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Plato's Cave

Explore the philosophical and existential questions of life with the Tarot. Jump into an ongoing conversation or start a new one!
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Plato's Cave

Post by chiscotheque »

Proposed here is a thread dedicated to readings to answer in some form or other questions of a philosophical nature.

In this inaugural post, I present a list of questions which have bemused humanity since time out of mind. They can be answered directly or indirectly, through readings of one card draws or as many cards as desired. Querents may of course posit their own philosophical questions.

To start a new question, open a new topic (thread). You are also highly encouraged to add and comment on any currently open topic.

    • The Trolley Dilemma: Divert the course of nature and kill one to save five or let nature take its course and let the five die?

      What difficult truth about the human condition are you ignoring?

      What does it mean to live a good life?

      Where does your self-worth come from?

      What had existed before our universe was created?

      Are you ethically obligated to improve yourself?

      What is Divinity?

      What harsh truths do you prefer to ignore?

      Is free will real or just an illusion?

      Is there a meaning to life? If so, what is it?

      Is the meaning of life the same for animals and humans?

      Where is the line between art and not art?

      If someone you loved was killed in front of you, but someone created a copy of them that was perfect right down to the atomic level, would they be the same person and would you love them just as much?

      Does fate exist? If so, do we have free will?

      What does it mean to live a good life?

      Why do we dream?

      Is it possible to live a normal life and not ever tell a lie?

      Does a person’s name influence the person they become?

      What should be the goal of humanity?

      If you could become immortal on the condition you would NEVER be able to die or kill yourself, would you choose immortality?

      How will humans as a species go extinct?

      What actions in your life will have the longest reaching consequences? How long will those effects be felt?
      How long will you be remembered after you die?

      If a child somehow survived and grew up in the wilderness without any human contact, how “human” would they be without the influence of society and culture?

      Where does your self-worth come from?

      How would humanity change if all humans’ life expectancy was significantly increased (let’s say to around 500 years)?

      Where do you find meaning in your life?

      What do you think would be humanity’s reaction to the discovery of extraterrestrial life?

      Will religion ever become obsolete?

      If you could teach everyone in the world one concept, what concept would have the biggest positive impact on humanity?

      Is suffering a necessary part of the human condition? What would people who never suffered be like?

      Does hardship make a person stronger? If so, under what conditions and at what point is it too much hardship? If not, what makes a person stronger?

      Would things get better or worse if humans focused on what was going well rather than what’s going wrong?

      What benefits does art provide society? Does art hurt society in any way?

      How likely do you think it will be that humans will last another 1,000 years without killing ourselves off?

      What do you attribute the biggest successes in your life to? How about your largest failures?

      If freedom is simply being able to do what you want, are animals freer than humans?

      Would you want to know you are going to die beforehand or die suddenly without warning?

      Is humanity headed in the right or wrong direction?

      Does the study of philosophy ever lead to answers or simply more questions?

      What is the best way for a person to attain happiness?

      If you had to guess, what do you think would be the most likely way you’ll die?

      Is it better for a person to have a broad knowledge base or a deep knowledge base?

      What is the best way to train people to see the gradients in the world around them instead of just a simplistic “this is good, that is wrong” view of the world?

      Is intelligence or wisdom more useful?

      Which of your beliefs are justified and which ones aren’t?

      What do you contribute back to society?

      What are you going to do with the one life you have?

      Is it more important to help yourself, help your family, help your society, or help the world?

      What life-altering things should every human ideally get to experience at least once in their lives?

      What is the most important goal every person should have?

      Is it better to be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond?

      What are you capable of achieving?

      By what standards do you judge yourself?

      Can human nature be changed? Should it be changed?

      How replaceable are you?

      Why don’t we as a species take more advantage of the fact that we have almost infinite knowledge available to us?

      What two questions would you ask to get the most information about who a person truly is?

      Some people believe that if life has no purpose, then there is no reason for living. While others think that if life has no purpose, that frees a person to find/create and follow their own personal purpose. Which is a more valid point of view or are they both equally valid?

      Does absolute power corrupt absolutely?

      Why do we judge ourselves by our intentions but judge others by their actions?

      What activities cause you to feel like you are living life to the fullest?

      Does knowledge have intrinsic value or does it need to have a practical use to have value?

      What would you genetically change about humans to make them a better species?

      How important is play in living a healthy and fulfilling life?

      Where do you think is the most worthwhile place to find meaning in life? Work, family, hobby, religion, philosophy, helping others, all the small miracles, or something else entirely?

      What is the biggest waste of human potential?

      Is a life that focuses on avoiding pain and seeking out pleasure a good and worthwhile life? Why or why not?

      Does jealously have value in driving humans to improve themselves or is it a purely negative emotion?

      What percentage of your life do you feel truly alive? When do you feel that way? How can you feel that way more often?

      What do you think your future self will remember about you now?

      “Know thyself” is an ancient concept going back much further than Socrates and is at the root of much of philosophy. With that in mind, what are the most important things to learn about one’s self or is all self-knowledge equal?

      What do you think existed before the universe was created?

      Is math something that humans created or something we discovered? Is looking at reality mathematically an accurate representation of how things work?

      Is it possible for a human to fathom the true depths of reality and existence?

