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My Planetary Week # 19: September 29 - October 5

All the Weeks of 2018 stored here
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My Planetary Week # 19: September 29 - October 5

Post by Nemia »

This is an invitation to work with one card deck for one week in a group reading.

You can pick any deck: tarot, Lenormand, Kipper, oracle or playing cards. From this deck, you'll draw one card per day - i.e., seven Daily Cards from your Deck of the Week that allow you to get to know the deck better, to hone your reading skills and get new insights about your life.

In a Planetary Week reading, we don't only draw a card per day but also give it a topic. We focus on motifs, topics, patterns in our lives, inspired by the planetary ruler of every weekday (for background information, look here).

On Saturdays, ruled by Saturn: Obstacles and Blockades,
on Sundays, ruled by the Sun: Inspiration and Goals,
on Mondays, ruled by the Moon: Dreams and Fears,
on Tuesdays, ruled by Mars: Conflicts and Challenges,
on Wednesdays, ruled by Mercury: Interactions and Change,
on Thursdays, ruled by Jupiter: Power and Influences, and
on Fridays, ruled by Venus: Love and Attraction.

The focus words I chose for each planet/day are not binding. Please don't limit yourself to the two short words if you feel other aspects of the planet are relevant to your reading.

There are different ways to perform a Planetary Week reading.

Traditional: draw a card per day and use the prism of the planetary influence to connect the card to your day and life.

Selective: select a card that suits the topic of each weekday and use it as affirmation and empowerment to improve your life.

Day-by-day: draw or pick your daily card one by one through the week.

Summarily: draw or pick all cards together before the week starts and treat them as a complete reading.

:!: And what about those who just want to have a Deck of the Week, Card of the Day reading? They can just jump in and leave the planetary lore away.

Share pictures if you can or want to.

No matter how we do it - by reminding ourselves of the planetary regents and their influence, we re-connect to the sevenfold cycle of time that our ancestors established, with their eyes to the sky.


Nemia - Trionfi della Luna

CharlotteK - Badgers Forest Tarot with Ogham staves

Onica - Green Witch Tarot
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Re: My Planetary Week # 19: September 29 - October 5

Post by Nemia »

Last week there were no participants, I was abroad and had nearly no internet, so let's make a new start today.

I'll spend next week with the..... hmmmm...... don't-know-yet-tarot! :-D
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Re: My Planetary Week # 19: September 29 - October 5

Post by CharlotteK »

I had no time to do this and the Autumn Equinox daily draw last week. I am amazed I completed the full Equinox 12 days, but it was wonderful so I am going to continue to roll this week.

I am in with Badgers Forest Tarot partnered with Ogham staves.

Thanks for starting the thread Nemia!
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Re: My Planetary Week # 19: September 29 - October 5

Post by CharlotteK »

Saturday - ruled by Saturn: Obstacles and Blockades

Crow Chick (Page of Pentacles) & Straif (Blackthorn)

Gosh where to start. This past week has been awful. Work has been very difficult. Lots of conflict and hard words. My 5 year old has been in trouble three times this week for fighting and hurting other children. And I've had some health issues too. I am really feeling the message of the Blackthorn - the strife, the pain, the damage, the negative mindset.

The Page could be my son, except he is not studious and hard working. But that's what we need him to be if we are going to keep him away from trouble. In the Page I see some hope of new beginnings. And even in the Blackthorn there is a choice about how how to deal with the hardships of life.

Today we are going to spend some time with my son doing wholesome things and activities that will feed his imagination and creativity in the hope that we can turn it around. And I am pulling my 'positive pants' on and seeing this as a new opportunity not an awful problem to be weighed down by.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 19: September 29 - October 5

Post by Nemia »

Wow, Charlotte, what a pairing! That looks SO amazing.

And here is my own reading from my much-beloved Trionfi della Luna.

2018 09 29 Trionfi della Luna bluebirds01.jpg

This is how I put my daily cards now. I'll have to re-arrange my study a bit to find a better place but for now, that's how I put them.

2018 09 29 Trionfi della Luna bluebirds02.jpg

It's the Bluebirds, one of the additional oracle cards of the deck.

2018 09 29 Trionfi della Luna bluebirds03.jpg

It's an especially beautiful card.

