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The Gentle Tarot

Do you have a Tarot related project on Kickstarter or Indiegogo or elsewhere? What about something available for pre-order? Have you seen one you want to tell us about? Backing a project is like investing in a future present for yourself. Have a look!
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The Gentle Tarot

Post by Niobium »

Nice looking new entry on KS:

Love the color scheme!
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Re: The Gentle Tarot

Post by JudyK »

There are hardly any indie decks that appeal to me these days (Joan's Weimer deck is a major exception 😉) but this one really is very nice. If I had that kind of money to toss around, I'd probably back it - but sadly I don't.🙄
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Re: The Gentle Tarot

Post by Rachelcat »

This is lovely! Not sure if I'll go for it, but it definitely deserves to be manifest!
Please join us in This Week's Deck!

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
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