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Interpretation on a love spread - will it workout?

Discussions about individual cards, their symbolism & meanings. How the cards combine and speak to us in spreads is another thing altogether! Here we learn about both.
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Interpretation on a love spread - will it workout?

Post by FlamingDesire »

I had a love reading done on me in regards about someone I like who’s a friend but when I confessed my feelings for them, they told me they weren’t ready yet.

But this was the reading. (All Upright)

1. Queen of Swords (Self)

2. 2 of Wands (How I see person)

3. Hierophant (How I feel)

4. Hermit (Between)

5. 7 of Swords (Person sees me)

6. 8 of Wands (Person Feels)

7. 3 of Cups (Status/Outcome/Future)

It seems mostly good but it can go either way. I just wanted some more details and closure. The reader just told me pay attention to her vibe when the time of an outing comes (3 of cups). If it helps, im a leo with an Aquarius rising and the person is an Aquarius.
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Re: Interpretation on a love spread - will it workout?

Post by Belenus »

FlamingDesire wrote: 14 Feb 2020, 02:08 I had a love reading done on me in regards about someone I like who’s a friend but when I confessed my feelings for them, they told me they weren’t ready yet.

But this was the reading. (All Upright)

1. Queen of Swords (Self)

2. 2 of Wands (How I see person)

3. Hierophant (How I feel)

4. Hermit (Between)

5. 7 of Swords (Person sees me)

6. 8 of Wands (Person Feels)

7. 3 of Cups (Status/Outcome/Future)

It seems mostly good but it can go either way. I just wanted some more details and closure. The reader just told me pay attention to her vibe when the time of an outing comes (3 of cups). If it helps, im a leo with an Aquarius rising and the person is an Aquarius.
Flaming Desire,

How do YOU read these particular cards and spread? That is the best place for me (us) to start.

Crucially, tarot decks are different and often can not be read with the same meanings. Can you please tell us what deck was used for the reading? (Supplying a picture of the spread - even better!) :) It can really make a huge difference. Finally her style of reading may not match any of ours - so any interpretations we offer might necessarily, and understandably, be different from hers (even to the point of disagreeing or opposing her interpretation.) Thanks!
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Re: Interpretation on a love spread - will it workout?

Post by Mystic4 »

1. Queen of Swords (Self)

2. 2 of Wands (How I see person)

3. Hierophant (How I feel)

4. Hermit (Between)

5. 7 of Swords (Person sees me)

6. 8 of Wands (Person Feels)

7. 3 of Cups (Status/Outcome/Future)

Ok, I'm new here and I'm more into astrology cause I'm very insure about tarot spreadings but I will give it a try without a conclusion (here ir where I get stucked...too much responsability)
You, Queen of swords. This is an airy energy. You can be a air sign (sun or moon), be a righteous person, maybe a bit cold and very rational one. Maybe a lawyer or divorcee.

2 of waunds...this one I'm not uses to see as a person but is a fire energy. Someone who's waiting to concquer. Maybe an entrepreneur. In RWS a man holds the world in his hand while watching the horizon down below.

The Pope, how you feel...this is a spiritual card. Or at least this is how I see it. It can means commitment or marriage. It also represents partnership like contracts like jobs. It's a passive card. High moral standards. But also coldness

The Hermit, between, well, surch for inner knowledge, solitude and wisdom. Lightening the way and be an evolved person. Related to virgo energy.

7 of person sees you, 7s are perfect number according to Cabalah. It's a higly spiritual number as I understand it. 7 of swords to me is a defensive card. You stand up for what you believe and sometimes you can look a bit defensive and keep away threats. You fight for what you believe

8 of wands, this is a quick fling. Means sudden atraction. Fire is passion. Sexual atraction.

3 of cups means joy among friends. Celebration. Friendship. Happiness. Party and fun. Not sure if it's a superficial thing like a one night stand or if a third part is involved (this is more probably when rx)
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Re: Interpretation on a love spread - will it workout?

Post by Hathor »

Hey Based on the eight of wands it would appear that your friend does have feelings for you although these feelings could be fleeting! This is a good card to show interest however the three of cups I would say it appears that you may just be spending time hanging out with other friends and socializing not so much a relationship but social group.
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