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Readings about the Covid-19 virus pandemic

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Re: Readings about the Covid-19 virus pandemic

Post by Raven »

SaturnCeleste wrote: 06 Apr 2020, 20:20 I see this thread is quiet now but I hope to turn in a reading in the next 2 days. I just opened the door to my room so I can now be on my big computer and am really itching to do a reading! :mrgreen:
Oh, Saturn, I do look forward to your reading, especially since it's been a while since I did mine. Hope you'll be back very soon.
"Forgive those who don't know how to love you. They are teaching you how to love yourself."

"Ah, kindness, what a simple way to tell another struggling soul that there is love to be found in this world."

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
- Hamlet
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Re: Readings about the Covid-19 virus pandemic

Post by SaturnCeleste »

Pro-Active Covid-19 Reading for CoT.

Read the cards linear from left to right.

1. What more can you be doing to prevent the spread?
2. Are you doing enough?
3. How is your family doing during this time?
4. What should you avoid?
5. Possible outcome of reading.

Feel free to use this reading if you like! I would love to see what other peoples decks have to say! This is a reading special for the CoT Forum. I wanted something to give the feeling that yes, we can do constructive things during this period. My cards did not disappoint! The deck used is the Healing Tarot by Christopher Butler. ... ght-tarot/

What more can you do to prevent the spread? - King of Wands (take action.)
This king possesses some strong traits that might suggest additional things you might want to consider doing to help prevent the spread of the virus. If you are not a strong voice in your family or are easily intimidated by the virus, this king suggests you find a louder voice than what you have now. Communication is key. As the Leos dance around his feet, be like the lion and roar! Don't allow yourself to be passive during this time. This king is calling you to take action right now if you have been avoiding facing this virus. This king is open and self-aware, traits you can find in yourselves if you look deep enough. Be true to your values, know what is the right thing to do in a given situation and say so, let others know that you are on the right track. Voice the truth and get things done.

Are you doing enough? - Hierophant (follow the rules).
This is a very important card to have during this crisis. We have been bombarded by a ton of information but this card reminds us to follow the rules to avoid the virus. Simple rules like wear a mask in public, wash your hands for 20 seconds, stay at home as much as possible. When you do need to go out—keep your distance from others. These are the “rules” that have been designated by the science and health communities. This Hierophant means business. He's not present in this thread to allow you to bend these rules. He is present to preside over the masses and tell them to listen to the doctors and scientists and make sure no one bends the rules. He holds the keys to connect the intellect and intuition. The pandemic is the intellectual pursuit of finding a cure. It is science and we are learning more about it each day but there is also our intuition that connects to the keys. Listen to your inner self that might cry out if you are unable to hold on to the intellect; let your intuition tell you that you are doing well or not as well as your intellect. So are you doing enough? Follow your intellect and follow what you know are the rules or parameters set before you and follow your intuition. If you feel you are doing enough then go with it but if you feel you can do more? Then do more!

How are your families doing during this time? - Knight of Cups (they are hanging in there together).
This knight is important because he brings love. It's possible families have been brought together to live in more harmony and love than they were in the past. They are dreaming of a better future and are already planning activities they will do when this virus passes. One thing to keep in mind is this knight's presence is there to help you feel loved and valued but be careful of some people saying to you, what you want to hear. The King of Wands does bring out the truth in people but the emotions of the knight might need some discipline. With this card it appears that families are working with love. One thing brought by the cups card is your families are going through an emotional time. EVERYONE!

What should you avoid? 9 of Wands (don't give up—stubborn persistence).
To many, the 9 of Wands indicate completion after fighting a battle and winning the war using sheer effort and determination. This can be a card or recovery—you're gotten through the hardship and are in a strong position with success before you. I take the warning of this card and make sure you don't want to win so much you cut corners. Remember the intellect from the Hierophant and the authority of the king and the possibility of delusion from the knight to not get caught thinking that you have won already when the battle is actually just now starting. It takes effort and determination to build up to lifting that many weights in the image and to build up the strength to ride this storm out. Always work on building strength, but do it the hard way, don't cut corners! Don't get lazy and think you've won already, keep up the fight until it's more stable out there and we have more control over this virus.

Possible outcome of the reading – 3 of Pentacles (collaboration for future).
This card is a positive ending for this reading. Just because we are sequestered for now, there is always the future. Take this time to work on new plans. We are all given a chance to come out of this stronger than before. We have learned to collaborate more with others, listen and follow directions better, be strong and don't give up too soon. And most importantly, keep the love we have gained for each other. Don't be afraid to dream and pursue your pleasures like art, sewing, cooking, gardening so be as creative that you can because that passion might be the forming of a new enterprise. You'll never know if others will like it unless you create it first!

I hope you have gleaned something from this reading. I laughed out loud after I completed this reading and made a prediction we'll have a baby boon come November, December or January here in the states!
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Re: Readings about the Covid-19 virus pandemic

Post by Papageno »

SaturnCeleste wrote: 21 Apr 2020, 20:11 Pro-Active Covid-19 Reading for CoT.

What more can you do to prevent the spread? - King of Wands (take action.)
Yes, exerting energy, I also see the Magician's staff or wand.
SaturnCeleste wrote: 21 Apr 2020, 20:11
Are you doing enough? - Hierophant (follow the rules).
SaturnCeleste wrote: 21 Apr 2020, 20:11
How are your families doing during this time? - Knight of Cups (they are hanging in there together).
I see this as a cup of mixed emotions, both good and bad.
There are instances of strengthened feelings of harmony and the need to care for and protect loved ones.
Unfortunately, there is also turbulence, domestic violence is on the uptick.
SaturnCeleste wrote: 21 Apr 2020, 20:11 What should you avoid? 9 of Wands (don't give up—stubborn persistence).
Yes, I see expending great energy in many directions, on many fronts.
In terms of what to avoid, I would add, the avoidance of overextending yourself that can lead to burnout, 10 of wands.
SaturnCeleste wrote: 21 Apr 2020, 20:11 Possible outcome of the reading – 3 of Pentacles (collaboration for future).
I see this as a card of a currently ongoing process that extends way into the future.

Thanks for that reading Celeste, it's very coherent, and I also love the Butler deck ;)
Rocket Raccoon: Blah, Blah, Blah.....
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Re: Readings about the Covid-19 virus pandemic

Post by Raven »

Great reading, my dear Saturn!!!!!!! I loved your questions. Also loved the ones in your private message. Very pertinent reading which really does point to a positive outcome which is great.

Welcome back, my dear!!! :heart:
"Forgive those who don't know how to love you. They are teaching you how to love yourself."

"Ah, kindness, what a simple way to tell another struggling soul that there is love to be found in this world."

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
- Hamlet
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