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My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

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My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by Nemia »

This is an invitation to work with one card deck for one week in a group reading.

You can pick any deck: tarot, Lenormand, Kipper, oracle or playing cards. From this deck, you'll draw one card per day - i.e., seven Daily Cards from your Deck of the Week that allow you to get to know the deck better, to hone your reading skills and get new insights about your life.

In a Planetary Week reading, we don't only draw a card per day but also give it a topic. We focus on motifs, topics, patterns in our lives, inspired by the planetary ruler of every weekday (for background information, look here).

On Saturdays, ruled by Saturn: Obstacles and Blockades,
on Sundays, ruled by the Sun: Inspiration and Goals,
on Mondays, ruled by the Moon: Dreams and Fears,
on Tuesdays, ruled by Mars: Conflicts and Challenges,
on Wednesdays, ruled by Mercury: Interactions and Change,
on Thursdays, ruled by Jupiter: Power and Influences, and
on Fridays, ruled by Venus: Love and Attraction.

The focus words I chose for each planet/day are not binding. Please don't limit yourself to the two short words if you feel other aspects of the planet are relevant to your reading.

There are different ways to perform a Planetary Week reading.

Traditional: draw a card per day and use the prism of the planetary influence to connect the card to your day and life.

Selective: select a card that suits the topic of each weekday and use it as affirmation and empowerment to improve your life.

Day-by-day: draw or pick your daily card one by one through the week.

Summarily: draw or pick all cards together before the week starts and treat them as a complete reading.

:!: And what about those who just want to have a Deck of the Week, Card of the Day reading? They can just jump in and leave the planetary lore away.

Share pictures if you can or want to.

No matter how we do it - by reminding ourselves of the planetary regents and their influence, we re-connect to the sevenfold cycle of time that our ancestors established, with their eyes to the sky.


Nemia - Tarot of the Saints

Amoroso - Wild Unknown Tarot

CharlotteK - Greenwood Tarot
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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by Nemia »

I looked at my list of decks and realized that I didn't use my beloved Tarot of Saints by Robert Place for a weekly reading - so now is the time :-)
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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by Amoroso »

I'm in with the Wild Unknown
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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by CharlotteK »

I'll join in with the Greenwood!
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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by Nemia »

We start as always with the farthest planet, Saturn, moving so slowly that he came to symbolize the movement of time and the obstacles in our way and leaden depression... and how nice is that because while he sends the obstacles, he also gives us time to deal with them.

2018 10 06 Saints Five of Coins.jpg
2018 10 06 Saints Five of Coins.jpg (51.94 KiB) Viewed 5249 times

Five of Coins. Sick, lame and poor - and this beggar won't be healed by the money people throw into his hat but by the host in the middle, i.e., spiritual values. What does that mean for me? Not self pity, not helplessness, but getting up. The host promises healing through the spirit. When I see that card, I first of all think of the many money troubles that have landed on us in the last few years - or, that we have landed ourselves in. Interesting card. it seems that the cards reflect my wish to change something actively, not just to wait passively until something happens and we recover.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by CharlotteK »

Saturday- obstacles and blockages

The Guardian (The Devil)

Resonates after last week and some of the unpleasantness that surfaced. The Guardian is the fear that needs to be faced and mastered, the shadow that must be acknowledged if we are to move forward. Found that a bit of a struggle today.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by CharlotteK »

Sunday - inspiration and goals

Page of Arrows - The Woodpecker

An airy youth, full of chatter and laughter but holding the secrets of the Tree of Life as it spirals up to nest within. In the deck the Pages are also 'blessings'and guardians of mysteries. The woodpecker here, decked out in sacred colours of red, green, yellow and white, is known for pecking on trees which echoes through the woodland. The author talks about this heralding the gateway to the heart. Here, a pair of woodpeckers look at each other, with a third flying down the arrow shaped path, guiding the querent to love.

Ah, this is my family but especially my son who is noisy and cheerful and talkative but also my purpose in life and my inspiration to be the best human being I can be.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by Nemia »

Charlotte, lucky you that you have the Greenwood! You have a most amazing card collection :-)

2018 10 07 Saints Four of Coins.jpg

The Four of Coins. I shuffled the cards very well but have two neighbouring cards today and yesterday. Christ being taken prisoner, how does Place connect the scene with the Four of Coins? Let's have a look in his book.

Oh no. Judas' kiss, selfishness, greed, betrayal. I often see something positive in this card, this holding on to something. I like the nr. Four, it's the number that explains the stable, tangible world of four directions, elements, temperaments, seasons etc. But here, there nothing but materialism. The influence of the Devil, too. And how clever to connect it to the figure of Jesus, who shares so many traits with Sol Invictus, in a card ruled by the Sun.

So is my decision that I reached today too strongly dictated by material need? Maybe, but it's necessary. It's not a betrayal I think. This card makes me think which is always good even though uncomfortable.... let's see how things evolve.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by CharlotteK »

Monday - Dreams and Fears

Five of Wands - Power

The giant of Cerne Abbas is associated with fertility and in using this figure to represent the five of wands there is a theme here of overcoming struggles and tackling fears through the harnessing of raw, concentrated (male) energy. So strong focussing of intent, lots of drive and force of will. There is nothing 'gentle' about the approach this card advocates taking towards growth.

