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University Books RWS Deck

Informal discussions of individual Tarot Decks.
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This is the forum for discussions about and to show individual decks. Full reviews and "Unboxing" videos should go into the Reviews forum.

Please note that Historical Decks have their own separate forum and those discussions are best placed there.
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Stan K. Beest
Posts: 39
Joined: 04 Apr 2020, 22:47

University Books RWS Deck

Post by Stan K. Beest »

I think I may have first posted this in the wrong Forum, but anyway...
I have a question specifically about the Strength Card in one of my RWS Decks.
I have a University Books RWS Tarot in a 2-part maroon slipcase, so it is presumably from the very first run in 1960. It even has 2 ad cards - one for the deck ($5.00) and one for the "Pictorial Key" Book ($7.50). And the pink Ankh backs of course. But strangely the Strength card is badly misprinted: one of the colors is completely offset so there is a double image. I cannot find any info about this online, so I'm wondering if anyone here knows anything or has heard about this.
I am including photos of the deck.

Stan K. Beest
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Posts: 1145
Joined: 19 May 2018, 14:16

Re: University Books RWS Deck

Post by Rachelcat »

I had one of these decks years ago, in my serious collecting phase.

None of the cards had as much offset as your Strength. Or any offset that I can remember. (It had an "interesting" smell however!)

So I guess you have a truly unique deck! Good luck in your researches.
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