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Rachel's DoW 23 Star & Crown Oracle

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Rachel's DoW 23 Star & Crown Oracle

Post by Rachelcat »

I'm reposting Sunday's reading so everything is together in the right place. Sorry for any confusion!

This one needs no introduction! I’m usually a systems loving person, so I was hesitant at first about reading with an open-ended collaborative deck. But after one look-through, I see such wonderful art and insightful ideas, I’m really looking forward to it.

May I just say the matte royal blue edges are amazing! And the backs are beautiful. I’m finally getting into the whole roses and lilies thing, and seeing them on the crowns is lovely!

I’m also not the most observant or intuitive reader in the world, so if I miss the intention or meaning of a card you made, I truly apologize. I’m going to try reading each card intuitively before I check the booklet.

On to a good wash and interview. All upright this week. I think I had enough reversals last week to last me for quite a while!


Most important characteristic: 19. Epiphany
The deck is esoteric but in a visceral way. It reaches out to meet the reader with meaning. Booklet says inspiration from nowhere. It’s certainly inspiration from an unexpected source, unexpected by me, anyway.

Strength: 17. Identity: The Face You Wear
The deck’s strength is its diversity. It looks different every time you use it. It draws on different art styles and media to make a crown of meaning. Booklet says we choose to show what we want to show, whether to hide or not. The deck will help me see behind the masks, my own or others’.

Weakness: 57. Chasing the Moon
The deck can be a little too esoteric, up in the air, and star focused, as opposed to crown (human) focused. Booklet says this is the sun abusing the moon, but she still is able to light the night for us. A weakness of the deck is that it doesn’t show enough conflict?

What deck can teach me: 32. Expanding Star
It can teach me to appreciate beauty that doesn’t have to always be related to a reading or human meaning or involvement. A pink galaxy is wonderful in itself without interpretation! Booklet says we each have to expand and grow toward transcendence in our own way. I’m more than willing to learn that!

How can I learn it? 10. Hope
I can learn expansion and growth by keeping everything balanced on my head! Even while I’m dancing in a beautiful dress, maybe in front of, or with, others. Booklet says this is Hope, the Queen of Stars. We can always see her if we look up. In order to learn, I must have hope and faith that it will work and what I learn will be helpful to me.

Outcome of our work together: 37. Abracadabra
Ok, there’s definitely some symbolism I’ll have to read about here, but the feeling I get is joy and confidence among the planets. I’m not just being acted upon by the influences of the solar system, I can do something that makes a difference to myself and in the outer world. Booklet says Abracadabra and the rooster person, Abraxas, represent the creative and destructive powers of the planets. We can all participate in creation and destruction. Cool!

Wow, this was really fun, and I’m really enjoying getting to know the deck already. I might do just one card a day after this, except for the new moon reading on Thursday. See you tomorrow! Have a very happy Sunday!
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Re: Rachel's DoW 23 Star & Crown Oracle

Post by Rachelcat »

Card of the day!


11. Dreamweaver
A beautiful white horse with a fancy golden crown on a background of cosmic swirls. Today I should plunge forward, but with dignity and purity. Booklet says dreaming is the tool for creation. Or, as I like to say, if you don’t know where you’re going, you’re not going to get there. Easy advice to give, not as easy to follow. I’ll work on that today!

Happy Monday, all!
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Re: Rachel's DoW 23 Star & Crown Oracle

Post by Rachelcat »

I saw this in a businessy article and immediately thought “that’s a spread!” So I’m trying it out today.

What: What’s the true situation?
So what: Why is it important?
Now what: What do we do about it?


What: 44. Cathedral at Sunset
This is bringing up my strange relationship with religion. I’ve given up belief but I can’t give up interest! Spirituality can be a beautiful thing and even reflect and amplify our understanding of nature and reality, but it’s not nature and reality. I always thought philosophical idealism was dumb. How can ideas and concepts be more real than what’s real? Don’t they come from and describe what’s real? So the window is pretty and interesting, but it can be a distraction from the real, and what’s really important.

So what: 53. DON’T LOOK BACK
Everything changes over time, your mind, your body, and everything around you. One of my observations that I bring into conversations whenever I can (!) is that history changes. Not only do we learn more about what really happened, but also our interpretation of what happened is changed by our changing understandings of what happened since and what’s happening now. It’s important to accept and work with change and the new reality. Look forward, not back.

Now what: 22. addiction…
Pay attention! A queen walking a corgi is so much more interesting that anything on your phone right now! Live in the real, of people, the built world, and nature. They all deserve my attention. I shouldn’t keep walking with my head down looking at the ground! (I don’t walk looking at my phone. I’m too old and clumsy!)