In the aftermath of the really bad couple of weeks I had, I am feeling like I've got ground to make up and some hurdles to overcome, and also some real fears that some things are not going to be easily repaired. I think the way to do this is to throw myself into it with energy and vigour and not let myself shrink into the corners of the cave as I was doing on Saturday. I really was hiding away from that Guardian cave bear skeleton. But I had yesterday with my family and my lovely boy to recentre myself. So today it's a case of getting back 'out there', face up to the unpleasantness and get on with regaining ground and getting my spark back.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by Amoroso »

Saturday - Obstacles and Blockades

Nine Of Pentacles

My individualistic streak makes me dislike working with teams sometimes. I always get the job done, so I prefer working on my own. If in a group I carry my own weight, so if others don't perform there's bound to be friction. Always been told that I'm a good leader though.

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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by Amoroso »

Sundays - Inspiration and Goals

Strength Reversed

Very straightforward. This means that I see my current strength and gainz as inadequate, and that this discontent fuels my drive to develop a bigger and more jacked physique.

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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by Nemia »

I simply LOVE the clean lines of this deck and its serene compositions.

2018 10 08 Saints Queen of Staves.jpg
2018 10 08 Saints Queen of Staves.jpg (46.99 KiB) Viewed 5321 times

Yesterday, on a gentle Monday, I had the wonderful Queen of Staves. St Genevieve, protective, channeling her energy to the care for others. It's a card choice I really like although Place did it, I guess, solely for the sake of the staff :-) But there is contained energy in her face and slight movement. It's a more subdued card than our usual passionate panther lady but I feel she has a lot of warmth and power hidden within her. And I need that power now. The Monday with its connection to the Moon, to depths and also my femininity - maternity - my dreams and intuition - all of them running high right now.

2018 10 09 Saints Fool.jpg
2018 10 09 Saints Fool.jpg (70.46 KiB) Viewed 5321 times

And today, the day I'm always a bit uncomfortable about, Tuesday - day of Mars, of confrontations. And it's the Fool. St. Francis. Isn't he a wonderful Fool? Like St. Genevieve, totally focused on others.

While I think about it - I defused today a potential confrontation with kindliness and simply listening. I'm very much a St Francis fan. What a beautiful image.

Yes, I'm totally in love with this deck and have been so for many many years. It was among my first ten, if not five decks. The book is brilliant. The art, too. And the concept.

I grew up in a heavily Catholic area without being Catholic myself. In kindergarten, we celebrated the days of the Saints. In our Catholic girls' school, I felt a fascinated outsider. I loved these pragmatic little ways of making daily routines more meaningful. Today, I know that there's a lot more to Catholicism than just the esthetic beauty of its customs and rituals. I became much more critical. And Place shares that criticism. He has a gnostic view on the saints, i.e., he steps beyond the Vatican version of Christianity.

All the Saints cards I had until now were very encouraging and gentle. Just wonderful.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by CharlotteK »

Tuesday, ruled by Mars: Conflicts and Challenges

Page of Stones - Wren

Another Page and another guardian of mysteries. The wren was sacred to the druids, held to know the secrets of the otherworld as it appears to disappear into tree roots, walls and ivy; crevices between worlds. The creator talks about the wren representing someone who speaks with a quiet but persistent voice of secrets and mysteries that elude others, who has ‘their ear close to the ground’. I could also mean being silent to hear the voice of your inner heart.

This quiet voice is being drowned out at the moment by far noisier voices. The challenge is to hear it at all.

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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by Amoroso »

Monday - Dreams and Fears

Seven of Wands

I'm sometimes afraid that I'm not tough enough to face all of the challenges that life throws at me. I wish that my courage won't fail me when I need it the most.

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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by Amoroso »

Tuesday - Conflicts and Challenges

Father of Swords Reversed

I see the King of Swords as the ideal sovereign - alpha, intelligent, diplomatic, and with a cool competence that never gets ruffled, confident that things would turn out his way. I get involved in some conflicts because I'm a bit too hot-tempered and bull-headed. I can easily get results that way but they're not always ideal. I should be more mature.

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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by Amoroso »

Wednesday - Interactions and Change

Three of Swords Reversed

This means that I don't have to experience anything cataclysmic to initiate profound change. I just need my mind to be clear and my heart to be in the right place.

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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by CharlotteK »

Wednesday - interaction and change

Seven of Vessels - Mourning

From the artist: "A lamp is lit for the dead, and food and drink is offered as ancestors are remembered. Yew, an evergreen, is a reminder of rebirth. Grief and mourning for a loss in one’s life. Necessary emotional release. An honouring and a respect for that death."

Not sure at this stage of the morning what this points to, but other than the loss of a person I'd say that I am starting to realise perhaps that I need to move on from something that isn't serving me, to let go of an idea I hold or to accept a relationship has run it's course. But rather than discard it as useless this card asks that I recognise the contribution of the thing I need to say goodbye to, that I respect the purpose it served and practice gratitude for the role it played in helping me grow.

