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What's with the bare leg on the TdM Strength card?

Discussion of the symbolism, history and how to read with the Marseilles
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What's with the bare leg on the TdM Strength card?

Post by A-M »

I just finished my blog on the Strength card. I have tried to solve the riddle of the bare leg on the Jacques Vieville card.

The woman is fully dressed, and even wears a hat, but she has forgotten her socks and shoes? :-)

Tarot of Jacques Vieville, Strength.jpg
Tarot of Jacques Vieville, Strength.jpg (51.88 KiB) Viewed 3642 times
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Joan Marie
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Re: What's with the bare leg on the TdM Strength card?

Post by Joan Marie »

A-M wrote: 13 Mar 2020, 14:31 I just finished my blog on the Strength card.
That's a really beautiful blog post. I love all the images you include.

This is really curious about the bare leg.

I've read that in ancient times a bare foot symbolised grief or mourning or just serious feelings. It's like a return to simplicity in solemn times.
But a bare leg is another thing. It gives me a sense, a feeling of vulnerability.
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Re: What's with the bare leg on the TdM Strength card?

Post by Diana »

Great blog post A-M.

I've always assumed that this bare leg has something to do with the Bateleur's table with its three legs (said three legs apparent in TdMs in general). In the Vieville, the Bateleur's leg even takes the place of the missing leg.

Bateleur Vieville.jpg
Rumi was asked “which music sound is haram?” Rumi replied, "The sound of tablespoons playing in the pots of the rich, which are heard by the ears of the poor and hungry." (haram means forbidden)
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