2018 09 29 Trionfi della Luna bluebirds04.jpg

And I simply take this as a blessing. Even if this is Saturn - I'm on my way and it will take time, but I can't see these blue birds in any other light than encouragement to climb over all the obstacles in my way.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 19: September 29 - October 5

Post by CharlotteK »

Sunday - ruled by the Sun: Inspiration and Goals

Knight of Foxes (Knight of Cups) & Saille (Willow)

An interesting combination this and a very watery one. Today is very much about emotions but, it seems to go deeper than that.

I wish the Badgers Forest LWB had a little more on the imagery. As it stands it talks merely of a romantic journey, being in love or following the heart. The Knight traditionally is led by the heart though this can sometimes be about being in love with being in love and a Roma tic ideal rather than the reality.

Saille is the tree letter for feeling or intuition, being very sensitive to feelings and impressions. Sometimes identified with love but more the bewitching dreams and watery illusions of love and in romance a tendency to fantasize and project qualities onto another person.

Ok. But I have no romantic leanings towards any person other than my husband and after 9 years together the rose tinted glasses were crushed under foot some time ago. So what else could this be signalling?

I think this pairing is more about the journey of the heart that the Knight has embarked upon and therfore my druid studies. The willow is also associated with divining, the moon, hidden knowledge, and the mysteries of the otherworld.

I remain very inspired by my Bardic studies to date and am motivated to continue. I have some journalling to catch up on so will make it my goal today to complete some outstanding entries and to meditate later today.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 19: September 29 - October 5

Post by Nemia »

2018 09 30 Trionfi della Luna Four of Wands.jpg
2018 09 30 Trionfi della Luna Four of Wands.jpg (67.18 KiB) Viewed 3001 times

It's Sunday, the day of aspirations and motivation - where do we put all that energy to best use without danger of burn-out? Four of Wands - the combination of strong fiery energy with structure and order.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 19: September 29 - October 5

Post by CharlotteK »

Monday, ruled by the Moon: Dreams and Fears

King of Badgers (King of Swords) and Fearn (Alder)

I'm going to start with the Ogham first. Alder is what I chose to make my druid wand from, though I didn't realise it at the time. My Ogham set confirmed this for me. Now I see to have made a little bond with Alder through this. Paul Rhys Mountfort describes Fearn as tree letter for advice and counsel and suggesting I will benefit from it, and if times have been challenging, it may be close at hand or that I should direct myself towards the sources of guidance and inspiration. Perhaps this is an older person or figure of authority. But he also suggests the best guidance comes from within if we can access the wisdom of the heart. And as a letter of oracular significance, it counsels seeking answers from the deep waters of self. To be my own oracle.

So to the Badger. Our King of Swords. The highest maturity of the rational scientific mind. If I had read this card on its own I may have thought it was encouraging me to seek out a KoS or be the KoS and approach issues very rationally and logically. The Ogham is adding a whole other dimension in these readings and what this is saying to me today is yes be the KoS but be careful to to try and "think" your way out of problems or take too rigid an approach to developing solutions.

I've got some issues with my team to resolve. I worry won't be able to. On the face of it some extra processes and a good telling off is what the logical brain is telling me will solve it. The wisdom of the heart is telling me it really won't. I'm sure the answer lies within, I just need to find it.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 19: September 29 - October 5

Post by Onica »

Hello everyone and happy October! Hope everyone is doing well,
I decided to select a card day to day today from Green Witch Tarot Deck and see how it corresponds with my dreams/fears. The card I got was number 14 which is The Sidhe and this card represents harmony, good communication, and people skills as well as organization and enthusiasm in getting people's support for my ideas. This is definitely a dream because in reality it seems to me, everything about myself is the opposite of this card, both because I am naturally impatient and depending on the situation, somewhat competitive. Some part of me will always flow with the natural course of people, but what I am interpreting is that my dream wants to come with new ideas and find confidence in myself and not be afraid to speak up and blend ideas with people.

20181001_152710_2 (1).jpg
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Re: My Planetary Week # 19: September 29 - October 5

Post by Onica »

Hello Everyone, and happy Thursday! So today's card for me was Number 7. The Battle Wagon, and the way I interpreted this card aligned with Jupiter's powers and influences is the people that I surround myself with, but also traits that I try to emulate to the best of my ability. I go to a community college and the vibe there is all about being in charge of the battle wagon-student wise. Every student wants to be in control of their own destiny and lead the charge on how they want to complete things. I read this is that leadership has its own form of power and influence within me especially when it comes to being on time with projects and any kind of school work or life work for myself. Since I don't have any horses or chariot, I decided to have my puppy be a model of my picture with my card to demonstrate to be the person your pet knows you to be and being in control of your own fate without regrets.

