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WIP LindseMercury

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WIP LindseMercury

Post by LindseMercury »

Do you object to a card with a horizontal orientation?
The images I have been working with all seem better to me that way but when I look at the finished work, the cards are all vertical in their orientation.
I have a picture of a moon at the end of a long pier, and a sunflower standing out in the middle of a field of sunflowers.
SO I've been working on them and was almost finished when I realized I was in my own little world and most cards are not oriented that way.
WOndering if I should scrap the images and start over.
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Joan Marie
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Re: WIP LindseMercury

Post by Joan Marie »

LindseMercury wrote: 06 Oct 2020, 20:02 Do you object to a card with a horizontal orientation?
Can I see it?

I mean, it would be the only one like that, but I don't think it would hurt anything and it might be kind fo fun to have that one odd card in the deck.
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