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A discussion on your path with the Tarot

Whether you are a beginner or an old hand at Tarot, you never stop learning. This is where Seekers & Sages alike come together to ask questions and share experience.
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FORUM DESCRIPTION: For beginners and experienced readers alike.

One of the beautiful things about the tarot is that you never stop learning and discovering new and fascinating things.

This is the place to come to share tips and ideas for learning the craft of tarot. Approaching it from many angles and points of view broadens everyone's appreciation and understanding and aids in developing your technique.

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A discussion on your path with the Tarot

Post by Pilgrim »

Hi everyone,

I would like to start a conversation about your path with the tarot, and what was it about the Tarot that drew your interests.

The Tarot has had a dark history being a tool for those who are into magic, or aligned with the devil which we all know is further from the truth. Its symbolism is rich with ideas, and meanings. It has linked us from past generations to the present through its occult symbolism.
It has hidden truths about life's mysteries and provided insights into spiritual truths.

The Tarots wisdom is vast, there are many subjects within its books of wisdom, its depths are untold. Though, used as a primary tool for divination to help your self and others figure out lifes questions.

To me the Tarot is more than that.

What is it for you?

Was it a spiritual awakening?

Did someone introduce it to you?

Did you have someone do a reading for and in turn became inspired to learn?

Has it been passed down from generations within the family as a legacy?

Did you go through some kind of crisis that led you on this path to its wisdom?

The Tarot tells us about our journey in life and the tests and trials we face to make us who we are today.

So invite you to share you experience with the Tarot and how it has shaped you to become the person you are today.

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Re: A discussion on your path with the Tarot

Post by JudyK »

Tut, tut. No one has responded? Let's change that.
What is it for you?
Tarot is a way for me to tap into the Big Picture.
Was it a spiritual awakening?
It's a very spiritual process for me, but I wouldn't call my attraction to it or it's subsequent use an awakening.
Did someone introduce it to you?
No. I discovered it for myself whilst devouring the Metaphysics section of the local library.
Did you have someone do a reading for and in turn became inspired to learn?
No. Realising it might be possible to "tell the future" inspired me to learn. 8-)
Has it been passed down from generations within the family as a legacy?
My maternal grandmother read playing cards, but I wasn't aware of that until after I confessed to my mother my growing interest in Tarot. Her response was to roll her eyes and say, "Not you, too?" :lol:
Did you go through some kind of crisis that led you on this path to its wisdom?
"Read the damn cards" - Camelia Elias
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Re: A discussion on your path with the Tarot

Post by Kati »

For me, Tarot is a way to get to know myself and to find my path in life. I guess you could say that it was a spiritual awakening or crisis, yes.

When I was a teenager I got interested in Tarot for the first time. I bought myself a deck, just something I found from a bookstore that didn’t really have much selection (two different decks, if I remember correctly). I tried my best to read the book and understand the cards but it just didn’t work. I didn’t really like the way that the cards looked and I felt no connection with them. For years they were on my bookshelf, waiting, until I gave them away.

About six years ago spouse of a friend of mine wanted to read Tarot for me and my husband. That was the first (and so far the last) time anyone has read for me. It... wasn’t what I expected. She didn’t seem to know what she was doing. She also let me pull an Oracle card and made me read the meaning from a book. So yeah...

Last spring some big changes happened in my life and I started wondering if ”this is all there is for me”. I felt lost, I didn’t know what to do. I don’t even remember from where the idea itself came but suddenly I just felt that I needed to buy a Tarot deck. Not wanted but really needed. I browsed decks online, looking if any deck would call me and I found the Everyday Witch Tarot. I ordered the deck and started learning the basics even before the order arrived. Google, Pinterest and my Discord friends have been really helpful in learning.

Part of me wishes that Tarot will be a (part time) job for me at some point. I want to absorb every piece of information that I can about them.

This is my Tarot journey. :)
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Re: A discussion on your path with the Tarot

Post by Nemia »

I'm a visual person and the cards fascinate me. I see archetypes, motifs and stories in them, expressed by many artists, adapted or discovered in many different contexts, and I can play with them, talk with them and find my own place on the map of life. I believe that the cards help us to know what we don't know that we know, or we don't want to know. And that's a lot of stuff.

For me, the cards are like an inner museum of feelings and patterns in life. And museum is more than a dusty place where you go because you feel it's your duty. A museum is a place for the muses, and let's not forget - the nine Muses were daughters of Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory.

(I have told dozens of times how a friend gave me a fantastic reading when I was very young, and how I discovered the cards for myself ten years later... and although I took a little break, I'm back again with the cards for a longer time now).

Btw, I don't do many readings any more - I use the cards in different ways (and I'm trying to write a book about it but writing a book in a foreign language, English, is very difficult!).
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Re: A discussion on your path with the Tarot

Post by fire cat pickles »

When I graduated from high school my sister gave me a copy of Eileen Connolly's "Tarot: A New Handbook for the Apprentice" out of the blue. She thought I read cards but, according to her it was actually our father, but he would never admit it to me. (A side story: only once did he appear to quiz me on reading cards with a deck of playing cards, which I found rather odd.) I bought the Dali Tarot shortly thereafter in 1988 for $88 and never could read with the minors so I read with the Majors only until I stumbled upon Aeclectic tarot in 2003. I dreamed about a tarot deck that turned out to be Costante Costantini's version of the Minchiate Fiorentine. I searched through AT's database until I found it. I eventually obtained a copy of it from Mr. Somerville and ended up joining AT. This of course got me back into the tarot in earnest and led me down all kinds of paths of divination, and so here I am today.
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Re: A discussion on your path with the Tarot

Post by TheLoracular »

I'm going to focus on what got be BACK on a tarot path that had taken a long pit stop until a few days ago.

2020 has been a really HARD year on me and everyone else. As someone who's very empathic, I was having the worst of times keeping my "feelz" about the world outside my apartment from overwhelming me. There's something called The Dark Night of the Soul, and I think I've undergone this at least six times in my 50+ years of being human. Then I reach from the abyss of my own making and grab the tarot. I start reading my occult/spirituality tomes, I shuffle the cards and suddenly, miraculously, everything starts to change in big positive ways. And all kinds of life lessons I'd known but forgotten about float back to the surface.

A couple days ago I felt a something or something greater than my conscious Self just tell me to get out all of my cards and plunge forward and the moment I started, everything inside of me got better and the things out there beyond my control was no longer trainwrecking me with depression and anxiety. I felt like ME again. And I felt like someone so new, I needed a new online name to celebrate the transformation and have a fresh start. I'd never belonged to Cult of Tarot before but Google brought me here hard and fast in a meaningful way.

So here I am, feeling incredible positivity and hopefulness in the middle of a really rough 2020. I live in the PNW and suffer from fibromyalgia and asthma. The forest fires of the past week+ have created pretty toxic air on top of everything else that had hammered the Seattle metro area since February but when I did my first daily card draw today in well over two years? It was the Sun and I felt like that was perfect. So I know I'm exactly where I should be, doing what I should be, on my path. Again. Finally. Those long dark times are part of the path too but gosh are they ever daunting.
Tarot is a great and sacred arcanum- its abuse is an obscenity in the inner and a folly in the outer. It is intended for quite other purposes than to determine when the tall dark man will meet the fair rich widow.”
― Jack Parsons
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