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Re: My Planetary Week # 19: September 29 - October 5

Post by Nemia »

I had a spell of very good planetary weeks in August and early September, but my trip must have derailed me, and I didn't really connect with my beautiful, beloved, quirky, clever and confusing Trionfi della Luna. Maybe I simply didn't spend enough time with it. I drew a card every day and here they are:

2018 10 01 Trionfi della Luna Eight of Wands.jpg

On Monday, the day of the Moon, I had the Eight of Wands - now that's even more confusing than the Four of Wands I had on Sunday because the moon and this card really don't fit. Eights for me belong to Wednesdays, to Hod - let Mercury deal with all that complexity and verbal swiftness ;-) But what did I do on Monday? I had to do some Eight of Wands stuff. I did only part of it.............

2018 10 02 Trionfi della Luna Eight of Cups.jpg

Another Eight for me on Tuesday, Mars' active day of confrontations and tensions but also burts of energy.... and again, the spirit of the day didn't work for me. Well, is that right? Actually, I did pretty well, I attacked some fears and worries and instead of finishing something, I started something new. I love love love these cards by the way, they're simply a wonderful re-interpretation of the TdM tradition and the measure of crazy and sombre is just perfect for me. It's one of those decks I HAD to have.

2018 10 03 Trionfi della Luna Ruota.jpg
On Wednesday, I had the beautiful Wheel of Fortune, and it was a crazy day, with a human disappointment. For quite some time, I really felt drawn to a nice young colleague, and we really wanted to go and drink coffee, and we finally did. And while we sat for hours and chatted and everythng seemed so nice and cozy, all of a sudden I had this feeling that things are not right. The atmosphere within me just turned and wow, this is a perfect depiction: Mercury's day of communication, a long conversation that seems alright but all of a sudden feels all wrong. I noticed that this charming young colleague can never be my friends. She's interested in nothing and nobody but herself. And I noticed that we always only talked about her, at work and when we talked on the phone. And I felt so disappointed. She's such a nice, intelligent person - but I don't need another friendship where I'm the wailing wall and the other side is totally not interested in anything I have to tell.

If that wasn't a Wheel of Fortune of a Wednesday situation, I don't know what it could have been ;-) So bravo, dear Trionfi, I didn't even notice that before I wrote it down.

2018 10 04  Trionfi della Luna Seven of Coins.jpg

Thursday - Day of Jupiter - of power and hierarchies and asserting yourself and/or arranging yourself.... and this Seven of Cups breathes something very harmonious. So often in the tarot, uneven numbers get the negative associations, especially the Five and Seven, because they way they're perched around Tif'eret on the Tree, but actually, the Seven is a wonderful number. Venus (yes, Crawley is no fan of Venus but I am), and then I learned from Robert Place the whole thing of Seven like a ladder that you climb to learn all the virtues... and it's of course the number of our weekly planets. In this cards, I see a window. I see six days, things, virtues, ideas going on normally, in an orderly fashion, and one window opening. Lovely, harmonious. Yes, there are all those spikey, clawey plant things Valenza draws so beautifully - but I get a feeling of growth and insight from this card. And does it fit what I'm doing right now? yes. I'm re-arranging some power relationships in my life.

2018 10 05  Trionfi della Luna Queen of Swords.jpg
So for today, lovely Venus' day, day of love and dove and emotions, oh how nice - I get a totally determined Queen of Swords, her sword still bloody.

Now when I look at my tarot calendar on the board next to me, it's FULL of swords.

Libra 1st decan 01 complete board.jpg

It's the 1st decan of Libra (actually, I have to switch over to the 2nd but didn't do it yet), and we have Justice/Adjustment with her swords, and the Two of Swords, so this is the time for clarity - and for rolling heads, if they have to roll.

Did I say Trionfi della Luna and I didn't get along this week? What nonsense. It just shows - when I don't write stuff down, I don't SEE it, I don't GET it. This whole "write it down" mantra is so true, at least for me.

yy2018 09 29 - 10 05 Trionfi della Luna.jpg

So how was my week? I'm sorry I didn't catch up with it earlier but tarot-wise, it was a great week.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 19: September 29 - October 5

Post by CharlotteK »

I think it would have helped me to write stuff down last week also. It was a bad week. Wednesday was my nadir but Thursday and Friday were very difficult indeed.

The Badgers Forest deck is super, I'm very pleased I bought it and the pairing with the Ogham was powerful.
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