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Cult of Weimar Tarot by Joan Marie: 27 Jan 2022

Post by Joan Marie »

Cult of Weimar Tarot
by Joan Marie

The stars shine for you. You don't need anyone's approval for that. You don't have to earn their light, or "deserve" it. It's there, for you, and always has been and always will be.


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The Empathic Oracle by Steve Wilson & artist Michelle Motuzas: 28-29 Jan 2022

Post by Joan Marie »

The Empathic Oracle
by Steve Wilson & artist Michelle Motuzas

Sometimes you just have to daydream a little. It's how we make our world a little bigger. Circumstances can cause us to slowly collapse and condense our worlds making them smaller and smaller. Sure it may be comfortable, even cosy. But at some point, (today maybe?) try to snap out of it. Make plans to use your space and your abilities (developed and undeveloped) more fully. See all the possibilities to make your world bigger.

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Borderless Winter Waite Tarot by Thunder Spirit Studio: 30 Jan 2022

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Borderless Winter Waite Tarot
by Thunder Spirit Studio

The day is yours.

Happy Sunday everyone!


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Tarot de St. Croix by Lisa de St. Croix: 31 Jan 2022

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Tarot de St. Croix
by Lisa de St. Croix

A quiet start to the week will help you set a good tone for the rest of it. Monday's are like New Years day or a birthday in a way. Mondays are a chance at a fresh start, they are filled with hope and intention. Some quiet time, even just a short walk, will help you set a solid intention for the week. Leave the headphones off, at least for a while, and really consider deeply what your hopes for the week ahead are.


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Button Soup Tarot Artist Collaboration: 01 Feb 2022

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Button Soup Tarot
Artist Collaboration
The Fool by AstralPasta

Kindred spirits soon come together. Soon is a relative thing though. Life would be a lot less interesting if we met all our kindred spirits too early. Lucky for us they are dispersed throughout our lives, popping up seemingly at random but really so much magical groundwork was laid for the encounter. To find a kindred spirit is one of the greatest things that happens in life. This is the family of choice, not accident. It is up to you to find what that means for you, and for your kindred spirits.


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The Guardian Tarot by Beth Seilonen: 02 Feb 2022

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The Guardian Tarot
by Beth Seilonen

We hold ourselves back out of fear of looking foolish.

But seriously, who gets to say what's foolish and what isn't?


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Banksy Tarot by Shilo Lewis - CooptyLew: 03 Feb 2022

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Banksy Tarot
by Shilo Lewis - CooptyLew

Do the best you can today and don't worry if it isn't much.
That you try will make all the difference, probably only to you, but that's enough.
And who knows, maybe something great will come of it.

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Lenormand of Enchantment by Yasmeen Westwood: 04-05 Feb 2022

Post by Joan Marie »

Lenormand of Enchantment
by Yasmeen Westwood

Proust said that time is elastic and is expanded by passion.
Let your passions expand your day, make it something to remember.


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Crystal Skull Tarot by Jessie Driscoll, with Book by Rachel Pollack: 06 Feb 2022

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Crystal Skull Tarot
by Jessie Driscoll, with Book by Rachel Pollack

Don't underestimate the importance, even power, of how things are arranged. Pay special attention to the relationship between things, such as objects, words, even natural arrangements we see outdoors. Arrangement gives context and meaning to everything around us. Enjoy exploring that today.

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l' Oracle Indigo by Jean-Jacques Robinet: 07-08 Feb 2022

Post by Joan Marie »

l' Oracle Indigo
by Jean-Jacques Robinet

Just 2 words:

Be. Present.


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l'Oracle des Runes by Gulliver lโ€™Aventuriรจre and Lyra Ceoltoir: 09 Feb 2022

Post by Joan Marie »

l'Oracle des Runes
by Gulliver lโ€™Aventuriรจre and Lyra Ceoltoir

We are creating memories, right now, as we speak. Maybe not the kind that turn into the stories in our minds. But more like the kind we completely forget because at the time they seem so unimportant but come to us many years later, totally unexpected, triggered by a word, or the feeling of the air in a room, or the way the light is coming through a window, the dust motes floating in the beam. These memories are our essence, stored away for when we can truly appreciate them. We are struck by their accuracy, their preciseness of our hearts at the moment they wrote themselves there.
They are still writing.


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The Crow Tarot by Margaux Jones: 10 Feb 2022

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The Crow Tarot
by Margaux Jones

The best advice is the hardest to take. The degree of difficulty is usually very high. You've been given some good advice lately, advice it may be hard to get a grip on following even though you know you should. Are you just going to ignore it (again) or are you going to act on it this time?


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The Inner Compass Oracle by Heather Hoeps: 11-12 Feb 2022

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The Inner Compass Oracle
by Heather Hoeps

It's time to take a trip outside your mind. You have the means to do so right at your fingertips. Just look around, you'll see.

