks. It has always been thus, and it will forever be so. It's a spiral that always trends upward, and one must be careful to keep its momentum going or it might topple itself by its sheer heft and unwieldiness. I hope that I'd learn enough along the way to keep this golden ouroboros going.

Start strong
End stronger
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Re: My Planetary Week # 23: October 27 - November 2

Post by Nemia »

I should have known it - another dark card for today :-(
2018 11 01 World Spirit Tarot Death.jpg
2018 11 01 World Spirit Tarot Death.jpg (48.2 KiB) Viewed 5437 times

On a Thursday, day of thunder, power, hierarchies - what is it that has to go?

I notice only now that this is another death card with a phoenix.

2018 11 01 World Spirit Tarot Death detail.jpg
2018 11 01 World Spirit Tarot Death detail.jpg (20.02 KiB) Viewed 5437 times

This seems to be a popular motif for Death cards:

Constellation Tarot:
2017 10 22 constellation tarot phoenix.jpg

Star Tarot:
2017 12 02 Star Tarot XIII Death.jpg
2017 12 02 Star Tarot XIII Death.jpg (20.05 KiB) Viewed 5437 times

Sun and Moon Tarot

death rebirth sun and moon.jpg

Shadowscapes Tarot
shadowscapes death.jpg

In the Epic Tarot, Phoenixes take the place of Queens - there is a Phoenix in every suit. Here is the Phoenix of Swords:

epic tarot  phoenix of swords.jpg

In the Chrysalis Tarot, a phoenix appears in Judgement.
phoenix chyrsalis tarot Judgement.jpg
phoenix chyrsalis tarot Judgement.jpg (23.47 KiB) Viewed 5437 times

And in the Da Vinci Enigma deck, a phoenix symbolizes Renewal.
da-vinci-enigma-renewal.jpg (9.62 KiB) Viewed 5437 times

I'm interested in symbolism (more precise: obsessed with symbolism :lol: ) and can't but notice it.

Let's see what the day brings.
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