      If the universe is finite, what would beyond the edge of the universe be like?

      What is the best path to find truth; science, math, art, philosophy, or something else?

      As more and more is being discovered about quantum physics, we become less and less able to comprehend the nature of reality. Is this something temporary and our minds will adapt and begin to understand this new reality or is it possible that the human mind will soon reach its limits of comprehension? If it’s only temporary, is there is a limit to what the human mind can comprehend? If we are reaching our limits, how do we continue to study our reality?

      Is there inherent order in nature or is it all chaos and chance?

      What in life is truly objective and not subjective?

      There has always been something. Before there was something, there was only nothing. Which do you think is more likely?

      Is happiness just chemicals flowing through your brain or something more?

      Why are humans so susceptible to magical thinking?

      If every neuron in a human was accurately simulated in a computer, would it result in human consciousness?

      Is it possible that some animals are self-aware and think about their ability to think?

      How do you define consciousness?

      Is it possible to prove that other people besides yourself have consciousness?

      How conscious do you think animals are?

      Assuming evolution is correct, do you think that if humans went extinct another species as intelligent as humans would evolve? If life exists long enough on a planet, is intelligence and consciousness inevitable?

      Would it be more frightening to discover that humans are the most advanced species in the universe or that we are far from being the most advanced species in the universe?

      How would you define genius?

      There is zero chance that ALL your firmly and dearly held beliefs are true. So, which of your beliefs are most likely to be wrong and which are most liable to be true?

      How much does language affect our thinking?

      Why are humans so confident in beliefs that can’t be proven?

      If all your memories were erased, what kind of person would you be?

      Why do humans have such a strong urge to distract ourselves from the real world?

      What is the benefit of consciousness from an evolutionary stand point?

      Can rational thought exist without language?

      Would selectively breeding an animal such as a dog based on intelligence, increase its intelligence over time? If so, how intelligent could dogs become? If not, how does intelligence emerge in a species?

      Are there limits to human creativity?

      Why do we resist doing things that we know are good for our well-being while craving things that are detrimental to our well-being?

      Is it be possible for humans to create something completely novel and new that is based on nothing that previously existed? Or is human creativity just rearranging and building on previous ideas?

      If there existed a perfect clone of you, would it also be you? Would it act in exactly the same manner as you (like a mirror) or would it act differently? If it acted differently then would it still be you? At what point would it not be you?

      Would you be able to tell if time had been altered in some way?

      Your perception of the world is just what your brain constructs for you from the signals sent by your senses. Plus, there is a slight delay, so you aren’t even experiencing the simulation in real time. What would it be like if humans could perceive what the world is actually like and do it in real time? Also, what are the ramifications of every single person’s reality being a little different and unique to them?

      If language influences how we perceive color, what other things could languages be changing our perception of?

      Is a sense of humor a byproduct of consciousness or something else entirely?

      Are intelligence and happiness tied together in any way? If you are highly intelligent, is it more likely that you’ll be more, or less happy?

      Human memory has been shown to be incredibly unreliable. With that in mind, how do you know which of your memories are genuine and which have been altered or made up?

      Different people and different organisms perceive reality in vastly different ways. With that in mind, what is real and what is just our perception of reality? Or does every organism live in its own personal reality?

      When, if ever, is taking a human life justified?

      Can animals have morals?

      Without religion would people become more, less, or be equally morally corrupt?

      If humanity was put on trial by an advanced race of aliens, how would you defend humanity and argue for its continued existence?

      What rights does every human have? Do those rights change based on age?

      Do animals have rights and do those rights extend to all animals or do the rights change based on the complexity of the animal?

      Is justice a human construct or is it independent of humans?

      Why do people expect a universe full of randomness to be fair?

      With no laws or rules to influence your behavior, how do you think you would behave?

      What’s the difference between justice and revenge?

      If it was discovered that personality traits were partly genetic and could be removed with gene therapy, would it be ethical to edit out negative character traits that harm others like extreme aggression, compulsive lying, or cruelty?

      If you could press a button and receive a million dollars, but one stranger would die, would you press the button? And if so, how many times?

      What would be the most ethical way to give away five million dollars?

      Are people ethically obligated to improve themselves?

      Is privacy a right?

      At what point is overthrowing a government ethical, considering all the violence a revolution usually entails?

      Can morality ever be objective or is it always subjective? If it can be objective, in what instances? If it’s always subjective, how do we decide whose concept of morality is correct?

      Are intentions or outcomes more important when judging whether actions are moral?

      Should there be limitations on the right to free speech?

      If it was discovered that most animals were conscious of their existence and eventual death, what would be the ramifications of that discovery?

      Should euthanasia be legal? Why or why not?

      If scientists could accurately predict who was more likely to commit crimes, what should society do with that information?

      Do business owners have the right to refuse service to customers?

      If babies are considered innocent, when do people cease to be innocent?

      Why do humans often associate beauty with morality?

      If you can save another’s life and don’t because doing so would break the law, are you ethically justified in your decision?

      Are all individuals morally obligated to save another person’s life if they are able? What if that person lives in another country?

      Is it just and right to deny entry to a country when doing so probably means death for the immigrant and their family?

      Should we terraform planets if it means that we may be destroying undiscovered microscopic alien life?

