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Sacred Days: Joan Marie, Haindl Tarot

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Sacred Days: Joan Marie, Haindl Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

I think for this I will use either the Osho Tarot or the Japraidze Tarot.
I'll make a final decision in the morning.

Really looking forward to this. I really need it, this bit of introspection at this time. Doing it with all of you makes it even better.

Sacred Days of Midsummer

1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting.

2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it.

3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time.

4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives.

5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment.

6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength.

7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come.

8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun.

9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves.

10. Saint John’s Eve – June 23: Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us.

11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward.

12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance.
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Re: Sacred Days: Joan Marie, Haindl Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

I've changed my mind now 3 or 4 times about which deck to use. Then this morning it just fell into my hands and I felt a deep connection, the Haindl Tarot. That the guidebook was written by Rachel Pollack felt very right. I'm ready for some of her brand of wisdom right now. So here I go:

1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting.


The Daughter of Wands, Radha

She looks so happy and peacefully focused on her art, her music. She's not distracted by the outside world and is able to experience the true pleasure of creating.

I could be doing this too. I've been so inspired lately, so over-flowing with ideas. But I have been distracted, pretty much constantly. If it isn't world events it's personal ones. In both cases though I have to admit my main role is as "worrier in chief." I'm internalising far too much and it isn't doing me or anyone any good.

I need to keep this beautiful image in mind, of a woman deeply connected to what feeds and nurtures her spirit and her psyche.

I've been getting many messages and signs lately that tell me I need to balance out my earthly connections with heavenly ones. A bit of both.I'm leaning too heavily these days toward the earthly to the point of imbalance.

If I can remember to do this, my inspiration and creativity, which feel very alive, will be able to manifest into not only real creations, but into a more deeply spiritually connected self. This is where I am at in my life. I feel this very strongly and it's time to answer the call.
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Re: Sacred Days: Joan Marie, Haindl Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

I'm going to try something different this time. I will, in addition to my card drawing each day, do an I-Ching reading as well.
I'm using the system and tiles I created. (here is a short description of that in another post)

here are the tiles I drew:

Lake over Earth
It's Cui: Bringing Together

Line 4 was the moving line creating: Union

And the Mutual Gua is: Developing Gradually

In regards to Inspiration and creativity and how it is manifesting, this message reminds me what I forget often which is that my creativity is always about people. It is active and with purpose. That is always part of it and always has been.

Creating is always, for me, about bring together many different things. material, styles, mediums, ideas, It's always a synthesis.

This is a very short summary. Reading I Ching is very time consuming for me. So that doesn't leave me much time to try and write it all out and I wish I could. But I am just beginning. However i was really moved by how perfectly today's message spoke to me.

Also I think I really love using these tiles and dice I made.
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Re: Sacred Days: Joan Marie, Haindl Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it.


This is a strange card to pull for this. The Goddess Vesta is represented as fire. And here I have drawn from the suit of Cups, the element of water.

The upside down cup in the center is a warning about complacency, about thinking everything is fine when it isn't.
This card also contains an I Ching hexagram, #4, Childhood.

The young, the inexperienced, need educating and that education must take into account the individuality of the person. One size does not fit all. But this in not only actual children. We all have our blind spots, areas we need to improve and develop. And if we are going to learn, if we are going to teach, we need to listen to each other to understand exactly where the messaging is going wrong. But most of the time, emotions and ego get in the way. We become defensive when we should be listening. We attack and accuse when challenged. We are right about one thing and think that makes us right about everything. And arguments spiral out of control, going nowhere and leaving people hurt in the wake of it.

This is important to remember. I deal with a lot of different people and sometimes in some really difficult or tricky situations. It does no one a service to bring the same hammer to the job every time.

I see people do this a lot. And I know I have too. There seems to be a lack of nuance in interpersonal communication these days. Everything is black or white. There is so little understanding and sometimes it feels like nothing is ever solved. There are bullies out there of every stripe and they all think they are the good guys, who think every disagreement must be "won". It makes it very difficult when trying to work with so many people.

I think the message here for me today, about keeping the home fires burning (and home is a big place) is becoming a better communicator. That starts with listening and thinking carefully before speaking (or writing) and being patient and understanding with others who may be struggling with their emotions. And when it doesn't work out, to not be pulled in the vortex of anger they seek to create and to remain positive and hopeful that eventually balance can be restored.
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Re: Sacred Days: Joan Marie, Haindl Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

Thunder over earth, 16-Delight
Thunder over earth, 16-Delight

And to compliment my reading for today, here is my I Ching reading.

