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17 August 2020: Theta Wave Oracle by Mystikka Jade and Leona Graves

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Theta Wave Oracle
by Mystikka Jade and Leona Graves

You're going to need some magick today so keep yourself open to it. It'll find you.


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18 August 2020: Theta Wave Oracle by Mystikka Jade and Leona Graves

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OSHO Zen Tarot
by Ma Deva Padma

Heavy times will soon subside and the air will be filled again with possibilities. Don't lose hope just yet.


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21 August 2020: Rosetta Tarot by M.M.Meleen

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Rosetta Tarot
by M.M.Meleen

You've been spreading yourself too thin and possibly in places where your effort isn't really needed anyway. Time to shore things up. Place your power where it does you the most good.


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22 August 2020: Bharata Tarot Majors by Sunish Chabba

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Bharata Tarot Majors
by Sunish Chabba

There's joy in this in-between state you find yourself in. It's a new perspective. Fresh. Get used to it because it is how you will see things for a while. Don't resist the new ways of thinking it will inspire. This is all for the good.


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23 August 2020: Boadicea’s Tarot of Earthly Delights By Paula Millet

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Boadicea’s Tarot of Earthly Delights
By Paula Millet

Is that an armadillo hanging from the ceiling?

Take some time today to rediscover an appreciation for the strange little objects you have collected and made part of your world.
Sometimes we forget, we get so used to seeing them around we don't notice them anymore. Today try to notice these souvenirs from your life and be inspired by those moments from the past that compelled you to keep these things and make them part of your environment.


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24 August 2020: Mystic Mondays Tarot by Grace Duong

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Mystic Mondays Tarot
by Grace Duong

One thing at a time today. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed. Focus on what you are doing, finish, next thing.
That's today's mantra.
Happy Monday.

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25 August 2020: The Marigold Tarot by Amrit Brar

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The Marigold Tarot
by Amrit Brar

Oh it's going to be a tricky day. This does not necessarily mean bad or difficult, but you better stay on your toes and pay particular attention to your inner guide. if you feel yourself getting wound up or feeling confused, stop. Close your eyes and breath. Re-establish your connection with your guide. You'll be fine.


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26 August 2020:Spirit Within Tarot by Steven Bright

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Spirit Within Tarot
by Steven Bright

Change is in the air. As we enter this mutable season of Virgo let's remember to open ourselves up, be open to the changes happening all around us and be part of them.


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27 August 2020: Button Soup Tarot 9 of Pentacles by Shilo Lewis

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Button Soup Tarot
9 of Pentacles by Shilo Lewis

Today is about being observant, inwardly and outwardly. Your intentions, if true and focused will be felt. Even when they are expressed quietly or even silently. Observe how you are seen by others, not to internalise their observations and opinions about you, but to understand better. Observe them observing you.
Also, if possible, take some time for nature today and actively experience it.


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28-29 August 2020: Babylonian Tarot by Roxana Paul

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Babylonian Tarot
by Roxana Paul

Success is not the cake, it's the cherry on the cake. The cake is the effort you made, the courage you had, the choices you made and the help you had from others. It's also the luck you had. So enjoy it, but honour it as well and never forget all the things that had to come into play at the right time.


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30 August 2020: Tinker’s Damn Mantegna by Duck Soup Productions

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Tinker’s Damn Mantegna
by Duck Soup Productions

Don't be fooled by the person who appears to be idle or still. There are often (okay not always, but often) many layers of depth at play. Sometimes stepping back from the fray and just observing is far more edifying than actively participating.


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31 August 2020: The Textured Tarot by Lisa McLoughlin

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The Textured Tarot
by Lisa McLoughlin

We don't always procrastinate about things we don't want to do, sometimes we procrastinate about things we really want to do. Recharge yourself today by doing something you've been putting off, something pleasant you've been meaning to do but that you always manage to let something else get in the way of. Give yourself this gift.


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01 September 2020: Guided Hand Tarot by Irene Mudd

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Guided Hand Tarot
by Irene Mudd

There is a shift, a change, an altering of perspectives and priorities happening. Stay loose, stay flexible and agile and be ready to bring it. You've got this!