      Does anonymity encourage people to misbehave or does it reveal how people would choose to act all the time if they could?

      What is the most fertile soil for hatred? Fear, ignorance, jealousy, or something else entirely? Is it possible that some people are genetically predisposed to hatred?

      If doing something good for others makes us feel good, can there ever be such a thing as pure altruism?

      What is your definition of evil?

      Do all people have equal value regardless of their actions or is a person’s value based on their actions?

      Why are humans so fascinated by mass murderers if their actions are universally considered evil and vile?

      As people, we feel our moral obligation weaken with physical as well as emotional distance from individuals in need. For example, you’re more likely to help someone dying of hunger at your feet than someone dying of hunger in another country. How does this human trait of morality dependent on distance shape our world?

      If I steal a loaf of bread from you and eat it, when does the bread itself cease to be yours and becomes mine?

      How much effort should an individual put into not offending others?

      If you could start a country from scratch, what would it be like?

      Would a government run with algorithms, A.I., and statistics be better or worse than the government we have now?

      Would the world be a better or worse place if everyone looked the same?

      What causes the most harm in the world, but is completely avoidable?

      How far should governments go to prevent its citizens from causing harm to themselves?

      Do people in wealthier countries have a moral obligation to help those in poorer countries?

      What should the role of a government be, what boundaries and limitations should it have?

      Is poverty in society inevitable?

      How should we measure the productivity of a society?

      What would a utopia be like, how would it function and continue to exist?

      Do you think there will ever be a global government? If a world government did come to power, assuming it wasn’t particularly cruel or evil, would it be a good or bad thing?

      What is the biggest threat to the social contract in our country?

      Is it more or less difficult to be successful in the modern world than it was in the past (10, 50, 100, or 1,000 years ago)?

      Could societies exist without a way to transfer value (i.e. without money or a barter system)?

      What would happen if a maximum income of was implemented?

      What will the economy of wealthy countries look like in 50 to 100 years?

      What do you think the long-term effects of so many people being glued to their screens will be?

      If all humans want the same basic things, why is there so much violence and strife between people?

      Is the human tendency to create groups an overall positive or a negative trait in terms of general human flourishing?

      What would happen to a society in which no one had to work, and everyone was provided enough food/water/shelter/healthcare for free?

      Is the cultural trend of individualism and the rejection of collectivism a beneficial or detrimental trend?

      Considering that the technology exists to enable a real democracy, would a true democracy (every single person can vote on every single legislation) be advantageous or detrimental?

      If everyone said what they were actually thinking, what would happen to society?

      What are the benefits and drawbacks of diversity in society?

      Under our government are there any rights that you have but shouldn’t? How about rights you don’t have but should?

      What is the most important right our government allows for?

      Has social media been a net positive or a net negative for our society? Why?

      How would society change if men were able to get pregnant and men and women both had an equal chance of getting pregnant?

      Why have many societies begun to place such a high value on emotions and being emotional?

      Is it right or wrong that everyone seems to be accustomed to the fact that all of humanity and most of the life on Earth could be wiped out at the whim of a handful of people?

      In an ideal government, what should a good citizen provide to their government and what should that government provide that good citizen?

      Should taxpayers have the option to explicitly say what they don’t want their tax dollars spent on?

      Can a society exist without laws?

      Will humanity ever be able to escape tribalism and the creation of in and out groups? Should it?

      How much privacy are you willing to sacrifice for safety?

      How would the world change if there was an accurate measure of aptitude?

      Is hierarchy necessary for all successful human communities?

      Is some degree of censorship necessary?

      What are the biggest moral dilemmas your country is facing now?

      Was the agricultural revolution and the explosion of civilizations that came from it an overall good thing for humans or a negative? In other words, would it have been better or worse for people to stay in small tribes?

      What will be/are some of the by-products to society of everyone having the ability to take pictures or a video at any time?

      Does marriage as an institution need to be updated or is it fine how it is?

      If you were given the ability to reform how your country’s leaders were chosen and how they serve, what would you change?

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Re: Plato's Cave

Post by Joan Marie »

I think many of these questions lend very well to a thoughtful tarot reading.

Some I think would be more difficult because it will be hard to suppress opinions, but I guess that is part of the challenge.

I look forward to trying some of these.
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Re: Plato's Cave

Post by dodalisque »

I wonder if it might be easier to do a reading about these questions if we imagined someone facing a dilemma in their own life who came to a reader for ideas about a particular situation that expressed a version of the philosophical problem. Tarot is really about answering specific questions for specific people rather than pronouncing solutions to abstract questions. But maybe I'm wrong.
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Re: Plato's Cave

Post by Diana »

dodalisque wrote: 23 Aug 2019, 22:56 I wonder if it might be easier to do a reading about these questions if we imagined someone facing a dilemma in their own life who came to a reader for ideas about a particular situation that expressed a version of the philosophical problem. Tarot is really about answering specific questions for specific people rather than pronouncing solutions to abstract questions. But maybe I'm wrong.
We could experiment with both. Or even imagine other strategies according to our mood and desire. I think there's quite a big scope of ways to do things if we feel like being imaginative.