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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by Nemia »

2018 10 10 Saints Seven Swords1.jpg
2018 10 10 Saints Seven Swords1.jpg (39.88 KiB) Viewed 5302 times

Very special day for me today... my last day in one of my many low-paying little jobs. I loved the work but simply can't afford anymore to stay in a job where my love for the work is exploited and I earn so little. It was sad, it was also empowering because it meant that I can walk away when I don't feel I get fair value for my work.

So we have Mercury on this Wednesday, and the Nine of Swords. (I don't know why I called the image file Seven of Swords, and I'm too tired to fix it or to ask Uncle Sigmund for the reasons...).

Isn't it weird, when some months ago I was in the depths of depression and could hardly face each day, I had lots of happy cards to encourage me and lift me up and show me that there's a whole WORLD of happiness and light? And now that I finally start feeling again, that I have plans and a new horizon and hope - I get the Gloom and Doom card :-)

2018 10 10 Saints Seven Swords2.jpg

It's the day of interactions and communication. Mercury is also the Psychopompos, the leader of souls. And the main interaction on this card is - prayer. I interpret this card very literally now: the danger of depression, apathy and helplessness is still hanging over me. I'm not through it. And I nearly lost my habit of prayer, of dialogue with the Divine within me, which used to be a part of my life. There is a very clear message here. I started again to interact more with people - and now I have to re-connect to the Divine.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by Amoroso »

Thursday - Power and Influences

Seven of Pentacles

My power comes in direct proportion to the amount of work I put in. Patience is a virtue - what is rightfully mine shall come at the right time.

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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by CharlotteK »

Thursday - Power and Influences

Nine of Stones: Tradition

A cross legged antlered figure - presumably a shaman - sits upon a spiralled central stone. From the artist - "They listen to the wisdom of the stones beneath the full moon."

We are deeply connected to our past and as much as we think as a species we have learned, discovered and now 'know more' than our ancestors we have also lost ancient wisdom of living in harmony with nature.

So this represents deep learning. Learning from elders. Retrieving knowledge and wisdom from the fabric of our landscape by paying attention and listening.

I'll be looking out for opportunities to truly learn today.

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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by Amoroso »

Friday - Love and Attraction

The World

This is a highly propitious card so I'm thrilled. I like having the Book of Love in my hands. This confirms the Knight of Cups.

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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by Amoroso »

I enjoyed this. Had a fruitful reading so I'll join the next one. Thanks to our host, Nemia.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by CharlotteK »

Friday - Love and Attraction

The World Tree

From the artist: "The World Tree Position on wheel: centre, encompasses all worlds. A strong and healthy tree, with the foliage of all four seasons, winter, spring, summer and autumn, stands on the earth, branches reaching the sky, roots deep in the earth. The labyrinth, a stellar vision in The Fool, is here grounded on the land; you stand at the centre as the Tree, your journey complete. You are able to draw on all the qualities from the other cards in the wheel, you are in balance, a whole person. You are at one with yourself, your immediate universe, your own path and a greater destiny."

Wow. After a couple of really dreadful weeks I feel like I've come out of the other side and today might actually be a good one!
I also laid all the corresponding cards from the Wildwood out to see the similarities. There are many overlaps but a few significant differences.

Will Worthington's art in the Wildwood is exceptionally good and utterly consistent. It's a deck I've come to appreciate greatly since investigating earth based spirituality.

The art of the Greenwood that came before the Wildwood varies between soft, glowing and beautifully coloured illustrations done in what looks like coloured pencils for the majors and courts to more of a linocut or woodcut style for the minors. They are both wonderful and it really is a stunning deck. I find it most evocative, even the simpler seeming cards, and it appeals to me on very many levels.

Glad I made it to the end.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by Onica »

Friday- Love and attraction

I got The Empress- so an abundance of creativity, and nurturing as well as stability in my relationships. :)
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Re: My Planetary Week # 20: October 6 - October 12

Post by Nemia »

Wow, what a week I had, and next week will be even busier!!!

2018 10 11 Saints Three Cups.jpg

Thursday - Jupiter - power relationships and hierarchies. Three of Cups tell me to keep hierarchies flat, to focus on collaboration and cooperation instead of authority, respect and power - and of the feelings that unite people, not divide them. All very relevant for my future work situation.

2018 10 12 Saints Eight Swords.jpg

And Friday, day of love and Venus and everything she stands for, with the Eight of Swords. Blocked energies, obstacles, threats. Nothing that I can find in my life. But a very good friend of mine is exactly in that situation - and I spoke with her for hours on the phone before I drew the card. probably I was still in her story when I picked this card.... Interesting, and it never happened before.


How was my week? Too busy and I didn't have enough time to think about the cards. If I didn't get enough information, it's certainly not the deck's mistake!

I love the Saints tarot and feel very happy with it. Place's decks are wonderful and this one is my favorite. It's lucid, it keeps a critical distance to Christianity and is based on a deep knowledge of Christian iconography.
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