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15 Dec 2020: The Sepia Stains Tarot by Bethalynne Bajema

Post by Joan Marie »

The Sepia Stains Tarot
by Bethalynne Bajema

Today is not the day for contemplating life's big questions, facing your demons, or anything like that. Today will best be served if you give your attention to many small matters. Make a list and see how many you things can knock out today. Clear the decks and you'll be in better shape for more challenging things soon.


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Post by Joan Marie »


I read today that the most profound effect of the drug Ecstasy is to take away feelings of self-hatred and condemnation, which are the biggest obstacles to insight. The intense sensation experienced on the drug is caused by the sudden and powerful removal of these lurking feelings that have embedded themselves so deeply in the psyche the only way to even notice them anymore is to remove them temporarily.

Try to be conscious today of those limiting feelings that normally go unnoticed but that have such an effect on limiting our growth and understanding. Replace them with love and kindness. It's an exercise, like sit-ups or jogging. Eventually there will be noticeable results from the effort.


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17 Dec 2020: Chibi Tarot by Adam Blodgett

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Chibi Tarot
by Adam Blodgett

Is there something about yourself or in your life that you've been trying to change, unsuccessfully? It could be that you are just wrongly motivated. Have you been chasing results instead of taking joy in your obsessions? Have you been spoiling your own fun? Take a step back today and really consider what it is that drives you, what inspires you. Bring that back into the equation and the results will follow on their own.

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18 Dec 2020: Practical Magic Starter Deck by Chinggay Labrador

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Practical Magic Starter Deck
by Chinggay Labrador

"Everybody Is A Star"

Everybody is a star
Who would rain and chase the dust away
Everybody wants to shine
Who'll come out on a cloudy day?

'Til the sun that loves you brown
When the system tries to bring you down
Ever had to shine at night
You don't need darkness to do what you think is right

Everybody is a star
I can feel it when you shine on me
I love you for who you are
Not the one you feel you need to be

Ever catch a falling star
Ain't no stopping 'til it's on the ground
Everybody is a star
One big circle goin round and round

Shine, shine, shine, shine


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19 Dec 2020: 78 Tarot (First edition) by various artists

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78 Tarot (First edition)
by various artists

All matter is comprised of atoms which are in constant movement. We ground ourselves to the earth for the sense of calm and steadiness it gives. But it also energises us and encourages us to action based in the steadiness of knowing that we are connected to the earth and to every living, growing , moving part of it. To be grounded is to know you are alive too.


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20 Dec 2020: The Gothic Moon Tarot by Jae Billingham

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The Gothic Moon Tarot
by Jae Billingham

Su much is vying for your attention right now. That's okay. It's all a part of the plan. Be mindful of your will and where and how you direct your attention. Don't be led by circumstance. You can't control it all but you can make choices and create a loving atmosphere for yourself and for those close to you.


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21 Dec 2020: The Abyss Tarot by Ana Tourian

Post by Joan Marie »

The Abyss Tarot
by Ana Tourian

A good day to take some quiet time to contemplate the nature of change. Consider the benefits of taking a more expansive view of things. Make yourself more open to the gifts of insight and love that are coming your way.

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22 Dec 2020: TABULA MUNDI TAROT by M.M. Meleen

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by M.M. Meleen

Quietly but soundly your ideas are beginning to crystallise. This is a new beginning. You have every reason to feel positive and ready to begin a new fresh phase.


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23 Dec 2020: The Celtic Tree Oracle Sharlyn Hidalgo Illustrated by Jimmy Manton

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The Celtic Tree Oracle
Sharlyn Hidalgo
Illustrated by Jimmy Manton

The best gift you can give to friends and loved ones is your undivided attention.

Listen. Let people speak and express themselves without interruption.

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24-25 Dec 2020: Kokeshi Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

Kokeshi Tarot

Wishing you all the best of the season and for better times ahead for us all. Thanks to each and every one of you for being here and sharing this space.

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26 Dec 2020: The Intuitive Tarot by Cilla Conway

Post by Joan Marie »

The Intuitive Tarot
by Cilla Conway

Practice loving without a sense of obligation. Apply that feeling in all directions, meaning you don't owe and nothing is owed to you. Just let love be. Without expectations, without gratitude or disappointment. Just pure love.


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27 Dec 2020: The Mystic Rubaiyat by Penelope Cline

Post by Joan Marie »

The Mystic Rubaiyat
by Penelope Cline

It's the beginning of a strange week of a strange year. The week between Christmas and New Year's Day is always a sort of limbo week where we feel a need to clear away some debris, literal and figurative.

We are busy and at the same time, contemplative. I wish you much luck and love with this and encourage you to have patience with yourself and others. Enjoy the process. Bring joy and love to it.
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29 Dec 2020: Marshmallow Marseille by Wandering Oracle

Post by Joan Marie »

Marshmallow Marseille
by Wandering Oracle

There is a tradition in Italy at New Years to at midnight throw out the window what you don't want to take into the New Year.
The idea is things like cigarettes, or candy or some bad habit you want to change. It's a strong symbol.
Over time though it became a way for people to get rid of all kinds of unwanted stuff so it was not uncommon for old furniture and appliances to come flying out of windows on New Year's Eve.
It can be a bit dangerous, but the idea is sound.
Think over the next few days about doing some culling of your own to help clear your path into the New Year.
(Just please dispose of things properly!)

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30 Dec 2020: Japaridze Tarot by Nino Japaridze

Post by Joan Marie »

Japaridze Tarot
by Nino Japaridze

That strange feeling you're having? No worries. There are some strange vibes afoot. The stars and planets are dancing their dances and life on Earth is a high-wire act balancing between hope and despair. Just lean into it. Every day is precious, even the weird ones.


See the current Today's Card HERE
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot πŸ’š
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