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Fanciful Lenormand: FEB Sign Ups

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Fanciful Lenormand: FEB Sign Ups

Post by Joan Marie »

Fanciful Lenormand Reading is FUN!

Sign-ups are now open for the February Readings.

Really if you haven't tried this, you should. It's just fun and a really creative exercise to help you learn to read with Lenormand.

Here's how it works: The sitter poses as a character from fiction. It can be from a book, TV show, Movie, legend, whatever you like. The sitter then poses a question to the reader that the fictional character would ask based on their situation. (Don't name your source, really pose the question as if you are the character looking for answers.)

The reader then tries to answer the question using any Lenormand spread they choose. I found starting with 5 or 7 cards to work best.

Using a fictional character, you can really work with some interesting questions that, fortunately or unfortunately, would not likely come up in our real lives.

Also, since there are no real stakes, readers can really "say what they see" without worrying about any real-life repercussions. This can be really freeing.

Afterward, you can discuss the reading very objectively and compare styles and techniques openly, helping each other to learn and understand.

If you want to see an example, check out the readings from last month. You'll get a feeling for how it works and also how much fun we had. You'll also see some of the really astonishing results we got.

I hope you'll join us! This is a great exercise for beginners and experienced Lenormand readers alike.

  • Respond here to sign up by February 09.
  • Partners assigned February 10.
  • Readings posted by February 22.
  • Feedback posted by February 29.
This exercise is helpful not only to learn to read Lenormand, but it's also a way to generally learn to tune yourself up for card reading of all kinds.

Please join us!

BTW- if you want to play but don't have a Lenny deck (yet) there is a 5-card computer draw on my website you can use. (scroll down a little bit, you'll see it.)
You can take a screenshot of it for your post OR just name the cards and I'll post them for you.

To join in, just reply to this post. On the 12th I'll assign you a partner and away we go. Easy-peasy!

Are you interested but not sure how reading groups and circles work? Click here for more info.
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Re: Fanciful Lenormand: FEB Sign Ups

Post by Charlie Brown »

Lets do it
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Re: Fanciful Lenormand: FEB Sign Ups

Post by Diana »

I'll join again. Although I'm no further in my understanding of the Lenormand than before. But I'll try it one more time at least. Because it was hugely fun last time. It's a curious phenomenon the Lenormand. I'll try it this time with the traditional original deck of which I have a copy. It seems that I'm a traditionalist when it comes to tarot decks and other divinatory devices. Maybe that will help. Get back to the roots. Roots are traditional but they can also be radical, as one of my favourite songs ever reminds me of so often : ... t_radio=1 Sometimes I think the most radical thing can be tradition.

And no, punk is not dead. Just sleeping a bit. It's part of tradition. Tradition can't die if it's real tradition. Like the Tarot of Marseilles. And maybe the Lenormand.
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Re: Fanciful Lenormand: FEB Sign Ups

Post by Genna »

This sounds like fun. I´m trying to understand Lenormand, but I am not good at it. Reading for fictional people might help.
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Re: Fanciful Lenormand: FEB Sign Ups

Post by AeonHorus »

Does it have to be only lenormand ?
Can we maybe use tarot too :?:
Aeon Horus

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Re: Fanciful Lenormand: FEB Sign Ups

Post by Joan Marie »

AeonHorus wrote: 11 Feb 2020, 09:11 Does it have to be only lenormand ?
Can we maybe use tarot too :?:
Let's try it! Since its "just us" let's loosen it up this month and allow some fanciful tarot as well.

I've been thinking about that anyway really, doing this same thing with tarot only I wasnt sure there would be enough interest to fill both groups, so maybe this is a good alternative for starters. Reader's choice.

I will assign partners later today. Thanks everybody for joining in!
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Re: Fanciful Lenormand: FEB Sign Ups

Post by Diana »

I'll still use the Lenormand.
Rumi was asked “which music sound is haram?” Rumi replied, "The sound of tablespoons playing in the pots of the rich, which are heard by the ears of the poor and hungry." (haram means forbidden)
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Re: Fanciful Lenormand: FEB Sign Ups

Post by AeonHorus »

Sounds like fun :D
Aeon Horus

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Love is the law, love under will.

The nature of Will is Love, and it is brought to fruition through Love.
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