What's going to be hugely challenging for me at least, will be to remain neutral. Most of these questions we all have our opinions and philosophies about and I'm wondering if mine won't colour my readings. Will I be honest enough to read the cards even if they go against my deep seated beliefs ?
Rumi was asked “which music sound is haram?” Rumi replied, "The sound of tablespoons playing in the pots of the rich, which are heard by the ears of the poor and hungry." (haram means forbidden)
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Re: Plato's Cave

Post by chiscotheque »

dodalisque wrote: 23 Aug 2019, 22:56 But maybe I'm wrong.
Wrong! That is, there is no wrong. How you present and answer the question is up to you. By providing questions I was suggesting the nature and tenor of the inquiries, not what they should be definitively or in what way they are to be answered. I should add that people can use whatever deck they think appropriate.
Tarot is really about answering specific questions for specific people rather than pronouncing solutions to abstract questions.
the question is moot. I would argue that the Tarot is really about many things, perhaps even more than are dreamt of in your philosophy. Further, I posit that should a person choose to ask a question, it's because that question on some level resonates for them. What's more, if and when the Querent endeavors with the reading genuinely, a certain dynamic or frisson takes place in which questions concerning "real", "specific", and "people" are naturally evoked and involved. That said, the Tarot doesn't always play along. By the same token, abstract questions and pronounced solutions occur in even the most intimate of settings.

As Jesus told Thomas when the apostle asked how one was to properly live, "Don't lie and don't do what you know isn't right." Since these are both things only the doer knows, if a Querent does indeed do "wrong" by themselves, it'll be their own little secret.

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Re: Plato's Cave

Post by Diana »

What a fascinating reading on art and society. And your idea for this thread really inspired. I will take another topic soon. And really hope that others will step in. We usually read for self purposes. But learning about the world in a larger sense is hugely important too. Our society is so confusing sometimes.
Rumi was asked “which music sound is haram?” Rumi replied, "The sound of tablespoons playing in the pots of the rich, which are heard by the ears of the poor and hungry." (haram means forbidden)
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Re: Plato's Cave

Post by AstralPasta »

I’ll try to give this a whirl sometime this week....I’ve been working my mind through ideas of choice and discomfort and mercy this week, so maybe this will be helpful.
On my phone mainly so pardon the typos! Also if I seem more lucid than average, I'm probably typing on a PC. Hah!
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Re: Plato's Cave

Post by Diana »

I have a proposition. Which would be that two people take the same question and do a separate reading on it. For comparison and for deepening. And am looking for someone to be my partner. I was wanting to propose the Trolley dilemma which is actually the first in the suggested list. "The Trolley Dilemma : Divert the course of nature and kill one to save five or let nature take its course and let the five die ?" It's very useful for me right now also as from a reading Charlie Brown did for me in the TdM reading exchange, it would seem that I need to do some sorting out in my mind about utilitarianism. There is a contradiction in my head and it's bugging me now that I can see it so clearly. A bit like a mosquito - you know how pesky mosquitos can be. (That's a really great song. I defy anyone to not want to get up and dance 🕺.)
Rumi was asked “which music sound is haram?” Rumi replied, "The sound of tablespoons playing in the pots of the rich, which are heard by the ears of the poor and hungry." (haram means forbidden)
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Re: Plato's Cave

Post by Diana »

I just want to thank Joan Marie for having reorganised Plato's Cave. What a brilliant idea. I notice that there are three readings that I had overlooked so this will make it much easier !! It's one of the finest threads we have I think. So far a couple of brilliant readers and then me rather less brilliant. I hope now more people will step in. Maybe if they find it a bit daunting, they can take comfort in the fact that I messed up one of my readings in a most embarrassing way. But that's part of the process of Tarot reading.
Rumi was asked “which music sound is haram?” Rumi replied, "The sound of tablespoons playing in the pots of the rich, which are heard by the ears of the poor and hungry." (haram means forbidden)
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Re: Plato's Cave

Post by Joan Marie »

Reorganising this thread was such a funny experience really.

One the one hand it was mind-numbingly tedious, (it takes a lot of clicks to move a post- and there were 10 pages of posts) however on the other hand, because I had to match up the posts to the threads they belonged to, and just from working with each individual one so closely, I got a real feeling for and exposure to the fascinating nature of this whole exercise of Plato's Cave. So at the same time it was mind-numbing it was also incredibly stimulating.

My deep thanks to chiscoteque for starting it, for bringing it to us. And also for helping me yesterday to match up threads.

What a remarkable use of Tarot and of this forum.

I can't wait to dive into this myself.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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Re: Plato's Cave

Post by chiscotheque »

chiscotheque wrote: 23 Aug 2019, 20:00 Proposed here is a thread dedicated to readings to answer in some form or other questions of a philosophical nature.

In this inaugural post, I present a list of questions which have bemused humanity since time out of mind. They can be answered directly or indirectly, through readings of one card draws or as many cards as desired. Querents may of course posit their own philosophical questions.
Addendum: some further question suggestions

Do you think God exists?
Why do we dream?
Is fate real?
Do soul mates really exist?
Can someone go through life without telling a single lie? What do you think he or she is like and thinks about the human race?
Do you think life exists on other planets?
What if this is all just a dream?
Does free will really exist?
Would you have someone innocent be killed for more lives to be saved?
Do you believe in karma or that you are paying off karma in this lifetime?
Do you believe in reincarnation? If so, what were you in your last life? Man or woman? Occupation? Religious belief?
What is the one thing in life I want to be remembered by?
What advice would I have given my younger self?
Will racism every completely cease?
Can we truly experience anything objectively?
Do we know we are dead, when we are dead?
What dream have I given up on?
How is it possible to feel someone’s pain?
What if death is actually an amazing process that we have all been scared of?

