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Northern Animal Tarot

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Northern Animal Tarot

Post by Niobium »

Nice little deck, looks quite cute!
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Re: Northern Animal Tarot

Post by Nemia »

Yes, it does. Her writing style is as breathlessly excited as her art. :lol:

It's very very close to the RWS iconography, though, and there are SO many animal decks... Simply putting foxes or rabbits into the well-known RWS scenes won't be enough to make a deck interesting to me. I love animal decks and have quite a number, and the better ones (for me) really get into the animal world and leave RWS behind. From the cards shown, the Hanged Man looks most impressive to me - not simply RWS with rabbit ears.

It may be difficult to convince people to buy this new deck when there are Animal Totem, Animism, Wild Unkown, Spiritsong, Badgers Forest, Anima Mundi etc etc are on the market. The artist started creating the deck when she started her learning journey with the tarot. That's an interesting starting point, and her art is without a doubt very charming and expressive. I'm actually more interested in her active, creative journey as a way of getting to know the tarot, than in the deck itself. That would make for very interesting reading. Where did she start, which cards were difficult for her?

Thank you for bringing this deck up here - I googled and yes, there's a nice Instagram page, too.
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