I quite like this because my reading left me a little depressed. This reminds me of the joyful way to proceed.
It is about the delight of giving and receiving and that goes perfectly with my reading which was all about communication.

This gua follows "Humbleness" and compliments it. Good to remember.

Thunder represents action and Earth, submission. It's perfectly balanced. But this message is also a warning.
It is easy to become self-satisfied when one has accomplished something, for example, "winning" an argument. Self-satisfaction can lead to misfortune.

The true meaning of delight is to remember the key to it is humility and sincerity. These qualities bring harmony and that is what delight is.

The moving line is #6 which becomes then, Proceeding Forward (35). This reminds me again of the critical importance of equanimity in the face of success or of failure.

The Mutual gua (the hidden message of the original gua) is hardship (39)

There are some ample warnings here about the consequences of not facing difficulty with the right attitude. Know when to act, when not to. During certain hardships moving forward (see above!!) is not advisable. A bad situation can be made worse. Know when to bide your time.

So in regards to my previous post, sometimes not communicating is in fact the best communication.
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Re: Sacred Days: Joan Marie, Haindl Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time.

Eight of Swords
Eight of Swords

This deck has an Isis card and I was really hoping to draw it, but here we are.
This card is is very dramatic looking. Intense.

On the surface, I feel pretty well if just a bit low energy these days. But below the surface, yeah, there is a lot going on.
The window I look out of right now, directly in front of me I see my 2 favourite trees n my garden, one totally dead and one just clinging to some bits of life. They are a a pair of birch trees. Here, I'll take a picture for you:


Look just like the trees on this card.
These trees, according to Rachel Pollack's guidebook, represent nature in trouble, a sick spirituality. Gossip and interference.
(not so unlike the story of Isis whose husband Osiris was poisoned by his brother to ursurp his throne)

There's a lot of that (gossip and interference) going around. But there's no time or space to give into it. There is too much to do. The swords are pointed downward like tears.

The tears of Isis brought Osiris back from the dead. They then conceived their son Horus whose birth ushered in the new age, and age of light and of progress past the old ways. Her tears also flooded the Nile which brought nourishment and life to its banks.

These are difficult and in some ways very ugly times but my emotions feel correct. Something good will come of this. Some thing new.

This card contains an I Ching hexagram: Thunder and Fire = Eradicating (21)
This gua is about justice, specifically, meting it out. It say that once and obstacle is removed from a peaceful community, (eradicated) then justice can be established.

The mutual gua is Hardship. So it won't be easy. Well, so what? That feel like the right attitude.
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Re: Sacred Days: Joan Marie, Haindl Tarot

Post by dodalisque »

Joan Marie wrote: 14 Jun 2020, 13:50 I'm going to try something different this time. I will, in addition to my card drawing each day, do an I-Ching reading as well.
I'm using the system and tiles I created.
Also I think I really love using these tiles and dice I made.
Super cool idea. I want some of those I Ching tiles and dice too! Très wabi sabi. We maybe need to get some Runes going as well. I imagine you could make a set similar to your I Ching tiles, or painted onto stones or crystals.
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Re: Sacred Days: Joan Marie, Haindl Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

dodalisque wrote: 17 Jun 2020, 04:39 Très wabi sabi. We maybe need to get some Runes going as well.
I had to look up "wabi sabi." Yes, they are that. ;)

I may head to the art store today for some supplies. ❤️
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Re: Sacred Days: Joan Marie, Haindl Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives.

6 of Stones
6 of Stones


The guidebook mentions something about inner truth. I guess that is the golden light from within that the stones are circling.

The last few mornings when I wake from dreams there is a message ringing in my head. Different ones, not the same, (that would be weird. )
But it's like something I need to know. Some kind of advice. Answers to problems.

Maybe I am becoming more connected to my inner life, inner truth.

The hexagram on this card is Thunder over Fire = Abundance (55)

The Fire represents energy, lightning, so this hexagram is literally thunder and lightning, great energy, great abundance. But it doesn't last forever so it has to be used wisely.
I am working away at several projects that are related and making some slow headway, I'm on a kind of roll. This morning when I awoke the message from my dream, a complete sentence was: "Work all night if you have too. Drink coffee!"

So, strike while the iron is hot, the Iron being my brain.

These projects are very tied to my inner life because it's only through connection to "flow" that I accomplish anything. And this isn't only about finishing or completing, the creation process is really every step of it. I'm in a constant state of surprise at what comes out.

It also says here that abundance can't really be rationed, so it should be shared. It's a time to be magnanimous not miserly.

That's a very good thing to remember.