Why will people die for their own truth, even if it isn’t true?
What is easier, to hate or to love?
What is the first thing you would do if you became president? Or want our current president to do?
Does pride really go before the fall?
Why can someone thing something is beautiful and the other thing it is ugly?
What are the long term effects of technology?
What would my life look like if I pursued that dream?
Why do we desire love so much?
Why are we the only organisms who don’t strive to reach our full potential? How high does a tree grow? As high as it can!
What are my limiting beliefs about life that are keeping me from getting ahead?
Who has inspired me the most in my life?
Do we still look like us in the afterlife? Or are we merely just a soul?
Why do bad things happen to good people?
Does everything really happen for a reason? Can you connect the dots?
Do you think that God is to blame for everything?
What does the world need more of to solve some of it’s biggest problems?
What is one thing I have believed that someone has told me that is holding me back?

Why are some people victims and others take full responsibility for their lives?
Why are we often our own worst enemy?
What if we walked around and said what was really on our mind? What would the world look like?
How does inspiration work? Why are we inspired by others?
What cause or person would you sacrifice your life for?
What did things look like before the creation of the universe?
Am I trying to make people happy instead of pursuing my goals and dreams?
How do I define happiness?
Why is death so feared?
Would you want to know how you would die?
What is more real, mind or matter?
Why is the sexual urge the hardest to control?
Does God have a God?
Is it better to die in glorious fashion or pass on in your sleep?
Is happiness the most important thing to pursue?
Why does money get such a bad name with so many limiting beliefs around it?
When does someones innocence stop?
What is the best piece advice anyone could be given?
Is it true that you can never REALLY know someone?
Why is there something rather than nothing?
Do thoughts come first or feelings?
Are we in the matrix?
Am I still ME even though my whole entire body regenerates after 7 years?
Do you actually know something when you realize you know nothing?

Can you sin and be bad in heaven and be sent to hell?
Can people leave hell and come to heaven if they are good?
If you were going to die anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Do you think there is a transition period between life and the afterlife?
Where do we really come from before we were actually born?
Why do you think animals live shorter lives than us?
Is heaven and hell real?
What is one bad event that happened in this world that helped us for the better?
Should you live for the present or more for the potential of the future?
Should hard workers be compensated more? Like ditch diggers? Since they are working very hard?
Are we obligated to help the less fortunate?
What if God hates us?
Is there really such thing as time? Or is it always right NOW?
Do you think aliens wonder what we look like?
Why is life not fair? Or is it?
Do you think we have been visited by aliens?
Why do you fear death when you don’t know anything about it?
What negative trait would you like to extract from your DNA?
What is beyond the edge of this universe or do you think it is infinite?
Why do you think you are going to get into heaven? Or hell!?
How am I making people’s lives better? What am I giving?
Am I taking more than I am giving?
Is it more admirable to die for a cause or live for one?
Is there actually a grim reaper who escorts you to the other side?
What makes someone feel in control?
Is there greatness in everyone?
Is it OK to lie to yourself or use self denial to benefit your life?
What if we are actually cursed and living out punishment here on earth? Instead of blessed to be here.
Do we pick our own genders before we get here?
What if we either create our own heaven on earth or hell on earth? And there is no real actual location for each?
Is it better to be rich in love and poor in money? Or poor in love and rich in money?
Can we ever truly justify war?
Is love at first sight real?
How would you design your own life if you were the master of your fate?
Why do people value certain core values?
What government conspiracies do you think are real?
Would you have chosen not to be born if given the chance?
What makes someone a genius?
Does God sin?
Could the world exist without evil?
What if a child doesn’t want to be born?
What is one goal every person should have?
Can one motivate themselves completely or do they always need an outside source?
Does one always have ulterior motives? Or can one act purely selfless?

If you knew one of your loved ones were going to die today, would you tell them?
Should the death penalty be done away with so people have to serve out their sentences? Or are you a supporter of it?
Is timing really everything?
How do words acquire meaning?
What makes you, you?
What is mathematics?
Can animals rationalize and reason?
Will hunger ever be a thing of the past?
Should someone be punished for crimes they did if they were deeply abused as a child?
What is beauty?
What makes me feel most significant?
What scares me the most?
Is abortion every justified?
Why do we only get 100 years to live where biblical figures were able to live for hundreds of years?
Why do people get so up in arms when people talk about sex, politics and religion?
What are numbers?
Do people really have 6th senses?
Can one raise their IQ?
Do animals have their own heaven or afterlife?
Why does one lose interested in a relationship and another’s interest lasts forever?
Should we let people commit suicide if they really want to leave this world?
Why do only humans have freedom to think rationally?
Is love the most important emotion there is?
Where does self esteem come from?
What is the first thought that comes to your head when you awake?
Is someone born a leader or is it developed?
How would you behave if you never had to abide by any rules or ever really create a moral compass?
Is voting a privilege and not a right?
What if God screwed up and accidently created us?
Does God have any limits?
Is there another chosen one like Jesus or Buddha due to visit us again?
Why are drugs banned but alcohol other mind-altering substances can be bought?

