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19 July: The Celtic Tree Oracle Sharlyn Hidalgo & Jimmy Manton

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The Celtic Tree Oracle
Sharlyn Hidalgo & Jimmy Manton

The thing about willow trees is in a big storm when the wind is whipping like crazy, the willow tree is the only tree that's dancing. People will tell you the willow is surrendering, bending so it won't break. But I say nah. She's dancing with the storm!

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21 July: OSHO Zen Tarot by Ma Deva Padma

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OSHO Zen Tarot
by Ma Deva Padma

It's a New Moon and time to start something new. The energy of the New Moon will give you the creative and power boost you'll need to realise your vision.


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Re: 20 July: OSHO Zen Tarot by Ma Deva Padma

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HeARTful Spirits Tarot
by Trisha Leigh Shufelt

It's okay to step back a little today and let some things sort themselves out while you focus on something personal and close to your heart.


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22 July: The Crow Tarot by Margaux Jones

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The Crow Tarot
by Margaux Jones

Fight the good fight. Your instincts are right and you know what needs to be done. You have all the tools you need at hand and the will and skills to use them well. Be fearless, use humour and common sense and you cannot go wrong.


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Re: 22 July: The Crow Tarot by Margaux Jones

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The Line Defined
by Wyatt J. Hesemeyer

Let go of the little dangling attachments you are hanging onto to negative situations that you have already extricated yourself from.

Stop replaying it your head. Stop stalking on the internet.

The wheels of karma, yours and those who have wronged you, get stuck on those wires.

Cut those ties and you will not only free yourself, you will free the laws of nature.


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23 July: The Silhouettes Tarot by Masa September

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The Silhouettes Tarot
by Masa September

Keep your head up! There's no bully, no troll, no debaser who can bring down a person like you. Life is short and precious so stand up for yourself, to yourself first and the rest of the world will catch on quick.

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27 July: Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle by Lisa Estabrook

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Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle
by Lisa Estabrook

It's a good day to evolve! You've learned a lot lately and now it's time to let all that new information collate and file itself and prepare ground for the muse. New perspectives bring new ideas. Prepare for lightbulbs going on!

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28 July: Superlunaris Tarot by Jess Schuler and Jacob Schaffer

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Superlunaris Tarot
by Jess Schuler and Jacob Schaffer

A time of abundance is nearing. Just sit tight. Things are in motion, seen and unseen, steering events toward change.


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29 July 2020: Art in Soul Tarot by Trisha Leigh Shufelt

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Art in Soul Tarot
by Trisha Leigh Shufelt

Slowly, slowly now, make your approach. Time is on your side, working in your favour. Slow, careful, thoughtful movements will not only work better, it will be more enjoyable for you too.

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30 July 2020: Bharata Tarot Majors by Sunish Chabba

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Bharata Tarot Majors
by Sunish Chabba

There is a shadow behind this figure of Justice. Sometimes we are the ones holding ourselves back, not allowing the golden graces of Justice and love to find us because something in our shadow side is blocking it. Something we are blind to. It's worth some investigation.

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31 July 2020: Initiates Way Tarot by Jade M

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Initiates Way Tarot
by Jade M

You are likely to feel some ups and downs today. A little cosmic roller-coaster ride.

Stay steady, keep perspective. Don't let your emotions get tossed about.

Think of today as a kind of "training day" for your sense of equanimity.

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01 August 2020: Melanated Classic Tarot by Julia Goolsby & Oubria Tronshaw

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Melanated Classic Tarot
by Julia Goolsby & Oubria Tronshaw

To the left or to the right? Weighing the options may leave you feeling the answer is "both!" But it isn't. You have to make a choice about where to direct your energies today. It's just not possible to do everything at once. Don't worry though, you'll be faced with this same quandry again before long!