The Mutual gua is 28- Great Exceeding
Extraordinary action needs good nourishment. Also, it is a favourable time to advance.

The moving line (according to my dice roll) is line 3, which changes the gua to Taking Action (51)
There seems to be a warning here about injury or loss of a capable assistant. Something to be mindful of.
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Re: Sacred Days: Joan Marie, Haindl Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment.

Ace of Swords
Ace of Swords

The sword is pointing downward giving the feeling of something from above. Rachel Pollack describes is as the descent of sacred life into nature. This is an active force. And maybe that's what it is to live in the moment, to feel the energy of it. Without judgement or comment. To experience that energy, that life force, and see where it takes me.

This card had no I Ching hexagram on it so I drew from my little bag.

Today's I Ching
Today's I Ching

The first one is my original draw: Thunder over Mountain = Little Exceeding (62)
For the middle one, I rolled the die to get the Moving line, 1 = Abundance (55)
And the 3rd is the Mutual = Great Exceeding (28)

Yesterday's mutual was also Great Exceeding. The Mutual is supposed to be the sort of "secret message of the original gua. Great exceeding is also the Mutual for Abundance.

There seems to be some clear strong messaging here. And I think it is about balance.
I feel lately like my opinions/reactions/actions are being challenged a lot, being asked for a lot, lately.

When I think of this in light of the message for today about the sweetness of life, of living in the moment, I get a sense that I need to choose wisely what I give my attention and time to, but, my capacity is much greater than I think.

This is kind of wonderful.

A couple of days ago i shared a pic of the 2 dead trees in my garden. They were victims of the terribly dry summers we had in 2018 and 2019. When they were alive they were so beautiful year round. In the summer and autumn they made a special sound when the wind went through their leaves. I'd recognise
the sound of those 2 trees anywhere. The trees are now favourite perching spots for all the birds.
Today there are 3 magpies sitting together. It always looks like some kind of a "sign" to me!

3 Magpies
3 Magpies
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Re: Sacred Days: Joan Marie, Haindl Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength.

I had to look up the story of the Holly King and the Oak King.
I have questions, I will put in another post.

It's a beautiful story, probably from the Druids about the twice a year battle between the twins (this is Gemini season) for the season.

It's a story that is very yin-yang in its message, so well fitting with my use of Haindl and the I Ching.

Even the story of the Holly King and the Oak King shows us that all things end and then begin again.

The Universe
The Universe

This is a powerful card full of powerful symbols.
The Hebrew letter Tav, which means Truth, sign, Life or Death
The Rune symbol means Gift
The ruling planet is Saturn (Capricorn, my sun-sign)

The colors used symbolise new life, energy and pure thought. My strength is in my spirit.

This portends well to the coming season! I have to say that the signs all seem to be pointing in a similar direction these past few days. It's all so encouraging and yet challenging me to make the most of it.

Now for my I Ching:

Main, Mutual and Moving Line
Main, Mutual and Moving Line

Main Gua: Water under the Earth = Multitude (7) As water is safely stored under the Earth, so should strength be stored not in armies, but in the people, the multitudes. (Many english translations mistranslate this gua for "Army" not understanding that armies were not kept in those days, only formed when needed and war was considered evil. The original translation is Multitudes.) This gua emphasises the importance of a leader and the character of that leader.

Mutual Gua: Earth over Thunder = Turning Back (24) This is one of the 12 gua that explain the cosmology of the changing seasons (!) To go around and begin again. It represents December (The Holly King!!) But it generally represents a change, a return to something. I'm taking this to be a reminder of the cyclic motion of things. This is the secret message for the main gua.

Future (The Moving Line 4 ) - Thunder over Rain = Relief (40) Ah! A warning. Know my limitations and retreat if necessary. This can be the wisest strategy and conserves strength for the final victory. Timing is important.

There is a picture emerging for me over these last few days of draws.
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Re: Sacred Days: Joan Marie, Haindl Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come.


I was hoping to draw a card that would be good for scrying and I hit the jackpot.

A beautiful and mysterious version of The Wheel of Fortune.
I'm a little hesitant to go into much detail about what I saw in this card. But I'll share the gist of it.

People in my life who have sort of "haunted" me will be disappearing. I don't know (or care really) if that means literally or figuratively, but in any case feel like the blessing to come is freedom from the influence they've had on my life.

Then I drew the I Ching, and got

Water over earth = Union (8)
Moving line 5- Earth over Earth = Responding (2)
Mutual is Mountain over Earth = Falling Away (23)

The first hexagram is about unions, partnerships, grouping , good and bad. The moving line about how union by force never works, only sincerity, love and caring bring people around of their own volition. And the mutual, Falling Away really goes well with the wheel of Fortune as it is about the principle of waxing and waning, the yin and yang.
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Re: Sacred Days: Joan Marie, Haindl Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun.