Well, Star & Crown is really talking to me today! See you for more tomorrow!
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Re: Rachel's DoW 23 Star & Crown Oracle

Post by Rachelcat »

Card of the day


48. Emerge
I need to rise up and see the beauty of my normal habitat but also the beauty of a different world. Today is a day of depths, of the water and of the night. This reminds me of The Little Mermaid movie where Ariel has no fear of falling because her normal life is lived in all three dimensions, not as limited by gravity as ours. Booklet says “break the surface and come out of your comfort zone.” Good advice for today!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!
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Re: Rachel's DoW 23 Star & Crown Oracle

Post by Rachelcat »

New moon in Gemini, Flower Moon, Bloom


My deepest desire: 22. addiction…
My deepest desire is to be fully aware.

My feminine essence: 57. Chasing the Moon
I’ve been reading up on astrology in the last few days, so bear with me here. My feminine essence is very like the moon. I’m a Cancer sun (ruled by the moon), the moon is in my first house, and my ascendant is Taurus (where the moon is exalted), so that’s a lot of moon in the “identity” areas of my chart! In some ways I’m typically feminine: emotional, changeable, prone to crying (not so much anymore), receptive, and influenced by others’ feelings.

How can she bloom? 52. Sunrise, sunset
My feminine side can bloom by combining more with my sun-like qualities (many planets in Leo!). Sunrise and sunset are eternal, and so is the moon, it just doesn’t always look the same.

My masculine essence: 26. The Twinstar
I’m very judgmental and analytical. These are not bad things. Someone has to judge things. If we didn’t, nothing would get done and people would get away with murder! I don’t understand this complex diagram right now, but it looks like something right up my alley once I take the time to figure it out!

How can he bloom? 25. Harvest of Change
All my analysis has to have some relation to reality to fully bloom. The plague doctor sees endings and understands why they happen. He may not be able to save his patients, but he sees the bigger picture. Interesting to see the sunset and the end of harvest cards across from each other here. They are definitely related, but how?

The sacred union that brings the desire into fruition: 27. Pinnacle
Mushrooms and snails convert dead things into new life. The sunsets always lead to new sunrises, just as the harvest leads to a new spring. The union of masculine and feminine is just this: creation of new life, literal or figurative. Booklet says “You have achieved your earthly goals.” I’ll take it!

It's getting too late for me to concentrate, so I'll do the solar eclipse reading for my Friday reading.

Have a great evening!
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Re: Rachel's DoW 23 Star & Crown Oracle

Post by Rachelcat »

Solar Eclipse, Threshold


Earth, my current outlook: 34. The Eye of God
There are a lot of things I could be doing. I don’t have to put my talents all in one basket.

Moon, the threshold: 14. Radiance (Josephine Baker)
Spirituality and self-care don’t have to be all serious and dour. Fun, glamor, and even showing off can be a gateway to taking care of self and others.

Sun, the path through: 26. The Twinstar
And when I pass through the fun, I will learn something complicated but useful. At my age especially, I have to enjoy the learning to learn anything well.

A message from earth: 47. LITTLE WING
The message is confirming that the moon IS saying fun, enjoyment, and whimsy are a good path for me now! (I love how several of the cards in this deck are inspired by song lyrics. Music is a favorite path to fun for me!)

A message from the cosmos: 12. Queen of Infinite Space
The cosmos includes earth, people, and human-created artifacts; it’s not just clean, cold stars far away. I am a child of the universe.

Well, that was fun! I’ll take the advice and add more fun to my life, but realize the fun’s just part of the bigger picture.
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Re: Rachel's DoW 23 Star & Crown Oracle

Post by Rachelcat »

Last day for Star & Crown
Studies again. I’m revisiting some astrology study, and I’m also thinking about working on tarot majors as spread positions. What do I need to know about all that? Four Noble Truths spread.


Symptom/Issue: 23. Corona borealis
I come up with topics to study by following a thread of interest. I don’t have an overarching plan of study, I just go where my interest takes me at a certain time. I guess I’m alright with that.

Diagnosis/Cause: 21. The Spinner
Even though that’s true, the things I study do come together into a web of learning. I’ve been studying esoteric things for so long, there’s no change that they’re not combining in different angles. But I’m the key. The web of meaning is in my own mind. Unless I figure out a way to share it.

Prognosis/Outcome: 29. Wild Spirit
I will slowly and gradually take off the veil that separates me from reality. But for now, I’m ok with enjoying the color it brings to my life.

Prescription/Advice: 36. Astral Travel
It’s ok to dream and enjoy the color and fantasy. They’re paths to a higher meaning after all!

I love this deck! It’s so easy to read! And the variety of art works, much more than in a tarot, because each card is like a window into its own world. I love looking through them! Thank you to everyone who contributed to it! (I would have loved to, but my talents lie elsewhere. Anywhere but art!)

I’ll see you on Monday in the Sacred Days!
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