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Button Soup Tarot Artist Collaboration: 13 Feb 2022

Post by Joan Marie »

Button Soup Tarot
Artist Collaboration

A little shock to the system would do you some good today. Something bracing to bring you into the present moment. Knock the cobwebs down and have a look at life with fresh eyes.


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Majestic Earth Tarot : Storm and Wonder by J.D. Hildegard Hinkel: 14 Feb 2022

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Majestic Earth Tarot : Storm and Wonder
by J.D. Hildegard Hinkel

Trees are a conduit between sun and soil. So are we, in a slightly different way, literally and figuratively. Each of us is the source of so many connections. We are like trees in this way. It's just something to consider, on a Monday.

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AlcheMystic Woodcut Tarot by D. W. Prudence: 15 Feb 2022

Post by Joan Marie »

AlcheMystic Woodcut Tarot
by D. W. Prudence

What's the missing ingredient? You need to find it and add it to the mix. It helps to know that you have it at hand, waiting to be used.

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Cult of Weimar Tarot by Joan Marie: 16 Feb 2022

Post by Joan Marie »

Cult of Weimar Tarot
by Joan Marie

The weird thing about so-called social media is it turned everyone into an island. In the rush to gain followings and "clout" we've forgotten the fun and benefit of working together on things. There is so much more to be gained when we pool our talents and resources than in trying all the time to go it alone.

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The Lonely Dreamer Tarot, 2nd edition by Melissa Wotherspoon: 17 Feb 2022

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The Lonely Dreamer Tarot, 2nd edition
by Melissa Wotherspoon

It seems there are so many things swirling around looking for your attention and time. It will help if you can find the connection between them so that you can see they aren't so disparate after all. You are constantly working toward a single goal after all and not 25 separate ones. Understanding what that is will bring it all into focus.

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Gentle Tarot by Mari in the Sky: 18-19 Feb 2022

Post by Joan Marie »

Gentle Tarot
by Mari in the Sky

No matter the circumstance, you have within yourself a place of strength. Close your eyes and find it. Feel your power. Bring it to the surface. Shine this light and great spirits will come to your aid.


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The Vedic Astrology Study Deck by Julianne Victoria: 20 Feb 2022

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The Vedic Astrology Study Deck
by Julianne Victoria

Your life force needs some help from you today. First, believe in it. Second, trust it. Third, nurture it. Do this today and in the week ahead you will see doors open, opportunities present themselves that you will be in perfect form to make the most of. Happy Sunday.

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Boadiceaโ€™s Tarot of Earthly Delights by Paula Millet: 21 Feb 2022

Post by Joan Marie »

Boadiceaโ€™s Tarot of Earthly Delights
by Paula Millet

The challenge this week will be separating truth from lies. This includes (but is not limited to) the lies you may be telling yourself. Keep your bullshit detector pluggged in and pay attention when it beeps.


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Coffee Plant Triquetra by Reem Jaber: 22 Feb 2022

Post by Joan Marie »

Coffee Plant Triquetra
by Reem Jaber

A good sort of on-going meditation for today might be to consider the source of the things in our lives. Think of the journey that coffee made to land in your cup, brought to your lips, sipped and then becoming the energy you need to start your day. Same for that banana, that bic pen, that sheet of paper, this website you are on right now.

Enjoy your day!

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Practical Magic Starter Deck by Chinggay Labrador: 23 Feb 2022

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Practical Magic Starter Deck
by Chinggay Labrador

I once had several (minor) random health issues all at once and was looking for advice, cures for each one individually. Then a blood test showed that all of them stemmed from the same, easily treated, source problem.
Many of the things about ourselves we'd like to improve could also stem from a single source issue. Use your cards or meditate or whatever you do and see if you can find that single source to work on rather than playing personality whack-a-mole.


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Fatigue of War Major Arcana by Alexander Daniloff: 24 Feb 2022

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Fatigue of War Major Arcana
by Alexander Daniloff

Gee look everybody! Another world crisis. Real important right now is keep yourself together. Remember the beautiful things in life. Those are your values and the only thing humanity has going for it ever. Our inner strength is the power we have, it's what provides any direction at all for our actions.


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Re: Fatigue of War Major Arcana by Alexander Daniloff: 25 Feb 2022

Post by Joan Marie »

Fatigue of War Major Arcana
by Alexander Daniloff

Some years ago I took a trip on a small ship that went North of the Arctic circle, nearly to the North Pole. One thing that struck me is how my whole life hearing about the Arctic, you could have been talking about Mars, that's how distant and strange a place like the Arctic seemed to me. But its neither distant, nor strange. It is a place on Earth, just exactly like any other place on Earth where you live, or your friends or your family live. You can get there by plane in a few hours. This beautiful world is a very small place really and our differences are a million time fewer than the similarities.


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Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot ๐Ÿ’š
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