Nice card for this.
The red bubble symbolises energy and the star the goddess.
Interestingly, the 4 cups on the left symbolise "Law" and the two on the right "Love.

But the two on the right have the bubble and the star. The message isn't lost on me that real love has some boundaries, some rules. To just give yourself over entirely isn't really love, is it? And real love needs wisdom and energy.

This card has an I ching hexagram, Lake over Lake, Joyful

This gua represents a person who is gentle and happy on the outside and firm and truthful inside. This person makes decisions before acting. This is inner strength. Be firm and stable, but not opinionated and stubborn. Treat others gently, without fawning or flattering. This builds harmony and leads to joy. True joy comes from sincerity and a peaceful heart. Inciting joy in a fake way leads to misfortune.

The moving line is 4, changes the gua to Restricting. This is a warning about trying to be joyful with someone with no peace in their heart. Don't let yourself be pulled into the darkness of other people's hearts.
This sounds like really good advice for maintaining one's own light. And I see the connection to maintaining boundaries and inner strength.

The Mutual of this is Household. Where I live. The most important peace to have is in the home. With that I can handle any outside challenge. This is a lot of work sometimes. And all the things previously mentioned come into play. It takes skill to work with people. It's tricky business and I make mistakes sometimes. We all do. But when my intention is joy, to share happiness, a way can be found with people who share the same intention.
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Re: Sacred Days: Joan Marie, Haindl Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves.


I have to admit, some of these images in the Haindl don't exactly inspire me.

But, I always stay with the card that I get.

I have to consult (rely) on the guidebook for today and Rachel Pollack says this card indicates "progress and growth but not constant."

I'm taking this to mean, in the context of "how to enjoy myself" that I need to set realistic expectations. That makes sense. I have no trouble enjoying myself when doing something enjoyable. It's a little harder when I'm working on stuff.

She goes on to say, "avoid complacency, greed or conceit."

Enjoy the challenge without becoming the challenge.

The I Ching hexagram on this card is Fire over Heaven, The Great Harvest (14)
A reminder to remain low key, even in success (especially maybe)

The Moving line is 1 which means Establishing the new and is, yet again, a warning about associating with the wrong people. I think I'm pretty good at this really. I wasn't always, but now I see the signs of trouble from people who "seem" nice and I also see the qualities of people who might seem a bit misunderstood. I used to mix these up a lot.

The Mutual is Elimination, specifically of Evil forces.
Yeah, ugly people with ugly thoughts. They are always about. Often they can't help it so no sense in creating animosity, but there must be a thoroughness. A clear parting of the ways. Or at least the setting of very clear boundaries. And if those aren't respected, well, I quietly move on.

So, in relation to the theme of the days, a lot of anxieties and worries are "gifts" from other people. Remaining even and balanced is the way to shield myself, protect myself and enjoy myself.
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Re: Sacred Days: Joan Marie, Haindl Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

10. Saint John’s Eve – June 23: Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us.

The Hermit
The Hermit

Yup. Solitude protects and heals me. In solitude I think. I read. I write. It's where I find the strength to express myself.

I enjoy people too. But after being with people I need some time.

I'm skipping the IChing reading today.

I'll be back with it tomorrow.
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Re: Sacred Days: Joan Marie, Haindl Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward.

10 of Stones Haindl.jpg

The symbolism here, including the I Ching is about replenishing, the well, the source of life.

When people touch your life, when you learn something important, something that changes you, it does become a continuing source of knowledge for you. This goes for bad things as well, but I won't focus on that now.

I am grateful for everyone in my life who took the time and had the interest to help me be better, who did it with kindness and patience and who let me take their wisdom and make it my own.

There is no greater gift.
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Re: Sacred Days: Joan Marie, Haindl Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance.

Today is my mother's birthday. She would have been 95. I guarantee she would have hated that.
Happy birthday mom! ❤️ I miss you a lot.

Haindl 9 of swords.jpg

What a card to finish with. And on my sweet mother's birthday.

9 of wands.
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Re: Sacred Days: Joan Marie, Haindl Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

krishna, Haindl Tarot.jpg

I got a bonus card.

As I was putting the deck away I saw that this card was stuck inside the box.
It's so pretty and I decided to finish with it.

It says that Krishna's flute brings the divine mind to physical reality.

This holds a special meaning to me right now. It is basically the theme of the Oracle Deck I am trying to plan for the forum's next group deck.

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