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Consider the Stars

Correspondences, decans, charts, constellations, ... Everything about the stars and heavens.
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Joan Marie
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Consider the Stars

Post by Joan Marie »

About astrology and palmistry: they are good because they make people vivid and full of possibilities. -Kurt Vonnegut
I'm reading a very lovely book by Jessa Crispin called, The Creative Tarot: A Modern Guide to an Inspired Life.

There is a part where she describes how we use Tarot and Astrology to help us draw attention to certain parts of out lives and expand our understanding, as a way of creating meaning.

Then she takes a look at the word consider. She takes this from a book called Words as Eggs: Psyche in Language and Clinic by Russel A. Lockhart:
The -sider part of consider comes from the word for "star". Like the word sidereal, which means "of with respect to distant stars." Or siderated, which means "planet-struck." A sidus, then, was someone who paid attention to the stars. And as this person paid attention to the stars, she would begin to notice certain patterns. When a star or planet was postioned just so, certain things would happen in her life or in the world. And she would note it. And when there was a different combination of stars, the circumstances would change. And she would note it. And so, consider started its life as con-sider, meaning, "with the stars." Co-existing.

Our sidus would share her knowledge with another sidus, and so on, until a system of meaning and symbolism was built up. And that's how the rather complex system of astrology was born.
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Re: Consider the Stars

Post by CaraHamilton »

Thank you for this article Joan. I had not thought of the word consider like this before.
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Re: Consider the Stars

Post by Nemia »

From what I read somewhere, it's possible that the word came from navigation at sea - you find your way by following the stars.

I've been a star gazer for many years now and I always consider the stars. I find it easier to relate to astrology since I really see the constellations at night; before, it was all theoretical knowledge but once I learned to recognize the constellations, it all came alive.

I can recommend starting stargazing with just two simple things: a good smartphone app (Google Sky Map is not the only one) and a basic book like Stargazing for Dummies. Even if you live in a place with lots of light pollution, you can still see the most important stars. and once you get out of the city, you can enjoy complete constellations and in clear nights, the Milky Way. For me, it has become an important part of my spiritual life. Knowing where the moon, planets and constellations are at any time makes me feel connected to the Universe.
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Re: Consider the Stars

Post by carlos1WR »

From what I read somewhere, it's possible that the word came from navigation at sea - you find your way by following the stars.
That's actually a valid point.
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