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Re: 02 August 2020: Melanated Classic Tarot by Julia Goolsby & Oubria Tronshaw

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Shrine of the Black Medusa Tarot
by Casey Rocheteau

This Queen of Pentacles is here to remind us of the need to ground ourselves. Close your eyes for a few minutes to remember who you are and re-establish your connection t the earth. It's worth it to take the time. It will help you to remain poised as this queen throughout the day especially if there are any troubling or otherwise challenging developments.


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03 August 2020: Tarot of the Lucid Slumber by Adi Dahlke

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Tarot of the Lucid Slumber
by Adi Dahlke

The air which has felt a bit stagnant lately will suddenly become charged with energy and light. It will be almost as being awakened from a long slumber and suddenly everything will seem clear. It is important to keep yourself light and not weigh yourself down. Your priorities are about to shift and you'll need to be nimble.


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04 August 2020: The Textured Tarot by Lisa McLoughlin

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The Textured Tarot
by Lisa McLoughlin

Find the bridge between your ideas and and their success. It could be something or someone right in front of you. To be honest, it has to be.


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05 August 2020:The Animism Tarot by Joanna Cheung

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The Animism Tarot
by Joanna Cheung

The bringer of the dawn has a question for you:
What will you do with this day?
What direction will your thoughts go? Your words? Your actions?

It's normal to drift off and forget, but today you'll remember, often, to not fall into thought ruts that lead to word ruts and action ruts.

The dawn is a gift.


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06 August 2020: Kamienie Wróżą Oracle

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Kamienie Wróżą Oracle

If you have followed your own advice lately you will soon see the benefit of that. In fact it is firmly in the works. You are about to start experiencing the reality that only recently was a dream.


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07 August 2020: Next World Tarot by Christy C. Road

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Next World Tarot
by Christy C. Road

Artifice will not serve you well today. Today is the day to get real, to know and to follow your will. You set the standard of your work and of how you live. No excuses, no justifications, no compromises. It'll be better for everyone.


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08 August 2020: Marshmallow Marseille by Wandering Oracle

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Marshmallow Marseille
by Wandering Oracle

This Queen of Pentacles has a message for you today:
Be good to yourself.
And be good to others.
She will make this easier for you by protecting you from ugly thoughts, words, and deeds and free your mind and spirit for your great work.


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09 August 2020: The Devas of Creation by Cilla Conway

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The Devas of Creation
by Cilla Conway

Things may get a little dicey today. That is as it should be and nothing you can't ultimately handle or at least get through. It's part of this path at the moment. But you will have to face it and take the challenge. A nap won't fix it.

Pardon the cliche' but it's true,
that sometimes the only way out, is through.

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10 August 2020: l'Oracle des Runes by Gulliver l’Aventurière and Lyra Ceoltoir

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l'Oracle des Runes
by Gulliver l’Aventurière and Lyra Ceoltoir

This Rune reminds us that it isn't enough to seek enlightenment, you have to share that light. Awaken your slumbering creativity. Turn what you have learned into positive action.


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11 August 2020:Oracle Atlantide by Marguerite Bévilacqua

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Oracle Atlantide
by Marguerite Bévilacqua

The heat can make you see strange things. But trust your eyes.

You are becoming privy to insights about yourself, and others.

These will prove invaluable to your success.

The last person you should doubt is yourself.


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12-13 August 2020:Anima Mundi by Megan Wyreweden

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Anima Mundi
by Megan Wyreweden

Don't be boxed in by thinking that your choices are few. The possibilities are endless but you'll need to figure out what it is that is limiting your thinking. Get that figured out and the world of options will open up for you.


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14-15 August 2020: Initiates Way Tarot by Jade M

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Initiates Way Tarot
by Jade M

Be careful of trying too hard today. You could be on the right track and then things go wrong with those paving stones from hell, good intentions. Choose well where you put your attention and energies today. You have much to give and much to gain if you remain in balance.


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16 August 2020: The Beatles Tarot from Welkin

Post by Joan Marie »

The Beatles Tarot
from Welkin

It's going to be difficult at times, but avoid being distracted by your own emotions today. Staying present means not allowing yourself to be pulled away from your true intentions.


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