Why do laws exist such as being 18 to smoke or 21 to drink?
Does food feel pain when you eat it?
What if you could play God for one day, what would you do?
When was the last time I got out of my comfort zone? And what can I do to get out of it in the near future?
What made me most happy as a child? And have I been doing enough of that in my life today?
Why do feelings fade with time?
Why do some people handle criticism better than others?
What one thing would you change about how you grew up?
What would it take for me to consider myself a success? Or that my life was worth living?
Do you believe in the phrase do unto others as you would have them done unto you?
Why do humans look the way they do?
Why does one become who they hang around?
Does everyone have a bigger purpose in this life or just certain people?
Has there ever been a time when you didn’t want to live anymore?
What was the most defining moment of my life?
What parent am I like the most?
What is one thing you would have told your parents to help raise you better?
What subject do you wish you were taught in school?
How will the human race go extinct?
What is science?
Define self worth. How is it best developed?
How would humanity react to finding out that there was life on other planets?
Is humanity doomed? Headed in a good or bad direction?
What is the quickest way to happiness?
What am I truly capable of?
Why do we settle for less than our full potential?
What is the best way to “Know thyself” or simply the best way to get to know yourself better?
Are our feelings so intense because we have experienced them before in lives before this one?
What would you like to tell the future version of yourself?
How would you define consciousness?
Should free speech have limits?
Do you think the pursuit of happiness has and ending?
What invention do you consider the most beneficial for humanity?
What if fiction books are really non-fiction but called fiction to keep us thinking naive.
Is there absolute morality?
Is the placebo effect real or actually stronger than the real thing?
What if we are already dead and this is some sort of in between before our next stage?
Are we all gods because we come from one?
What is the best moral system?
Where do thoughts and feelings come from?
Why is there evil in the world if God exists?
Is time travel possible?
What is my relationship to this world?
What is fear?
Is there alternate universes? If so, how many?
Does philosophy every answer questions or simply just post more questions to be answered?
What am I?
What really is the meaning of truth? And is absolute truth possible?
How does gravity work?
Where do passions come from?
It it ever morally OK to lie?
Can we really communicate with the dead?
Why do we term the phrase “falling in love”?
Can torture every be justified and rationalized?
Should retaliation every be OK?
When was it chosen that body hair looks good on males but not females?
Where did religion come from and why do people die for it? Or go to war for it?
What if it is just dark forever when we die?
Why are we attracted to evil in some ways?
What if we know we are dead and we want to die from death?
Does one really know ALL the answers when they are enlightened?
Are there truly ever any guarantees in life?
Does one person’s truth make someone else’s false?
Does one choose their family before they get to this earth?
Is everything happening to help us grow?
Why are people inherently good?
What would happen if there was only purely good in this world?
What is reality? And is it different for everyone compared to where their level of consciousness is?

Do you think Jesus really died on the cross or was it symbolism?
Do all lawyers go to hell?
Can money really not buy happiness?
Why are white lies more generally accepted as being OK if honesty is the best policy?
Is the Law of Attraction real?
How do we know what is truly right or wrong?
If you question your existence, are you more crazy or more evolved than those who don’t?
Is ignorance really bliss?
Can God even talk? If so, why does he not talk to us when we want and need Him?
What is art?
Why is someone only missed when they are dead or gone?
What is the worst way you can die?
Does everyone have a soul mate?
Why is home where the heart is?
Why does someone’s body run hot when another gets cold super easily? When all of our core temperatures are the same?
What is the number that the population will stop growing at?
What is people who write alien movies are actually aliens and these movies are actually based on fact? But interpreted as fake because they are titled “fiction”?
Why do we suppress thoughts instead of just letting thoughts go?
Can the Devil really affect how people think or act?
Can people really change?
Do animals have souls?
Why are dogs so good?
Are voodoo dolls real?
Did something really happen if no one witnessed it?
Is the only way to stop fearing is to do the things you fear?
Why do certain people annoy us more than others?
Do the planetary positions really affect the way we act?
Are we being watched like we are in the Truman Show?
What makes one choose good habits over bad habits?
Is self-destruction inevitable?
Are we judged for our sins by God or simply we have to live with them and that is judgement enough?
Why do engage in so much escapism?
When is someone considered old?
What is gender?

Can creativity have boundaries?
What do you consider as art?
What causes conspiracies?
What if we never studied history?
Why is studying considered important?
What if we all had the same opinion?
How can you believe in gravity if you cannot see it?
Do you believe in true love?
Is it possible to have a true form of freedom?
Do you always have to show evidence for one to know that you are not lying?
Is your destiny in your hands?
Does everything happen for a reason?
What do you think is love?
Do you believe in time alteration?
What truly defines our IQ?
What makes you believe in an afterlife?
Can you say goodbye to anyone after they have died?
Can power change people?
What would be an ideal and perfect life?
Will world peace demolish any chance of future war happenings?
Is it us, humans, that will lead to the end of the world?
Which one is important: objective beauty or subjective?
What makes you believe that the ultimate power lies within God?
Do you think that understanding philosophy helps us understand things better?
What is better: formal education or informal education?
What truly makes our home as home?
Should art have safety boundaries?

