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Joan Marie
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Post by Joan Marie »

My Star & Crown Oracle deck arrived yesterday.

This is one strange deck! And I mean that in the best possible way. I will be high-lighting individual cards with the artist's description.
I mean, they are really remarkable.

I want to start with this one, #26

Click on the image to see it large and clear.
Click on the image to see it large and clear.
The Twinstar
by a6rax1s (Tarot Philosopher - Meta Magic Matrix)

The Twinstar shows a special numbering of the pythagorean Tetractys that has magickal properties. It is similar to the Chakra or Sephiroth system. It is emanated in two circuits around the following arrangement:
6 4
8 10 9
2 5 7 3

4 6
9 10 8
3 7 5 2

Energy is drawn down and circulated through the numbers in order from 1-10, first in one direction, then the other (as shown in the two mirrored triads, above).
The result is 10 spheres connected by 19 paths.
There is an unnumbered 'Shakti stream' between 10 and 1.
The edges each add up to 17, the number of the Star, and the three vertical pillars each total 11.
This figure was shown to me by the alchemist Richard Voss (a.k.a m1thr0s) in 2002 E.V. Its purpose is to to teach us how to become stars. Our star crowns us.
In divination, this card means the achievement of brilliant and sound insights through the alchemy of opposites.

Pen & Ink, photomanipulation
Visit the artist on instagram @tarotphilosopher

So beautiful and interesting. And the way the artist depicted it for us. Just 💚

This concept is new to me. Anyone here familiar with it, the Twinstar?
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
Posts: 178
Joined: 15 Nov 2020, 23:26

Re: Twinstar

Post by Ciderwell »

The triad symbol looks just like the reflection of the lotus seat. Although I find chakra work to be very good for mind, body, and soul, it is still mainly a personal thing. However, The Twinstar seems almost like a symbol to represent, The (tarot) Lovers - a shakti stream of pure empathy. What a wonderful concept!
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