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27 April: Third Eye Oracle by Branson Norris and Brittany Burkard

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Third Eye Oracle
by Branson Norris and Brittany Burkard

Time to take a moment (or more?) to get yourself in order. Re-align your spirit and your priorities. Take stock of what (and who) inspires you and learn to nurture and feed those influences. Also note what (or who) is draining you and devise ways to limit any negative influence on you and your time.
You have much to give right now and you need to be at your best and most connected.

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28 April: Oracle Atlantide by Marguerite Bévilacqua

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Oracle Atlantide
by Marguerite Bévilacqua

It's been said that to get in one good hour of painting an artist needs about 4 hours. Today is a good day to block out distractions and dig into something creative you've been putting off. Prepare your space, prepare your tools, prepare yourself, stare at the blank "canvas" for a while. In that time it may not appear to be an effort, but you know better. Allow it, use it, enjoy the luxury of it.

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29 April: Theta Wave Oracle by Mystikka Jade and Leona Graves

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Theta Wave Oracle
by Mystikka Jade and Leona Graves

Two old men were standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean and one said "That sure is a lot of water." And the other said, "Yeah, and that's only the top of it!"

We know the depth is there. But we focus on the surface because there simply is so much of it we get distracted by it and start to believe that's all there is. The surface is amazing, but we are missing so much.


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30 April: Joy and Sorrow Oracle by Roxi (Sim) Hermsen

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Joy and Sorrow Oracle
by Roxi (Sim) Hermsen

You may be feeling like there are pressing things that you should be doing when all you really want to do is read, go for a walk, or meditate or just really nothing. Don't feel guilty and don't pressure yourself. We are not meant to be busy every minute, or even every day. Nothing is "slipping away." All is as it should be.


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01 May: The Celtic Tree Oracle Sharlyn Hidalgo Illustrated by Jimmy Manton

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The Celtic Tree Oracle
Sharlyn Hidalgo
Illustrated by Jimmy Manton

I'm no botanist, but I have seen apple trees and I don't think you see blossoms and fully formed apples at the same time like you do in the image on this card. But isn't that the prerogative of an artist, to show incongruity, to sometimes use it for its symbolic and aesthetic qualities?
Don't be afraid to go out on a limb (of an apple tree?) and put things together in a way the rules say you shouldn't.


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02 May: Illuminated Earth Oracle by Claire Mack

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Illuminated Earth Oracle
by Claire Mack

Our true colours and contours are brought to the surface over the course of life. And we learn to recognise and understand each other better in the process as we are able to see each other more clearly and with greater sensitivity. Time does not leave us untouched, but it can make us more beautiful. Right now everyone's humanity is really showing. Pretences are falling giving us new perspectives. What are you seeing?


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03 May: Spirit Keeper’s Tarot, Vitruvian Edition by Benebell Wen

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Spirit Keeper’s Tarot, Vitruvian Edition
by Benebell Wen

Your personal power is gathering and is about to be poured into something great. Allow this to happen and be mindful of unhelpful influences that would distract, discourage or deter you. Enjoy this time, this feeling and feel the power growing within you.


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04 May: The Intuitive Tarot by Cilla Conway

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The Intuitive Tarot
by Cilla Conway

Your current intensity is about to yield a secret wonder. Do not allow anyone to discourage, dissuade, or distract you. Strengthen your connections to higher thinking, higher spirits, whatever you believe in that brings you the messages and inspiration you require right now.


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05 May: Tarot of the Lucid Slumber by Adi Dahlke

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Tarot of the Lucid Slumber
by Adi Dahlke

Your guiding spirit awaits. She wants to show you the way out from the clouds of karma and release you from the clutches of the past. Allow her to take your hand and show you into the sunlight.


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06-07 May: The Sacred Feminine Oracle by Roxi Sim

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The Sacred Feminine Oracle
by Roxi Sim

Know that you are loved, have been loved and are protected by that love.


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08 May: The Vedic Astrology Oracle by Julianne Victoria

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The Vedic Astrology Oracle
by Julianne Victoria

The insidious thing about living in an illusion is it's impossible to really know it. You have to really take a step back and take a hard look and not be afraid of what you might see, and even trickier, not try to put a positive spin on it if in fact you need to make some real changes. The hardest person to be honest with is yourself. But if you can do it, the reward is freedom.


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Post by Joan Marie »


Seek help today in the invisible world. There are forces afoot that wish to bring you gifts of peace, confidence and attraction. Let them!