Science and Technology Philosophical Questions

Why is our school education limited under textbooks? How come then the same students are expected to be ‘creative’?
If people are aware of physical illness then why do they not believe in mental illness?
Energy can never die. So what truly happens when someone dies? Do they still exist?
Why don’t people believe in climate change?
Is it knowledge or experience that makes you a genius?
Is it true that we are becoming submissive and overly depended on technology?
Science: a boon or a bane?
Is the internet taking away our privacy?
What was there before our universe was created?
Do you believe that the universe expands with time?
Now that there is so much of development in technology, is it true that more developments are slower?
Is every technological advancement positive?
What will happen to us now if the internet never existed?
Is technology controlling us or are we controlling it?
Can technology ever be creative on its own?
Is black matter real?
Can the theory of everything be ever found?
How can technology change this world?

Impossible Philosophical Questions

How can happiness vary from a person to person?
Is beauty important?
Is every life meant to make an impact in this society?
Why bother living when we all will die in the end?
How do we know that everything studied in history is accurate?
What if we all are just living in a simulation?
Do you believe that everything has a manner to it?
Do you believe in the universe?
Shouldn’t we get choices in everything?
Why are sunsets different everywhere?
Why do we feel happy after winning something, even after it is done by cheating?
What do you define as reality?
Everything has a start. Then what is the start of the universe?
What makes you believe in souls?
What leads to discoveries?
What creates art?
Can time have a definitive end?
How did time start?
When did we make calendars?
Is there only one universe?
How big is the universe?
Can we ever end world hunger?
What makes us, humans, perfect?
Who came up with philosophical questions?
Are ghosts real?
Will we ever be free of true crime?
Why are some cases unsolved?
What if we all have same food?
Do you think love is a social construct?
Who came up with naming things?

Ethical Philosophical Questions

How is that most victims of crime are either women or children?
What truly makes you happy as a person?
How can someone idolize someone else when we all have flaws?
Does money bring happiness?
What would you choose: your friends or unlimited money?
Do destiny and fate really exist?
How can a ‘priest’ determine someone’s fate?
Will inequality ever cease to exist?
What is the literal definition of friends?
How can one have a ‘perfect’ significant other?
Why is it that there is discrimination with regard to religion?
Is beauty important?
What is a trust?
How one did discover the concept of ‘God’ or any other supernatural entity?
Are souls real?
What is the difference between affection and love?
Is it true that we seek comfort in materialistic goods?
Is it right to keep animals as pets?
How can we have full freedom when we are bounded by the constitution?
Can age define our rights?
Is it right to intervene in someone’s privacy?
Can morality differ from person to person? What if everyone had the same morality?
Are you with or against the right to free speech?
Do you believe in the practice of euthanasia? Why or why not?
If every child is innocent, then when does their innocence end?
What causes evil?
How can self-esteem come to a person?
Why are people against women getting an abortion?
If humans have a soul, then do animals too have a soul?
Is it always wrong to lie?
Can a fully grown mature adult change their ethics?

Philosophical Questions about Humanity and Consciousness

Do you believe in the butterfly effect?
How do you know for sure that dreams are a real concept?
Can religion and tradition change your thinking and thought process?
Why is it that in history most countries were founded and divided on the basis of religion?
Do you believe in the foundation of religion?
How can your environment affect you?
What causes atheism?
What is life without social media?
Is the idea of religion conceptualized?
Should we think with our emotions?
Is torture a justified way to get things?
Is it ever right to define people according to their race?
Can we break the law to save someone?
What do you think honor is?
How relevant is family and belongingness in today’s world?
Why do male and female workers have different wages?
Why do we have to respect the dead?
How can we know happiness without sadness?
How can people form relations?
What is the meaning of life?
What is an ideal society?
How can humans change their morals?
Does time affect human behavior?
Why isn’t animal harm and abuse illegal?
Why do certain cultures clash with others?
What if everyone had the same morals?
What truly makes one a leader?
Why are we under the trap of social construct?
Why are food manners so sacred?
Why do people earn money with the name of religion?
Shouldn’t every criminal be given therapy?

Philosophical Questions related to Government

Should the death penalty be legal? Does a person or an entity who did not give you birth have the right to take it?
How come the government has rights over the life of every citizen under its realm?
Is the existence of nuclear weapons mandatory?
Should we blindly trust everything that the government tells us?
What do you think defines a society?
Do you agree with the foundation of government?
What causes dictatorship?
What do you define as power?
What if everyone had the same financial status in society?
Do citizens of a country truly have the right to throw over the government?
What defines a country?
Is the government always good?
How far can the government have the right to prevent us from harming ourselves?
Can the government completely abolish poverty?
What if everyone had a global government?
What if there was a society where everyone was given full resources and no work, will it be successful?
Is diversity in a nation a good thing?
Why is abortion illegal in so many places?
Will corruption ever cease to exist?
Why should the government have the power to wipe out humanity from the face of the earth with nuclear weapons?
Do you think paying tax should be necessary?
Can the government interfere with your privacy and safety?
Can laws solve everything?
If you were given the opportunity to change your country’s leaders then how would you do that?
Do you believe in censorship? Shouldn’t the audience be shown everything and gain knowledge?
How is that the manufacturing and selling of guns is legal in most countries?
Does everyone around the globe deserve the same philosophical rights?
Why isn’t organ donation necessary?
Shouldn’t governments give penalties to people with unhealthy lifestyles?
Just like humans, should the government give animals rights too?
Should every country be democratic?
Why do passports exist?
Do people have rights that are universal?
Should the government truly have the right to control our procreation?