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02 September 2020: The Abyssal Tarot by Shelly Corbett

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The Abyssal Tarot
by Shelly Corbett

A day for shaking off stale ideas about "us and them." The futility of that thinking is about to make itself abundantly clear to you. This is not just about people you disagree with. It's about your own insecurities too, and the illusion of control.


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03 September 2020: The Cascades Oracle by Lynda Stevens

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The Cascades Oracle
by Lynda Stevens

Don't worry if you get sidetracked from your plans today. There is a different adventure in store for you today that you maybe didn't know about. Go ahead and go with it and see where it takes you. You can come back to your original plan another day.


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04-05 September 2020: The Guardian Tarot by Beth Seilonen

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The Guardian Tarot
by Beth Seilonen

Stop and take some time today to consider some goals you have set and evaluate what really happens when you get there. Make whatever adjustments you need to. Remember that the journey is the sacred place.


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06 September 2020: The Hardy Tarot by Colleen Hardy

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The Hardy Tarot
by Colleen Hardy

Think back to the good memories of the passing season. For today don't dwell upon the difficulties but try to pick out those moments of quiet, of beauty and of discovery. Curate your memories and make sure not to skip any of the good ones. You'll need these later. Maybe write them down.

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07 September 2020: Shrine of the Black Medusa Tarot by Casey Rocheteau

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Shrine of the Black Medusa Tarot
by Casey Rocheteau

You've been experiencing changes lately and are now beginning to really feel it. It may feel disorienting or confusing but that's only because you haven't let go of old ways of thinking yet. This is a process. Don't let it worry you. These changes are positive and healthy and once you settle into them, you'll find that you are very good at this.


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08 September 2020: Whispering Tarot By Elizabeth Hazel

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Whispering Tarot
By Elizabeth Hazel

Compromise is inevitable, but how you do it is important.
Are you trying to meet someone halfway, to understand a different point of view and work towards harmony? Or are you caving in and betraying your own truth or trying to gain something like power or approval? Checking your motives before you compromise and making the proper adjustments is the key to success.

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09 September 2020: The Byzantine Tarot by: Cilla Conway

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The Byzantine Tarot
by: Cilla Conway

Be strong today. For yourself and for others. Your touch will be needed today to bring healing and security. Be ready and watch for your chance.


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10 September 2020: The Abyss Tarot by Ana Tourian

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The Abyss Tarot
by Ana Tourian

All that you read, all that you learn and study and experience are constantly shaping and re-shaping your world view.
Your destiny isn't so much what happens to you as it is how you develop and understand the world. This is very much in your power to shape.

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11-12 September 2020: The Animism Tarot by Joanna Cheung

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The Animism Tarot
by Joanna Cheung

What you need seems out of your grasp. Maybe it is. But don't give up. Do everything you can. Stay alert and look for every chance. If things don't work out, knowing you did your best will give you comfort.


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13 September 2020: The Inner Compass Oracle by Neel van Lierop

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The Inner Compass Oracle
by Neel van Lierop

You've been given a reprieve, a second chance. Most importantly, you've learned from this. Now the real challenge begins: take what you have learned and dig deeper. Make it part of you in a profound way so that these lessons aren't lost.

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14 September 2020: Haindl Tarot by Hermann Haindl, Guidebook by Rachel Pollack

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Haindl Tarot
by Hermann Haindl, Guidebook by Rachel Pollack

Sometimes you need to match the forces that are against you. Is that fighting evil with evil? Or is it something else? Harness your love and direct it with force. It may even look like evil to some but you'll know better. Love is stronger than evil but you have to believe it. You have to understand how it works.


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15 September 2020: Oracle des Haikus by Célia Mélesville and Sylvie Lavoie

Post by Joan Marie »

Oracle des Haikus
by Célia Mélesville and Sylvie Lavoie

The muse is in the air. All you need to do is invite her. It doesn't matter what you are doing, she will help you with an inspired artistic twist to anything you are engaged in. Don't be shy!


See the current Today's Card HERE
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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