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10 May: Practical Magic Starter Deck by Chinggay Labrador

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Practical Magic Starter Deck
by Chinggay Labrador

The hardest part of any project is starting it and the 2nd hardest part is finishing it. Of course it's important to prepare well but it is not entirely separate from the doing part. Too often preparation turns into self-criticism and doubt. It is the work that will keep those thoughts at bay. It is the work that makes the research and the preparation relevant and inspiring.


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11 May: The Carnival at the End of the World Tarot by Kahn & Selesnick

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The Carnival at the End of the World Tarot
by Kahn & Selesnick

Just do your best today. And try to remember that mostly everybody is trying to do theirs. A little kindness, to yourself and others, goes a long way in bringing out that best.


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12 May: Luna Sol Tarot by Mike Medaglia

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Luna Sol Tarot
by Mike Medaglia

Now is a good time to keep moving. Stay busy, stay active as possible. It doesn't even matter so much what you are doing as long as you are doing something. You are making progress toward a goal and your only enemy is stagnation.


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13-14 May:The Tarot of Enchanted Dreams by Yasmeen Westwood

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The Tarot of Enchanted Dreams
by Yasmeen Westwood

We are all born with a potential for good things, even greatness, but with rare exceptions we are all knocked off that path at some point by circumstance. A new stage is opening up though. The wounds and setbacks of the past will fall away as we re-set and move ahead, move on and fulfil a destiny we thought lost.


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15 May: The Devas of Creation by Cilla Conway

Post by Joan Marie »

The Devas of Creation
by Cilla Conway

Give yourself a break. Shirk responsibility. Take an unplanned nap. Be your best friend. You've earned it.
Or even of you haven't.


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16 May: Anima Mundi by Megan Wyreweden

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Anima Mundi
by Megan Wyreweden

Saturdays are often very busy days but take some time today for study. Go down a rabbit-hole and learn about something new or more about something you already know a lot about. It's a good day for that.


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17 May: The Crow Tarot by Margaux Jones

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The Crow Tarot
by Margaux Jones

So much new is in store. Make space for it. That can mean physical space. It can also mean emotional space. Apply a little Marie Kondo philosophy to what is taking space in your heart and mind: If it doesn't spark joy, say goodbye to it.


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18 May: The Beatles Tarot from Welkin

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The Beatles Tarot
from Welkin

You need some space for your creativity today. You may have to make a special effort to get it. But take care to do it gracefully. Be low key about it. No need to announce it, just quietly take your leave of the hubbub and distractions. You will accomplish much today.


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19 May: The Mythical Creatures by Lena Kozachuk

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The Mythical Creatures
by Lena Kozachuk

Live and let learn. No one can take advice who isn't ready for it or receptive to it. It's important to know this because you can do more harm than good trying to advise someone. Sometimes even people asking for advice are secretly not receptive to it. Try and suss that out before you fall into the trap of giving unwanted advice and then being resented for it.


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20 May: l'Oracle des Runes Created by Gulliver l’Aventurière and Lyra Ceoltoir

Post by Joan Marie »

l'Oracle des Runes
Created by Gulliver l’Aventurière and Lyra Ceoltoir

Learn your craft. Study, dive in, explore and open yourself up to receive the knowledge being freely offered.


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21 May: Majestic Earth Tarot by J.D. Hildegard Hinkel

Post by Joan Marie »

Majestic Earth Tarot
by J.D. Hildegard Hinkel

Think of the sound of the breeze as it blows through the leaves of the trees. The trees act almost like a musical instrument changing the silent air into this beautiful relaxing sound. Something invisible and silent now becomes visible and audible. And the effect is totally relaxing.

Be the breeze.


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22 May: The Gothic Moon Tarot by Jae Billingham

Post by Joan Marie »

The Gothic Moon Tarot
by Jae Billingham

Time to gather your thoughts and prepare for a new phase. Sort through all your ideas and plans and draw up a new slate for yourself that draws on all the new perspectives and realignments of priorities that you have been experiencing. Be prepared to take up some things, some skills you may have dropped by the wayside a long time back.


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23 May: Ethernal Sand of Time Egypt Tarot by S Germain by reall/Irena

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Ethernal Sand of Time Egypt Tarot by S Germain
by reall/Irena

In regards to things we are not in control of right now, gentle persuasion and subtle influence will go a lot further for you than bold statements or broad moves.


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