Fun Philosophical Questions

While crossing the road when you see a slipper, do you wonder what happened to the other one?
Plants and trees are living, and fruits and vegetables are taken from them, so does this mean that fruits and vegetables feel hurt whenever we cut into them?
‘Money cannot buy happiness’, but can someone be truly happy without money?
Why doesn’t Monalisa have eyebrows?
Why do we call water blue when in reality it has no colour?
If materials like wool shrink after their wash, then do the fur of sheep and other animals shrink too?
Why are sunsets different everywhere?
Why are pizzas round and not square?
What constitutes "old age"?
How do we know what a room of mirrors look like when somebody has to be in it to capture or see it?
Why do airplanes have seat belts and not a parachute?
Why does all water taste different?
Why is clothing gender-related?
Do house plants have feelings?
Just like we name our pets, do pets have names for us?
Where will we go during a zombie apocalypse?
Why do we have cakes on birthdays?
Why isn’t caffeine banned if it is considered to be addictive?

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Tag Jorrit
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Re: Plato's Cave

Post by Tag Jorrit »

chiscotheque wrote: 23 Aug 2019, 20:00 Proposed here is a thread dedicated to readings to answer in some form or other questions of a philosophical nature.
What a list! There are only so many years in a lifetime. :lol:
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Re: Plato's Cave

Post by Diana »

Tag Jorrit wrote: 11 Mar 2020, 16:16 What a list! There are only so many years in a lifetime. :lol:
We've got plenty of lifetimes to get through them. Apparently eternity is ahead of us. I'd like to add one question to the list. It can come after the "what is mathematics?"

WHAT IS THE TAROT? And is there One Tarot or many?

Am keeping an eye on Plato's Cave in spite of my not being active on the forum presently. Plato's Cave is the best thing that's been birthed out of the Tarot for a long time.
Rumi was asked “which music sound is haram?” Rumi replied, "The sound of tablespoons playing in the pots of the rich, which are heard by the ears of the poor and hungry." (haram means forbidden)
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Re: Plato's Cave

Post by Pilgrim »

This is quite a list of mind opening question, I'm sure you can create a thread on each one to discuss and share opinions. I dont think there is a right or wrong answer to any of them, just opinions based on personal experience interests and influences.
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Re: Plato's Cave

Post by Joan Marie »

Pilgrim wrote: 03 Jun 2020, 13:08 This is quite a list of mind opening question, I'm sure you can create a thread on each one to discuss and share opinions. I dont think there is a right or wrong answer to any if them, just opinions based on personal experience.
There are no answers, that's for sure.
Plato's cave is an experiment to use tarot as a basis for philosophical discussion. It's a lot of fun really and a great exercise for the mind.

Here is a thread about Plato's Cave and what we think it is.
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Re: Plato's Cave

Post by Pilgrim »

Joan Marie wrote: 03 Jun 2020, 13:15
Pilgrim wrote: 03 Jun 2020, 13:08 This is quite a list of mind opening question, I'm sure you can create a thread on each one to discuss and share opinions. I dont think there is a right or wrong answer to any if them, just opinions based on personal experience.
There are no answers, that's for sure.
Plato's cave is an experiment to use tarot as a basis for philosophical discussion. It's a lot of fun really and a great exercise for the mind.

Here is a thread about Plato's Cave and what we think it is.
Open minded philosophical discussions with the use of the tarot, brilliant! A great way to open your self to enhanced intuition 👍
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Re: Plato's Cave

Post by Pen »

Where is #5?
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Is but a dream within a dream...

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Re: Plato's Cave

Post by dodalisque »

Pen wrote: 13 Dec 2020, 10:49Where is #5?
Ah, that is the Eternal Question. I take it you are referring to the recent NWT thread.
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Charlie Brown
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Re: Plato's Cave

Post by Charlie Brown »

Pen wrote: 13 Dec 2020, 10:49Where is #5?
#5 is alive.
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Re: Plato's Cave

Post by Pen »

dodalisque wrote: 18 Dec 2020, 02:05
Pen wrote: 13 Dec 2020, 10:49Where is #5?
Ah, that is the Eternal Question. I take it you are referring to the recent NWT thread.
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream...

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Re: Plato's Cave

Post by Pen »

Charlie Brown wrote: 18 Dec 2020, 07:00
Pen wrote: 13 Dec 2020, 10:49Where is #5?
#5 is alive.
No disassemble then?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream...

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Re: Plato's Cave

Post by dodalisque »

Charlie Brown wrote: 18 Dec 2020, 07:00
Pen wrote: 13 Dec 2020, 10:49Where is #5?
#5 is alive.
But not as great as V8.
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