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JM- Deck of the week: Osho Zen

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Joan Marie
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JM- Deck of the week: Osho Zen

Post by Joan Marie »

I have a lot of things to get done this week and I already see a lot of interruptions scheduled. I need to work within the chaos so I think a little touch of Zen is in order.

So, I'm back with my trusty Osho Zen Tarot.
(I wrote about this deck a while back in a post about how i had misjudged it)

So, Monday!

shuffle, shuffle, shuffle....

osho zen  monday.jpg

Slowing down! hahaha!
Probably excellent advice.
Sometimes when I have a lot to do, I think I'm moving fast but really I'm not getting anything done.
It's like those dreams where you're trying to do something and a million things keep popping up and the goal gets further and further away.

You have those dreams,... right? 😬

Osho says:
The essence is at ease...Do whatsoever you are doing, but at the deepest core, remain at ease, cool calm, centered.
I wanted Zen, and I got it, didn't I.

cannot argue with this at all. Good way to start this week. Exactly what i needed to hear. Thank you Osho!

Happy Monday all.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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Joan Marie
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Re: JM- Deck of the week: Osho Zen

Post by Joan Marie »

It's Tuesday Mr. Osho, what do you have for me?

shuffle, shuffle, shuffle....

osho zen.jpg


That is a way to get along for sure.
And it contains the word "promise."

I like how both these guys look like they are shrugging their shoulders, like, "okay, fine." (But not really- it's an interesting depiction)

And their pinkie fingers touch. (Pinky promise!) The other hands are ready to grab swords though! I think there is a question of sincerity here.

Osho warns of betraying the self. But compromise doesn't always require this. Meeting someone halfway can benefit all parties and overcome a stubborn or obstinate point of view.

The important thing is to know the difference. Ask yourself, are looking for an advantage or for what is best?
Not always easy to answer this question, not honestly at least.

I'll watch for that this week.

Happy Tuesday!
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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Joan Marie
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Re: JM- Deck of the week: Osho Zen

Post by Joan Marie »

It's Wednesday and I got:

osho zen wednesday.jpg

But the message is about how aggression is often a mask for pain. This card isn't about anger per se, anger is often exactly the right reaction. It's about fighting and putting up defences.

Weird because I was feeling pretty mellow when I drew this but I am currently working through some stuff and this card just sort of underlines it for me. I'm seeing it as being about how I direct energy. This is very important to me right now.

Happy wednesday everyone.
Good luck!
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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Joan Marie
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Re: JM- Deck of the week: Osho Zen

Post by Joan Marie »

I forgot to draw a card yesterday and maybe it's just as well because I seem to be pulling some troubling ones lately and I don't know why.

Today I got this one:
Osho Friday.jpg

A year ago at this time this card fit. It was troubling times around here with an ill loved one and then on the 1st of January, New Years Day 2020, he passed away.

I was just thinking about that so maybe that's why I got this card.

Sorrow is part of life and I'm not real keen on platitudes about the benefits of suffering. because I don't think it is the suffering that makes you stronger or wiser or whatever. That can only come from you, from something that was there before the pain, something in your character that you were able to draw on when you needed it most. It was not a gift of the suffering.

In fact, it annoys the shit out of me when people say that suffering makes you stronger and is somehow noble. It can make people cold to hold those ideas. Suffering sucks and I wish it on no one. One lesson though as I think about how things were this time last year, I can say that not suffering is good and to always try to notice it when life is kind to you, when your worries are relatively small. That will give you strength for later.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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Joan Marie
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Re: JM- Deck of the week: Osho Zen

Post by Joan Marie »


This card is really pretty

osho sunday.jpg

Patience. I need this today. I'm feeling anxious about something that hasn't even happened and probably won't, but if it does, it will be a trial for me.

So I need to chill out and just let things unfold.

Happy Sunday!
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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